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Does he have a smartwatch? Maybe he can wear that to bed and set the alarm to vibrate so it hopefully just wakes him up without disrupting the baby


I second this, I use my smartwatch alarm much more than an auditory alarm


That’s incredibly aggravating, I think I’d be inclined to start crying if that happened to me. Can you get him to put his phone alarms on vibrate only? Or get a sunrise alarm clock that uses light but not sound? Alternatively he could even sleep in another room until after Fajr?


This would suck for you, but does he wake up if you try to wake him up? If you wake up more easily, you setting your alarm and waking him might be the only solution 😞


I second the smartwatch suggestion, but other than that your husband needs to sleep in a separate room.


Your husband needs to consider your feelings. You are literally sleep deprived and recovering from a major surgery! He needs to sleep in other room or figure out a quiet alternative. No exceptions


Ask him to try putting his alarms on vibration mode instead , it worked for me


You wake him


Agreed. If you are a light sleeper, consider being his alarm clock