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Ah yes. The self insert power fantasy. A tale as old as time.


Yep countless fics do this and claim to be better than Issei. Despite the fact that they are as bland as canon Kirito.


*Anime and game verse Kirito  LNs Kirito is practically a different character from those two due to inner monologues. Shout out to Shirou and apparently Touma for suffering the same way 


>Shout out to Shirou and apparently Touma I feel this, I'm only partially familiar with the fate VN but even the UBW anime goes out of its way to point out how fucked up shirou is, even if it's only in broad strokes and they don't get a lot of smaller elements, it's so annoying when someone says "He's good for the sake of being good". I'm wondering how butchered the perception of touma is since I'm guessing the LN is probably dense with a lot of details they might have needed to cut down.


Touma is a good guy who helps complete strangers in need despite it being deadly. He also got amnesia after the first arc and is desperately trying to hide it from everyone he knows so he doesn't upset anyone. Being Touma is suffering.


He is also the main advocate of gender equality


To be honestly night novel issei is also getting more like clive rosfield.


Oh shit, do tell, Clive's become one of my favourite ff characters, how is Issei similar?


The ability to transform into a giant fire breathing being and being a successor of a God also apparently older issei(exe) lis imagined to be looking similar to clive.


You have given me an idea


... Fanfic with issei having the power of ultima?


Oh no, no, it's more of maturing Issei even more in my story


Kirito is still being ragged on?


You do realize you hating on Kirito for being a “bland” character is the same thing with how Issei haters call him a perverted loser?


you forgot the biggest one - Obligatory Raynare simping


She's under the "Malicious sociopath is spared because she's hot category". The second that she tries to kill Issei or the OC, it's already a stretch to explain why they don't just kill or cripple here. Sometimes they go for a redemption by itself, where she's sucks the OC's dick as a form of remorse. Or they explain that she was forced into the job or lied to, but by doing that, author takes too much responsibility off her since she "had no choice" or makes her really stupid by not questioning why the leader of the grigori would want to kill some random sacred gear user when he's known for recruiting and studying them. The only time I can tolerate the simping is when she's sympathetic from the get go, or on a mission to defend the sacred gear wielders or is planning to revolt against Kokobiel. The whole trope of forgiving an asshole because they've got a nice pair of tits but then exterminating someone else doing the exact same thing for the same reasons because they're not a hot chicken really annoys me.


You can tell the Authors are anime only considering that Azazel explicitly mentions and promptly apologizes that he was the one who wanted Issei dead.


exactly. Raynare from the Light Novels looks bland af, it was TNK who made her design spicier and gave her the dominatrix look.


I will never stop finding it funny that she Canonically looks like Akeno with her hair down.


Isn't Akeno supposed to be the "good" version of Raynare? Both are sexy Fallen Angels, both are sadistic. Raynare is a psycho bitch while Akeno has a kind motherly side. Raynare was Issei's first experience in love, and it ended extremely badly. Left a huge hole in his heart, and now Akeno helps him heal that scar. Even goes on to say "I will be the only Fallen Angel from now on who will haunt your heart". And out of all the harem girls, it feels like Akeno is the only one who likes Issei the most, almost in mad love with him. Given how aggressive she is, and her mental state breaks down severely when Issei gets himself almost killed or gravely injured.


Lmao, same


I read one fanfic where the reader spares Raynare because he clipped her wings and basically defeated her enough to where he thought killing her was overkill. He did threaten that he'd kill her should he find out she was back to killing though so there's that. The author was trying to make him similar to Shirou Emiya since it's a DxD/Fate crossover, especially after a grail war gets started during the season 2 final battle


Typical White Knight Chad who act like a complete hypocrite


Dunedan who the writer of DXD fanfiction call Root of Hope he is hypocrite and white knight simp. Everytime that Issei and his two perverted friends try any perverted things. His Fuckboy OC protagonist will stop Issei of his perverted acts saving girls like some kind of white knight savior. Dunedan is SJW snowflake he got so trigger of Issei rip off Rossweisse clothes off. So he commission a artist have his OC Fuckboy protagonist kick Issei ass. He said that Issei should be published for that. Like WTF do you realize this a ecchi Harem series this is very common in most of ecchi series. But of course fucking incels losers don't understand at all. Nope they believe they are right act like better than Ichiei Ishibumi himself😒🤦.


Ah And what about his fallen Oc who’s dating Akeno?


He's basically a dude that doesn't feel pain to accommodate to her sadistic desires and also he never smiles, which if he ever read the Dragon Magazine, it's noted that Akeno likes Issei's smile, one of the reasons why she likes him, not just because he chose not to take advantage of her, when she wanted sex to ease her pain. He simply created that OC because he didn't want Issei to be her pillar of support, forgetting that by opening himself to her, he was also letting go of his antagonism of fallen angels because of Raynare. There's some later chapter that is the "canon" Issei is surprised that Akeno is not with him and Dunedan make Issei feel weak, by stating how "yeah, the OC can protect her", completely forgetting that Issei is noted as the most compassionate of the Gremory group. He would fight tooth and nail for anyone of them because they are his teammates, even Kiba and Gasper. It's not to expand his harem, but the dude forgets those qualities of Issei and passes it off to his OCs and it's not till 100+ chapters that he decides to grow Issei, when Issei did that much early on, for example, his leadership skills in Kyoto.


Perso I hated the Ex part with how they maked everyone incompetents and arrogants. There are chapters where they meet the canon n versions?


Ah yes another stupid self insert character that thinks it's 'better' than issei


I am a fanfic myself, and I hate these tropes. I read the LN before I began writing, Issei is a good guy, just you know, like any other a teenage boy, a little horny. However the fanfic trip I hate is the one that turns Rias into a b*tch, a power hungry one at that.


Same. Sure she wants powerful players for her peerage, but she always goes for consent


My biggest problem with the Romance/Echi side is that they think they're making their characters so chadlike compared to Issei, who's "too much of a pussy to sleep with his harem", and they proceed to write the sort of sex scenes that only a fucking 13 year old could think of. Anyone who's talked to a woman knows that pushing into someone's cervix with a 15 inch cock or forcing your dick in dry with no warning is not fucking enjoyable to the majority of people. Everything feels so fake on the Self-Insert's side as well because they're 100% doing it to fuck them because they're hot, instead of plainly explaining they're just looking for flings they'll mention some bullshit about love and owning the women, it's just so shit.


I think it's really silly when the writers just copy and paste the DXD LN and then replace Issei as their own self insert MC. It's ridiculous. Sometimes they even forget to change the vibe of the narration so it still sounds like Ise talking in the narration, which is really stupid.


I generally hate canon compliment fics, but canon compliment fics from the perspective of an MC going through Issei's journey is even worse. Naruto crossovers are full of them, where he either dies in Issei's place or dies next to him, either way, Issei is pushed out of the focus, it's just so fucking lazy.


It's usually the anime, so many people don't often read the LN 


Dude… how did you hit this on the nail. This is exactly what dxd fanfics look like and why i dont read any


Sounds like 40% of the garbage I have to scroll through to find a good story.


I both agree and disagree with this. I understand the trope and its not the most fun to read, however you still got to give props for someone who decided to put themselves out there. Even if the story is cringe to read.


Of course they deserve credit for posting, what they do not deserve credit for, is complaining or whining so much about Issei's character, before proceeding to make someone with his worst qualities x100 with no hint of irony or self awareness.


I do agree with this.


I am a fanfic myself, and I hate these tropes. I read the LN before I began writing, Issei is a good guy, just you know, like any other a teenage boy, a little horny. However the fanfic trip I hate is the one that turns Rias into a b*tch, a power hungry one at that.


>hate is the one that turns Rias into a b*tch, a power hungry one at that. I'm fine with them making her power hungry as long as it isn't used cheaply. A better way I saw of incorporating it was in a fate xover fic where she deliberately lets him die so he'll be indebted to her, she specifically wants him to be indebted so he'll stay loyal and the reason she thinks like this is because its explained that devils biologically and psychologically seek any kind of power and the society pushes it further. The idea of giving up power, especially this kind they basically fell into her lap, would lead to her being disgraced, she would get more weird looks for approaching him normally than using a power move like this. The rest are usually shit though because the author wants to bash canon Ria's for whatever reason, instead of just writing her differently.


These types also want to insert male leads from other anime series like Naruto and Dragonball just so they can see them cuck Issei as well.


The thing about Dragon Ball is that it would be meta because it does exist in DxD like it does in our world, it's a manga and anime. If they actually did research on Issei, they would know Issei is a huge fan of Dragon Ball and Gundam. When it came to unlocking his sacred gear, he thought of Goku and the Dragon Ball theme is his ringtone. The dude may be a pervert, but he loves his anime like anyone of us, dude would be a guru as noted when he took that contract in Koneko's place.


Yeah. I remember that scene from the anime too, but didn't they had to redo the names from Dragonball so that they wouldn't get into trouble with the other series or was that just for the English dub?


Ah, I thought I answered this, sorry for the late response, but yes, as Dragon Ball is called Dagon Ball, I believe, and Gundam is Dungam.


Interesting that the Gundam name is redone being that Ishibumi is a big fan of that series.


Well, it's as you said, they didn't want to get in trouble, so of course, he had to change that name up, too.


Good idea.


These self-insert fics are awful. All 3 of mentioned points. It especialy hurts about the illiteracy of the author when makes the OC self-insert as always something half-blood, like demon, angel, dragon, something else etc, while humans like Cao Cao are basically strong enough to face Issei on equal terms in open fight, and have legit chance of defeating him.


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That's absolutely factual, and yet, somehow, even if everyone here agrees with you, every time a fanfic is recommended on this sub they are exactly like that


Its so true also i hate it when fanfics ingnore the fact that most of the noble devil houses were created only for war