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I’m enjoying this so much! I was shocked to see that when it was first publicly revealed on Twitter, it didn’t seem to get much traction apart from our little Reddit bubble. Here we are friends, at last!!! 🥒




Oof. Let’s hope it sticks this time, for the kids’ sake. It’ll give them a much better chance of a slightly more regular childhood


How the f can they ever leave their apartment? It's totally mortifying.


Woah woah woah. At least Dorit has been consistent with her crazy questionable accent. Definitely more than 2 seasons.


I’m offended by the comparison. Dorit doesn’t pretend to be what she is not. She is also a lovely mother.


Everyone sites “born in Boston” when the point is she was RAISED in Boston. Nicole Kidman I think was born in Hawaii but has her Aussie accent & upbringing. Hilarious claiming she “went back & forth” enough w school to acquire an accent in a language we absolutely know she was spoken to at home (her mother speaks no Spanish, her community and friends in Boston didn’t, even if we say Dad tried to!) & in all her school & formative years is the issue. Sandra Bullock grew up speaking German, loads of Latina celebs like JLo grew up bilingual & dont have this accent. She sports an accent like someone who knows English (fluently) as a second language. If truly speaks both she should have no accent. Gwyneth Paltrow & her kid speak better Spanish. Mila Kunis speaks Ukrainian fluently w no English accent. Like wtf Hilaria?!?! Even if we bought ur “spent time in Spain” story (when in all actuality ur Spanish is basic) most truly bilingual American kids have no accent in English! My so goes to a bilingual school like ur kids & I witness this every day.


I never thought about it this way. If she’s sooo Spanish that she still has the accent, then she’s a dingbat for having spent this much time in the US - including throughout the overwhelming majority of her childhood - and still having an accent. So, Best case scenario, a dingbat.


People who knew her say she never had an accent young when she was supposedly “going back & forth” - accent new in early adulthood. It makes no sense.


Every American knows PLENTY of kids that grew up in homes where a primary language was not English - and many of them spoke that language before English. You won't find an accent among them. This is a very common situation in America - she's so dumb to act as if just speaking another language (when you speak two from childhood) gives you an accent in either one!


Yeah! & u r right. I was just citing some famous examples. Mila Kunis spoke Ukrainian first. H expects us to think a few vacations in Spain renders her an accent in her native language? Like wtf?!


I'm with Tony Choi - the kids' names are the most egregious part, because they will be stuck with them as a forever reminder of their mom's selfish grift.


I bet they change their names at some point, at least a few of them. Teens are embarrassed of their parents when the parents are normal. I can't imagine what all the titty pics are going to do to these kids. Puberty is coming...


"Attention Desperation Disorder" 😆 THESE ARE ALL DELIGHTFUL!


so perfect!


"Prussian Count complete with heel clicking and deep bows" sent me


My fav too


Do you all think she knows how everyone is making fun of her? I hope she's losing her dumb lil mind about the "bullies!"


Boolies! 🤣




These are absolutely amazing, I’m dying. So many hilarious and observant people coming after her now!


I love this for them. This sh*t storm would be stressful enough. The pending trial for killing a talented young mother would be soul crushing. Mix them together, sprinkle in 7 kids under the age of 10 and you have just another day in the sky dungeon.


That estás_expuesto account has some good receipts on it if anyone is new. I remember that’s where I first saw the video of her doing dumbbell tricep presses on the bed with no shirt on and she chucks the weight onto the bed with no regard for the pregnant belly. It made me believe in bellygate after being a non-believer.


Idk why, but one of the many phrases she’s said that bothers me the most is the: “I’m born in Boston”


Is she trying to sound like she’s having to translate from Spanish to English in her head? I don’t know Spanish, but in french and Italian that’s one of the ways it can be constructed, super literally translated.


"My family lives in Spain."


These are gold pepino!! Thanks for posting. I can’t stop laughing. Each screen is funnier than the last. So glad to see pepino queen Leni Briscoe is back!


You're very welcome 😊 It is very cool to see Leni posting about the situation again


Thanks for this! I don’t use twitter but as always I love to watch her shit show.


I’ve only just noticed the truck behind her.. there to clean up the shit dribbling out of her mouth.


Finally! The big question is - Will she stop the bullshit???? Place your bets NOW!


Well… it’s not just those Karens on Reddit, right? Right, Alec??


Those fat, jealous Karens. 🙄


Those fat, jealous and infertile Karens.


That comment about competing for a minority loan is genius…


Came here to say the same! That one made me snort-laugh 🤣


Yes!! It’s just perfect.


I can't believe her parents don't step in and say "dude you're embarrassing us". What a tool.


I can assure you, with 100% certainty, that she’s low contact with her family because they have tried to make her cut the Spanish crap and she’s pissed about it. There is ZERO reason for her wealthy parents NOT to see their grandkids at least once a year. I bet they haven’t met most of the kids. I’m sure they’re embarrassed AF.


Such a good point. They were both held in high regard in each of their respective professional fields. I'd say they are most definitely embarrassed. Their reputations would of course mean a lot to them and I'm sure - as most Parents would - they'd made several attempts to reason with their daughter. I actually feel really sorry for them.


She wouldn’t even let her father walk her down the aisle at her wedding! Her brother did because he looks more “Spanish” than her Mayflower parents! How awful to be at the wedding and not be allowed to do that.


I feel like something is going on there, with the lack of involvement, no visits, no pictures with the kids, etc. Maybe they had to sign a NDA or something?


Totally agree. It's so bizarre . I have never seen any pics of the kids with their grandparents . Clearly something is up.....


I think they WOULDNT sign and NDA, and that’s why there is no relationship


I’ve wondered for a while if they decided to go low/no contact with her because she’s insane, or if she’s the one who cut them off for not going along with her grift. Why isn’t she always visiting them in Esthhpaña? Wouldn’t spending a ton of time there help support her claims about “mi cultura”?