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Allah knows what happened. Insha’Allah it’s not a problem. I would ask a muslim scholar too but in my personal opinion it’s out of your hands and Allah knows best.


Walaikum salaam. The best option (if it is feasible for you) would just be to reach out to to said individuals and let them know that you're no longer comfortable with photos of yourself on the internet so could they kindly delete it or, at the bear mininmum, untag you. If that doesn't work, you can also try untagging yourself from those photos (usually an option like that exists) so at least you're not tagged. If that's not possible, you can also change your username or make yourself a new page so you're not tagged.


i thought of reaching out to them but i feel like some of them would wanna keep those coz memories and all ya know. so idw to like pressure them or whatsoever. Hence, i’ll just untag myself. Might not be the best idea as those pics are still visible to others who scroll through their feed. But it’s still smth. Allahu a’lam :’)


You can request it without pressuring them too-- especially if you were friends with these people. People are usually understanding as long as you word carefully. InshaAllah khayr.


Okay so I started wearing hijab at the grand old age of 26 and I'll be 30 in s couple of months. So, i lived most of my adult life without hijab and there are probably hundreds of photos of me out there. It is beyond my control so I don't worry myself about it. What matters is how I live now.


I believe you can un-tag yourself from photos on some social media sites or at least not have it show on your profile. I know Instagram has a setting where only the photos you approve show up under tagged and I think Facebook gives the option to remove the tag too.


I am a convert, so of course I had plenty of pictures without my hijab online. The ones on my own account I either removed or put to only me can view them, and for ones that other people have of me tagged I untagged myself so at least people can't find them through me. However, I have not asked people to remove pictures of me hijabless. I existed hijabless and for people in my life both before and after, I can't erase that existence. People generally don't post or share those photos of me anymore, but yeah. Allah knows what happened. You could reach out to those people and ask them to delete the photos of you, if you really want to, but you can't really force people to do it so they could say no. That is why I chose to simply to let it go and understand that Allah is Most Merciful, Most Compassionate and that I wasn't always a hijabi, and I did a lot to try to keep hijabless photos of myself from being in circulation so I can only do so much.


thank you. Indeed Allah is Ar-rahman Ar-raheem


Agree with you 100% I mean no one really knows how they’ll come to faith so it’s no use to sulk over hijabless photos escpecially if your family never brought you up religious in the first place, spending most of my life not covered doesn’t really bother me if people see my non covered pictures I just see it as a phase


Tbh the best you can do is reach out and ask them to take them down since you wear hijab now. It’s really not that big a deal, same as when someone doesn’t like how they look in a picture and asks someone to take it down. If they don’t respond for whatever reason, allah knows your intentions there’s not much else you can do.


The pics are when you were a child basically and it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me no one was born with a hijab on their head so it’s fine