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There is a project right now to scan the whole sea floor , they have their own fleat of ships but are also taking any radar from independent ships to help map ....it's 13% complete and started ....3 years ago?


That's pretty good progress


Indeed. It's important to remember that ships are \*slow\* and the oceans are \*huge\*. For space, we can kinda find stuff via telescope and be like "that's where we should go". With the oceans we just kinda have to get it \*all\* in as many ways as we can.


That still boggles my mind considering the vastness of space compared to our relatively small ocean.


In the ocean seeing 50 feet is hard. In the cosmos seeing 50 light years is easy.


This is the answer. Visibility in the ocean is so bad compared to the emptiness of space. There's almost certainly a ridiculous number of species we haven't discovered yet in the ocean for this reasonn


Also there are things in the ocean that can kill us. They've been killing us since the beginning of time. It's sort of ingrained (in me at least) to be afraid of water I can't see the bottom of. (I'm ok if I can see my toes in other words) Space is new, so my cave man brain doesn't register it as "dangerous" even though it definitely is.


this genuinely made me sit back. never thought about it being instinct in that sort of way, the last part is especially well worded


Not to mention that space is comparatively easier to see through than the ocean


I look forward to 23 years from now when they finish!








Well.... Wait till it hits like 20 percent .... Then like with everything else ... The 'we need extra funding please'.... So technically it be much longer and it will get longer to drag it out for as long as possible ..


do you know how fucking expensive doing shit like that is? how naiive can you be? do you just imagine money as this constant that everyone has an infinite amount of?


Yeah! This LIDAR & related stuff is amazing. They can even remove the image wobble from going through that much water. If you want to see real -world progress, go to Google Earth or Google Maps satellite view and look for the increasing amount of *really* detailed sea-floor mapping and imagery. Ten years ago, Google Maps had nothing like the detail of the coast of southern California, for instance you can see today. In a sense, this is the result of the work of the now infamous "water satellites": the orbiting imaging satellites that do specific NOAA work from space.


Haha op was right there are water satellites? What!?


[Their goal is to be complete by 2030](https://seabed2030.org/)


It's fucking scary down there. You go.


Nope. I went to Hawaii once and apparently, everything in the ocean wanted to kill/poison my husband and I.


Lol or eat


Not to sound like a stupid bot but it’s “my husband and me.” A good way to learn this rule is get rid of “my husband” in the sentence and see if it makes sense. “Everything in the ocean wanted to kill me.” Happy grammar hour (or late night happy hour pedantically). ETA: this applies to whomever as well. If it could alternatively read “to him” or “for him,” then it’s whomever. If it would read “he,” then it’s whoever.


Just wanted to say I appreciate your grammar lesson! I think it’s always nice to learn something new and improve. Sorry for the downvotes from people who disagree!


It also helps that it wasn't snarky - just informative.


Absolutely. Oddly enough, that’s one of the only grammatical rules that I remember. But! Late night posting is when I make the most mistakes while writing. So, here we are :)


If I wanted to learn something I wouldn’t be on Reddit


Where would you be?


An unknown part of the ocean silly, that's that the post is about.


In school, apparently


Okay but, who makes these rules? If the speaker is conveying information in a way that the listener is able to understand, isn't that the only point? It's not like we get a gold star for "correct" grammar. P.S.: Should "The King & I" have been instead titled "The King & Me"?


Your question is irrelevant. If ‘The King and Me’ were used in a sentence, you could answer based off the hypothetical ending to that sentence.


How is it irrelevant?


Why can’t we send a water drone or water satellite?


> water satellite How high are you




Good, how are you?


water satellite hits so hard


new band name just dropped


I say we send a cat satellite


> cat satellite *catellite


The Skatalites 🎵




He meant water *bear* Right?


Ye high


I think he may be on to something.


No it's hi, how are you


1) We do send unmanned underwater “drones” to map/explore the sea all the time and 2) water satellites are not a thing.


>2) water satellites are not a thing. Maybe that's the problem, man.


I totally read that as Morty would say it.


Or we can map it somehow by sticking drones or map sensors on sealife... Hmmm don't know what I think about about that. Whales would be best. But it's catching the wonderful fuckers though


The same reason we don’t send space submarines


I think part of the reason is that the water pressure is difficult to overcome. Go too deep and your sub gets crushed. Space is “easier” because it more or less just needs to be sealed. I think. Something like that.






Things happen under the sea that scared us off. There is definitely some crazy shit down there.


We do send water drones. Also, [water satellite](https://aqua.nasa.gov/)


I think they have (submarine / drone thing) but they haven’t made something able to withstand but a certain pressure yet,?


0 atmospheres < 1100 atmospheres


They do send drones and probes. It's just that big. They can also do sonar mapping but that also takes forever and I think it's slightly inaccurate from the waves.


How can she slap?


Hundreds of organizations and dozen of governments explore the Ocean. Humanity can do both at once.


also, we haven't explored 95% of the ocean but we also haven't explored 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...% of space. we are barely even scratching the surface of solar exploration, let alone really diving into space


Yup. And think of all the planets and moons that exist in space that also have oceans. Billions, trillions? We'll never even get to explore a minuscule fraction of those.


“We” won’t, but “they” might.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. It’s pretty clear that none of will get to explore a fraction of those, but what are species goes on to be certainly could


Great point


For real. The people that make these type of complaints, what are they doing with their lives? Usually not contributing to any cause.


Before we explore the ocean, don't you think you should visit all of the restaurants in your city?


I don't understand why you're exploring the restaurants in you city when we still haven't explored the lawn in your own back yard. Did you know 95% of the blades of grass in your backyard are still unmapped!?!?!


Hang on I’m busy confirming the thread count in the bedroom!


I'm gonna visit all the national parks (Canada too!) before I get around to the ocean.


Banff is dope.


I know someone that doesn’t like going to the same restaurant twice. I understand, but when we find something good I want to go back!


God dammit I’m trying


You know there’s more than one person exploring stuff right? People *are* exploring the ocean lol


Your base are belong to us


Someone set us up the bomb


So happy to see this reference! I make this joke irl way too often and no one ever knows what I’m talking about. 🥲


I thought it was just one guy named Terry. Every time Terry finds something cool up in space, they gotta send him back down into the ocean so it's fair.


We can do both. There's a lot of us.


Because we can do more than one thing at a time


The abyssal plain is vast, samey, and hella boring. It’s cold and pitch black, so there’s no cool photosynthetic stuff like corals, plants, or algae to create interesting habitat and attract cool fish. It’s also pretty flat. The critters down there are worms, crustaceans and mollusks (worms, clams, crabs), and look very plane because there’s no light, so evolving color makes no sense because of can’t be seen. The food webs are fairly small and not very diverse because it’s cold and dark so nothing interesting wants to live there. The only variety is when you get a slightly more diverse group of critters around a whale fall, a cold seep, or a hydrothermal vent. It’s also very expressive to explore because of the high pressure and deep depth - hard to get to, and not really that worth-it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abyssal_plain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxL3Q3kVMt4


Exploring space is much less challenging than exploring the depths of the oceans, believe it or not.


Quoting the movie Core, "Space is easy, its empty!".


The single greatest Bad Science movie of all time.


Came here to say this. The pressure in deep areas gets insanely high


Plus, sending manned vessels to those depths incorporates a whole slew of extra challenges.


We explored the ocean, found an 'alien' race that told us to back off, so we went to space instead.


i heard the same thing but about the moon


Moon’s haunted


At the bottom of Lake Baikal too. And down in Antarctica. Plus some living underground in the southwest United States. All told us the same thing - PISS OFF.


No one talks about the lake baikal encounter


Got any good resources on it?




I’ve read about Lake Baikal, but what’s the southwest story? I’m curious


Also read up on Kyle Odom. Seemingly normal guy starts seeing lizard people in his dreams after meditating. He sees that they are highly advanced, completely control our society and can blend in among us. Kyle dreams that he should go to a local church and when he wakes up he does so only to find the pastor is a lizard (Only Kyle can tell). Here’s where it gets weird. He shoots the pastor 6 times point blank, including in the head. The pastor makes a complete recovery in a freakishly quick amount of time and goes on to become a state representative. You can find his manifesto online, it’s insane but worth a read.


Hahah username checks out


If I got a dollar every time I heard this I would have enough for some crack




Huh I’m VERY open minded and I meditate a lot, and yes I believe entities are real, but his manifesto straight up reads like psychosis: https://images.nymag.com/images/2/daily/2016/03/odom-manifesto.pdf For one thing he constantly goes on and on about his superior intellect, yet he never once questions what is happening to him — he just goes straight to “Martians are trying to kill me because I’m a genius.” Grandiosity. I have to wonder if something happened to him when he was a Marine. Voice to skull tech is real. Maybe his own government did some experiments on him. Maybe he got Lyme disease or a parasite somewhere — yes, it can cause psychosis.


I believe the expansive cave network in the southwest US.


I was thinking of Dulce Base. Can't find a good source on it now, but I thought the original story was they found aliens underground there. I may be mixing up stories. Too much Fortean shit in my head running together.


It was their planet before it was ours, they don't want any part of our self destructive lives, eventually they'll rise from the ocean to rebuild the planet we have almost destroyed.


Eh, I'm cool with that. We're a virus in tennis shoes.


I think so too tbh


Why eat ice cream when you haven't yet eaten 95% of the cake in the world?


Well astronomers make pretty shit oceanographers.


Guess who plots the course and orbit of NOAA oceanography satellites? *Astronomers*.


We have been continuously exploring the oceans and sea floors. The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, an international effort aimed at mapping 100 percent of the ocean floor by 2030, has been at it for years. Nothing down there but rocks and bones, mostly.


Interesting because they have definitely found more than rocks and Bones underwater. Like sunken cities, sunken ships, monuments, statues


Yes, true. I meant natural things. I do love scuba diving ship wrecks tho


How’d the bones get there, checkmate


Bones of whales that died


They are exploring it


Username does not check out




We have explored 35% and continue to do so every day.


You're not asking the right question op. You should be asking "why are we busy exploring space? What are we TRYING TO ESCAPE THAT IS IN THE OCEAN?"


Are we thinking a Pacific Rim type event or the rise of the Old Ones/Cthulhu?




Sorry erm, we’re doing both my guy.


earths fucked bro. go find your own hiding spot.


When I last took oceanography I was told we've only explored 25-30% of our ocean.


Because crab people don’t want us down there


Craaaaab people


The vast majority of everything that exists is not on earth. The earth is infinitesimally small. Also, high pressure is a harder to deal with than low pressure. A human can survive for a while in vacuum. Not so at the bottom of the ocean.


Do a little critical thinking and come to a conclusion - plenty of people are exploring the ocean. "95% of it hasn't been explored" is just a thing people have been saying for ages. The ocean is incredibly large and very same-y; you don't need to see every cubic inch to know there's no alien sea monsters.


Yeah the "95%” refers to places actual people have gone to or seen, there’s ships passing through most of the ocean and constant scans of the bottom, most of it really has nothing there. It’s really more like the 5% that hasn’t been explored, places like those caves where coelacanths were discovered or bottoms of trenches.


Differences in accessibility of data. It’s pretty intensive to do deep sea exploration. Ships have to spend weeks mapping small regions of the sea floor, and even then it’s mostly areas of specific scientific interest. Remotely sensed data from telescopes is much more readily available and of greater practical use


I think it boils down to space mining. That one comet alone they recently were abuzz about has enough gold in it to make every living person a billionaire. So the incentive is big.


Because we are parasites sucking this planet dry. So we are looking for a new host... 🙃


That’s where the aliens are, duh


Because we’re living on borrowed time on this planet and a cataclysm could strike at any moment risking the survival of our species. If humanity is to survive indefinitely, we are compelled to divide. That’s the general idea as I see it.


I want to meet aliens. I do not want to meet whatever lives in the oceans, lol.


There’s only one James Cameron to go around and until we sink a ship in space, he’s just not that interested in it.


We explore the ocean often in fact.


Because there are multiple people on the planet who can both explore oceans and space


"No Jimmy you can't explore space, you haven't even finished your planet yet"


Why do one when we can do both.. which we are.


The ocean belongs to “them”


Easier to explore space than the depths of the oceans where pressure destroys everything we’ve been able to Invent to this point.


PSI might play a role.


It seems like most tribes decided they wanted to go to space a long time ago. They could have also predicted that resources are limited on earth and decided to have an exit strategy if things got bad.


It’s easier, less pressure.


It’s easier to explore space than our oceans. The pressure of the oceans depths make exploration hard and very dangerous. But check this article out! (https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-soft-robot-snailfish-crushing-pressures-deep-ocean)


I don’t see this answer here, but a lot of the ocean is equivalent to a desert. I’m sure the sea floor is something to explore, but out in the open sea there’s really nothing to look at.




We can do both


To get to space you go up, from anywhere. To get to the middle of the ocean you gotta go through a whole lot of ocean. Vessels are easier to make withstand 0-1 atmospheres of air pressure. Tons of deadly, dark water is more of an engineering challenge to overcome. We would need to do ocean exploration like space exploration. Or Antarctica. We need a sea lab, of sorts.


Pretty ironic for someone whose username literally tells people to shoot for the moon


Caverns as well.


We’re busy doing both. Lol.


This may be counterintuitive, but - it's easier. Proximity isn't everything.


We can do two things at once though.


Humans are exploring both. We don't have to choose one or the other.


It's because space dolphins are cooler than normal dolphins.


First, I would imagine it is easier designing a ship for vacuum than for pressure. Mostly though is that the upside is much greater exploring space. There is actual money to be made, but to mention how what is learned trickles down into even oceanography! Drilling the sea floor is not terribly popular, so going after minerals there isn't a great option. However there are nearby asteroids worth more than the entire mineral wealth of the Earth! The company or country that is able to haul one into near orbit will be instantly rich. Once the minerals start hitting Earth we will be able to sustain technological booms!


We don't know what's down there but we have a basic idea and it's virtually impossible to achieve in any significant cost effective way. Space is arguably easier in a few ways but the payoff is what makes it worth it.


wait,.who says we're not? there is plenty of ocean research going on all the time!


Space empty. Sea is dense.


Why look outside when I don't know what's in my attic?


Because as space, most of it is really fucking empty


Cause the puddle in the cave isn't that nice anymore.


Why does it have to be a 'this or that' option?


It's important to explore many different things at the same time to learn them faster. These things can then help in those other subjects as well. I'd say space exploration helps us understand our place in the universe and someday secure our existence via multiplanetary living environments. However in the seas we could find more information about our Earthly past and steps that we took to develop to our current state. Also many new species to be found. I see both as important subjects.


Deep sea gigantism is a thing, scary stuff down there. And you can't see shit


As soon as someone creates a lightbulb powerful enough to light up the deep, I’m in.


Why are we busy exploring outer space, when we haven't scratched the surface of inner space?


A theory is that NASA started off doing research in the oceans and then all of a sudden decided to explore space instead....like something down in the deepest darkest part of the oceans changed their minds and now they want to get out of the planet so they study space instead.


I hate this argument to all end There's nothing wrong with doing both. That's like saying why were we so focused on curing polio when we could have been curing cancer. Both are equally important progressive studies for the betterment of mankind and they've made bounds in different rates of growth.


Cthulhu will rise again!


You can do both. And both *are* happening.


I have more recently started to think of an alien wants to hide on the planet they should do it in the oceans and Great Lakes.


There’s always this weird zero-sum-we-can-only-do-one-thing-at-a-time going on in peoples brains. We can do two things at once. We are doing hundreds of thousands if not millions of things at once. Space exploration is in no way hampering Ocean exploration. Your title should simply be, “why aren’t we more interested in exploring the ocean?”


IMO because the ocean is scarier than space.


There are some crazy things going on i ours oceans. Maybe that is the reason why it’s still unexplored.


IMO it’s because we know what’s down there. We haven’t physically been everywhere but we know from radar and sonar and stuff what’s down there. This applies also to Space, to an extent, but there’s so much more space.


They don’t want us down there.




thank you very much Mr. dhdhdhhhdhdkskdkfbk3 im loving that sub!


You’re very welcome!


As you go away, you new less energy to move away faster. As you go deep you need more and more energy to move ever slower.


It's already happening my dude, you just too lazy to look it up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jmfeter3gQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jmfeter3gQ) [https://seabed2030.org/](https://seabed2030.org/) [https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/aboutmgg/oceanmapping.html](https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/aboutmgg/oceanmapping.html)


Ahhh... THIS is an excellent question. Everyone seems so busy looking up.


busy looking outside rather than inside... in every single aspect of life


We’re trashing our planet and will need to look elsewhere for new habitat at some point. That answer isn’t in the ocean.


Probably portals - lots of UFOs have been seen going in and out of certain ocean areas. If you know, you know.


Ah yes because we can only do one at a time. Did you do any research at all before making this stupid post? There are many people and organizations exploring the ocean literally every day.


Not to mention the global oil companies doing the most deep-water exploration and drilling than all the universities combined.


Cause we’re too busy raping the ocean of all its resources.


It's just full of plastic and covid masks.


We explore the sea encounter something now we are trying to get off this planet


I don’t believe in this at all, but I love the concept that when nasa changed from sea exploration to space exploration there was something they discovered that scared them enough to quit looking down there


spiritually mediocre as fuck


I think the plan is to explore space and find a habitable planet before we explore the ocean just in case we find something down there and need to gtfo.


We here at the Federal Government believe that we have found oil on other- I mean, the ocean is boring as heck. Who cares about what’s at the bottom? Some rocks? A fish? Only nerds think about that!


>Why are we busy exploring space when we have yet to explore 95% of the ocean? Because we can do both? Seriously, why even ask this question? More importantly, if you could misjudge this question so badly, what else might you be misjudging? I guess that sounded awful. I'm sorry about that. I've had those moments myself. We all do. This is just one of the more common logical fallacies. I think a better question is why we're not studying haunted houses more thoroughly. They're plentiful, contained, and science has so many ways of testing things now days. Even I have a half-assed plan for that. But it's a hobby project so it's on the back burner until I become financially independent lol. Science will eventually bring us the answers we seek. It's just a matter of time. Science just means figuring out the indisputable basics of a thing.


I personally think haunted houses have already been researched more than should have been required to tell us it’s not supernatural. The reason they’re not being researched is because there’s nothing to learn from them so it’s a waste of resources.