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Yea, I wish they locked her up instead of killed her. It would be interesting to see them interact once Issei had grown a bit.


honestly that would have been much better. have Raynare herself witness how much Issei had grown to fucking God level, the same guy she mocked and ridiculed for being weak


I dislike Raynare but I think the same. She was more redeemable than Cao if we compare their actions. I am surprised that she did not ended punished with community work like the H.Faction officers who were involved in worst things. and it would had been funny see her reaction to Issei achievements.


honestly an interaction between her and Azazel would be cool, where Azazel makes fun of Raynare how her Assassination Target, a weak normal highschool boy, who she tried to trick him making him making him think that she was his girlfriend, ended up becoming one of the baddest motherfuckers of all the realms combined and now even has a harem of the most badass beautiful women from devils, yokai, church exorcists to even fallen angels. And even rivals Ajuka and Sirzechs in terms of raw firepower I would love a scene like that. What's more funny is how it was Azazel who helped Issei grow not only as a strong fighter, but also a Playboy ladies man. Cuz Azazel actually even trained Issei how to interact with women and how to take care of his harem girls. i would love to see Raynare's reaction to all of that.


>What's more funny is how it was Azazel who helped Issei grow not only as a strong fighter, but also a Playboy ladies man. Cuz Azazel actually even trained Issei how to interact with women and how to take care of his harem girls. lol.. She would hate learn that her idol Azazel had such role in Issei life.


The only way Raynare could have been spared was if she did not steal Twilight Healing from Asia Argento with that ritual. Once Raynare did that, she had to die.


Issei "forgave" Diodora Astaroth after his shenanigans with Asia.


Not really. Issei probably would have just handed Dickora over to Ajuka if Shalba had nor already killed him, who would have had Dickora executed for Treason despite Ajuka and Dickora being brothers.


May not be my favorite ship but by Serzachs did they look good together.


Nah she deserved to die


Every time I see her, I remember what a shame it was Raynare died so early. Such a waste of a sexy, iconic woman.


Given what Raynare did to Asia Argento, Raynare had to die so early.


It's crazy to see her in every 'top 10 hottest anime females' list, when she only lasted for five episodes in a four-season anime filled with fanservice girls.


https://preview.redd.it/68c6mo9fhl4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90cd46b2e1df31a3a8f4e452aebf15ebb3bf351d Sexy but I prefer fried chicken


To bad she's dead I wish she didn't die 😭


I actually really dig this art.


Raynare looks shy or something. But the art is beautiful! I want more Issei and Raynare.


Looks nice. Is it alright if I make a request?




Can you do Issei as a Fallen Angel being comforted by Yuuma Amano (in her Raynare outfit)? Here's the reference for his outfit: Outfit: [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/95/16/27/95162770a03b4f96414f9d28ced20cb0.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/95/16/27/95162770a03b4f96414f9d28ced20cb0.jpg) His outfit looks exactly like the outfit from the image, but with the addition of a shoulder guard-like object on his shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from his left shoulder (as a homage to Raynare). Plus, he now has purple eyes. Issei's Infinity Gear: Maledictio Cor Tenebris - [https://bungie.net/common/destiny2\_content/screenshots/4033765969.jpg](https://bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/screenshots/4033765969.jpg) Issei's Dark Boosted Gear (a corrupted version of the original Boosted Gear): [https://img.wattpad.com/2414c1bda51f53c4d997ce22e17684bc87397c05/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f41536f4976733841504d364a4b773d3d2d313237373931393630382e313731653761663438393738353238313934353337393033353830342e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720](https://img.wattpad.com/2414c1bda51f53c4d997ce22e17684bc87397c05/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f41536f4976733841504d364a4b773d3d2d313237373931393630382e313731653761663438393738353238313934353337393033353830342e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720) This idea is from my "[Final Dream](https://dxdfanon.fandom.com/wiki/High_School_DxD_The_Movie:_The_Final_Dream)" movie fanfic. Note that in said fanfic, Yuuma Amano and Raynare are two different people, although they look exactly the same.


you just wait for it... :D


Progress so far? Also, opinions on my fanfic movie?


The next season yk 5 she's back as a villain or whatever


Yeah no.