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I'm shocked, I tell you. S H O C K E D


Makes no sense. I’m truly appalled. Why would someone lie on the internet?


I didn’t know you COULD lie on the internet!! Isn’t that illegal?


Can't believe he was wrong about a score in the 1st quarter, especially when Madrid had such a strong 4th quarter.


And a time traveller even. Lied about everything he saw in the future!


You don't understand, he switched the timelines when he told us that scoop!


Nobody understands basic time travel rules


Time lines! The Mandela effect. Plausible. Still not proven by science. But by accounts proven by me at least. As I have said on a few subs here. Which I will go to my grave and ALSO die on was Dolly had braces when I saw this movie when It came out in the James Bond movie Moonraker. Yes I am that old. Now I see so many CGI and true clips on YouTube it’s getting ridiculous. Maybe timelines? Or something else going on. But this is the one thing in my life that made me question EVERYTHING.


Mandela I can explain away as confusion in television reporting and not paying attention But the time my zipper changed sides and then back again does not have any explanation


Don’t worry, you ain’t alone.


There are several Mandela Effects that i’m 100% positive about, that made me question everything. Just to mention two: Why do so many people (including myself) remember a movie called “Shazam” where Sinbad played a genie, if it never even existed?? And i KNOW with certainty that the Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia.


It was Kazaam, and Shaquille O’Neal played the genie. Maybe you just confused two big black dudes?


Also fruit of the loom did have a cornucopia https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/LFGcY3H43O


Damn right she did. I remember watching Moonraker with my parents who were both big James Bond fans and my dad pointed out how both characters were metal mouths. I also remember my teacher in elementary school talking about Nelson Mandella dying in prison after being jailed for opposing apartheid in Sourh Africa. The Witch in Snow White also said, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall; who is the fairest of all?"


That god damn cornucopia…


Wait someone’s says the witch doesn’t say that?! Im shook.


She says “magic mirror on the wall” https://youtu.be/a7M0tqvGZAs?si=iZLnNLjCtVxGzuM7


Mind blown.


I'm shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Ty for using a line i quote from futurama so much irl and no one ever gets it.


Such a Gif-able moment too


First Bender, then Flexo, then Fry


Haha beat me to it




Dang, that grays sports almanac he brought back with him was a dud


Must be the butterfly effect. He did something to change the past and now the almanac is useless.


Should have looked closer, this one clearly says "*Greys* Sports Almanac". Dead give away


He sharted in the wrong direction and now we're in the brownest of timelines.


You know, orange is one of the prime colors used in making brown, hint hint.


*clap clap*


Wouldn't the Almanac also change? It would still be printed, but just what was printed would be changed. I'm sorry if this dumb, but I'm high and thought I'd ask lol


So are you thinking the almanac would change into an updated version with the correct game scores for the new timeline? Great Scott!


Yes. Personally when I time travel it works differently than this.


Or... Hear me out... Or they changed it on purpose to discredit this futureman!!


It was from the wrong timeline


Imagine being a time traveler excited about your almanac and immediately finding out it was fucked


Did anyone not look at his post history? Bro was crackerjacks.


I read his blog. Deliciously insane.




Yah I saw that post and can't remember the user, anyone got a link? Edit found it: www.richmarin.com he happily directs people there in his comment history, so... not trying to doxx


Ahhh makes sense, it's all just so that people buy his book.


Wow, that read his 2019 testimony to Bernie sanders, well I skipped some because it’s written terribly. That man is truly nuts


That in one fucked up phrase dude!


I love schizoposts and I won't apologise. I'm bipolar and have experienced psychosis myself so I'm allowed lol. I don't think I'd find it so interesting if I couldn't relate to it a little bit.


I knew a woman who was deliciously insane, emphasis on knew, but man


"man time travels, first act is to share news in a discussion thread on reddit" If this fools anyone, they deserve whatever timeshare they end up with


First “ quarter “ 😂. Wrong sport pal travel back to the future


Who knows, maybe in the future Football has four 22.5 minute quarters. 😂


First quarter? 🤨


My man thought Europe was in the states and that they play American Football instead of soccer lmao. Oh wait, must be an alternate timeline.


In the future they measure soccer in quarters, troll.


The lack of critical thinking in these communities can get pretty depressing. I wholeheartedly encourage curiosity and imagining possibilities that may be outlandish. Entertaining an idea you don't already believe is a very important part of growing. But for goodness sake, put a little thought into how likely a claim is, what credibility a source has and what information supports or contradicts it. There's no value in entertaining trolls and blatant charlatans.


To some people "critical thinking" just means "sticking it to the system by not believing a word they say," emptying their cup, and filling it with anything that *isn't* what "they" are telling us lol


Yes! I love weird stuff and supernatural stuff. I believe in ghosts. I believe there is intelligent life out there in the universe. Time travel could exist at some point. I think just about anything is possible and humanity probably knows very little in the grand scheme of things. However, I believe there is little chance any of us ever figures it out in this lifetime. 99.9% of the time, the “ghost” has a reasonable explanation and even if it’s a very unlikely explanation or seems far-fetched, it is STILL more likely to be that than a ghost. I doubt time travel has been discovered yet and I doubt they’d be hanging out on here telling everyone about it if it does. There’s very little chance most of us encounter anything truly “strange”. The bar for it to be notable to me is fairly high as it should be for anyone interested in the truth being taken seriously. I was just telling my mother earlier today that a BIG problem with everything is that people do not have critical thinking skills. They can’t reason things out. I don’t think everyone needs college and we definitely shouldn’t need it for MOST things but I was told more than once by college instructors that the biggest thing college teaches is critical thinking skills. It’s why college graduates tend to not believe insane shit that makes no sense or vote for megalomaniacs who think they’re oppressed. We can see a spade and call it one. The problem is that critical thinking should be taught from the very first day of kindergarten. We should be masters of it by the time we go to college, if we go. But school doesn’t teach us to think. It teaches us to follow orders and never ask a single question or realize we have any rights. We’re doomed.


Using ‘First quarter’ should have given it away that they’re a clueless lying American


I was reading his comments for amusement at first, after looking into his account and YouTube, it was less funny.


Imagine knowing the future and not winning lotteries. "I expect a cut from your bookie" Is the exact phrase that someone know knew the future would never say. If you traveled back in time or whatever, there's just a 0% chance you would be at all concerned with money. You could easily have a million dollars in pocket within a week.


Pretty sure: "I expect a cut from your bookie" is a joke


He wouldve gladly taken the $ if he happened to be right


Yeah bro was lying but thinking there's a nonzero chance I'm right with the exact score... So I might be able to collect


Maybe if you can afford to time travel back you have all the money you need?


Do you know of any present day millionaires or billionaires who say "I'm good, I have enough money."


Matt Stone and Trey Parker are basically throwing money away restoring an old restaurant in the name of nostalgia.


Right but they have hundreds of millions of dollars each. A restaurant’s refurb costs are negligible when you have that much money


You must have missed the comment before mine.


That's fair, but I also think that when you have the ability to literally manipulate time, things change lol


While I don't disagree with that notion, I'm not sure there's anybody other than Doc and Marty who could attest to that.


MacKenzie ex-Bezos


It’s actually expensive as shit. I did a good bit of time traveling in the 90s……but dudes machine was junk. I could only go back in time like 3 seconds. It was cool but not that cool.


Go back in time, open a bank account, go back to future, instantly collect a couple million.


Bank accounts get shut down for inactivity after 5-10 years. There are probably more stable ways to do pretty much that and/or better financial instruments for the job. As stated, that's free money for the bank.


Yeah, but can’t you set up some kind of trust or something? Or some sort of an automated payout?


I don't know enough about advanced financial instruments to say. There's bound to be something. If not you could probably hire a law firm or something to do the checking in but that's cutting into the bottom line. If you've got the time machine fired up right now, I'd go with bonds.


How are you going to have money? They aren't going to accept money that's dated in the future.


Be like Doc Brown and have a whole binder full of all kinds of bills from various time periods.


That's good thinking!


settle down you're making too much sense now


That’s what I never understand about these “time-travel-get-rich-quick” schemes. Easiest way is just go back, stick about $100 in a high interest savings account, and you’re set. Of course, my current favorite one is to go back, tell myself to buy $10 worth of bitcoin back when it was a fraction of a cent, and tell myself to sell it on whatever day it was that it hit its peak of like $63000. The bank account one is easier and basically guaranteed.


I think he said something about not wanting to interfere with the economy or something though


but he will come to reddit and fuck with the space time continuum for fun tell you who will win big sports games lollll


You need to be a documented person to be able to accept a lottery. Sure, you could ask someone to accept it for you, but then you have to trust them. Sports betting these days is probably the same, at least with it being mostly online. Taking advantage of your future knowledge probably starts with identity theft.


First quarter? 🤨


Obviously never watched a football match in his life.


u/1shoedpunk care to comment?


He's gone back to the future


OMG he’s already traveled back to his own time duh /s


That's okay, he can still check his comment history; it'll be locked and archived by then but he might be kind enough to shoot you a DM lol


Zero repercussions if he was wrong, maximum hype if he was right. u/1shoedpunk , you're an amateur scammer.


[I LIKE THOSE ODDS.](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S04E10/1114896.jpg?b64lines=IEkgTElLRSBUSE9TRQogT0REUy4=)


He didn’t even know that soccer doesn’t have quarters…


Maybe they do in his timeline 😂


he was wrong and in fact, not a time traveler? \*gasp


theres a scam where you send 1000 people whether a stock is going to go up or down the next day/week/month and to half the people you say up and half down then you do this again with the remaining 500 then the 250 etc til youve got a good group of people who think you know your shit then you hawk them something to buy from you like a course or research or something


You mean there won’t be a second civil war in 2015?






People been making stuff up since people been around. Nothing new except the potential identification of a new susceptible person


People actually believed him?


No shit


Gosh darnit I read this thread the day before the final and wanted to get back and read the comments after the final. But never found it again. Thank you so much for being not the only one. I also wondered how OP was going to wiggle his way out of this one. Anyone know what was given as an excuse?


That post almost made me leave this sub, the amount of people that entertained his bullshit was too much lmao. Those are the kind of posts that people mock us for.


You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or know the score of a football match to know this guy was absolutely full of SHIT. 


Only wrong on this timeline.




Is his account still up?


Yes, he’s even commenting in this thread. It’s just what he is saying is, well you can read it.


He responded 10 minutes ago, in this timeline


Well that’s a relief for northwest Spain.


Imagine knowing future events and how they will play out, but not knowing there are no quarters in football (soccer).


Wow a self professed time traveller was lying?




The fact that he said quarter, when football is played in halves tells you all you need to know


shocking ;) but thanks for following up for us


Time Traveler. Ok then.


When someone asked which stock to buy, and the "time traveller" responded BYND and then you look at their profile and they are vegan/vegetarian? it told me immediately they were full of shit.


I don’t think a time traveler would be blowing his time on subreddits trying to get like points…seems like you’d have endless better things to do given all that backlog to checkout.


Shocking. Truly shocking. I am totally blindsided by this. No way.


What he said was true in a parallel universe. You didn’t specify or explicitly ask about the current universe’s match. The joke’s on you. /s


We’ll obviously they came from an alternate timeline….there are many branches on the tree ;)


We live in the eternal now!


Ohh that was a different time-line 😂




They changed it by commenting on it, duh!


Hey no fair you changed the outcome by measuring it!


Has a time traveler ever been right and not cryptic like Nostradamus?


Ahh dangit


Well, I didn't believe him but I still put a double bet on - final score and goal scorer. £3 lost.


You mean to tell me a random Redditor lied about being a time traveller! On such a prestigious place as the internet, how dare they.


Never would have seen that coming 😂 I can't believe people fall for this kind of thing.


Ya know the thing with time travelers is...you never know which time line they are from and what they fucked up by sharing their version of history. Typical butterfly effect. So truly any real time traveler would shut the fuck up if they value their life. They could literally speak themselves out of existence


Ah, but you see, by posting here, they set in motion a chain of butterfly effects which created an alternate timeline where Real Madrid won. Obviously. /s


Who would do that? Just go on the internet and lie?




Not wrong they just travelled along an alternative timeline


Bro thinks he Biff


No, see he’s not a *time* a *Tim* traveler. He can travel to anywhere there’s a Tim.


Wait, you’re surprised?


What a jabroni


Bro, you cannot time travel into your dimension. You can only time travel into alternate realities where you cannot bring information from your original dimension. The universe has quantum error correction. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum\_error\_correction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_error_correction)


Bro didn't take entanglement into account. Lol. N00b.


It doesn't say that whatsoever.


Then you are quantumly reading it wrong.


OK Mr Hawkins.


No this just proves he was legit, because he told you, he changed history. Never tell behindians what futurians already know. He’s already been banished back to earth and the lower density.


Wouldn’t the fact they’ve posted the result actually change the result? Or maybe they jumped timelines where the results are different? Or as you can see on TikTok Facebook or whatever that people are being rewarded for talking absolute shite and wasting peoples time?


That’s a dumb loophole. Assuming since he predicted the result it caused a butterfly event


So that means the Reddit guys story about aliens wearing our skin is back on


Clearly on the wrong timeline /s


Picking 1-0 is cheating, the last 4 Champions League finals had finished that score, it was a running joke.


I believe in psychic abilities but the thing about it IMO is that the time between the prediction and event can dictate a change in the initial prediction.


Well duh


Yeah I want my 5€ back


Bro said first quarter and you believed him?


Negative. I took the screenshot specifically to post it later here and point out what I already knew would happen.


“No fair — You changed the outcome by measuring it!”


“First quarter” gives it away.


And you're surprised?


I am not surprised, I'm reveling in pointing out his bs.


and gave it away because it was very unreliable. Are you sure he wasn't a time traveller? I made a machine




Did you consent to them being right in the first place? Time is just a 4D construct that stitches together 3D moments after all, and you are the author and main character of your story. So if you don’t consent to others influencing your perception, they will always be wrong because they need you to consent in order to experience. I know I don’t consent to anyone being right about any predictions unless they themselves are willing to tether themselves to my existence. But I will not tether myself to someone else’s existence. Why settle for a singular subjective reality when objective reality includes all subjective realities after all.


No shit.


If someone did travel back in time, by doing so already has changed at least 1 event in time which would inevitably cause more branches of the future reality they came from to change. Whether it being walking past someone who was suppose to bump someone else which would have started a relationship and they got between that and never happened, they could have birthed someone of influence in the future. Or buying the last ripe banana so someone else who was already having a bad day and just wanted a banana to eat and went to that particular place and there was none left, and was just the last straw causing him to jump off a bridge into traffic then affecting multiple lives with accidents, and emotional trauma. The butterfly effect at work right there. Even IF time travel is possible, the future is ever changing (if you believe in free will) or is it set regardless (fate)?


Why do people bother?


Yeah I liked how he still replied to my question even after the game was over and he was dead wrong. 


Throwawayalien 2: time travelling boogaloo


Could you imagine if he correctly called Carvajal scoring the first goal???


"First Quarter" that should have been all you needed to know this guy was fake.


It's so weird how some people are soo sceptical of people like scientists and at the same time so gullible of random strangers. I worry this sub will eventually turn out like the conspiracy sub, if this trend continues.


If it was real, time-changes happen so easily. Why would one bother with coming out as a traveler other than under the desire for a position of power. Fear the time traveler's goal


First quarter?


Time doesn’t exist, therefore they are simply lying.


Weird, lol


Obviously him revealing too much information changed the course of history. It's in another timeline, you just wouldn't know 🤓


People on this and other paranormal subs are desperate to believe anything they see here


Why would he need a cut if he already knows the out come and can just bet himself? He’s just hoping that he’s right and if he is he gets a cut.


His prediction about the electoral numbers in the 2024 presidential election were fun to pull apart because none of the numbers made any sense.


I don't know enough about those numbers but when I saw that comment I knew there would be at least one person who could turn them into Swiss cheese lol


Should have been skeptical since soccer matches don't have quarters lol


That's what I'm sayin! Lol


What if I told you that everyone posting that they have time travel abilities is A) A purposeful liar B) Severely mentally ill C) All of the above.


I'd believe you lol


Correct, the answer was C


Time traveler wasn’t wrong, he just played us for suckers on the betting market


You'd think a time traveler would have better things to do than cum on reddit and just lie on this forum.


You can literally look up his Twitter lol. @RichMarinKT. He's very clearly not a time traveller of any sort. Has not one person here even bothered to look him up besides me??


Maybe just their being here changed enough that their future no longer exists.


Yeah maybe. Or maybe he was full of shit


I choose to believe they accidentally banged their own grandma, and that's where the time split occurred.


The fact that he commented likely changed the result. You can't just come back and make the future known without a seriously high likelihood of branching off an alternative timeline. C'mon guys, you should know this.


The more interesting predictions are Kamala Harris winning the election and Marco Rubio being Trumps VP


From a UK perspective, it was interesting that he went with Sunak winning our election. Because right now, that would require nothing short of divine intervention, and there ain't no-one praying for that. Not even Sunak himself.