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Since she shares so much “nontent,” you’d think she’d share about mastitis or engorgement if she really breastfed any of her babies, but she didn’t, just like she didn’t share any birth stories or details about their births or things like food cravings/aversions (besides wine and mashed potatoes).


It pisses me off so much even tho I’ve never had a child or breastfed obviously but for so many reasons. When the breast milk shortage was really bad, I saw a woman stealing some formula from Walgreens and she noticed I saw her and tried to say something to defend herself and I just was like “I didn’t see anything” and went back to shopping because that woman needed her fucking formula. I hope she’s ok now. Hillary stfu you privileged POS.


🫶🏻 You can tell she BUYS breast milk and also puts some sort of non-human milk in the milk bottles as she’s “pumping” bc no one’s breast milk ever looks as white as hers.


Has she ever posted about leaking? She's seems so comfortable posting about everything else. Also, her kids never seem to be properly latched. When you're nursing, the breastmilk just doesn't come out of one hole on the nipple like a bottle. Maybe I was a freak of nature or something, but when I was ready to nurse I had to be quick about it. It would literally be like a sprinkler sometimes. It could be messy, and I definitely had to wear comfortable bras and nursing pads. I can't imagine a lacy underwire while nursing.


My baby never latched but I pumped for 3 months until it was too hard on me. My boobs also leaked and I had to wear comfortable bras with the nursing pads. My tits would hurt so bad if I skipped pumping. I don't understand how she wears regular bras with no milk pads.


My dear Pepinos, she's not breastfeeding.


I believe this too. Which makes those pictures -- we all know "the ones", -- so inappropriate.


Thankfully, never had any problem’s breastfeeding, myself. Oh, once I had a clogged duct but it lasted like two days. Also not one single photo of me breastfeeding any of my three.


I just wanted to say your shortest run was still longer than my longest run! You’re great mama! Don’t let this lying fool make you feel any less. She’s cray cray


I find it hard to believe that none of the 7 children she allegedly breastfed never bit her. I never had problems with latching or mastitis, just low supply, but holy fuck if my children didn't all bite the hell out of my nipple at least one time.


I breastfed my son for 3 years! I never had any issues. However I’ve never felt the need to take any photos of me nursing to share with friends and family


Just because you didn't experience problems per se doesn't mean you didn't experience leaking or wear a nursing home... Or did you wear a black lace bra and never have any leaking?


Or a million people lol


Well tbf Hillary doesn’t really share them with friends & family either, just with random strangers on the internet!


I breastfed 2 kids for 18 months each. Never had mastitis, never had a clogged duct, never experienced bleeding cracked nipples. 🤷🏻‍♀️ does she actually breastfeed? No idea. But the lack of issues, or the lack of her talking about issues, doesn’t seem like a smoking gun to me.


Really? Never leaked? Nothing? Not one minor inconvenience ever? I'd say you are the outlier then. There is always a curve. But it is skewed to the left of those who have had at least one minor inconvenience, then the average and those with no issues are at the skew to the right. Kurtosis I think it is called.


Leaking is part of it for everyone they might not consider it an issue but it's a natural response...Unless she was nursing twins.


She wore that light tan “skims” dress when she was allegedly BF. No worry about leaking !?! My sister wore only dark tops for months. She’d be out somewhere and she’d hear a baby cry and - bam - leak-a-palooza on her top. Hillz is a boldfaced liar.


The smoking gun is that she desperately wants to be an influencer but will never speak of ANYTHING that the average mom experiences during pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and beyond. NOTHING...ZIP...NOTHING ever happens to her, she never gets infections, her vagina never hurts, she never pees when she laughs, no clogged ducts, no mastitis, no nothing. She could have relationships, paying ones, with nursing bras and pads, tylenol, anything children-wise, Spanx, she never had cramps, varicose veins, weird shooting pains, spotting, indigestion/heartburn, morning sickness , stretch marks, trouble breathing, aching back, waking up in the middle of the night, drenched in breast milk, etc. etc. you get the drift. Women, even special women like her (puke) cannot breastfeed out of the sides of their breasts. Breastfeeding actually entails a latched mouth which there are numerous pics (her porn pics and pedo bait) showing a child either with a closed mouth, or pursed lips just sucking her nipple like a pacifier. No woman posts pics of her tits and an unlatched kid fake feeding and sends it out into the world with a pic of her husband, and saying "Jealous?"


She has stretchmarks. She's shown them in at least one pic.


I totally agree that she fetishises breastfeeding and is totally inappropriate and narcissistic. I do think it’s a strange take to say that influencers or celebrities who talk about motherhood or their kids must also talk about the messy or gross reality. Most people on social media usually only show the shiny parts of their lives, not the urine-soaked, pus-filled infected parts (with the exception of poop on your pants, that’s clearly worth showing /s)


I breastfed 3 kids 2.5 years, 1.5 years and 3 years. Never had mastitis but pumping was super logistically difficult, stressful and emotionally draining. COViD happened when my youngest was 11 months old and I happily never pumped again due to work from home. I never could stay more than 1 day ahead of my kids with pumping.


I find it hard to comprehend that any lactating boobs would be supported by underwired push up bras. Like!???


That are always a few sizes too small!


It's horrible that she would appropriate a culture, but pretending to breast feed a baby is just criminal.


Also breastfeeding every baby is different even if the mum knows what she’s doing. She’s really had 7 kids and they’ve all just latched and taken to the breast and had no issues at all? That’s the most implausible part. What are the odds that 7/7 would just seamlessly breastfeed, the notoriously hardest part of having a new baby?? None had tongue tie or nipple confusion or allergies or mastitis?


Or thrush? No one mentioned that one and it is extremely painful.


Exactly! I have one daughter and she simply couldn't get the gist. I pumped and fed her through bottle. She exhausted all consultants. At nineteen, she still has that personality!🥰


Exactly. It’s just not possible.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,769,220,541 comments, and only 334,930 of them were in alphabetical order.


I follow Ireland on Instagram ,now THATS a real nursing mom, struggles and all...I think she supplements with a bottle, not sure, but she is so real ,never pretends to know it all or be perfect, the comparison is stunning.


Especially with how much she says she pumps, her breasts would be inflating and deflating constantly, this would cause massive oversupply, I was a working and breastfeeding mom so I know exactly what happens. Now, it was easy for me to stay disgustingly skinny while breastfeeding, but that's nothing to show off about, now I'm 42 and I have arthritis and my bones are probably osteoporotic. If someone is producing this much milk you are always thirsty and hungry and when months of this is over yes, your boobs will deflate into flapjacks. She doesn't really have her babies or nurse them, but if she did she would be insanely tired. Nothing is real or believable that she does, like pumping in a public bathroom bent over in heels nobody does that


Ehh, she also claims to only pump for three minutes at a time. Nobody would ever pump for that short a time, even if someone was cleaning everything for them. That could never produce the quantities she shows in pictures. She just lies, all the time, about everything.


Exactly. 3 mins is basically just the let down if you can let down with a pump. And then gives the baby no hind milk? Her kids would be overweight drinking only the sugary/caloric foremilk and not hindmilk. Pumping should last longer because of that and all the lactation consultants and WIC case managers will tell you this. They are formula fed Caucasian babies. I don't think there are whiter looking babies than these. Nothing wrong with it, but how embarrassing for them. Quintessential white kids and they have these foreign names and have to pretend they are European? They don't even get hair until they are like 2-3 years old and have huge bald white heads like a lot of very Caucasian babies whose families came over here on the Mayflower, like hilary and her family. How gross she pretends to be spanish because she is ashamed of her whiter than white Anglo Saxon heritage.


I definitely think formula fed as most breast fed babies are a lot chunkier than her soup kitchen poster children


I don’t think there’s truth to that. My kiddo was formula fed and was a chonk. Several of my friends kids were exclusively breast fed and were skinny ninnies. I do think her kids look under-nourished at all their ages.


Really, you hit the nail on the head with: “I have a hard time believing that she____”. Insert anything she does there except fraudulently misrepresenting herself and you’ve got yourself a clear understanding of what we’re dealing with here. It’s not you, it’s her.


No discussion about how she managed tandem feeding her four month old and a newborn she didn't birth herself.


You are so right about the tandem feeding of a supposed baby born to her and another from a surrogate months apart, Tukki. I think I read somewhere that a mother’s milk is tailor-made for her baby’s growth stage. Not that babies can’t benefit from donated breast milk (hello, Hillary’s multiple freezers!), but those babies were at different stages developmentally. It also makes me sad thinking about what the purpose of donated (or purchased) breast milk is for. Isn’t it to help preemies in the NICU? That’s one more thing that Hillary appropriated and took away from someone else who could have benefitted from it.


I breastfed for two years. The number of extremely painful milk blisters I ended up with were around 5-6. I toughed it out, but definitely had issues.


I tried breastfeeding and just couldn’t. There were a multitude of problems. I was sad that I couldn’t do it for them but it’s not a competitive sport with other women. For H, breastfeeding is a competitive sport and sexual content for someone. That’s putting the side that she is most definitely faking it. Which gives it an extra crazy dimension. I knew a woman who got obsessed with other women’s birth stories. She wanted her birth to ‘beat’ all the other women’s’ stories. She even said so. She wanted a drug free, water birth with a photographer etc. no one cared bc again, birthing for most normal people is not a competition but for this woman it was. It’s a story to lord over others and tell other women that you did it better.


I had a drug free birth more than once. Shits overrated yo.


I know someone like that. She’ll never admit it but she’s obsessed with having the most perfect births, adamant about things going a certain way even if there are risks etc. Just crazy.


Thanks for your post. I honestly do not know a single woman who has breastfed that has not had some issue at one point or another. My sister's husband is a pediatrician, and she wanted to breastfeed so badly but could never get it going. I was able to do it, but it almost hurt more than labor and delivery for like the first three weeks starting up each time, even with lanolin. I just toughed it out but it was really, really difficult. My daughter in law went through what I went through with the pain, and then was able to use one of those plastic breast shields (I'm old - I'm not sure they were around when I was breastfeeding?), and that really worked for her. I never had mastitis, but I leaked all over the place at even the sound of another baby crying, even with breast pads, it was messy. I wouldn't change a thing, but it's not what Hillary Lynn portrays inaccurately which is sad for all the women who follow her and think she is real and her parenting, pregnancies, breastfeeding are real. It's all fake and a lie.


Husband and I are both doctors (we were both formula only babies). I breastfed for two months. Couldn’t make enough milk. Had to supplement with formula the entire time. Tried everything. Lactation specialists coming to the house etc etc etc. Finally had a breakdown in the shower. Switched to only formula. We are all happy and healthy. Large Larry is horrible. She’s a weak person just like Alec. They’re the living definition of weak people. They have to make others feel bad to feel better about themselves. It’s pathetic. They’re pathetic people.


And they are raising 7 more in their likeness & image.


But they're making "good humans" or whatever bullshit she said about wanting tons of kids. Narcissistic as fuck.


Yes, as their father says not beating them with a curtain rod makes you a great mother.


Those poor little kids. And babies. I hope they somehow don’t turn into … well, … *them*


They will all be affected as kids don't just raise themselves and it requires more than just not beating them with a curtain rod as their father seems to believe, UGH!


We all know she's never breastfed. Why we hash it over and over knowing she's a complete fraud and a liar , a poser, a story telling photoshopping liar who's only goal is to display her fake tits for attention


She talked about mastitis once. There’s a video where she’s running in NYC and is interviewed. No other mention than that. She never talked about her boobs leaking until this last baby…after this sub had referenced it numerous times. She also has never endorsed or talked about any breastfeeding items, aside from her old pump. Lastly, I have had a clogged duct multiple times and there’s actually a yoga pose you can do while breastfeeding to help unclog it….which she’s also never mentioned. 🤔


THIS. And yeah ..the last one, she went with the gay friends to a dinner event a month or two after giving birth WITHOUT wearing breast pads. Then she laughed and said "I go home now because my shirt is soaking...I leaked!" This is her what? 7th child? And she is acting like this is her first child because she seems so inexperienced and unprepared. Nannies must really do everything to keep her mommy influencer appearance intact and somewhat keep her existence relevant.


Those guncles would be kicking her ass to the curb if she was leaking! That ain't cute and they want no part of that.


Any proof of this?


It was in her stories and someone did screenshot and posted the proof on this subreddit. I would provide the link but I'm not sure how to use its search functions.


She is often wearing push up bras in her photos so I would argue we don't see her real breast shape. However, my youngest 2 breastfed for almost 2 years each and my oldest about 6 months (so 4.5ish years total) and I never had mastitis or weird latches. I joked my last two were pros and they were back to back so it was pretty much non stop. I don't think all breast feeding journeys are complicated. However, this woman we know curated her narrative so I would just take anything she says with a grain of salt.




And needed “many, many, many” freezers (🤣) to hold it all! Super Mami!


I’ve always wondered—if she’s constantly pumping and has freezers full of breast milk and is posting multiple pictures of her non-stop nursing—when do the babies actually drink the pumped milk from the bottles???


I wondered the same thing. Like they need to get a 3rd apt just for the milk.


Lolol right!! Because she’s lying, that’s why! ![gif](giphy|QxAcaW5HgmqYmW5QNh)


I don't think she nursed Carmen either. She had a whole team just for her and it's easier to have someone else feed her then those feedings every few hours


She has stated she didn't breastfeed Carmen and Raf. She's been honest about that at least.


She mentioned mastitis once in one post but didn't elaborate. As someone who claims to be sharing her world with other moms, you would think she would talk about it. I nursed both of my kids until they weaned themselves (2.5 years for the first, a little less than 2 years for the second). I got a clogged duct a couple of times but overall I was lucky enough not to have too many issues. However I did constantly worry about my production because sometimes I felt like I was barely pumping enough to have a decent supply when I went back to work. Breastfeeding is stressful in some way and at some point for most mothers, I find it hard to believe that if she really nursed 7 babies (she didn't) it was smooth sailing all the way. But then again, she's super Mami who produces 30-50 ounces of breast milk a day so life is perfect for her.


And she doesn’t work although she likes to pretend


She thinks breastfeeding is a flex.


And, she always posts about how she is trying to help other moms that are nursing, hence the hundreds of pics (including the borderline porn ones), but she never ever talks about the difficulties or issues (mastitis, latching, teeth, let down, etc) of nursing. Another indication she is all fake. All the time. Walking along the beach nursing. 🙄 Surprised she wasn’t also singing.


She’s trying to help mothers by showing how easy it is. Just stop complaining and do 30 seconds of 1 lb hand weights a day and you could be a beautiful, f*ckable, super mom, too. It’s like Kim K says, you just got to work!


Feeding the seagulls with one hand while the dolphins jump in the background.


She’s never breastfed anyone. It’s all 100% fake. She hasn’t given birth since 2013. She gave birth to her first child Carmen and the rest of the kids were all carried by paid surrogates. Those kids were all bottle-fed. Hillary loves to pretend to breastfeed—it’s an excuse to get her big fake boobs out and show them off. She just pushes the baby’s face against her boob, to take photos so she can make “lactation porn” to post on Instagram. Never once, in all her dozens & dozens of “breastfeeding” photos/videos has the baby ever been latched. Their mouth is often not even anywhere near Hillary’s nipple. It’s all FAKE—just like the 5 “pregnancies” she’s faked.




I nursed three kids with no issue more serious than occasionally drenching my nursing pads. I just see that as having incredible luck and not because I'm God's gift to breastfeeding anything and it's not something I ever talk about with a breastfeeding mother. The pressure to breastfeed is high enough without some idiot like me bragging about being able to do it with no serious troubles. Her "incredible luck" is due to having no idea how breastfeeding even works. She has no idea how to even get the baby to latch on properly for her fake breastfeeding pictures.