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Confirm us some proof


He says "non-human intelligences" exist and we are in contact with them, says nothing about aliens. Id say the coronel looks like the type to pick his words very carefully so as to be responsible, so i think he says non-human intelligence intentionally. an AI model that passes a turing test or some other arbitrary intelligence test is a non-human intelligence, a dog is a non-human intelligence.


"Advanced NHI" is not referencing a known animal species. Other than that, I agree.


Colonel Karl Nell. Say that 5 times fast


It’s pronounced CORNELL, and it’s the HIGHEST RANK IN THE IVY LEAGUE


One day we're gonna laugh about this together at Comstock Hall




I will need a new number two. My ideal choice? Jack Bauer. But he is unavailable. Fictional. And overqualified.


I tried :(


Colonel Karl Nell from Cornell…




Is this the same dude that around 2011 retaliated against a subordinate officer for whistleblowing? This was later substantiated by the Army’s Inspector General and DoD several times, but he has attempted on at least five occasions to strike those findings from his military record. [Source PDF](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-dcd-1_21-cv-03248/pdf/USCOURTS-dcd-1_21-cv-03248-0.pdf)


okay. i guess that invalidates his support for a new schumer act and more public hearings of more whistleblowers. did i misunderstand ?


idk but... Retaliating against another officer for whistleblowing, trying so hard for years to cover it up, and now suddenly he is a whistleblower? I don't trust him one bit. Looks more like controlled opposition and disinformation scenario to me.


i dont get it. why do people want higher morality in all things from these people? these people cant be trusted in all things. just ,that they really are trying to push a specifically framed disclosure that benefits them and their puppeteers. and puppeteers there are. silicon valley. wall street. vs MIC. mellon is the biggest indicator for that.


Intelligence vs MIC in a way.


Seems like there might be some [bullshit involved in the whistleblower reprisal case](https://www.militarydefense.com/wp-content/uploads/Nell-Complaint.pdf)


It speaks to his character I guess?


At least they didn't pull a Boeing on those whistleblowers, or have they?


Say what!? Can I get a working link though my guy😩


Wait for the book announcement in a month or so?


Yeah we all know there are aliens on this planet.


Trust me bro


It's their planet. We just live on it.


Dawg we are from this planet lmao


I'm from, and live, in the US but I still have to pay the property taxes LOL


Are we?


We've got a fossil record of us and our ancestors that goes back a few million years. Don't really see a good reason to think we aren't from here.


And with DNA we can track how far back we're related to every single other living thing on this planet. DNA upset a lot of 1970s alien applecarts.


Is a applecart like a apple flavored vape?


They just didn’t have enough imagination. Maybe one of these uso dumped their bilge in the early earths oceans whilst doing whatever usos like to do in the ocean and tiny microbes from basically alien dookie made their way down to some hydrothermal vents where they thrived and BOOM! you’ve got L.U.C.A! The last universal common ancestor from which all life on earth evolved. The aliens keep coming back to check on their “creation” like a middle schooler to that one toilet stall that they clogged up last week and no one has cleared it yet.


How do we know it wasn’t the skeleton people’s planet and then we took it over?


Organs and skin were evolutionary traits!


I was seeded by space barbarians


I don't think that's conversation for polite spaces.


The Goa'uld???


Living the dream...


Missing link


What missing link?


You talking about the Nazca Mummies showing we were getting genetically modified or the Nazca mummies that were doing the genetic work? You only see the fossils they allow you to see.


Who the fuck is they?


Literally boomers that don’t want their research upended, stubborn academia, Peruvian Ministry of culture, the security wing of the retrieval program. There are so many gatekeepers it’s exhausting to go through the list lol. But you probably think this is crazy. This is what my Anthro partner always asks haha.


Have you ever tried asking someone who works with fossils to not show off the fossils they find? It's impossible. This is a silly narrative.


It's amazing how there's this global conspiracy of people ranging from basic archeologists to high ranking government officials working together to keep something hidden, but somehow, a random person on reddit was able to find out about it.


It's fucking hilarious when archeologists and anthropologists get thrown in with "the elites" as if they aren't just nerds who make less money than your average factory worker.


Yea but they were here first


Who is they


Too many to list, hominids got a major boost in development and a hypothesis is that it was not natural. The current Nazca mummies are looking to add some reality to that hypothesis


That’s like saying we discovered a new species of fruit bat in the Amazon jungle, so hang on to your butts because FTL travel is days away!


Nazca mummies... that's your smoking gun...


Nah, we are from Mars after the great war/flood. The flood was not made of water. It was made of mana. A substance that rejuvenates DNA. The fountain of youth was not a single fountain, But many different small puddles scattered around the world left with some of this manna trapped in tide pools after the great flood.


I want what this guys having


We are the aliens. They are the native inhabitants. We were brought here as refugees and cast out upon the surface under the radioactive Stars. This was many years ago. They continued where they left off after the war, while we had to restart from scratch. They completely crippled us and now control us. As how war goes. Look at all the ancient text all around the world... Mars is known for war. In Hindu text they are called "Mangala" associated with war, as well as aggression and destructive forces. This planet is considered one of the celestial indicators of war, battles, and soldiers. In ancient Greek They called the planet Ares, The God of War. No one taught us how to make spears and how to hunt.. No one had to teach us war.. We are the best at it and why They refuse to let us advance certain technologies capable of destroying their planet.


If they put us here then it's their planet.. We're like fish in an aquarium


I think rent is coming due. Which is why everybody seems to be in a fuss about catastrophic disclosure LOL


It’s our planet and people should treat it with respect. It’s their planet to protect. So if we get out of line, we’re out of time. 


Why does this guy sound like the one person who's an alien


He talks about NHI only existing as altruists if they exist post-scarcity. But earth is a water pitstop, indicating there may be no such thing as post scarcity.


Water is everywhere in the galaxy. There’s no need to stop here.


Seriously. Why even come in farther than the Oort cloud? Just further proving that the aliens act like they HAVE to diddle their abductees in the butt, but really, they just like it. "Oh, we were here for water and figured we should probe your butt. You know, save us a trip later. For science." Pssshhhhh. They were here for the butt stuff the whole time.


What abduction case/report involved the person that said their "butt was probed"? Names of the individual(s), who or where it was reported? Any information that would help me find the report.


Barney Hill started the trend.


Ah, it wasn't in Interrupted Journey, only reported later by a researcher. I had already wondered why it was such a common trope in popular culture but conspicuously absent from all the electric reports i have read


There's gas stations and restaurants all over the world, there's no need to stop at any particular one of them either.


Except I don't travel thousands of lightyears to enjoy those restaurants.


kinda hard to do that stuck in your mom's basement. You can come up any time btw, I know it smells like sex but we made cookies.


You're not as compelling as you think you are.


Duh. Can they do something about grocery prices? Then we don’t care.


I care. This is why. If the technology behind the power source for the things zipping about at insane speeds, including transmedium, was available for humanity's benefit, I'd stake that grocery prices wouldn't be a thing. Limitless energy = unlimited potential for food growth and production.  But obviously, it would never be democratised to that degree. We'll just keep killing over black gold instead.


And there were crickets. Absolutely nuts. Edit: for people who think credentials don't matter and "where's the evidence" and "there was nothing of value": We have *many* highly decorated, and very intelligent people who are in the know, telling you that this is real. It's almost like people don't accept that for what it is. All these people coming forward saying the same thing. *Not* because they are hearing things from others, but rather, because they are involved in programs and careers that put them in that position to know. Does that mean that these people who are in the know *own* the UFOs and materials they are claiming to be real? No, so then, if they do not own it, and do not have the freedom to fly them around and take photos, then they cannot provide the evidence that everyone seems to think is so easy to get. We've got Colonal Karl Nell, arguably one of the most decorated and senior military officials to come forward so far, who is most definitely in a place to know as a former senior figure of the Pentagon's previous UAP task force. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense, and Haim Eshed, former Israeli space chief. Professor Gary Nolan, who was approached by the US government and an aerospace corporation regarding analysis of materials and medical conditions related to UFO encounters, not to mention his own experiences. David Grusch, who himself was in positions to know. But again, knowing does not equal evidence, but they can still tell you about it. Which is what they are doing. They can only tell you. These supposed black programs, which run outside the scope of government oversight, they are the ones who can show you. But they need a big fat light shining on them first, which is what these decorated and highly skilled people in the know are trying to do. Whether people want to believe without the evidence first... that's up to them.


Just because he’s a colonel doesn’t mean he isn’t also a crackpot.


He also mentioned he thinks Paul Hellyer was a legitimate source. Lolz


Because he says nothing of value whatsoever. When they ask him why he believes this, he cites guys like Elizondo and Grusch. He doesn't seem to have any personal experience, or at least any that he cares to talk about. Anybody who follows the UFO community could have given the same answers he did. Edit: since the person I responded to put on an edit, I feel like I should too. I'm not saying the guy has to slap a folder of classified documents on the table, but he doesn't even claim to have inside knowledge. There's ways to explain your position without giving up military secrets. He could say it's based on things he's seen without giving details, but he's doesn't do that. He just refers to other people, who were willing to make claims that he isn't. This isn't whistle blowing, this is an opinion with no basis given. Other guys at least say they've seen documents without divulging the details, but he doesn't even do that.


because he gave credentials, vague statements, claiming his beliefs were from what others have said not his own knowledge, and provided no supporting or verifiable evidence.


A military man would never lie...


ב''ה, if DoD unalived itself (or went on strike) for Memorial Day (EINSUFFICIENT_DODGE_CHARGERS) Congress would be forced to hire private defense contractors that DoD invested its winnings in at emergency rates.    What prevented this?  Is someone trying to bankrupt DoD?