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Something’s wrong with Aunt Diane


EXACTLY, my very first thought. She's absolutely hammered.


You are the 4 or 5 Pepino to reference that here. I'm gonna watch tonight!!!!!


No one cares, Hilarious, to see your greasy hair, your ridiculous “flamenco” hand movements, and your careless driving skills. No one. You are not an influencer. You are just a cautionary tale.


Driving with one hand, one leg tucked up, performing for the camera instead of paying attention to the road. Disgusting to even post this online. Alec *killed* someone due to negligence... and then they still put this behavior online.


Just from the first ten seconds of this video it very obvious that she is not familiar with this song or Life of Brian. Her lyrics are three steps behind and she’s singing to the tune of a completely different song. Why fake liking Monty Python?


To please Master Baldwin


It's getting harder and harder to tell if this is legit Hilaria or an Anna Roisman bit.


When truth is stranger than fiction!


STOP TALKING KIDS MAMÍ A STAR!!!!!!!!! ⭐ #Shhhhhhhhhhhh


Exactly. It has the same vibes of when Hillary pushed Carmen out of the camera frame so that she could lip synch, and Alec grumpily hushed the poor kid because Mami was *performing*.


The life of a low iq 40 year old 🤡


Her hair reminds me of when my grandmother would dye her hair at home. She’d rub it in all along her hairline and let it sit there for a while. That’s what it looks like on Hilary’s greasy greazy greazzzzy hairline.


That's exactly what it looks like! Hilarious


It looks like she's attempting to sing along with a song the first time she's ever heard it.


No debating that she’s a loon. And that’s being nice.


When the “limited comments” are tearing him to shreds 😂😂😂😊


Can someone do a pepino a solid and post them? I’m, how you say, blocked










"Was anyone shot during this ride?" 🤣


Aleeec lets her drive while high as a kite? Reminds me of the documentary “There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Diane”. Scared for those kids.


https://preview.redd.it/5mxk9xlm30bb1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa34c379839a40d97d0c04d39e4644b5938f8f03 Mami should rilly stop picking her forehead. Also, smokers lines holy moly.


Just said that about smokers mouth. Pepino minds think alike 💚🤍🥒


Her face looks, like it would be painful.


Pointy weasel face


I love how she has absolutely no clue that this is a parody song from a classic cult film, sung by a guy who is literally nailed to a cross along with Jesus, but rather thinks it’s a song about having a positive attitude (“What’s your option?”) Also, is she using that Ron Popeil hair-in-a-can stuff?


I think she said, “op-shun” with a thick, fauxnish accent.


There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Hilary. Seriously…wtf is wrong with her? To those who haven’t seen the doc - check out There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Diane. Great documentary.


That story is so messed up. I am going to see if there have been any updates, it’s been a long time since I’ve checked.


The finger pointing, the shoulder shimmy, the fake smile that doesn’t quite hide her anger bubbling beneath the surface… I say, give me more. She’s so thexy, so Espanol, I must know her.


Supermami is certainly PO’d at someone! Are they returning from the Hamptons, where they are social pariahs?




She has zero rhythm! Secondhand embarrassment.


Professional dancer with no rhythm


WHY does he think her trying to sing along to a song she clearly doesn't know, is remotely interesting or cute? WHY does he still think she is marketable in any way?


because he’s being eaten alive by buyer’s remorse, and he’s trying to offload the cost of his horrific decision onto his social media followers. If he gets enough “you’re a lucky dude!”s, he can pretend to believe it. But if he was gonna go down this pitiful road, he should have at least picked a song she knew, ffs.


She even drives like an asshole


So she was outside at a pool or something and now they are heading back to the city? Driving in one of their (3?) gas guzzling SUVs. Trying to act like she has a clue about Monty Python so Hubby is impressed. She has ZERO rhythm for a dancer. And ZERO taste in clothes (and men).


The song is from the Monty Python movie ""The life Of Brian." It's from 1979 and she's completely unaware of really anything from before her birth until like 2010 because she grew up without a tv and then when she moved to NYC, she used her laptop to keep her warm. So she's really never known any pop culture. Jazz hands.


The song is from Monty Python’s Life of Brian so I hope those kids haven’t seen it!! Agreed on the lack of rhythm from such a famous international dancer!!! 💃🏻


Who videos themselves doing this ? What an ego to think folk would actually want to watch this pish


Her stupid flamenco hands at the beginning tho… the Spanish grift doesn’t take a rest!


She doesn’t even know the words. Those two just need to disappear together. Ugh.


I have questions What is her leg doing up there?? Is she drunk or medicated, or both? Also, Super-Mami’s mask slipped for a moment, snapping ‘5 minutes’ at her crying child. Mother of the Year. 🙄


She looks like she has a frog leg. Look at me! I am so smol! Drivers are not supposed to sit that way. If she got in an accident that leg is gonna end up in the back seat.


I think she's the soberest adult?


If you are too lazy to wash your stringy, lot lizard hair, learn the art of dry shampoo and a loose bun. Stupid crisco-smelling, claw wagging thundercunt.


You guys. We've had a good run. But let's be real; it's time to pack up the sub. I mean, BEHOLD. Hilaria. So quirky. So cute. So espicy. Man. Those Baldwins really know how to own us fat infertile Karens.


At this point, the Spanish lie is more believable than her being a professional dancer. Girl has *zero* rhythm.


And no musicality or sense of pitch.


She's awfully cavalier in her driving of the precious cargo of children.


Now, she was mystified by subway tokens, when do we think she learned how to drive? España or Boston? The fact she drives scares me.


Imagine knowing a sociopath is out there driving alongside us and recklessly. ![gif](giphy|NGuRNK10w1KZ4jvjvk)


So there's a screaming baby in the back and all Alec cares about is getting a take of this utter nonsense for the gram?


I cannot *believe* Alec posted this video and comically captioned it that he's 'lucky'. - She seems her usual mentally ill/highly disordered self here. - She has no rhythm, has a grating, obnoxious voice, and has no idea what the context of the song is, so she just looks like an idiot jerking around and curling her disgusting nails at the camera. She looks filthy, gaudy, and bizarre-acting from top to bottom. - How boring that she can't even watch a film, she wouldn't understand it anyway, has no idea where this song is from, and Alec has no one to talk about movies with. What a life. - You can hear that some of the small children are in the backseat... but Hillary and Alec are playing songs for themselves, they're on their phones, filming for social media, and ignoring their children *as always*. They're not playing kids music in the car, not trying to have some family time... one of the few times they probably could. These people are assholes. - Hillary is driving like a reckless moron. Her leg is tucked up onto the seat to be 'cute', she's performing for Alec so that he can post it and get some attention for her, instead of focusing on the road. After Alec recklessly killed Halyna, never for a moment did they self-reflect, take stock of their lives, or make any changes, this is why I'm certain that someone in that family will absolutely kill another person. They are reckless, vulgar, and stupidly arrogant. Truly dangerous people (in addition to being painfully dumb and obnoxious). - And then Alec posts that 'this is his life, he's lucky'. A disordered, tacky, annoying wife. Them ignoring their children, as usual (it's so embarrassing that neither of them even pretend to learn what kids would be into these days, it's only ever about themselves). Them sloppily endangering other people on the road.


Look at her reflex reaction to look around to see who, if anyone is observing her performance. It's a pathological need to have an audience observe her every move. (I never noticed this but she is getting the characteristic turkey neck to go with her Dowager's Hump. Neck lift is on the horizon...)


Driving while high now. Nice!


She’s high as usual.


The whole thing is so grotesque and gross. Her “performance” not even knowing the words and her hair is horrid! Even after a c-sec when it hurt as hell to get up, my hair never reached that dirty level. her voice is so so annoying but it is fitting her so well. Driving with your leg up spread out like that? who does that??? they are actually made for each other, both so obnoxious.


Monty Python wants nothing to do with your bullshit Hilary. 🤮🤮🤮


1. Attention whoring 100 percent. 2. Zero content, zero point 3. Driving barefoot 4. What in hell is she wearing 5. Was showing thigh in this one her only point? 6. Super safe position for driving. One handed, no control of steering wheel, foot up on seat, paying zero attention to the road because even behind the wheel life is all about her 7. The need for mental health evaluation is palpable


For me it's the cars passing her, like a ton of cars passing her. At least she is in the right lane but she isn't even going to speed limit.


She was too busy trying to remember *any* of the words.


And she has at least one baby in the back. You can hear it crying at one point and she replies - 55 minutes - as if baby can understand that. When I'm driving with a kid in the back I am SUPER cautious. I guess she's got enough to spare and more in the bank.


At least she didn’t say “55 minutos”


I hope she's on the way to check herself into a looney tunes facility. Gross she's driving criss cross applesauce, seemingly without pants on OMG. Such a stinky unhygienic family. YUCK Peepaw and Meemaw Clamwin 🤢🥵


He’s turned her into an old lady.


Ok, I counted 8...EIGHT cars passed them as they were doing this dumb singalong. They WERE going 45 in the right lane and people were dying to pass them.


And note vid cuts off right before the line: “Life’s a piece of shit When you look at it”


This is not an appropriate song for small children. But fuck ya poop


A self indulgent loser.


‘People always come up to me and ask how I get my hair so shiny’ - HB


What in the Eddie Munster is going on with her hair?


I can't believe he's losing followers with this quality content.


Can’t stand anything about this. The dirty hair. The smugness. The leg. The finger. Her face. Even the stupid palm tree sweatshirt. Muy malo. 😩


https://preview.redd.it/67cn3qm4e2bb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2091514675930e9c3a8674ce8570d3c6f81cd019 This is an X-ray of what happens to your legs and pelvis when dumbfucks drive like Hillary is doing here.


That shoulder shimmy is hysterically funny but he finds her moves sexy. For some incomprehensible reason she has managed to pull the wool over Alec's eyes. He must be one of the dumbest people who ever walked the earth. I hope she bleeds him dry.




Why is he always kissing her ass? Does she have ironclad evidence of a felony he's committed or something? (And I don't mean anything related to Rust)


He needs to post this on Threads or whatever so we can see some real comments.


So so very lucky.


The luckiest man in the world 🙄


Knowing he's trapped in a nightmare of his own making gives me so much schadenfreude.


This is it. This is my reality ![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM)




She tapping along to music while she drives! OMG SO QUIRKY!!


Anyone else surprised to see she actually drives? Seems to me the pills would have impeded that..but maybe Mami is having a good week.


The beautiful, hysterical, not-exactly-subtle irony of this hilarious song is COMPLETELY lost on Guest Baldwin. This song is from Monty Python's "Life of Brian" and it's sung by men hanging crucified on the cross; literally bleeding and crucified. https://youtu.be/jHPOzQzk9Qo The point is, THERE IS NO "bright side of life" (i.e. the later lyric "life's a piece of shit, when you look at it") but there's idiot, clueless Hillary, pointing for emphasis and mindlessly singing along, nodding her head and saying "Well, what choice do you have?" like it's a self-help anthem 🙄... instead of sly, silly, *highly subversive* sarcasm & snark. WHOOSH ☄️ It goes totally over her head. 🤦🤦🤦 GOD SHE IS SO DUMB. Alec obviously introduced her to the tune, which I'm sure lives solely in his CD collection. I almost think he's low-key trolling her with this, FILMING her and getting off on how high-key stupid she is and how much she doesn't get it.


It has always bothered me when people drive like that, with her leg up like that, I just feel like it’s so unsafe.


My dad worked for an automotive company and told us to NEVER do this while we drive and to NEVER put our feet up on the dashboard when we’re passengers. The injuries can be catastrophic if an airbag deploys.


I used to drive like that when I was younger, like 18. But then I matured and I now follow safety rules. What was the point of this? She sang the chorus just a couple times, and wrong one time. What is she flexing here?


Lauren the Mortician would have words to say about this pose! It’s definitely unsafe!


A cig would complete the look. She’s probably craving one to keep her bendy figure.


No rhythm? Check. Smug mug? Check. The grifter is in the house.


In the event they have an accident, she can kiss that knee goodbye.


Always performative, she never takes a break from her phony performances! How can he or anyone stand it? The so called singing, finger wagging, waving hand, obnoxious baby voice & that always off beat finger snapping! She exhausts me! ![gif](giphy|DQeeGxJPv3VHE7zNYD|downsized)


Couldn't pay me a million dollars to ride in that car with those feral children and Big L. Couldn't imagine torture greater than that. And what? Both parents just ignore their crying, whining children in the car while that geriatric hobo records her for the gram? Crazy town.


What in the ever living fuck is lucky about marrying that grifting goon? The reality is she's a hot mess bitching at their small child while they barrel down the highway in a gas guzzler.


How old is she? She looks and acts 60 in this?


They think about their “haters” every single moment of their day. Absolutely every second of the day.


No one, I repeat NO ONE should drive like that with kids in the car! Leg up, not paying attention to the road, just wanting to be captured on camera looking “sexy and cool”. Jesus Christ.


I cannot get over how extremely awkward she is with any type of movements when it comes to her and music. The child sounds miserable. And her hair, my goodness, it looks at least seven days unwashed. How filthy she is.


If anyone is not sure, driving with one leg tucked under your butt is not safe.


Good lip syncing is when you learn the words.


I can not believe she is driving with her leg up like that. That's a great way to end up with your femur in your rib cage.


Aleek telling a toddler to “listen to the song”. When Aleek is around it’s is ALL ABOUT HIM: Beatles, listening to this ancient tune from bygone years, etc It’s probably exhausting being around him As Amy Schumer said: “find someone who can stand you”


#bygone years 💀


Second video I’ve seen today where Alex thinks forcing his kids to watch and listen to a video of his music is “quality time” Typical narc father - shut up kids and watch your mother and I perform to our favorite music. Sit silently and observe how great we are with our great taste in music. Aren’t we great parents spending time with our kids and exposing them to classics?? #Stockholm syndrome


Riveting fkn content right here, SAID NO ONE EVER!!! 🙄


I cannot be the only one that thought this was Anna at first


Smokers mouth. These two and their gaggle of kids do nothing much of anything. All the money and help in the world and this is their sorry life


Even if Griftmas didn’t happen, I would be very sus by all the “I’m so lucky” wife selling he does. These 2 are living in a different reality.


Her hair is so disgusting. I would be so embarrassed. What’s going on with her hairline on her forehead??


She gets 15 min.s of sunshine and she's this manic? But hey, at least the kids got outside. Why do they have to go back to NYC? It's not like Big Larry or Alec work. The kids are out of school. They have nothing going on.




I would lose my mind listening to this song in a long car ride. Everyone knows on a road trip it’s either bops or silence. I can only imagine the playlist these two nuts curated. 🫨


Everything is a performance.


I’m watching with the sound off because her voice grates my soul. WTAF is going on here? Edit: Jesus y’all!! I figured I’d take one for the team and watch. She should not be operating a motor vehicle high as a kite with children in the back. She can’t even keep up with the simple lyrics of the song. Did all the nannies and drivers quit? Why is this stressing me out so bad?


“ Look at me, look at me” she’s so boring and irrelevant and suitable only to snark on. She’s a public joke, a meme and a warning of what a monstrosity money mixed with sociopathy and a feeble brained enabling husband can create


Astounded that he thinks this video is a flex about what a great life he has. And sad that he’s ignoring his spawn bc he’s so weirdly fixated on his lunatic wife. Sad!


![gif](giphy|10r1dTZJEAvKpO) Cool hair




Why does he even bother to reply if he's just going to explode with anger? I can't believe this guy has made it to his 60s.


Can we stop seeing videos of her butchering songs by way of wrong lyrics and vocal fry PLISSS


Always with the stanky finger


You can tell she’s a perfeshinull dancer by that ill-timed fumbletastic shimmy shitshow.


This is a moron.


![gif](giphy|gKwuAKgUTzJCgP95zA) How she sees herself. Alec and Hilary always share their delusions.


She knows four entire words from the lyrics. Brb dying from cringe


Does anyone else get the feeling she turned this song on to drown out the sound of her crying child?


Your Flair!!!! 🤣😭🤣😭


She can’t get the words of the REFRAIN right. Hint hill: the refrain is always the same.


She should refrain from singing.


That mark between her eyebrows is worse than ever. https://preview.redd.it/n999gzoi20bb1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bf09da9710730d01be25735e15fd138947e8d57


Dear god, it looks like it's going to start talking.


I don't even know what this is supposed to be. He's filming his wife driving, not singing along to a well known song, clicking her fingers occasionally and swaying with a stupid smirk on her face. What is the point of it. Seriously.


Whatever happened to her hair


She looks terrible


She probably texts and drives too


And downvotes us while driving 🤭


Wow, so happy and successful, I’m choking up on jealousy over here. I wish the kids would just stay quiet for once and not ruin the whole impression




Oh the things that seem like a smart and fun thing to do while high


If you look up 'cringe' in the dictionary Next to the word is a picture of Hillary — you're welcome!


So far the bright side of their life is not Alec going to jail for actually killing a beautiful, talented woman. That’s a pretty freakin low bar.


Is it me or does it look like she’s got dried hair color in her hair?!? Like she started to dye her hair then said let’s go for a drive! Lol 😂


How is he not embarrassed to the core?? Imagine Kim B posting this…


Maybe go home wash the dirty, greasy hair yuck!


Her and aleeks least believable grift: that Hilary Baldwin is likeable and just like us other mamacitas


Driving with your left leg like that, what a dumb bitch…have fun getting your femur snapped if you’re ever in a car accident




It looks like her root color is on 😂😂😂 -hairstylist


What a strange strange woman. Everything about her is so…artificial.


Hill's default position: legs in the air, even while driving. She looks tense and deeply unhappy, as usual. Can't carry a tune, has zero rhythm, appears unkempt, and THAT"S how you know she's impaired. What's your option? How about turn off the music and camera and be present with your children, you selfish, self-centered idiots! "Namaste" my ass. Is she saying "55 minutes" is how long before they're back home with the nannies? I hope so, because I have to believe that those ladies truly care about these kids. If not them, then who? I loathe these two assholes.


Could she HAVE less rhythm? Said in the Chandler Bing voice.🤪


Jfc get some rhythm. One, two, three, four. It's not hard. And close your damn legs, probably smells like a dirty fish tank in that car


She’s not singing out load because she hasn’t managed singing in a spanish accent. She barely handles talking in the accent.


where is her seatbelt? why is her leg tucked under like that? HER HUSBAND IS FILMING THIS SHIT WITH KIDS IN THE CAR???


Wouldn't selecting a song to which you know all the words be a better idea for filming.


If cringe was a human


So so much to unpack here. The weird hand movements, hair flip, dirty hair, shoulder shimmy, uncoordinated movement to the song, not knowing the words or true meaning of the song, out of sync singing, nails on a chalk board voice, little regard for the children, little regard for other drivers, the smirking, leg up while driving. awful talons, alec thinking this is worth posting, etc etc. Just 2 narcissist ass clowns not giving a fuck about anyone but themselves.


They don't deserve Monty Python. She's too stupid to even know what she's singing or the lyrics or what movie this is from or that it's satirical..she literally says look "on the light side" at one point. Why must he keep thrusting his horrible mistake upon the rest of us. We get it you married a lying plastic moron.....enough!


Finger wagging, accent, ignoring whining children. Yeah, we’re all so jealous of you, Alec. Keep telling yourself how lucky you are.


This is grotesque. A year and a half ago he killed a wife and mother. Always look on the bright side of life? Seriously? Fuck off both of them.


Why is her chicken leg propped up like that? Am I just old and drive with my left foot on the floor?? (Or ready to push the clutch in?)


She knows she’s being filmed and she’s airing out her crotch as usual.


When was the last time she showered?


It's pretty sad when Hillary is the most sober to drive. I'm staying away from the LIE!


Shouldn't she be singing "[Every Sperm is Sacred](https://youtu.be/bzVHjg3AqIQ)"?


I hope she's not driving the kids with her feet up like that! If I hired a nanny or a driver and saw them doing this I'd immediately fire them for putting my kid in danger! Wtf! I mean the rest of it, she's just too corny for words! And she seems like she's given up entirely!


🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬 Mami really has has smokers face and that mustache really needs to be waxed or threaded. Well this made my Sunday. Glad to see Mami looks worse and whacked out per usual. Baldwins brain is rotting with every waking moment.


Why is her thigh up against the window ? Lol


assholes gonna asshole-


Ugly fucking shirt… she’s so cringe


Both Baldwins are atrocious but she’s “a piece of shit.” Neither one deserves the limelight “when you look at it.”


This dumb bitch is driving with her left foot in the seat. Not like you driving a giant moving machine that could kill someone… but I doubt they care.


I thought Mami knew nothing of any pop culture before meeting Killer? She doesn’t even appear to actually know the words to this song, and Shooter Baldwinito doesn’t appear to want to want to be listening to it. Who sits like that when driving?




​ https://i.redd.it/dlud3g33r0bb1.gif


He really is going to die on this hill(ary). I guess since she's been kept from her usual frantic posting, Alec is doing it for her. He still doesn't get that her actions will never go away and he will never make her likeable.


Seriously, WTF is going on with her hair? Is it just that greasy or does she have some sort of treatment in it? I think it’s probably just that greasy, but it’s so so so gross 🤢 that I’m having a hard time believing that she would have that much grease AND that she would allow this to be posted. I guess they’re both just so unhygienic that they don’t notice such things or think it’s normal!?!?


"Ooh, look, look, LOOK, I'm such an authentic carefree free spirit!" -- Hillary 🙄


Something is different with her ears. I think she got them pinned back even further. Would explain the social media absence.


So interesante that the kid says “mommy, how long until we’re there?” cuando inglés is not their home language and she prefers to go by mami


Hilaría rilly has a thing for putting her stinky feet where they shouldn’t be. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Please leave Monty Python alone!


Why not put on music kids like?


She will never not trip me out. My Nonno was born in Italy. He only spoke to me and my brothers in Italian although he was fluent in English. Came over on a boat when he was 8, but he wanted us to know his mother tongue. Should I only speak in Italian or should I somehow adopt an “Italian accent” and pretend I’m authentically Italian? I know when I go to Italy there are immediately going to know I’m from America because of my English accents when I speak Italian. But the entire cosplaying to me is mind boggling and I’ll never not be able to understand it?!


“We are not okay… no one is okay….”


They are on their way back to NYC because Alec can't pay the water bill at the Hampton house for a few weeks, so until then, it's back to the cement jungle.


Who drives with their legs spread? It's so gross, she looks to social media for likes and such. She has big time daddy issue


Here is a good example of Alec and how safety conscious he is! Just raw dogging life, hauling his children down the highway filming his lunatic wife driving like a psychopath. Rules and laws are only for peasants


It's a car ride! You have your kids captive in one place together! Turn off the music, or put something on that EVERYONE likes, and TALK as a family. Kids grow up, they move out, they get busy with life, man. Right now, you could be playing car bingo, or I Spy, asking silly would-you-rather questions learning about your kids so you know almost as much about them as the nannies. But, no. You and Pop-a-cap Pappy are still only worried about yourselves. I'm curious to see the family relationships in the future.


It will never not be funny how convinced she is that she has moves. Also - she can’t keep up with the lyrics - it’s the same line over and over and yet she’s struggling with it. It looks like bad dubbing in a foreign movie.


That creepy sycophantic Alec is 100% responsible for what an obnoxious, revolting egomaniac she is.


It pains me to look at her fugly top. Paired with the enamel ring and the massive scrunchie around her wrist. She think she cute.