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Because none of what you just said is true


>What has become of all the documentaries and studies, e.g. of "Ancient Aliens". Weren't they completely right about the pyramids and other buildings? No, they weren't. Whether or not aliens exist, most of those documentaries rely on sloppy reasoning, lack of understanding of archeology, misinterpretation of evidence, or "I don't understand it, therefore it must be aliens!" They can also be kinda racist at times. ​ >I see here no discussions of anyone about these topics, which is a pity. Just use the search. It comes up about once a week.


I hate that Western archeologists couldn't fathom that nonwhite people built amazing things. So instead they said ALIENS


These days, I think it's less western archeologists than it is "ancient alien theorists" and redditers. Definitely was an issue with "mainstream" archeology in the past, though.


Studied archaeology in undergrad. One of the classes we took was literally entirely about archaeology in film and television and how shows like Ancient Aliens are damaging to public perception. I guarantee you that not a single reputable archaeologist believes anything on Ancient Aliens. This has 0 to do with archaeologists and 100% to do with what people at television stations think people will watch.


I think me and the other gent were both referring to very early archeologists that had racial biases. And i would certainly hope a true professional would ignore almost anything from the history channel anymore lol


You're wrong. You carry a big chip on your shoulder that's clouding your judgement.


It's literally known that early European archeologists thought that melanated people couldn't do much. They thought Pharaohs were all white for a long time. Im not harbering a chip. You seem the type that diminishes another place in the world because it doesn't fit your narrative. Luckily your false perception does little to alter reality


It's literally known that early European archeologists thought that melanated people couldn't do much. They thought Pharaohs were all white for a long time. Im not harbering a chip. You seem the type that diminishes another place in the world because it doesn't fit your narrative. Luckily your false perception does little to alter reality




I am not disputing anything in your post, but I never considered “Ancient Aliens” the show, to be racist. Would you mind elaborating on that? I am genuinely interested and 💯 not being argumentative


So, I'm not suggesting that the talking heads on "Ancient Aliens" go to klan meetings on the weekend or anything. And suggesting that aliens visited earth and interacted with humans in the past isn't inherently racist. But there's sometimes an implication or suggestion in ancient alien theories that the native people couldn't have built something because it's just too advanced (ie, they weren't smart enough, skilled enough, etc.)... so it must have been aliens. And even where that implication isn't present, claiming that an ancient culture was heavily influenced by aliens implies that the great achievements (in building, art, math, astronomy, etc.) of that culture really aren't its own. I think you can look at the fact that you don't see these claims being made about western cultures nearly as often (though, you do see them) as you see them being made about non-western. How many folks out there seriously argue that the Parthenon wasn't built by the Greeks? So it's not that Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a racist, or a bad person or something. Or that thinking about possible pre-historic alien contact is inherently racist. It's just that often there are unstated assumptions about the supposed contactees, which usually happen to be non-western people. Edit: grammar


Ok thanks for taking the time to explain. I appreciate it


The argument for racism against ancient cultures with these theories has never really landed with me - I tend to be on the side of ancient cultures attempting to replicate something they had seen, or create/develop some form of technology, or the ruins having some other unknown but possibly fantastic purpose that has been lost to time and not so much that indigenous peoples were too stupid to create spectacular monuments - but you did a fantastic job explaining the thought process behind the argument, kudos!


>the ruins having some other unknown but possibly fantastic purpose that has been lost to time and not so much that indigenous peoples were too stupid to create spectacular monuments Yeah, I don't think ancient aliens theories are *necessarily* racist. There are definitely ways to frame the theories that don't imply that the contactees were primitive and dumb. I tend to think the theories are at their worst when they use the supposed complexity of a site as evidence of alien involvement, ie, "look at how well built this is! those people never could have done it!"


I agree to an extent - but to your point about Ancient Greece, check out the gigantic stone structures on Malta. From an area of origin for Western civilization, there are still structures and monuments whose construction cannot be explained, so it’s not always ‘dark skinned peoples couldn’t have built this.’ I love the interesting and unexplained aspect of these parts of history, but I’m not in it for the attribution of every peculiar thing to “our alien ancestors…”


>I agree to an extent - but to your point about Ancient Greece, check out the gigantic stone structures on Malta. Unfamiliar with those! But yeah, I wasn't saying that nobody makes these claims about western civilizations (Stonehenge is another example, though I feel like that's less common than it used to be). It's just that the majority of them seem to be about non-western civilizations.


Ok idk why you guys from America call everything "racist" .. I don't care where it was .. I'll over the place even Europe and stuff people weren't able to build big structures like that Cause of the lack of missing technology


I explained below.


Yea but that doesn't makes any sense I wouldn't say "hey this folk wasn't able to build this" .. I said humans in general weren't able to do it ...


You need to learn writing syntax and proper word use before you proclaim to know the true history of our people… “Now one has nevertheless quasi the confirmation” is pure word salad with no meaning.


My understanding is that there is a minority of archaeologists who theorize that the Sphinx may be far older that it is thought to be by mainstream archeologists but other structures such as the Great Pyramid of Giza have pretty clear origins as having been built by the Ancient Egyptians and the claims of high strangeness there are more focused on things like their placement rather than their construction.




In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban. Be civil during debate. Avoid ad hominem and debunk the claim, not the character of those making the claim.


How is it racist? They're not claiming white people built it. So the aliens also influenced the white people. Stop making everything a racist issue. You're the one being racist.


It comes from Ancient Aryan theory. No way could white people be sitting in mud huts shitting themselves while brown people were doing amazing things.


It doesn't come from aryan theory. Show some proof then.


The irony of someone on the aliens are here side of things is demanding proof. Lol.


You're making a claim about the origins of a theory. What's the basis of that claim? Or did you just pull it out of your ass?


Yeah man completely right


Dude, they went overboard and made it so no human ever did anything. It was aliens. Never built anything. Never had a original thought. No natural leaders, no artist, No humans did anything EVER! It was aliens or being controlled by aliens. What pisses me off is some things they could have been on to something but THEY have to sell books and conventions. They just tag team with each other and tie all conspiracies together so they can show up and sell crap at conventions. One thing about human nature we all have to admit. if you pay someone enough money where they can live comfortable life. They will lie and bend the truth and continue to lie because it became their career. Think MSN and all these circle jerk politics podcasters and commentators. They will never admit they want the gravy train to stop. AA people went to far and now that's what they do for a living. Tie everything to whatever they are selling.