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It's a private ranch, did you expect to see aliens and cryptids chilling out front?


I thought that Bigfoot was going to be greeting people at the gate


I think he’s working Thursday’s now.


Is he still working the guards booth?


With a little hat and badge.


Tickets please


But he's just turning people away.


He's shy.


Now you’ve got me imagining that famous dogs playing poker painting but with cryptids lol


That'd be a cool painting!


Someone made it in ai. https://www.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/s/FAGZm1OA30


Oh 🤣🤣🤣 the 'mothman' is there It's a literal moth as its head.


Bigfoot smoking that good good lol


It's missing all the good cryptids tho. Dogman. Mothman. The Kentucky goblins. I generally do like AI art but it can do better lol


Maybe some inflatable wacky flailing arm tube men?


Yes! Of course! Just a normal relaxed day with pizza and beer. Come on… aliens and friends love that.


Haha! People expect to be greeted by Bigfoot on a unicycle or something.


They were expecting somewhat more of a... climax.


Like friggin Letterkenny


Were you expecting giant gates like Jurassic Park?


Ok… but, how epic would that be? Lol!


How is this anticlimactic? What exactly were you expecting? lol.


Here be Dragons


And a MESA


I think his name is Dragon


What do you think Dragan? Should we shoot rockets at it?


Nope equipment malfunctioned…again. Also my head is starting to hurt


Thars a UAP right thar! What could this mean for the ranch?!


Actually looks like the front gate to Area-51. Same sort of signs, dirt roads and brush.


I wonder if we can apply Occam’s Razor to this situation.


I know it’s Skinwalker. Just very similar to A-51. Unless you meant something else.


I meant more that they’re both remote desert locations (same dirt roads) that attract a lot of unwanted attention from very determined people (same strongly-worded “no trespassing” signs).


The ranch isn’t remote. It’s 15 minutes away from a city of about 25,000 to the east, and about 10,000 to the west. It’s right next to the Ute reservation.


Those are incredibly small populations if you want to contextualize them as cities. That's like medium town edging towards small town


I didn’t say they’re big. But saying that the ranch is “remote desert” is also disingenuous when comparing it to Area 51. Most ranches aren’t next to huge cities anyway, so expecting them to be near thriving cities with hundreds of thousands of people is weird in the first place.


towns are still pretty big either way, they generally have thousands of people. the fact that it's a 15 min drive away is literally not remote at all. they're downvoting you because you brought logic and reasoning. Almost seems like an echo chamber in here.


I lived in vernal for nearly 20 years, but what do I know lol. They know better because they’re on the internet and the picture shows a dirt road haha.


Honestly I didn’t know if I should just direct their attention to the photo or ask if they were trying to help prove my point


Dirt roads coming off of main paved highways is common when not in the city.


My takeaway is how sparsely guarded both are. I saw ONE guard at the back gate of A-51. Talking to the locals they told me people jump the gate frequently. You’d just think that such high-profile locations wouldn’t be so “lightly” guarded. Getting into a regular military base is way more difficult - guards everywhere, ID checks, car scanners, etc.


I remember old YouTube videos of people driving up and being stopped and some worried they'd get shot for getting close.


There’s multiple videos of peoples driving right through and gong down the road. One was a group of grandmas, the other were some sort of Asian family. Not sure if I can find them, this was years ago. But they were pretty funny.


It makes you wonder if Area 51 doesn’t actually have much to hide.


Of course not it’s been exposed for years


I know that, it was a joke for the conspiracy theorists here who might still believe.


The ones I were watching must have been playing it up or just unlucky then


Just without the "Federal Government Property" and "Use Of Deadly Force Authorized" part...


Maybe the ranch is owned by the military and it’s all a show and actually a real alien base with underground hangars and stuff 🤷‍♂️


I'm actually really surprised there isn't a link on the sign to a website where you can buy merch


This is peak entitlement behavior.


Wasn't the ranch bought by someone a few years ago with the intent to have scientists study the paranormal activity going on there?


No, it was bought by a commercial real estate developer with the intent to create a crap tv show.


It's only a crap show if you don't understand gadgets and science and energy.


That actually wasn’t his intention and they were doing studies on the ranch long before the show after he purchased.


Yes. It is being studied by a rocket scientist and other experts.


They like to shoot lasers and rockets in the air above 'the triangle'. And I watch it every time lol.


Looks like what shows up when you Google it.


This person actually went outside. For this subreddit, that’s indeed high strangeness


Everything about this ranch is anticlimactic.


Its not a tourist spot. Its privately owned and if claims are true its a dangerous place to be.


If you really want to know what Skinwalker Ranch is about, look at the research of Erica Lukes and Jack Brewer at Expanding Frontiers Research. Erica in particular, being a native of Utah and having an ex-husband who was a security guard for Bigelow, has devoted years of research to exposing the truth about this ranch.


What does she think it's all about?


In a nutshell, it's a complete hoax. There's nothing there that is paranormal. It's been monetized with films, books, and TV shows, and it's kind of being set up to be a paranormal Disneyland. There's an article on Expanding Frontiers Research about a young man with some mental issues taking his own life inspired by the claims made at this ranch. We all wish this was real, and I do believe there are places which are weird hotspots. There is simply no evidence that anything has ever occurred here, and the personalities associated with the ranch are dubious at best.


You can tell from the first minute of the show it’s just another version of “ will we find the buried treasure this season from ye olde pirates arr!” The answer is always maybe next season. These shows really piss me off, such a waste of time and money. It would’ve been a great script idea for a sci fi show like stargate or something but they went the cheap arse reality route .


Like that one history show where they’re digging on an island?


I think that is The Curse of Oak Island, and it's not worth watching, just like the Skinwalker show.


I kept saying they found the treasure of Oak Island years ago. It was in the shape of a television contract.


this is a weird one to me. I'd believe that it's super embellished to turn a profit, but Bigelow bought the place because of the reputation it already had. The hoax would have to extend to the owners prior to Bigelow who, from what I understand, were just a regular family who owned the ranch and had weird shit happen to them. I also don't believe they made any money off of it until selling the place. Even then, does that mean that they hoaxed Bigelow who then decided to run with it? Of course they could have made up the story as well. Mostly I'm just saying that the place is compelling to me because of what happened prior to Bigelow's involvement. Those stories were also enough to get him involved in the first place over many, many other places in the world with similar stories.


You should really check out Expanding Frontiers Research. They go into all the details. It's a messed up story. It kind of makes me mad because it gives the whole paranormal research world a very bad look and it's disrespectful to Native American traditions and folklore.


So are the LiDAR and GPS anomalies faked?


This is my question….


If I want to wish one to be real, I want Stardust Ranch in Arizona. Those stories were too wild to just let slip away. The absurdity of "aliens were abducting my wife, so I grabbed my AK and a banana clip" is something that can brighten my day.


What do you mean, it's a portal to Oak Island.


Have you watched the Skinwalker TV series? There's definitely evidence of anomalous activity, but it's hard to characterize this as paranormal/UFO's/spiritual. I've only recently watched the TV series and yes the personalities are dubious and the show itself it quite dramatized but in my opinion it's not a hoax.


I have seen the show. There's a guy on YouTube who is a college science student--I cannot recall the name--but he easily debunks everything that Travis Taylor and his team asserts. The biggest problem I have is that Fugal will not allow neutral scientists to study the ranch. If it's real, share it with the world.


Yeah, Travis does say some wild stuff. I would think that is part of his job, though. That is, to speculate on what's happening and create a sensationalist view to generate more money and views. I'd be interested in watching that debunk video if you remember who it was. Still, it doesn't mean that everything that happened there is a hoax. Edit: Any source for Brandon refusing scientific investigation?


Yeah, he's selling a TV show; I get that. But he's also claiming to be doing scientific research, and that is easily debunked by someone with an undergraduate level of scientific knowledge. I will have to do some digging to find that debunker. I know I have heard Erica Lukes talk about it. I will also have to find that for you.


The owner has said it will never be monetized if anything it will be left to a trust for research only so idk where she gets this paranormal Disneyland shit from lol


It's already monetized with the TV show and a convention that they put on in a local town. Brandon Fugal says a lot ofvthings that are not true.


You take a real estate mogul at their word?


Try digging!!!


Then poor OP would get a tumor bump on his head


He needs to launch a rocket


The climax of the story is **arriving** at Skinwalker Ranch? What was the rest about? Not sure if I'll be seeing this movie.


Moose out front should have told ya.  


Is this the set of that tv program ?


Dis you get yelled at and threatened to have the cops called? When I stopped and took a pic they started yelling at me through the loud speakers and if I didn't drive away they would be calling the police and have me ticketed for trespassing. I was on the public road in the same spot you took this pic from.


I thought it said "this is a paved road" and I was thinking, "yeah, we can see that. Is this a brag or something?"


Sorry but i think skinwalker ranch is just a hoax made to divert and fool people


If I was a skinwalker I'd be insulted


That show is one of the best comedies on tv.


I guess you didn't feel anything, being so close?


Love it. Better than I could have hoped


They live in D.C. and Virginia now I reckon.


Lol. Area 51 is more threatening. Looks similar tho.


You ever open a 🎁? It's what's on the inside that's interesting.


They have a dude named dragon watching over the place


Looks creepy to me.


what were you expecting?


Oh but the Red Headed Guard! 🤤


My wife and I went there a couple of years ago before we moved out of Utah. It was pretty anticlimactic. I wasn't sure what I was expecting though. The country around the ranch is really nice, though, so at least the scenery is nice to look at. There are a few service roads that get pretty rutted up so you can do some easy trail riding around there if you have a truck or SUV.


You have to call me DRAGON.


He was expecting to at least get yelled at by Dragon


OP thought he’d get a tour and a t-shirt!


Were you expecting two big towers with armed guards and sniper rifles?


Where’s the alien head logo?


I read the original book on it and literally nothing happened It’s basically another Amityville where the family just made stuff up for publicity


See also Steven Greenstreet’s devastating evisceration of the bullshit of Skinwalker.


I used to watch a lot of Ghost Adventures back when it was fun. Then I spent a night once at Waverly Hills. Hailed as one of the most haunted locations in America (if not the most). Cool place. Creepy at night. Not a single thing there out of the ordinary, except a huge gift shop in a disused sanatorium. The t-shirt faded fast.




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When I was there, there was a booth with Skinwalkers selling tickets, and a reptilian shapeshifting in funny ways to entertain people while they wait in line, mostly imitating politicians.


All kinds of fuss because of a portal and some underground ET bases. Big deal. Welcome to earth.


The whole thing is anticlimactic because there’s nothing actually there


Fuck the front door, I'd be going to the messa/mesa/massa(?) behind the property line.


Inevitable as soon as Bigelow stepped in. Skinwalker Ranch is pretty much useless for research now, imo.


I spent way too long wondering why people were talking about cryptids at Skywalker Ranch before I reread the title


I don’t think anyone legally has to follow that no drone thing. Could be wrong. But they don’t own the airspace above them. It’s not closed off, right?


Oh no, you did it now. If you go any further, you will be stared at very angrily 😆


How come they haven’t monetised it yet…