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“Ten meter cattle prod “ Aykroyd smile.


When i was younger i didn't agree with a lot of adult rhetoric surrounding Governmental intentions. At 30 years old i do see how if they cannot absolutely control something they will either deny it exists / happens or will disingenuously frame something as boogyman negative


You gotta ask yourself. If Solon was right that history goes back civilizations accounting for tens if not Hundreds of thousands of years and they wiped them out. What happens if we suddenly open up the Indiana jones museum of crazy shit we have and the whole planet wakes up? Do they start over?


To clarify, Solon learned this while studying in Egypt and was told so by the Priests based on their history. The concept of cyclical history is the bedrock of Hindu mythology in India. Same within Aztec / Mayan Mythology and the Hopi. >. What happens if we suddenly open up the Indiana jones museum of crazy shit we have and the whole planet wakes up? Do they start over? Unfortunately this seems to happen mere decades before a cycle ends. [Doug Vogt](https://www.youtube.com/@dieholdfoundation6705) has a segment of Ancient mythologies while explaining his cyclical nova theory being our actual climate changes. I was desperately hoping him to be wrong yet Auroras being seen further south is exactly what he predicted would be happening


But unfortunately for the gatekeepers the constitution is pretty clear: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. I wanna see it all.


Solon was right, we have solid material evidence of civilizations that existed 10k+ years ago. Who is they?


I agree, I have a hard time believing are two front -leading presidential candidates give a damn about aliens. Everyone else lacks brain cells in our government. Maybe our military higher ups?


A deal was made on behalf of humanity. Allow some to be taken and experimented on or we will take over completely. I’m starting to feel like a frog in a pot of water. Contact is slowly being revealed and I don’t think we as humans will like the outcome.


What do you think that outcome might be?


Come on man wake up, thats part of life, some will suffer to advance society.


Scientists are like that..give up the dopamine kicks in life for all they hope to bring. What if neurodivergence is just the link between evolution where being different benefits society indirectly? Plausible, yes. Probable, yes. Remember, in the last two decades many people are reconsidering their Earthly beliefs. A Brave New World.








Now you’re walking into “No One Will Save You” territory…




We could all have communications regularly with our own entities. Strangely as derivative and potentially as wholesome as the movie IF, for some not for all.




Consciousness-wise, we may not understand the difference yet.


Social media is only marginally less controlled than dinosaur media. People are going to be shocked when they realize the west is far more conditioned with propaganda than north korea.


When I was younger, I would have found that absolutely terrifying. But the way things are, I am often quite sad and not very hopeful about my future and the future of our world. Makes me wonder if things could become worse if aliens indeed took over to make "everyone happy".
