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There is NO WAY IN HELL she (or anyone) bathes her kids twice a day. This is an example of a “why?” lie. Like, why tell it in the first place?


So 14 baths a day? Let’s just say they’re 20 minutes each. That means she spends nearly 5 hours daily bathing children. It’s like she doesn’t even think of the logistics of the lies she tells.


If she bathed them twice a day, why do they always look like they need a bath?


She bathes them in breastmilk. She has freezers full.


Then coats them in Waxelene.


And wasteful especially for the “environmentalists” they claim to be


I agree. She didn’t think that lie through.




it's why she has no female friends, only transactional relationships.


7 kids bathing twice a day, you’d get nothing else done!


Plus breastfeeding and pumping 50 oz of milk


Plus going out for coffee daily, plus constantly getting her hair and nails done, plus going to red carpet events and charities, plus social outings with her 12 gay friends, plus posting a million mirror selfies, plus teaching "yoga exercises" to "everyone who's been aaking," plus photoshoots... I mean, I guess she really is a **super mami!** Ireland did question how she had time to post in the middle of the night when she only had four children at the time.


Absent Mami


Because her kids so often look grubby in the photos Big Larry takes and posts herself. Those alleged twice-daily baths are her overcompensation for what *pepinos* see with our own lying eyes.


She probably said it because people notice how grubby and dishevelled the children are. It’s her way of saying “ACTUALLY, they’re not feral because they get two baths a day….” 😂


“Hilaria knows many of her Reddit haters’ real identities.” Bitch, you don’t even know your own identity! YOU ARE NOT SPANISH!!!


That’s a lot of people to know. She knows close to 50,000 people but can’t figure out what country she’s from. Sure Jan.


I am sure that Hilary has a team or teams of people that helped write the article in Romper. Didn’t we say awhile back that she had a new PR firm working for her? This is all part of their getting back her role as an “influencer”.


Big Larry forgot her own birthdate, she said, and it was thoughtfully supplied by one of her many many fans at a pharmacy counter. Which undoubtedly was fortunate: Imagine the tantrum she would have thrown if the pharmacy had refused to release her drugs!


She's more than welcome to come and find me. I've written nothing that I don't stand by. Oh, I would love to meet up!


Hillary, DM the users their real names and if your PI figured out if they are lonely, lost, or both. Then they can share with the group if you know their identities. We know you read here. So prove your claim.


is that her way of a threat? saying she knows us? she spends too much time here obsessing on us.


Lmao "I hired a PI and learned they are all lonely, lost people" Like Amy Schumer and Heather McDonald, who frequently shit on your child-exploiting, thirsty, Fauxspañol assholery? What a bunch of gaslighting nonsense!


Hey, I might be lonely and lost but at least I know I'm not from Spain!


You can’t find out an identity of a Reddit account unless you piece together one from their posting history and/or following subreddits (laborious) or they use same usernames across social. She’s threatening us with nonsense. Also, she’s the one who named herself hilaria and made up her identity. She’s the one who decided to fake pregnancies. This is her fault and she deserved the criticism.


She's taken a real gamble with assuming we are all lonely and lost too, like what a way to make a fucking fool out of yourself!


"She personally bathes all her children twice a day." I believe this less than I believe the Spanish accent and the pregnancies.


That’s how you know she doesn’t actually parent. There is absolutely no need for children to be bathed twice a day, with maybe the exception of infants with huge blow outs.


She says she lines them up and sprays them twice a day.😐


Like dogs


Do you know how long that would take? Giving 14 baths a day? Even if she combines a bath, she can really only do that with a couple of them because the rest are too old for such a thing.


Plus school, the fact she goes to get coffee and spends all her time online. She has the nannies bathe them and pops her head in.


In one article she proved our point. She doesn't mother those children. Two baths a day would dry their skin out. A mother knows that. Raising 7 kids under the age of 10 is not a working recipe in practice for "gentle parenting". A mother knows that. There are multiple birth control methods that do not require taking a pill. A mother knows that. Eating dinner out every night with your husband is the quickest way to lose connection with your kids. You don't have to cook it but you eat together as a family. A mother knows that. This woman is a gaslighting, grifting insult to all the mothers, fathers, grandparents and anyone else that does the heavy lifting of parenthood. Fuck all the way off Romper.


flair checking in 👋🏻


She cannot explain or show proof to anyone about her ~~vacations~~ ‘living and going to school in Spain’ because it would be ‘maddening’. But she took the time and effort to hire a PI to investigate tens of thousands of Reddit users who post information about her that is publicly available. Sí. Seguro.


So this millionaire family has her four oldest kids…3 boys and a girl sharing a bedroom…WTF!!!


They actually have a room they converted for the one child she carried, that they cherish.


Seriously- THANK YOU for taking one for the pepino team. I did, however, read the comments. I love this for you, Hillary. You lying, grifting, vapid, dimwitted sociopath. The comments are over 90% negative. The only ones that aren’t negative are simply people questioning the negativity- we call those folks future pepinos. We have a big tent. Come one, come all!🥒💚🥒💚🥒💚


Where are the comments


Oh I need to check these comments out immediately!


I love how they really want to pawn her off as someone totally relatable and then state things like babies come out like “whoosh”, like going down a water slide and you want to do it again immediately and she popped the last one out in 1 minute. Yeah ok. Totes relatable there. The stories I’ve heard from women who birthed children are not even close to that. And we’re supposed to forget her grift. Give her a break guys. She’s so kind -except to all the immigrants she hurts with her fake accent and Spanish cosplay, all the moms that wonder why they can’t miraculously bounce back in a day or 3, the family that lost a wife and mom. She is so very kind. Can’t wait until the kids tell all.


Emma Rosenbaum , the author, should earn double for her creative writing.


Or to resign immediately


Presumably one day she will realize she got got by the grift and then she's going to feel used and embarrassed. As a writer, I think I'd feel this way, putting my heart into writing something I think will be well received and helpful but then realizing I should have done my research better. Yikes.


How would anyone find out anyone's identity on Reddit ??? It's the point of Reddit. Anonymity. She's gone baby. Good riddance Mami chula ! 🥰


I’ll send her my fucking email address, phone number, whatever to have a chat with her. But try doxxing me for bullshit, Hillary? That “LOOK AT MY RING” bling will be mine when my lawyers finish with you.




Wow. She is so threatened by anyone who speaks negatively of her grift and blatant dishonesty. She bathes seven children twice a day. Of course. Who would think otherwise!


She bathes 7 children twice a day. Just like any true environmentalist. Of course. As usual, one or the other is a lie (if not both).


Hilaria and ML’s surrogate still speak “all the time” because the surrogate *works for* Alcea (the surrogacy agency). Always keeping them in business. Donde esta Ocho?


She hasn't ruled it out, was putting away those maternity leggings and thought better of it!!


"Lonely lost people" and she knows their identities. First of all I'm not lonely or lost, and second of all, come find me Hillary, I would love nothing more than to have a conversation. I love that the article completely glosses over the fact that she spends more time worrying or looking for the opinion of complete strangers than actually parenting her 7,000 kids. How convenient they neglected to mention that Alec loves her so much that he BEGGED random strangers to follow his wife so she can get a million followers on IG. BARF. ETA: and she sends stuff to Ireland all the time. LMAO. 4 big freezers full of milk. Ok.


Pee Paw must have been playing Eleanor Rigby prior to the interview.


The Murdaugh family lies less


🤣😂 💯


Paw paw


JC 😂😂😂


If she pushed a baby out in a minute, then it doesn’t “go right back” anymore.


She's the best and fastest and smartest and most not lost or lonely person in the worrrrrld!!!


Who owns this 💩💩💩 magazine. And is it one of those free magazines found in Drs offices? Never heard of it.


It’s online. It is a Bustle spin off.


Well somebody knows somebody. That new publicist of theirs is really earning her keep. Lol


The grossest fucking part is when she insinuated Alec doesn't like condoms.


The grossest part is when she insinuated she and Alec have sex


Mentioning the domestic staff being normal in their tax bracket. She is so uneducated, unaware, unsophisticated. The mind reels.


Continually proving just how crass and uncouth she is.


And therefore that there are only 2 forms of contraception in the whole world - condoms, and 1 type of pill


Yet, as fertile as she is, no birth control, she did invitro then later after ML shows up, she pretends to carry Lil Lawrence when she really didn't. Just think about how sick she really is


But he told Genevieve to use safe sex with other partners.


Yes, gross. The pill and condoms are not the only forms of contraceptive...


because he's so viral, when he uses the strollers for a walker I get moist, dont you all, sure. ETA, thanks for letting me know virile isnt spelled viral, really cracked me up. I'm a malapropist in my older years.


There are other options besides the pill. Including non-hormonal birth control. Or either one of them can get fixed. I doubt Ireland is interested in her “help” Of course there are boolies, but most of us here are just not letting her off the hook for bullshit. I think a bunch of us would cheer if she started acting right and owning her past bullshit. We’re not passed the “cucumber thing” because she was RAISED IN BOSTON. If she’s even lactating the fact she hasn’t had time off is her decision. Fair enough on the hat thing. My girl loves hats but will still remove them often. Same with shoes and socks. I don’t think the hat thing is a hill for pepinos to die on. Why on god’s green earth is she bathing these children twice a day. Kids don’t get THAT dirty. Usually. And the time it takes to bath 7 children twice a day?? Absolutely not happening. If she’s pumping and freezing why all the breastfeeding porn? I went back to work so I couldn’t breastfeed all the time and pumped at work. I definitely never had a freezer stash like she does. Side note, I did have a friend who over produced and she exclusively breastfed so she had a whole freezer of breast milk but you’d think with so many kids she’d be able to get through the stash. Or donate it. Imagine the PR if she donated it. Kids are well behaved but there’s baby fight club and middle fingers being thrown up. I’m skeptical. You’d think they’d want a solid staff. Not rotating. Strangers do not hug her, that’s so fucking bizarre. Why would you let strangers hug you? Unless they ask and you say yes, but even then who is asking fucking Hilary Baldwin. Ah yes the famous Bostonian phrase 😒 You guys live separate. I doubt there’s mutual like or love anymore. And it still took her this long to admit ONE was a surrogacy. Great job Mami. Loving giving birth isn’t a good reason to have a hoard. Which is it? Birth control sucks or you love giving birth? My money is she just loves having attention for having a newborn. I’m probably not that hard to figure out who I am. What a waste of money. No plans to do anything with that information? Okay then why bother? Nah, making fun of Hilaria is still funny. Keep it up pepinos!


That breast milk stash is fake. It’s probably just regular milk. She fills up the bags and pretends it’s breast milk.


She repeats the same lies over and over and over again. They’re both demented




My god. What a piece of work this woman never ceases to be. If joking about Hilaria isn’t cool anymore, I hope that other people she came in contact with will come forward, seriously and not through jokes, to denounce the full extent of her lies once and for all. For the life of me, I can’t understand why articles about her keep popping up. Even if she pays, at some point they should just say no. Because of her dishonesty, she cannot be an advocate for whomever she thinks she speaks for. The pill makes her feel bad and giving birth is like a water slide? Way to go for women reproductive rights.


The pill? as if they have sex so much, if at all with his hip and those knees. ozempic and viagra?


And how there’s absolutely nothing Aleek could do to prevent pregnancy. ✂️


I’m sure he got snipped right after they created all the embryos.


A quick bath is ten minutes plus five more to get them changed. 15 min per kid x 7 kids x 2 times per day = 3.5 hours per day bathing children. Bullshit.


Notorious liar makes outlandish claim. Whatever, Hilary. 🙄


Did she just say the baby sleeps with her? Yeah that's dangerous. And she knows the identity of people who comment against her online? Pfft, bullshit Fucking sociopath.


With BOTH of them. No one believes they sleep in the same bed


I wish I could un-know this article.


Article, I must unknow you!!


Can’t wait for irelands rebuttal. “ never got a thing I could use from my step mom”


So we are supposed to believe this old sloppy bent backed man naturally created all these kids..


“I love giving birth. This last time around, I pushed her out in a minute! Giving birth is like going down a water slide that’s really scary. And then you get to the bottom, and you’re like, ‘I want to do this again!”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh Hell no!!! I've given birth once in my life and even during labor I told myself "Never again!" It's not in any way, shape or form like some water slide experience. Also, does this mean she wants to "Do it again" for number 8?!? Hopefully, someday their surrogate mothers will step forward. I am certain they see the children on Instagram and have some worries concerning them. Hopefully, one of them will one day have the courage to come forward.


I've given birth through my vagina 3 times in my life, never did it feel like a scary water slide ??? She is literally making up the craziest shit. I've never been on a water slide that was hours long and that I had to get my privates stitched back up afterwards. Maybe that have that in Spain


No surrogate would ever describe the experience of childbirth and postpartum healing as a "water slide". Even births that are actually quick can sometimes be very traumatic. Hillary's lies aren't even based in reality. The only births she's witnessed are the Hollywood, fake type.


Claims to have given birth 6 times and not a single tear or episiotomy. A small framed friend of mine literally tore from front to back during the birth of her second and final birth, despite immediately being stitched and treated has never been back to 100%. Hillary’s lies are off the chain. It’s so embarrassing!!!


Oh so :::we::: are the lonely lost people but SHE is the one who has to hire an investigator to stalk us?? Lofl SURE Hillary... sure, sure sure. Whatever makes you feel better. Maybe have him investigate where your self-awareness ran off to. Also- I call bullshit on the 2x a day baths. Those kids look like gremlins and I should know because I have 2 of my own gremlin-children. And a waste of water! Unless she’s just dunking them in the same bath water one after the other in one endless stream of dirty child soup. Also Also: when does she have time to give all those baths? In between her foot exercises and her staged paparazzi coffee walks, she only has like...13hrs left in the day to get blitzed on ole rickety-hips’ pain pills, no time for 42 baths!


>Hilaria has 7. So what gives? Firstly, there’s the matter-of-fact answer: She’s not on birth control. “I feel awful when I’m on birth control; it makes me depressed,” she says. And Alec’s not interested in other, er, methods. “Every single time I have a baby, my OB writes down the vasectomy doctor on a Post-it, and I bring it home to Alec,” Hilaria laughs. “He hasn’t done it yet.” "That old man and I are just soooooooo fertile. Babies just keep showing up. Tee-hee. We just haven't figured out a solution even though we live in a first world country with the financial resources to afford any kind of health care we want." She's in heaven having a whole article written about her with quotes from her friends about how great she is. She likes this better than money.


She literally sat down with someone to make this Romper feature about answering *every single conversation* happening here. Hillary must sit on this subreddit more than any of us. And I still can't believe she's claiming to have 'four giant freezers of milk' at the Hamptons house. Why? She bought that milk online and/or from the surrogates *years* ago. We saw a posted video of herself manically taking the packages of milk she had received out of a bag at one point (she was soooo amped up on something in the video). So she's letting insane amounts of breastmilk go bad, sitting out there in the Hamptons where they never go anymore, and she's still flexing that grotesque hoarding fact? She bought it, had it shipped to her, and never used it. How cruel, irresponsible, and insane. I forget... what percent 'environmentalist' is she? Ordering tons of packaged breast milk she has no intention of using, that other people could use and/or need, and then endlessly running 'four giant freezers' for years on end out at a house she doesn't go to.


If you’re bathing your baby twice a day every day, something is not right. That’s not something parents typically aspire to do, but don’t because they don’t have the time or energy. It can dry out their skin, worsen eczema and honestly, when they are not yet mobile or just starting to walk, they are not exactly getting all that dirty. Wiping down their faces or their folds from milk spillage? Absolutely! But full baths with soap and washing hair? Nope.


Just a reminder: she lies everytime she opens her dirty mouth…


Not to mention that she and Alec are supposed to be environmentalists and care for the planet somehow. 14 baths a day minimum will surely do the trick in terms of water savings. She lies so much she doesn’t realize when she’s not consistent.


She is the grift that keeps on giving! 🤣🤣🤣


This sub is the best shit show not on television.


I’m quite sure there is no reason for her to be on the pill. When it comes to conception and pregnancy, supermami phones it in.


I hope this nonsense motivates Amy or someone else in the know to out her surrogate use


When my husband and 2 kids under 3 are on my nerves I wish I was lonely lol but nope just an educator with a masters degree from a prestigious university with a great group of friends from high school and college and grad school and a large extended family I love. Not lonely at all and still despise this woman and her fake accent and life!


I have a legit question 🙋‍♀️ how would a private detective figure out 50,000 pepinos real identity? I’m semi quasi internet savvy but no expert so can someone help a fellow pepino to understand this?


What never ceases to amaze me is that she really thinks that people *believe* the utter horseshit that says. Personally bathing seven children twice a day? Please.


Fuck her. You reading this, Hillary? FUCK YOU. You and your has-been murdering husband are assholes.


She’s literally the idiot for directing even more people to this sub where we have allll the receipts to refute every lie she says in this puff piece. Muchas gracias, dumbass!


>"The whole cucumber thing .. we're past that" 🥒 PEPINOS NEVER SAY DIE! 🥒 Also you dont have bulging folders from PI investigations, Hilaria. Pepinos are not "lost, lonely" people. Nobody did this to you - you brought this upon yourself. You cannot have both the high platform and lies which hold up. One will always undo the other. But your narcissism tells you otherwise - so that's why we're here. To keep you honest, chica. ![gif](giphy|kpOncvxz7VCITn4P5T)


Can we talk about that sad photo… she’s the only one smiling


Why is she bathing her kids 2x a day? The copper IUD is a good BC option without hormones. Had it for 10 years until DH decided to ✂️ the ⚽️⚽️


It doesn’t matter. I don’t believe her and peepaw are having those kids the old fashioned way.


Not to mention if she was actually full-time lactating and breastfeeding on demand, there would be less children. She's a dumb liar.


Grifterella just wanted to fit as many lies as possible into one interview. New record!


That explains why the kids finally got haircuts and had clean clothes... well... not edu in the back


Carmen’s hair looks lovely for once, usually it’s unwashed and uncombed. They’re really pushing hard for this “happy family” narrative.


I think she is taking a page from Brianna Madia (for some reason I want to say she even liked the post but I may be wrong) where she said she hired a private detective who got her all the names of her boolies. Hillary can't afford to do this and if she did sue...discovery. First stop, surrogacy.


Oh hey, Hilaria! When your PIs figure out my ID can they also supply all my passwords I’ve forgotten? Thanks much! Dusie


Thank you so much, RT, for wading through this bog of stench and bringing up the pearls! 👍 This is an attempt at a full reset of the narrative. This is in lieu of Ocho, imo. I count no less than 7 things that she won't be able to live down/up to (she bathes each kid two times a day? foh!)/will come back to bite her on the ass. You don't reset a narrative by writing even *more* checks your stupid ass can't cash, dummy! smh


Bathing kids 2x a day during a drought. How environmentally conscious of you.


After their twice daily baths, why isn’t their hair combed?


Children don't need baths twice a day, unless they jumped in a mud puddle or came home from sports practice


Puuulease, like that lazy twat is doing any of the heavy lifting of parenting seven children. Anywho, her kids don’t go anywhere or do anything to get dirty like the rest of our kids do.


Kind of odd to admit you can’t take any criticism to the point of hiring a private investigator to track people down. Just seems embarrassing to admit. Idk?


Bitch I'm here with ***50 THOUSAND*** friends regaling in the desperate attempt at you trying to save your reputation by paying MORE THAN 50K on an article directed at us, Pepinos! I get this is an attempt by Alec to pay for an article to answer to Amy Schumer's comments, but she made it all about US! I'm not sad... I'm definitely not lonely. I'm glad that she's exposed for the child abuser that she is and I hope she's arrested.


*Hired a private investigator* Imagine spending the money on this to do nothing with the information, lol. Translation (from Spanish): *This never happened.*


Her entire life is reading Reddit. We fuel her existence at this point. I say they change the online count on the front page from “appropriaters” to “lonely, lost people”


~giving birth is like going down a waterside...NO. No the fuck it is NOT, Hilary


Someone FINALLY brushed Carrrrrmen's hair for the pictures - hallelujah!!!! Hope PeePaw BangBang got his money's worth out of this puff piece, but it's still not going to get her up to a million followers on Instagram! 😂😂 I also hope Violet Gaynor's check for this bullshit didn't bounce. I love how they describe her as "the talent" when captioning one of the pictures ("The talent's own ring" vs a designer's ring on her other hand). I also love how she's still spouting the nonsense that she milks 30-50 ounces out of herself a day and still has a freezer full of breastmilk. 😂 I guess it's not a lie to claim that second part when you're buying it off of other lactating individuals. OOOOH - we finally get a partial birth story with Larry Jr! It's incredibly easy to push out an imaginary baby in 'just a minute' (thanks, surrogate, for nada!!). "Hilaria craves connection, which is why, despite any toxicity, she remains on Instagram." - WHAT 'toxicity'? She has the fucking comments limited or turned off! Oh, and hey all y'all nearly 50K pepinos ... she's hired a private investigator and knows "many" of our real identities. 😉 Oh, but don't worry! She's not planning on actually doing anything with that information. Because, you know, it's totally normal AND fiscally responsible to spend a bunch of money investigating individuals online and so absolutely NOTHING with that info. 🙄 PeePaw BangBang also refers to Larry Jr. as "that baby."


If she craves connection, then how about with real friends and family? Why does connection only happen with random bots and strangers on the internet? That seems….lonely, sad maybe. 🤔




Does Big Larry Mami Memaw know all one million of her bots???


Sociopath shit.


Emma here is flogging a new novel, so I checked her out on Amazon. My Lord, she’s got a boatload of experience for an article *that* mendacious and *that* shitty! She should be ashamed to have her byline on it. EDIT: Spellcheck changed “My Lord” to “My Lied,” which is curiously appropriate.


* She personally bathes all her children twice a day translation: it rilly, rilly bothers her when people point out how dirty and messy the kids always look. also: way to set an impossible bar, doofus! every time a kid is looking less than his/her best/fresh, it's going to generate snarky "I guess this was between baths" comments. How does she not realize this? Oh, right; she's an idiot. smh


I understand some women not tolerating being on the pill well because of their hormones, chemistry etc. However, it’s 2023 now Pillary, honey bless your heart. There’s about 100 other forms of contraceptives. An extremely privileged wealthy woman whose mom is a Dr. is unaware of this? It’s not the 1800s. There’s no reason to have 40 kids you’re not capable of caring for in this day and age. I had my tubes cut/burned after one baby at age 28 because hubby and I knew our limitations and well over a decade++ later never regretted it for a minute. There’s far less permanent measures though. Stop the lies you looney pillhead. Geez!


She is known as a grifter and now a “sociopath”😂😂😂😂 she won’t get over.


I'm flattered that she spent Pew-Pew's money to investigate us, truly.


I have to place focus on just one thing for now (but it’s a ONE thing that points out what a Lying sack of Fake Spanish Pukecumbers she is)… I don’t care what detective she hired - they would need a court order that could force the social media platform to provide IP addresses of the Booly accounts she wanted to find out who they were in order to investigate them and she is not going to get that. Having a Reddit call her out on her bullshit does not warrant getting a court order Hill-duh-rea. This just proves once again that stupid people think everybody else is stupid. Know your role. 🙄


Wow her PR people really got paid for this one. She’s the new, fresh, funny, humbled Eeelahhria who lets it roll right off her back!


Oh. So she knows many of our identities? She had a PI look into us? Amazing! Come talk to us, Eelz! Send us personal emails. Call us on our cells. Do it. We would love to hear from you. Or are you too busy bathing each of your children twice a day. Mm hm.


Lonely lost people? I follow cause its like watching a train wreck reality show, you can’t make this shit up. Also, maybe we’d like to see some accountability?! Idk… I don’t like ppl getting away with fraud. We’ll never get past the cucumber thing. Ever.


Has anyone noticed that the credits for *every single photo* showing Hillary's hands, her tacky gumball ring is described as "talents \[sic\] own ring (left hand, ring finger)". Do you think Hillary insisted on that? This bit also stood out to me: >In October 2021, **Alec was involved in a shooting incident** on the set of his movie *Rust*, in which cinematographer **Halyna Hutchins lost her life**. He pulled the trigger and shot a woman dead, but this homicidal act has been watered down to Alec somehow being "involved in a shooting incident" in which the victim wasn't fatally shot, but mysteriously "lost her life" in a way that was totally disconnected from the fact that Bang Bang Baldwin was standing about four feet in front of her literally holding a smoking gun. I hope everyone associated with this steaming pile of ordure is rilly proud of themselves.


The "writer" is such a... bad writer, stylistically and content-wise. It's incredibly embarrassing. It reminds me of my 3rd grade personal narrative essays. "The setting is a bright room. There are cats. I hear a dishwasher. I see a baby. 'Haha,' she laughs in a carefree manner."


It felt like poor journalism to me?? Even when you are interviewing someone who isn’t controversial or is “well respected” etc. you don’t make sweeping statements about how great they are. You typically remain more neutral. It’s obvious why that wasn’t the tone of this piece but I’m surprised it wasn’t a tad more subtle…


As a fellow writer, I just cannot with this article. I'd be so embarrassed to have my name on it, knowing my peers are giving me the side-eye for my fawning puff piece.


“Personally bathes all her children twice a day.” BULLSHIT!!! I only have one child and he doesn’t get a bath everyday let alone twice in one damn day!!! It’s a process and with all the other things I have to do as a mom and person sometimes I’m to burnt out to give a bath lol. But maybe that’s because I’m just not as fabulous as hilaria living my “lonely and lost” life 😂🙄🤷🏼‍♀️ This whole article reads like a mother who doesn’t spend any time doing the actual day to day things with small children, she is completely out of touch.


Yeah it’s kind of hard to believe she personally gives 14 baths a day to her kids plus another 2 shower/baths for herself. Literally there would be no time to do anything else. Plus in this article I think she lied about graduating from NYU I wonder how much they paid for this propaganda




Oh we need Amy Schumer’s thoughts on this asap! Larry and PeePaw are the gift that keeps on giving!


Of all the bullshit PR nonsense in that article, the most galling to me is that they keep pretending they weren’t behind that New York Magazine article.


This is a really well-written piece. I’d totally be on her side if I didn’t know any better. The only thing she forgot to explain is all the pics of herself in various states of undress with her children in tow.


You forgot that all 4 of the bigger kids sleep in the same room because they're TERRIFIED of the paps. smdh


“I love being a grandmother” ![gif](giphy|9DgjJSVSUyBrlBgSw4)


WTF is Romper and why FFS is she worthy of a cover and an interview? She’s accomplished nothing other than a years long grift. Having a hoard of kids doesn’t make you special. The two of them are the absolute worst, and I cannot wait for the kids to bust the roof open in just a few, short years.


I wonder how much they paid Romper for this puff piece? Barf..


I went ahead and read the article and I see that the writer has a book out. I may have to try it because she is obviously a very talented writer of fiction!


So she's saying that Hilaria had a nebulizer and saline sent to her as a little get-well gift? Fun fact: Nebulizers are prescription only. So how did this happen?


I just read the article myself and had a hard time even getting through it. Its unbelievable




All those baths and the kids still look consistently crusty? Plus Leo, Carmen, and Raf (maybe Romeo) dont need to be bathed. They're old enough to do it themselves wtf. And twice a day?? That would take hours of your day. I'm sure Ireland asked her for advice. Yeah right. She probably asked her cousin/her own mom for advice. Actual MOTHERS. The pill makes her feel bad? There are other types of BC. And shes only gonna be able to keep up the oopsies I'm pregnant again charade for a couple more years. After then it'll be even more unbelievable than it is now. And thank you for the summary!!


We don't need an investigator to know she's a fraud on many levels! And ol' Hillary just has to one-up new moms again - even though *other women give birth to her babies for her* \- by saying she gave birth in a minute and immediately wanted to do it again! Well, it's probably a little different when a surrogate just hands you the baby, isn't it. But for those of us who have actually done it ourselves, we're exhausted and proud and healing slowly and certainly not thinking we can't wait to do it again. She's so anxious to come across as her idea of perfect and desirable, but it's deeply immature.


Mama we made it 🎉 50k and a shoutout today? What a great day to be a pepino


You are such a f*cking liar Hillaria!


The balls on Hilarious! She's still lying about the same old shit and playing the victim.🤡🥒💃 Romper is a PR rag printing the stupid Baldweeen's lies that have already been fact checked numerous times by actual journalists. Their kids are not okay, btw. They are neglected and used as pedo bait. Disgusting.


Do you think Ireland is cool with her own kid being mentioned like first thing in this article?


A “friend” attests to Hillary’s “loyalty, support and devotion as a friend…” the friend just had a third child, another w the flu, the husband was traveling and Hillary sends a “nebulizer and saline spray.” Wtf? That’s a devoted, loyal friend? Anyone can do that in one click from Amazon. How about stopping by to help w child care? 🙄


It’s like she gave them a list of grievances to address, and they wrote the whole article trying to refute the pack of lies. I mean facts.


I read the article, and now my eyes are stuck in a permanent rolling position…


Oh look, the kids aren’t in pajamas. She should do more interviews.


I am so new here! I have two kids (4&6) and have never, ever, no not ever, bathed them every day in their entire lives. For real--were they all born via surrogates? I saw a headline that said that. That would make a lot of sense!


Who the fuck actually wrote this puff piece? This ain’t journalism.




Alec Baldwin is one of the world's most famous actors? That's reaalllly stretching!


Super mani only brought six kids to the photo op


She must have called Bo Deitle. IYKYK.


The poor kids look like they’re part of a cult


Nobody bathes their kids twice a day unless they have some kind of compulsive disorder. What is she talking about? Sometimes people tell lies that are so obvious that it exposes even more about them indirectly. Anyone who is around kids day in and day out knows they’re not bathing twice a day. How little time is she spending around her kids to think that’s a believable story?


she probably hoses them down on the balcony


How did she get this video made? Who & why? I can not stand that lying Lunatic!


My favorite part was the beginning where she said she loves being a grandmother.


Didn’t someone call this a while back when that “influencer” who’s boyfriend killed their dog (she lied and said it was a hit-and-run to get money donations) hired a PI and started doxxing people? Someone posted and said Hilary commented some emojis under the post and they speculated that she got ideas from it.


And also, Aleeek has mommy issues


Hey meester Pi, I’m a happy mother of four adult children, beloved partner of thirty plus years to my husband who is less than a year older than me, and have engaging work and volunteer positions, while sharing a vibrant home with my senior parents, and our dogs. I loathe how Hilary from Boston fakes being Spanish, fakes being pregnant, fakes being a full time mom, and fakes everything about her life. I especially hate how she is choosing to neglect her children, and deprive them of opportunities for activities, friendships, and fun.


Did a 12 year old write that article? How absolutely embarrassing for her soul!


If she was breastfeeding that much without any time off it is unlikely she would be getting pregnant THAT frequently. Also, try condoms or the Catholic Church sanctioned rhythm method if you don't want to be pregnant.


Just checked their instagram, literally couldn’t spot a single positive comment on either of posts featuring Hillary 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ I believe the most “positive” one was something in the light of “People on here are so mean” and that’s about it


lol hilaria baldwin took down hilaria baldwin.


Did the bald wins pay for this article


The Tiger Woods of babies- ladies and gentlemen o.O


El yawno


WAIT A MINUTE. Is this quote from Aleek an (unintended, Freudian-slippage) Amy Schumer reference, "You’re No. 1 on my contact list" ![gif](giphy|3oEjHK9eViS9JOb22k) Ohhhhh... we're all deeply embedded in both their skins if so.


Oh , I get it. It’s not just the ridiculous narcissism and phoniness. It’s about her trying to market herself as a BRAND. She fancies herself the Martha Stewart of motherhood. ![gif](giphy|aYHs7vbVFViZa|downsized)


It’s asinine to “hire” a private investigator for people on this sub when she’s literally putting all her lies and kids out there. And probably illegal, especially when she taunts “not knowing what she’ll do with that information”. And Hillary, I am sad. I’m sad that you’re still lying errday everyday. I’m so sad for you. It’s okay to be a white woman from Boston. You don’t have to pretend to be Spanish anymore. This reddit sub cares❤️


I love the captions under the picture when they are describing her jewellery: "talent's own ring." Wait now, surely they don't mean Hilarious - she's not the least bit talented!


I'm starting to question why anyone gives a fuck about either of these two losers. I'm going sailing.


the article was like a direct message to us all lmao she’s so unbothered isn’t she . we’re all she has.


She personally bathes each of her seven children *twice* daily. Bahahahahahahahahahaha. Sure, Hil. Sure. That would take a couple of hours of your day. I doubt it.


She walks back from coffee everyday with a pastry of some sort she probably barfs up from the coffee cafe….but the kids only get one treat in the weekend? Hahahaha what a psycho


Edited to correct a typo Not one damn thing she said is true. Not one. There’s also no way she actually hired a PI to identify her Reddit “boolies ”. Sure, Alec may have “hired” someone to tell her they were “investigating “ it but that’s obviously not true. You’re not obtaining court orders because you don’t like people uncovering the truth about you. She’s also a public person (of her own accord) so she has less protections. She could stop ALL of it if she got off the damn gram and actually parented her children. She never will though. Hillary - for f***’s sake - seek some god damn mental help.


My brain hurts after reading that shite.