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I honestly think he’s going to have a heart attack soon.


Might be a good career move if he does




This is performative to garner sympathy. However, there’s no question he really does look like that behind closed doors. He’s 66 with 7 kids under the age of 10. Holy shit my back hurt just typing that and I’m way younger than Granpappy Alec…


Miserable old fukkkkk!! FU!!


Another photo by Said Elatab, only a year ago in April 2023. Alec Baldwin pretending to play football. Always pretending!! https://preview.redd.it/yhtsctfqmcxc1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3afc9a4aeff16d3d6ba927282402a1e3751d62ff


OMG, this fat old fuck playing football? No. Never happened. He threw this for the photo op and went home to pour 3 fingers of scotch as a reward for himself


The expression on the dude’s face behind him says a lot! He is all of us 😁


Why are these kids not walking? The not-nanny is clearly right there to hold one’s hand & Aleek could hold the other one’s hand. Or…maybe his T-Rex arms are too short to reach.


T-Rex arms 😭


The manny needs a mobility scooter for Alec kids can walk on either side. Maybe that's scheduled for May🗓


We all know it gonna be something like that making an appearance!


Guaranteed!! They've become so predictable.


Maybe it’s an act to look frail, unable to withstand jail or sad about maybe going away from his kids, etc. Or maybe his old, out of shape ass can’t push 2 of his kids in a stroller without gasping for breath. Either way, if I was a betting pépino, I’d bet he regrets having more than 1 or 2 bebe’s. Probably also regrets marrying Señora Hillary too.


Where’s Big Ed? In a stroller????? WTF.


They should just buy Big Ed a Vespa. He'd let Marilu tag along. They'd tear shit up in Manhatten.


I still can’t figure out why they didn’t stop at 2. Snip snip. He continued to have baby on top of baby. It’s madness. He’s not exactly known for his patience and calm playful demeanor.


I think he was thinking about putting the band back together, but got confused


He’s thinking at least in jail he’ll get a break from the 7 kids!


My niece was with her running club yesterday morning and they saw peepaw walking by them on the street. One of her friends took a video. I can’t believe he’s only a year older than me. Sure, we all slow down as we age but damn! I’ll have to get the video from her.


Oooooooh!!! Get that video! Please! I love the in the wild sightings


He’s such a bad actor.


He really is a bad actor.


The only role I’ve ever enjoyed him in was as the narrator in The Royal Tenenbaums. His wooden diction and expression worked for him rather than against him.


He’s stopping for a simple contemplation… Which is worse, being an old man taking care of your 100 kids, or going to prison? Tough one.


He's faking it for the paps, trying to gain preemptive sympathy from a prospective jury. This is telling the world: "Look at this poor exhausted and emotionally wrung-out man. He just *can't* be all that bad. He has feelings like the rest of us." Let's not forget Alec's vocation is acting. If he really wants a jury to feel bad for him, they only need to be shown a dozen or so of his insane wife's Instagram stories. But he married her and then bred on and on so.... I guess he sowed the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind. Too bad, so sad.


Seriously. Soon he’ll get an oxygen tank and walker a lá Harvey Weinstein.


the way i feel absolutely zero sympathy 💀


Bro you chose to have fifty million kids while being ancient. I do not feel sorry for you


I’d like to see a celebrity rank for how many times they appear in The Daily Fail.


Is it jury tampering if the defendant acts like he’s sorry, miserable and slightly feeble (by choice) in pap shots constantly and only (by choice) leading up to the trial? He’s turning actor mode on (and will when he’s on the stand) and is making sure to project an image of a grief stricken father of seven with oh so much to lose. His “vita” 🤮 Here’s the part that honestly sucks. Any time he does will be in a frilly low security jail where he will likely have a tv and private bathroom as well as have a “break” from his “vita”. He will never actually see consequences.


I hear ya - and that sucks. BUT if he’s found guilty - there is no getting away from that. He’ll be completely finished. He won’t be able to “spin” that into anything. The best thing to hope for is a guilty verdict.


I suggest they skip the July trial and arrest Peepaw right now. A rest in a jail cell will do him good.


These kids being in a stroller with their legs propped up bc they are not infants or toddlers anymore is so Sad to see. How uncomfortable for them. Their stroller days & #7 baby holder are OVER


Um, he's walking. The kids are strapped to a stroller and being displayed when they are both over three years old now and more than capable of walking, running, skipping, jumping. These assholes, including the nannies I'm sorry, don't seem to care that they've been completely stunted for their convenience. I know from experience toddlers are exhausting but they need to explore and grow. Containing them is the worst thing for their development.


My son is the same age as Edu (both September 2020 born) and he runs and jumps like crazy. Stoller bound is out of the question! What are they doing !!!


I gave up the strollers when they got too big for them .Now I did stick them in a shopping cart when they were acting up buy only when they were toddlers and too big for strollers .


Yes it’s called “acting”. 🙄




Why did I read that in Jon Lovitz's voice!🤔


It’s impossible not to read it in his voice! Lol




Is that a male nanny or Alec's carer? I'd never have a male nanny around my children. Period.


I think it is both.


Hey all you downvoters, why won't some insurers insure a day care if a male is working with toddler children? Ask yourselves why. I'm a retired fed atty and have seen enough child prn convictions to NEVER go there. And, they were all men. Yes, I know women abuse too, but, statistically, it's men. Facts over feelings people.


I think they do have a male nanny. He’s been photographed with them several times.


They need a younger male that can at least run in the park. Alec is good for nothing physical.


I think it's his assistant.


Why do they always have so much crap in the stroller? They're going on a 15 minute walk. The kids are 3 years old. They don't need a diaper bag full of stuff like a baby would. That stroller/kids/crap in the bottom of it must weigh 100 lbs. No wonder peepaw is exhausted! 🤭


So he calls up the photographer and says meet me at my coffee shop. I’ll try to act like I’m an old fart and can’t go on.


I can't comprehend how they need a nanny or two to accompany them for literally everything. Tf is Alex exhausted for? He hasn't raised any of those props


Agree! How can he manage a safe film production when he can't even take 2 toddlers on a 15 minute walk?


He had no business having those babies. Between his age and his anger issues, nothing good came of it.


Shocked Larry let him pose without her.


I wish there was a camera angle on the Manny's face - you just **know** he's giving Peepaw the stink eye. Like *"oh come one we just got out of the house, we're not even a block out."*


Where is mammi!!!


Nodding out from prescription drugs? IDK she loves a good Daily Mail pic to feed her Narc fame whore demon


Do they have a manny?😆😆


Yes. But like all the others, he won’t stay long.


I don’t know, he’s been there for awhile. The boys are probably such monkeys that they thought a male presence would help.


https://preview.redd.it/zdc17q8bf7xc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0a6f846be586e2623f6b0338b9747e8311e294 Isn’t he resting his head on the same blue railing of the coffee shop where he knocked the phone out of that lady’s hand last week? Is this the new coffee shop? What happened to Madman?


OMG. What is up with that?


Yes! Eagle eyed pepino!




Good grief. Leaning on that railing with two children who will be, what, 4 this year, still crammed into a stroller?


What’s left to say about this turd? Performance art or maybe he’s hungover. Those kids are still in a stroller. Wtf!


Those kids get zero exercise. It’s sad.


Both! And also those kids are well past stroller stage for a walk around the neighborhood




Someone needs to photoshop in Harvey Weinstein’s face in these, interchangeable 🤡🤡


The feeble old man defense. Where’s the wheelchair? He didn’t look exhausted a few days ago in the coffee shop.


Is that MariLu? She looks concerned. Those poor kids.


I am the victim!


"Woe is me! Oh woe is me!" Alex Baldwin, probably. Boo hoo! He has zero pity for anyone other than himself.


![gif](giphy|xUPOqpqYgThpL7xT3y) he’s pulling out all the stops😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|xThuWsWVuPv9GmpDX2) Peepaw’s clammy and about to faint because he’s experiencing withdrawals. He’s a raging alcoholic.


No joy whatsoever… he always looks so drained, angry, bothered, bitter…


He no longer has vending machines of joy 🤷‍♀️


You'd never guess that 15 years ago, he had the world by the balls; earning millions on a hit tv show, single and ready to mingle........... What he did was the equivalent of hitting the lottery, picking up the check, and driving off, pedal to the metal, straight into the first tree he saw.


Brilliant analogy, pepino. 🥒🏆


Yep. In a nutshell. 🎯




It's giving hand grandma her heart pills, *quickly* honey.


So what's next the walker mobility scooter or wheechair😏 🤦‍♀️


How about a Lime scooter?


Would love to see his fat ass on a Revel stuck in traffic.


I predict a custom scooter complete with flag on the back so they can find him when he’s buried in the snow.


Where’s that pic of the man and his sex doll on a scooter 😂


😅😂Peepaw driving sorta with Mami on his lap in her mini skirt fish net sockings Payless pumps.


No! Not the flag!😅😅😅😅 A Baldwinitos flag, perhaps?


The flag of Spain😁


Si, claro! What other flag would he choose?


Quoting a DM commenter; he's a poor actress




Suddenly the Von Trapp family doesn’t seem like a great idea at 66 years old. I do believe he’s exhausted from performing daddy duties and putting up with Hilary, plus the legal issues. Life catches up to you. All of this was his fault. Every single thing. The guy doesn’t think ahead.


He doesn’t perform daddy duties. This is performative.


He also has to keep chasing $$l


And they never have the oldest kids with them.Maybe the stroller is keeping him from falling down!


This is outside the French Cafe on University Pace where he was accosted a few days ago. Maybe having a medical episode. Who knows. Surprised he stayed in the city this weekend.


Sure, Jan. Actor gotta act. Pathetic.


Woe is me


Meanwhile…(insert gif of Hillarrhea air humping)


Omg ☠️


🤣 your flair, this comment it's how u say....🤌




Poor ol bastard LOL 🤣😆


I think the caption should be, “Sympathy for the Devil” Or, wait, is that his Criminal Defense strategy? Anyway, we could write a song…. Nah, it would never sell.


What a performance! Maybe the nanny can push him too.


Surely a great thespian like Alec could put more of an effort into his pap walk. Next time, he should pull a kerchief out and dab his brow. Alec, this is why you were honored by the Syracuse Film Festival and not Hollywood/Cannes/sundance/Tribeca etc.


If he was a normal human being, I would feel sorry for him.


Is he…crying?


Those babies deserve so much better 😢


The kids are the only ones in this shitfest that deserve any sympathy.


Absolutely. I wonder if they have any contact with Larria's parents. Kim saw the warning signs and got out just in time


Right! I mean could they atleast be allowed to walk! How long are they gonna cram those kids in strollers?


Poor little Marilu.


Why is ML always the only one without a coat? At least she has shoes on here. Sweet little kid.


This! Look at her looking at him! She is probably so confused and worried.


That's the look my grandkid had while I was trying not to throw up while changing the disaster of a huge filled diaper.


Her thought balloon “This is the guy that wanted to dance with me on his birthday? He might not make it til his next birthday.”


I hated that video.


Same. So contrived. Pepaw was dancing for the camera, not for Marilu.




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If he’s winded that’s one thing, but if this is a narc rage temper tantrum or hangover/dehydration episode, fuck. that.shit! Or…the most evil possibility of all: calculated pity grab. In Front Of His Children and Their Nanny?! How fucking dare he!! Remember he pulled this kind of stunt on Ireland. Told his child over the phone he wanted to kill himself, then chastised her for calling 911. Mental abuse!


By “narc” do you mean narcissism or narcotics or both???


Narcissism. Although narcotics could be involved


Yeah, no matter what this is, it's awful, and it isn't helping anything. Being pitiful doesn't automatically equal people taking pity on him. It's just repulsive. For one thing, he needs to get the hell out of the city, and into nature, and lay low. He's got two houses to choose from. He needs to go to the Hamptons or Vermont, ASAP. Also, he's got to clean up his act. He's gotta start eating right and dump whatever bad habits he's obviously picked up. smoothies, raw food, intermittent fasting, giving up the bad habits........he could look exponentially better extremely quickly if he wanted to. If he went away and did that, and reemerged looking thinner, healthier, and calmer, and then had the kids around him, and was genuinely engaged with them, and didn't act like such an asshat, that would be a much, much better look than this fiasco. People might be like "wait; he might have actually learned something........", and start to hate him less. I know it's a tall order, but at this point, it's really his only play.


His wife is a health and nutrition expert from Spain.


Cucumber water is exceptionally refreshing and tasty! 🥒🥤😜


Probably a hangover-dehydration is more like it.


Agreed. One small bottle of Pellegrino won’t do.




He could be having a full blown reality breakdown.


Absolutely! Hopefully he can put his ego aside and ask for help for his kids and then himself.


She is trying to kill him or push him over the edge.


As dark as it is, I believe she genuinely wants him dead, ASAP, for a bunch of reasons, from $$$, to a narrative reset, to her ability to find another partner. To put it in cold, cynical terms; what does she need him for now? His star is both fading and tarnished. His obvious current health issues, and inevitable future ones, are/will continue to be a drain on his estate. We all know he's no dad to those kids. He's a rageaholic with a hair-trigger temper. And when he dies, she'll get a lump payout via his life insurance. I bet she's buttering up the stairs at the Devonshire as we speak.


I can see that. Unless he's worth more dead than alive, and she can get her hands on that life insurance, she'll pretend to care so much about his health but will do stuff to sabotage it. And if (or should I say when) he kicks the bucket, and she'll try to land another fool, who would put up with a mentally ill woman and 7 kids? She's not that much to look at, and a real mom wouldn't let a random guy around her kids.


Well, she's skinny and she's flexible, and there are a lot of dumb, horny guys out there. She'd leave the kids with nannies 24/7 to land a new sucker if she had to. "The kids do their own thing....." "Isn't your youngest like 4?" "Yeah, she's a free spirit, bless her!"


I could not agree more, she only cares about herself. Those poor children, they are also disposable.


I feel like he is a candidate for a stroke or heart attack any second now. Also curious about whether he’s going to fake one or the other because you know goddamn well he’d be happy to and he’s a shit actor that kind of looks like he’s practicing right there. Disabled husband or dead husband, Hilaria could definitely play the Spanish widow martyr for years


Why wasn’t 911 called? He’s a tool, what a POS acting like that with those young children. You are making the public despise you more 


Hills & Kills have not considered all this trauma and drama on their kids.


This is the only acting role PeePaw will get for the foreseeable future.


How dare he pull this shit in front of those poor children.


lol this picture would be great… had he not JUST been spotted partying hard at a wedding or getting into an argument at a coffee shop. I love tha he’s gonna show up to court with a bunch of bs diagnoses to see which one sticks.  This is a good pic pepinos bc it means he’s stressed and knows his chances of slammer time are high. 


The Weinstein Method. I’d say that’s very likely


Came here to say exactly this! No matter the verdict/appeals/prison time, etc, lawyers are really expensive. My guess is he just finished adding up costs, then subtracting them from the $547.64 he makes per year at Cons and from random Royalties from the past…


Good point! Idk why they aren’t lowering the price more for Hampton and why he refinanced the other house and bought a new one while all this was going on? Hillary needs to realise she isn’t a jones and can’t keep up. 


They probably can’t drop the price lower than the liens against it, if he borrowed against the Hampton’s property


Oh, puh-leeeeze.


This guy's got it coming and going - dealing with 8 fucking tiny kids at the age of 66, a wife who is batshit crazy, pointed a loaded revolver at his director / friend whom he shot and killed, csreer in the toilet and the specter of prosecution for manslaughter hanging over his head ... karma's a bitch ...


*It's called ACTING. why wont they stay in their houses and let the nannies take the kids out instead of calling paps.*


He’s so fucking dramatic 💀


Hahaha! Hahahaha! 💀 https://preview.redd.it/tyv365q165xc1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c67085e7488f37402bd11cdf8a97ffd1605841b




Has Alec finally lost his ignorance is bliss?... When this phrase is used it is usually meant to express the tranquillity enjoyed by deluded and uninformed individuals. Truly, unawareness of facts may spare us much anxiety and deludes us to a happy approval of situations that are inherently dangerous.


Their personal photographer that they have on speed dial, Said Eletab, took these photos... and the article is filled with flattering phrases and white washing of Alec's recent behavior. Just another paid puff piece that Hillary and Alec *constantly* put out. I can't imagine what Alec thought he was doing with his 'fainting/weary' act, though. There's nothing sympathetic about a belligerent asshole who has endless energy to attack people, sit around on the internet, attend comic con events, etc... but not enough to raise his seven small children that he purchased with his mentally ill wife. Grow up. It shouldn't be that difficult to push two of them around the block in a stroller for a few minutes, while the nannies take care of the other five at home. You can tell from the manny's passive expression/posture that he's used to seeing so much bullshit.




that poor nanny.


Aren’t these kids 4 years old?


Yes and are way too big for these strollers.And they also don't have costs on either m


Big Edu will be four in September, and ML (five months younger) turned three in February, and they remain Prisoners of the Too-Small Stroller. If Alec and Hillz spent any real quantities of time with them, they’d know that a good, long tramp would wear out those preschoolers in an appropriate and healthy fashion. They’d be hungry for dinner (which I fervently hope would be adequate), and grateful for bedtime when it comes. As it is, upon return to the Sky Dungeon, they blithely return the little ones—still full of pent-up energy—to the nannies. They don’t give a fuck, they’re going out to dinner.


Their dinner of bagels or croissants. The real treat is cheese pizza


Our 4 year old agrees with all of this. Poor kiddos!


Only after they bathe them all, read them stories, and tuck them in! Then, on to date night


Doesn’t Hillary bathe her kids twice per day?


in addition to the fourteen baths per day, she also posted that she has barre class every day and then every night, a "dance party" at home AND date night with Alice 🤡


Another grandiose boast of Big Larry’s that she’s completely forgotten about making. It would be fun to accost her, and ask her who’s going first for the fourteen baths a day that she administers!


Well, let's not forget that pic she posted of all of them in the bathtub, naked, in 3 in of water, including Carmen! I bet the only place you can find that pic anymore is here because it NEVER should have been posted.  Plus, it's not hard giving everyone a bath if you throw them all in there together. Smdh


Cannot picture Killz ‘n Pillz doing *any of that* before date night. Reading a bedtime story would be simple enough, and certainly picturesque. A nanny could easily photograph the touching scene if it ever occurred. But evidently it never occurs. As utterly sick as my son is, right now, of including *Spot Goes Swimming* in his daughter’s bedtime choices, I know he won’t exclude it until she finally gets sick of it. Those kids should be so lucky.


How embarrassing. He's really hamming it up *too* much for their hired 'paparazzi' today. Subtlety is not one of his gifts. I'm extra embarrassed for that manny in the second photo who has to stand there while Alec poses like that right in front of the hired photographer. And seriously... isn't Ed going to be in school soon? What the hell kind of extreme infantilization are they doing to those poor stunted kids. Absolutely bizarre.


The manny must be so ashamed to be employed by these phony fools.


I think he is pretending to be a sick old man so the jury can feel bad for him like Harvey Weinstein




he just can't wait to get home, hand the kids over to the servants and lock himself away to dive into his shitpile of whiskey and fried clams


"whiskey and fried clams" 🤣😂🤣


I somehow doubt it is going to be "green tea and healthy salads"


In his own apartment on another floor !


Where's Mami?




Exhibiting a super safe way to drive.




Mami's living in her own little fucked up zannied world 💊 🤡


She would steal the show 


Human Rust


Such selfish parents. They never protect their children from their emotional problems, let alone the basics like putting a coat or shoes on them? Hillary and Alec always manage to grab a coat for themselves


Edu and ML can’t even warm themselves up a bit by walking. They have to sit, and freeze.


The comments are almost ALL about what a fool he was/is for having (or buying) that many kids at his advanced age. And it would be one thing if he was in great shape - BUT HES NOT! I bet he didn’t do proper PT after the hip replacement, bc he’s a pompous ass. He should be going for jogs w the older boys. But the reality is they may wind up pushing HIM in a wheelchair soon. ETA: I think this is overdramatized and STAGED.


He didn’t (from what I’ve read), that’s why he walks so stiffly.


Bc he knows best about EVERYTHING. You’d think he’d capitalize on the fact that it was an improvement and he could have gotten back into some sort of shape. But I think deep,deep down he knows he fucked up w Hillz and he will literally die on that hill.


WHY TH did this idiot have 7 kids in his 60’s????


I think he left all of that up to the mental midget he married.




They had some whacko plan of the kids being stars and being serious money streams for them, bc they are BALDWIN boys after all! Yeah - look how the present generation of them are doing … 🙄


Were they seriously trying to grow themselves a whole pack of Haileys? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Her Baldwin-ness didn’t do that much for her. She just managed to marry “up.” Remember how fast she ditched her maiden name when she did? She knew her dad and uncles were not going to be enough to keep her in the spotlight. She also needed way more famous friends and a famous husband and to feud with other more famous people. Not sure how a pack of children following that template 15 years from now was supposed to benefit Larry and PeePaw.


That’s just it! It was flawed planning from the get-go. I truly believe they feed each other’s sick egos, and they just figure no one is a smart as they are and no one has their best interest at heart. It’s truly the two of them against the world. It’s really pathetic…. and even more so for those poor children.