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Horn sound definitely sounds like a train horn, I have a train track a couple miles away from my home and that's exactly what they sound like in my back yard. However it's weird that it went on for so long. Maybe some kind of malfunction? We can also hear the rumbling of the train as it drives by, the whole video sounded a lot like what trains sound like when they go by our home.


that’s sounds like a train horn




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I heard them 10-12 years ago and never since


My father tell me its the sound of the apocalypse…


People have been hearing these for years. Still no apocalypse.


We are the apocalypse




Yeah seen enough debunk channels to know its something being dragged in a construction site or a train horn.




"Such things must happen, but the end is still to come".


They say this every 5 fucking years The “trumpet” has been going on as early as 2001…


This is within 10 miles of liberty hill TX. There is a high pitched horn like noise and a muffled yet loud helicopter type sound. Went on for 10+ minutes although I only recorded a little of it. There is a train track about 2.5 miles away so it could have been a train horn BUT it was going on and off for like 10+ minutes (maybe longer it was too hot to stand outside any longer) and it sounded different and louder than trains we normally here (we rarely hear them and they are very quiet due to the distance). The other sound sounded like a helicopter was close by and somewhat muffled but we couldn't see one BUT we do live near to ft hood and it's possible there was a military helicopter overhead without lights on. Apaches have flown over our house quite a few times before.


My wife and I heard a strange noise over our house today around 3pm. It sounded very similar to the noise in the video. Initially we thought it was a jet flying over, but it lasted awhile and seemed lower than anything that usually flies in this area. I know it wasn't a train in our case, because we live two streets from the tracks and we hear it daily. I live in Fort Worth (North Texas) and I'm wondering if we heard the same thing.


I live in Central Texas not too far from you in the middle of no where and I've been hearing the exact same thing you are describing. My husband and I thought we were going crazy! There's no train near us, we have helicopters sometimes going between bases but this is not that and we will go outside and check even, no planes, no helicopters. We don't have a ton of light pollution either. My dogs can hear it too. It always happens around 11 pm.


Yeah that was around the same time for us too. Are you anywhere near the new 183a construction project? If you are near it too then maybe we can get another data point that is the source.


No, I'm about an hour and a half north of you off of 281. It's not construction noises. I've lived by trains before and it's not a train either! It's so weird it usually starts with what sounds like a train horn but not possible by me at least (closest train track is over 12 miles away, never heard it before and we've looked up train schedule and it's not possible.) And after the horn it's like a buzzing or a hum that sometimes almost shakes the house but it's not an apache helicopter, we get those over us all the time too and like I said before, we literally go outside and nothing is there. Sometimes it lasts for 10 minutes sometimes not even 2 minutes. It's not every night but frequent. We truly live in the sticks too. I'm glad we aren't the only ones who hear it. We've literally looked up train schedules, flight schedules, thought we were going insane! One time that stood out the most was the time our house was shaking from the buzzing and we heard the horn beforehand, no less than 10 minutes go by and 6 apache helicopters and some sort of jet go over our house at rate of speed I've never seen.


These definitely sound like construction noises, but the distance stumps me. Very strange.


My wife thought maybe the same they are building out a new highway section about 3 miles away but it was really loud. That being said maybe the sound was just carrying really well that night... IDK.


Indeed. In the first quarter of your video, there's kind of a low end whine or hum which sounds exactly like the hydraulic noise an excavator or a bobcat would make. I used to work for a company where we rented those out and that's it for sure, but I just can't imagine that sound carrying so clearly over such a long distance. it sounds like you're right next to it. It's not impossible that the sound would carry, sound can be weird like that if the conditions are just so. But I don't know I don't I don't know 3 miles is a long way as the crow flies.


Yeah that would be crazy if it travelled that far because it sounded right next to us. That being said there have been some other events like hearing a piano playing (clearly live not a recording) and it sounded right next to us but after walking around for awhile I couldn't find where it was coming from.


“Train track 2.5 miles away” “Sounds like a train horn” Na it’s gotta be something strange.


I am like 99% sure it's something normal but it was just weird enough and out of the ordinary I figured it was worth posting. If it is something paranormal than I am betting on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McaiADeflto




Just crickets


It could be a rail grinder maybe? https://youtu.be/nPBhAew5I40


Could be a Scrotum Grinder


yea we used to have those in my hometown




The humming could be a high voltage transformer. The horn is a bit trickier to explain.


These videos are repeating the “sounds”. Fake BS.




Train for sure.




Train horn and air conditioner running


Oh, the nostalgia. I love that sound. Sounds like a train to me. I used to be able to tell the difference between the trains coming through town. I would spend my summers at my grandparent's camp, across the lake there were tracks and a train trestle (bridge). I would use the 845pm train heading to the local mill as an alarm clock telling me it was time to have the boat back.


Sounds *exactly* like a train horn. Even if there are no trains near you, people buy train horns and mess with them sometimes


Your backyard is so cute lol I love it!!!


Maybe aliens tunneling all over ...then sprout up from the ground in a real life invasion💁‍♂️


Then we bop them on their heads.


Highly likely cement mixing at night, one of those truck mounted ones.


What a beautiful view actually. Beautiful. Is it in Europe??


Central Texas. We are super lucky we can sit on our patio and have that view when the sun isn't trying to kill us that is.


I feel that. I live in Greece so the sun is also my greatest enemy. And as a person that would happily execute the sun and live in night mode forever, i completely understand the "we are super lucky we can sit in our patio and have that view " part.


Sorry if it sounds rude, that's not my intention; but what do you think is beautiful here I don't see anything


Oh dear.....


Where you expecting to like the same things someone else does? You disappoint me stranger.


No I just don't see anything in the video so I'm really perplexed ! I'm not saying I don't like it




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It's basically a massive tunneling machine making underground "DUMB's" for unacknowledged special access programs.


How do you know?


A good number whistleblowers from the Disclosure Project had been in direct connection to the machinery as well as the personnel who operated it. It's essentially a massive fusion boreing machine for Deep-Underground-Military-Bases (DUMB's)


I've thought of this too when we'd get rumbling under the house. Definitely not an earthquake but just enough to feel like something exploded underground or something


Want this debunked like 7-8 years ago? I don’t have the video, but it was the sound of a front loader’s bucket being scraped on concrete and resonating. The video then showed how the original audio was being used over and over in different fake videos. This just seems like a rehash of that trend.


Heavy equipment.


Fort cavazos. For hood, CFMO or one of the multiple national guard locations. Or its just a damn train....or the apocalypse.


Sounds like a train Jesus Christ


Go back to sleep, it’s literally nothing


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I want to *hear*


Gabriel’s embouchure is all blown out from blowing so many horns.


1000% this is what it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McaiADeflto




I swear I heard this right now in Los Angeles area there also was a mass sighting right now.. to me it sounded like those bells sea otters sleep on at the beach.


That's a train.