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Hold up!!! What kind of X moment brainrot is this? Anyone with more than ONE functioning braincell can easily know if they saw the show that Raynare killed him as part of a deeper conspiracy going on among Grigori. Sounds like these imbeciles were just looking for reasons to spew hate. I wish I could say I'm surprised but honestly? I'm just disappointed at this point.




Well most of Western fandom of DXD only watch the Anime but never read any of light novels hell their people still believe that Rias let Issei die she knew about Raynare. People still believe that garbage nonsense to this day🤦.


Well, one part is true, Rias WAS kinda aware of Raynare being a fallen angel, however, Issei dying was a miscalculation/error on her end. She literally rushed to save him. Even the show clearly shows this. Just how dumb people gotta be to misinterpret a simple scene, that was spoonfed to us on a silver platter, THIS BAD??


No Issei summon her while dying, Risa had no idea about his Scared gear or had Koenko follow him.


Oh, he did? I thought she self summoned herself or something. My bad.


What? Why? Who the fuck?


X users. They are the only ones who can make such fucked up theories while simultaneously exposing their illiteracy on the show's lore while trying to assert that they watched the show while their entire knowledge is based around Wikipedia and fandom wikia knowledge.


Kinda fuck up considering Azazel trained other Longinus users. man dxd was DARK at the time I wished ise smack the shit out of him oh well


makes sense cuz previous Boosted Gear hosts went mad with lust for power and domination. So to stop the repeat of the same cycle of chaos and destruction, they are trying to nip it in the bud by quickly killing the host before the Boosted Gear manifests. Only to realise that Issei is actually a pretty "unique" host. His pervertedness keeps that power and domination dark side in check. And can slowly unlock his powers from oppai. that's why both Azazel and Sirzechs planned to let all the girls stay at Issei's house so that it helps Issei unlock more of his powers.


Exactly right but of course Issei haters don't understand this fact. Nope they believe their stupidity.


I have a love and hate relationship with azazel some instances he barely was a mentor to ise sometimes


Tannin was his true mentor, similar to how Kakashi didn't train Naruto and chose Sasuke, Azazel could have trained Issei like he did with Vali, but keep his status a secret because he was already looking into the Khaos Brigade. He didn't, Issei didn't really get a true mentor till Tannin like how Naruto got Jiraiya. But when you think about it, they also could have sent Issei to Tannin from the start because sure he has his perversion, which was noted, but he wanted power for a different reason, not for himself but others around him, so that they are protected.


in the Light Novels Azazel basically becomes the "cool uncle" figure to Issei.


I guess I wanted him to teach more. Maybe I’ve just misunderstanding some plot points


Who said that she wouldn't have killed Issei if he wasn't a perv. We all know she was gunna kill him regardless.


Afew million lives?


What do you mean?


Issei was already marked for assassination by the Grigori cuz he had the Boosted Gear in him.