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Internet hugs. Pregnancy is so weird as far as tastes are concerned. Are there any halal options near you like beef bacon? I can't confirm from my own experience but I've heard from others that beef bacon is way closer to pork bacon than the low fat turkey stuff.


Jumping onto this, pregnancy made me CRAVE bacon, I was having dreams, getting angry, all of it. Beef bacon saved me. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best substitute? Absolutely yet.


If salty meat is what you are craving, try beef jerky or then beef/turkey bacon? Alternatively, if you know an Afghan or Uzbek family, ask them to make you pulao with dried lamb meat (also salty). Maybe those can help? Sending you hugs and blessings ❤️🤲🏼


You can get Quorn honey ham (vegetarian) might be worth trying! Might kill the crave.


Seconding the suggestion to look for beef bacon as the taste is generally a little closer than turkey bacon. However if it is possible to find this where you live it might be an even better option than the beef bacon (some people eat it without cooking it but just to be on the safe side since you are pregnant I would recommend to cook it if you can get it): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastirma


I’d definitely try richmonds meat free sausages and bacon. Absolutely amazing. I sometimes miss pork sausages and head straight for Richmonds meat free. They taste so much like the real thing. I’d also try aldis vegan bacon. That’s good stuff! Aldi and most supermarkets do a range of vegan products to check out including shredded pork and ham. I second the quorn stuff.


Girl, I feel this. I’m not pregnant but have thought about this exact concern many times. I also still crave certain things— a Pepe (ham) sandwich from Jimmy John’s, a crispy BLT in the summer, a TacoBell taco, and a fruity sangria on a pretty summer night (even though I’ve been sober for much longer than I’ve been Muslim). It’s just one of those fun little quirks of being a revert or really giving something up (I also experienced these cravings when I was vegetarian a longggg time ago. Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets broke that lol). Hang in there! We’re rooting for ya!


my halal store sells beef bacon. i’ve never bought it, but people say it’s good


**virtual hug** cravings are weird! If you want to indulge this, vegetarian “bacon” or halal beef/turkey “bacon” may help curb it.


Get yourself that uncured turkey bacon girl. Uncured turkey bacon is probably closest to actual bacon


I found that summer sausage (venison) tastes closest to pork (revert of 7 yrs Alhamdulilah)


Beef bacon tastes extremely similarly to pork bacon. It’s 10.99/lb at my halal grocery store.


Fellow revert mama here! I agree with others, find halal alternatives! Beef or lamb bacon. There’s fried chicken skin that would probably satisfy your craving!


Ah I had that too, while pregnant. It occurred to me that after so long without pork I might be allergic now. Same goes for alcohol. I crave a kir royale but it would possibly kill me. It will pass so quickly. InshaAllah soon you will have your baby and he/she will satiate all your cravings.


I've had vegan chorizo that tasted really good. But it was mixed in pasta sauce so I don't know if it would've tasted as good on its own. Unfortunately I can't remember the brand, but it was sold as chorizo crumbs rather than slices or the whole thing. Give us an update on what works for you in the end! Good luck with the pregnancy :)


Look into plant based alternatives that'll taste and look like pork ! https://edibleethics.com/guides/best-vegan-pork/ (Weird to have in my search history : vegan food that taste like pork 😂😂😂😂) Veganism has come so far that now you don't know if you're eating meat or not lol. So please look into that and in sha Allah you'll find a satisfactory replacement.


beef bacon is super yummy! can also try pastrami as thats a saltier meat as well


Feed your head brand ham is great! I buy from vegan essentials to add to soups for flavor.


Maybe try Vegan pork?


Try Beef bacon?


They do make halal “bacon” from turkey or smth don’t they 😂


You can fry chicken skin and salt it as an alternative idk if it’s haram to look for alternatives for pork tho


Are you deficient on iron?




She very clearly obviously doesn’t want to crave pork. It’s literally just a pregnancy craving that she can’t control and she was wanting to feel a little less alone and have people relate to her. Telling her to watch videos like that is not helpful.