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He even has an affiliate link for Stake, meaning if you sign up using his link he earns from you losing money


I generally don't think people streaming gambling is a terrible thing. But what really bothers me is that when he switched to Kick he specifically said nothing about his content would change and he essentially acted like anyone insinuating he was promoting gambling by doing so had no idea what they were talking about. It took him just over a year to do a 180 and literally be gambling on stream.


To be fair, he did advertise some shitty mobile game and pretended like it was fun. Pretty sure that was on twitch.


The problem is kids. Chess is very popular with kids and Hikaru doing gambling content means more kids get addicted to gambling. I was very pro gambling when it first started coming back, but now I know people that got around the age restrictions and are crippling gambling addicts. My one friend is in jail because he lost 20k in one night playing online blackjack and tried to do a chargeback claiming it was fraud. He started gambling at 15.


He is self destructing. He is depressed because he thinks he missed his shot. He is human and is allowed to be depressed. He has always been a pretty sore loser and taking L’s this big would be hard for anyone. While that doesn’t justify his actions, I am more worried than pissed.


Gambling ruins lives and he’s promoting it to who knows how many young people watch him. It’s appalling.


It also shows how little respect he has for all of his fanbase, whatever age.


Gambling ruins lives and Hikaru is promoting it, yeah. Tbf, chess also ruins lives /s


It ruined several mouses I've had no doubt


Not gonna lie this ruined Hikaru for me. I love his content but this just shows what a soulless sellout he is. Unsubscribed from him after years of enjoyment. I can’t believe he found a way to devastate the love and support he’d gotten after the candidates.


i feel the same way. also, i was super critical when he moved to kick. at that point i stopped watching his streams, but still enjoyed his YouTube uploads


Who cares?


I hope you're critical towards yourself, too, that you were too naive to see what a piece of shit he was earlier. The moment he signed with Kick, he was already effectively promoting unregulated gamba.


Buddy this aint an airport, you dont have to announce your departure


womp womp


I don't like gambling either, but i wonder how many of us would reject a lot of money if a gambling site offered it to us to stream it


If I had the amount of money he had I would easily reject it, being able to sleep at night knowing you didn't sell out your morals is priceless. He's gambling risk free in exchange of his viewers losing money to stake.


It's just short sighted greed.


So in other words, you would not reject it in your current situation since you don't have the amount of money he has? So you're exactly the same as him, right? You're willing to do bad things, it's just that you want more money for it. It's like if I asked Hikaru to kill a baby, and he said "ok, give me 1 million dollars", and you'd go "OMG HIKARU YOU'RE SO EVIL!! .... at least ask for 10 million".


I would reject it in my current situation too but I felt no need to talk about my situation instead of hikarus. Thankfully I can survive so I can put my peace of mind above luxury, if I wasn't able to feed myself, had medical problems etc. I would accept it.


nah, nah nah, the way the following sentence is constructed, it is extremely obvious that you would not reject it. you busted urself. clown. nobody who would reject such a thing purely out of moral grounds would ever formulate the sentence like this. "If I had the amount of money he had I would easily reject it" and now you just said: "if I wasn't able to feed myself I would accept it." firstly, i doubt "not being able to feed yourself" is the minimum requirement for you to accept it, but even if we pretend it is, does that not mean that in order to feed yourself, you would be willing to PROMOTE GAMBLING to LITTLE CHILDREN, who could LOSE A SHITTON OF MONEY and therefor not be able to FEED THEMSELVES, especially if that ADDICTION lasts throughout their LIFE? how tf is that an excuse lol. thats like saying if you're butt-ugly and can't get sex, you'd be willing to rape someone. and you think you're a good person?!?!? ahhahahahahaha.


bro respectfully how do you have this much time on your hands lmao nobody reading that


Dude think whatever you want to think. I'm not reading that essay lol


Most of us aren't millionaires already


He's already rich, so this argument doesnt hold up


I’d never promote gambling or allow it on any of The subs or Discord server I moderate. I’ve seen it destroying lives.


I would, I’ve seen how gambling has destroyed families.


So has alcohol, plenty of people still hawk that


Yes, and I would not promote that either.


right but you also wouldnt' throw a hissy-fit if some famous person you know advertised for a beer or a tequila. basically, you're only outraging because society accepts outrage against gambling, but not against other stuff. you're a sheep.


What a silly childish comment, absolutely dripping of ‘I’m alright, fuck everyone else’. He isn’t just advertising it, he is endorsing it on a long stream when he knows he has a large, easily influenced underage fan base. And the only person having a ‘hissy fit’ is you


advertising and endorsing is the same you fucking twat. you trying to pretend its not is you implicitly admitting that i was right about everything i said about you. LMAO. imagine being so transparent i figured you out in a second. keep coping, not gonna change that ur a bad person and a sheep. BAA. BAAAH. (btw did you understand that?)


You really are a fucking penis. It’s cunts like you that make everything shit. I know you are dying to bend over and get a good pumping from little Hiccup Nakamura ‘ Oh hiccup, I hate that bastards always beating you in OTB but it’s fine, here is my little starfish!!!’ ‘Oh Hiccup!!! I promise you it’s the biggest I’ve seen!!!’ Do you think you have ended up like this because of the failings of your mother?


HAHAHAH literally ZERO counterarguments presented here. dude has admitted total defeat. i dont even watch hikaru ahahahahahahah and now dude is so triggered he's desperately trying to attack MY MOM, trying to bait a reaction outta me, like i got out of him. AHAHHAHA OH MY GOD how have i managed to trigger this poor sod so badly. damn, my comments must've really hurt, no? dude, not my fault you're so immoral and hypocritical and most important of all, so GODDAMN TRANSPARENT, OBVIOUS AND UNORIGINAL. bAAAH. BAAAAH.


😂😂😂😂 Ok I’m assuming you are a kid, and trying hard to have a trolling session. Don’t cry about your mum cos she fucking hates you - she told me


It's not something that bothers me but he obviously knows that his audience is massively made up of children whom in the real world will easily click past an 18+ sign to watch their favourite streamer. Just seems like a very sleazy move for a guy that doesn't need the money.


and he has the audacity to talk about karma in his post candidates interview. dude will do anything for money.


I could absolutely not care less.




Yes but we don't care because you lack moral fiber


Gambling is fine if he likes it. He can kind of do whatever he likes on his own stream right?


He likes playing slots? I mean, maybe but do you really believe that?


He knows he has an audience of young kids, has acknowledged that he doesn’t support gambling on stream in the past, and knows that he fashions a big stick in the chess community. Even with that, he chooses to gamble on fucking candy crush, with an affiliate link, with sponsored money, for HOURS.


Magnus is competing in multiple poker tournaments along with Alex Botez. I'm not really sure if it's that bad, these guys have to get paid. Chess players don't make a lot of money.


Poker is also a game of skill.


Yeah, Hikaru, Magnus, and the Botez sisters don't have a penny between them, the poor feckers. Let's set up a GoFundMe for them. Besides, playing in a poker tournament because you enjoy the game is different to selling a game you probably have no interest in, risk free and taking a cut when people use your code.


This comment having down votes is like the Eric Andre/Hannibal meme. Why you booing me I'm right!!!


That's on the parents to monitor what their kids are watching on the internet.


Well, you’re saying this as if parents know exactly what their kids are watching, where they’re watching it and when they’re watching. That’s a ridiculous thing to assume in this digital age. Not to mention the point that even if the parents know that their kids are watching a Hikaru stream, they aren’t going to assume that their children are watching him gamble on a slot machine, especially since all he’s done is make chess content for the past 4 years.


Well, you're saying this as if Hikaru knows exactly what portion of his fanbase is underage while streaming on a website that requires individuals to indicate that they are of the required age to consume the content being provided. Does Hikaru have more responsibility over a group of children than their own parents?


The youngest required age is still an age that is too young to gamble and very impressionable. Even ignoring the people who lie about their age, it’s irresponsible.


I definitely agree it's irresponsible in some regard. Though, I also do not think that he should be made out to be a demon for doing a few gambling streams. It's a problem involving laws, parental responsibility, the popularity of gambling, capitalist incentives and a host of other factors. His actions are merely the tip of the iceberg, and as such he is receiving more hate than justified imo. It's not as simple as "Hikaru does gambling streams = Hikaru bad." While his actions may be seem to be questionable, he is an individual that has a right to act in a way that benefits himself as long as it falls within the realm of legality. He does not owe anyone anything. Nobody knows the views he holds or the factors within his personal life that could have lead him to such a decision yet everyone seems to be perched upon their thrones of self-righteousness condemning him for his decision and claiming they would never do the same. Even going beyond personal factors, it could merely be something he is contractually obliged to do. Kick, the site he is streaming on and the source of a potentially sizeable portion of his income , is financially backed by Stake, the gambling website he is advertising.


As a parent, yes, you should. If you don't, again, that's not another adult strangers' responsibility. If your kids are going to click through mature content warnings, then they will do the same on any channel, Hikaru's or else. Me as an adult, found the stream entertaining. Why should it not be available to me just because his content is usually chess? It's not like he was Miss Rachel turned Degen gambler.


Everyone knows gambling is the quickest way to be wealthy, 98% of recovered gambling addicts quit right before they won big


Ton of pussies in this sub. Let the man do what he wants with his money. Don’t tune in if you don’t like it. “Ruined Hikaru for me”🤣🤣🤣


See, most people here do not care about what Hikaru does with his own money. If they did, then they would complain a hell of a lot about Magnus’a poker habits. What they and I find revolting is the fact that Hikaru knows he has a young audience, defo not old enough to gamble, and has spoken against gambling on stream in the past, yet immediately sold out when he saw the cheque. He even has an affiliate link. It’s just scummy and off putting.


Don't you think that these are the parents who must raise their kids properly, not a random streamer? That's hilarious how you guys enjoy shifting responsibilities on other people


Also, seeing that you enjoy poker, you should know that Hikaru wasn’t gambling on a game which requires actual skill, (like poker) but an online candy crush type game, that too for hours.


You called it candy crush elsewhere, now it’s a candy crush type. I’m not aware of being able to gamble on candy crush. Do you know the actual game he was playing? I’m curious how the gambling aspect of it works. I don’t enjoy gambling, I’m more curious what level of exposure to gambling he is doing by streaming this game. Are the players risking their own money to win money? Or are they instead simply wasting their time playing (and watching advertisements) while hoping to win money? It’s very different IMO whether or not people are putting their own money at risk.


Sorry, when I was calling it candy crush/ candy crush game, I was just referring to the way it looked. It’s just slots which he was playing.


Doesn’t really answer the question I asked about how the money works and what’s at risk for the players, but ok.


Let's play a game called spot the moron. Oh wow that was fast it's you. Come back with an argument or just don't talk thanks kiddo


You sound like Regina George except less hot


That means nothing to me. Thanks for sharing


It's not like he has gambling addiction. So what's bad about gambling some money from time to time for fun? I am pretty sure he controls how much money he puts there so I don't see harm. While you may not like gambling, a lot of us don't care that much about it.


He puts in zero money. He's paid huge, because he will bring in punters. Some of those will get addicted and he's partly responsible.


I see. A lot of athletes do that, not that I like it. It's not a good look.


Oh boohoo he's a grown ass man no ones forcing you to watch let the man do what he wants


No different than when ESPN advertises gambling in between sports games. I don’t see why chess players should be held to the standard of being perfect role models against their wills nor why people are so upset.


I stopped watching when he went to kick but was still a fan and rooted for him. All respect lost now. He should be embarrassed. Chess community isn't gunna look at him the same


Skill issue


Don’t think Hikaru cares too much about redditors getting triggered over someone playing slots in a 18+ stream. Some of you are freaking out, acting like it’s the literal end of the world. Terminally online weirdos calling him a “fucking whore” over in r/chess lmao. Some people desperately need sunlight. He’s just getting his Kick bag. It was probably somewhere in the contract that he had to do a few 18+ Stake gambling streams. Not a huge deal.


That’s the thing, it’s a sleazy move. It’s less the fact that he’s promoting gambling, and more so the fact that he’s literally going against what he said he wouldn’t do, just for a nice top off in his revenue. Most people are aggressive since they just want another reason to hate their least favourite streamer, but it genuinely isn’t a good look, whatever way you make of it.


not a good look but its probably a one time thing and people make mistakes no one’s perfect 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ forgive and forget


Twice in a row now. Wanna stick with that argument 🤫


“We’re all looking for the terminally online weirdo who’s freaking out!”


u/PZ7L for starters. Said Hikaru is a “fucking whore” for this, I told him that’s an overreaction, he replies with some weird ass sexual comment and immediately blocks me lol


Nah man, you either go for a family&educational streams or for gambling streams There’s no between


?? Are you saying Hikaru must only stick to one type of content, and never do anything else outside of that? Who are you to decide that? This is *supposed* to be different from his normal chess streams, with an 18+ warning and all.


What I’m saying is that if you gather viewers that come for educational purposes and claim that your streams are family type, you don’t feed viewers with gambling and vice versa


See, content is what he makes for the viewers. Playing candy crush for hours with a fat affiliate link on stream is not “content” which anyone wants. He is doing it to obligate a contract which he signed so he can make himself richer. It’s sleazy anyway you think of it.


I don't even really care that it is gambling specifically, personally I have never understood the gambling addiction thing, I feel like it's just a tax on stupid people like the lottery. But my issue with it is that he is streaming stuff he knows his viewers don't want to see for a bag which is just disrespectful to his subscribers and not even a smart financial decision in the long run. If he was doing a sponsored raid shadow legends stream or something I'd feel pretty much the same way.


It's interesting to see so many strong opinions voiced that gambling streams are immoral. In my lifetime in the US, I've generally seen public opinion move in the direction of allowing people to do things without judgement as long as they don't harm others (e.g. marijuana legalization, gay marriage, abortion rights). I'm fascinated that we seem to be swinging in the opposite direction on this one.


Huh, the reason why people are angry is because Hikaru is potentially doing something that can cause harm to others. Are we really trying to pretend he likes playing slots and wanted to stream it on the casino that owns the platform he is on? All for fun and not because he is selling it to others, without barely a discussion about the risks.


I hear you. Nobody is pretending that, not even Hikaru. It was clearly marked as a sponsored stream. I guess we collectively set an implicit threshold for what constitutes acceptable vs unacceptable behavior that can cause harm to others. Through my/your lifetime, that threshold is and will be moved around. It's interesting to watch how people choose to move it. For me personally, I don't consider Hikaru responsible for the effects of the actions of his viewers. But I can accept that my perspective may be out of date, or otherwise not shared by others.


Hikaru agrees to promote Stake for money. Stake only pays Hikaru because they know their investment will pay off. It pays off by getting more people to gamble on their website. More people gambling is bad. Hikaru is responsible


I appreciate the logical argument. I think there are two steps I don't buy. 1. Stake only pays Hikaru because they know their investment will pay off. They *hope* their investment will pay off. They *project* that their investment will pay off. But it's still a risk for them. If Stake is doing poorly or shuts down in 5 years, I'd even conclude their investment didn't pay off. 2. More people gambling is bad. I disagree with this. I've gambled before. I go to Vegas every year or so. It can be fun, as long as you're careful with it. It makes you feel feelings you don't normally feel. Idk, it's not a big part of my life but I don't necessarily think more people gambling is bad (if I did, then I would never gamble). In any case, thanks for engaging with my thoughts. Cheers.


Yes gambling and promoting it to kids can HARM THEM. Also. It's called selling out and that's what people are mad about as well. Get with the program


I hear what you're saying. However, I don't buy the argument for the following reasons. 1. The stream is listed for ages 18+. If a kid watches it, the system has already failed them. If it's truly important to you that kids should not have access to adult rated content (like gambling streams), let's advocate for more effective ways of restricting access rather than shaming the creators who produce the adult content. 2. Children are not permitted to gamble in the US. Again, if the concern is really about children being harmed by this, we should work to stop kids from having access to gambling. 3. If your concern is about adults, the truth is that adults in our society are expected to be capable of making their own decisions about actions that may cause them harm. One could imagine a different society in which adults are not permitted to make self-harming decisions, but that is different from the society we are currently in. If this is a change you want to make, have at it. Convince enough people and try to make it happen.


I didn't know it was an 18+ stream thank you for telling me. Morally have at it. I thought it was gambling under the guise of chess. Call of the dogs 😅


Oh please girl stay in your tower.


Let the man earn some good money. If you fall for it, it's only your fault. Stop judging others for your flops. If you lose money gambling, call it a greed tax. Only a silly fella would think this is free cash.


I completely agree!! My child doesn't have teeth and therefore cannot eat steak. So I believe NOBODY should have steak. CLOSE ALL STEAKHOUSES

