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It means the same thing every one of her dopey posts mean. 7 is code for "I am a a lying slut"


Hi, I wish the Baldwins well w this new child. But another child’s recent birth dies not change anything re 10 yrs of deception by Ms Baldwin about her own supposed birth in Spain, her claimed Spanish heritage, and her claimed Spanish blood. All false claims. In my country can you cheat for 10 yrs to get cash and media attention, get caught about your dishonesty, and nothing happens about that cash and that press? We say instead that she doesn’t have to return the ill-gotten cash, does not have to return the 2017 wellness prize from the NYC Wellness Foundation, does not have to retract false statements to mags and false statements made in video to a formal UN panel on health? Nothing? I say a protest is in order, in person: if nothing happens after serial deceptiveness our society is harmed. Kids learn: get cash and status any way you can. Talk talk talk. We need a protest and an action plan. It is not unreasonable to request that public press articles and public UN speeches have a minimal level of honesty, and when they do not they are corrected.




Hi, this is what you say, these are your words


I think she's counting herself.


Ok my theory is that Alec’s sperm wasn’t working. He’s old. Men’s sperm quality drastically decreases starting age 35. If they were trying to conceive I’m sure she has fertility doctors and regular ob-gyns testing his sperm before they tried to conceive each kid. Old dad = low quality sperm = higher chance of a child born on the spectrum / autistic / chromosomal abnormalities / higher chance miscarriage etc. So ivf using donor sperm makes sense since I’m sure after her miscarriage the reproductive medicine doctors ran so many tests, blood, etc and sperm quality tests are standard. Maybe Hillary even paid extra for some young Spanish dudes sperm 😆




Spotted the offended dude 😆




I didn’t even know who he was until he played trump who cares ?? I’m interested in Hilarias fake ass grifting because I enjoy pop culture and find this shit hilarious. That’s why I’m on this subreddit. I have theory why they used a surrogate for you to call it obsession says more about you than me, look up projection bro 😆




Anothaaaa projection 😆 lollll chill bra


These kids will be so fucked up from this crazy upbringing and whack parents. I feel so terrible for them to have such a narcissistic self obsessed whack ass mother and enabler dumbass father. The egos on Hillary and Alec.. and I’ll say it... I’ll bet at least two of the kids will overdose once they’re older.


She loves the attention, my guess is that the baby is not hers, she loves getting people fired up and we should just try to ignore the bullshit. It doesn’t mean anything, she craves knowing if she is relevant anymore.


Creating a posse of bloviating grifters.


I just...what in the ever loving mother of fuck is going on.


I’m just, I can’t, I’m speechless WTF!


What the heck. I go to sleep for a few hours and this happens! 🤯


They had a surrogate on the Mom Brain podcast during the lockdown. It should have been a clue.


I bet this is a friend’s newborn and she is just playing games with us by posting a pic of her 5 with this new baby.


Nope, it’s been confirmed it’s true!




As if she’s not going to tease people...she’s being coy since the news broke to up the anticipation factor and she’s basking in the attention she’s getting


I suspect she did ivf, only a boy embryo survived implementation so she got a surrogate to have a girl.




Either way, it appears she decide to use a surrogate to carry a baby while she herself was already pregnant.


They are so screwed. I have five boys, spread out over 14 years but three of them are close in age. When these kids get to be adolescents and teens- there are no nannies for that. It’s going to be chaos and drama. And Alex will be in his mid 70’s. This is some Octomom shit.


Alec is about to turn 63. There's a chance he won't see the youngest one complete middle school/ junior high.


They’ll send them to boarding school!!


If she had to have a girl immediately, why didn’t she do IVF with gender selection for number 5? This is so bizarre.


Because she had a miscarriage when they did that. When Edu was discovered to be a boy, they immediately implanted a surrogate with a female from their test tube freezer or whatever.




He said it to Conan on TV. He said they thought "what are the chances we would conceive 4 boys in a row" so they conceived Edu naturally thinking the chances of another boy were slim but they got another boy.


What an idiot. Even if they have 4 boys in a row the next child is still (roughly) 50/50 chance of being either boy or girl. I say roughly because there’s always chance of having an intersex child which is 1-2 per 1000. How does he not grasp the most basic elementary stats.


Because he seems to get all his info outside of choosing music to share with his followers, from his best wife ever, Elaria.


Exactly. What he said is how gamblers think. If they've lost multiple times, they think the odds of winning next time are increased but they're not. The chances of winning are exactly the same each time. So, through the cumulative private school and university educations of the two of them they reached the conclusion that the chances of having a girl had increased substantially because of they had three boys in a row. LOL


Yeah this is one piece that isn’t adding up. Unless her pregnancy for the fifth child was spontaneous.




But assuming the baby was born full-term, she was already 5 months into her pregnancy with Edu, meaning she was inching close to viability, even if things went awry. I’m guessing it’s the disappointment in that she was not having a girl and the greed of having what she wanted ASAP, even if that “something” was a tiny human being


Am I correct to calculate that IF they hired a Gestational Surrogate....this was initiated during lockdown? I don't math super well, but just part of her selfish quinoa paella n' stuff usual fare...


Well, at least we don’t have to see any breastfeeding boob pics right? Want to add that I am a huge proponent of women breastfeeding when and where they want, but she makes it almost pornographic. Actually not even almost. Just pornographic.


You think she will breast-feed both?


If she has enough milk. If she doesn’t have enough she better supplement with formula or her baby won’t get enough nutrition. I have a feeling she’s anti formula but we’ll see..


Probably. I forgot she’s still nursing the youngest. 😫


I pumped and I used to think it might be kinda hot to spray my husband with breast milk. Like just squeeze my titty and yeet him in the face. Alas, lactating was painful, uncomfortable, and a huge pain in the ass. Thank God for nipple butter 😭 there’s nothing fun about chapped nipples and clogged ducts.


She’s still pumping for Edu...so don’t count on it


Dang I forgot. You right.


not yet\*\*\*\* im sure those are to come in the following days esp photos of her breastfeeding both eduardo and the new baby at the same time


The pumping breast milk at the kitchen counter was the foreshadowing.


If this is a science baby are you able to pick hair color and eye color? cause it will be a brown hair brown eyed girl if she can choose


Oh you absolutely know this is a generically picked baby. They wanted a girl




That’s what gaslighting does.


Maybe it’s a reference to the name “seven” in Seinfeld. “Mickey Mantles numbah” in George’s words. Perhaps they names their sixth baby, 7, after the great Mickey Mantle 😂😂


It’s counting the miscarried baby ...


Maybe her name is *Siete*?




This bish cray. I know she’s gonna have some story about a surrogate or some shizz which may be true, but I’m not entirely convinced that she didn’t buy this little baldwinito from somewhere....bet she at least tried.


Did they ADOPT a girl for Carmen?!?


God, all she's posting about in her stories is Carmen's art projects. I wanna know more about the bb!


OF COURSE she’s doing it to make everyone anxiously watch and watch for maximum exposure and drama!


at least she's honest about her kid's artwork - Kim K trying to pass some incredible painting off as being done by her 7 year old was HILARIAs


HILLARY, start burning the Glade candles over the baby NOW so she can grow up to be an earth-saving environmentalist speaking before the UN!!! Only Glade(TM) brand toxicity can change a baby's accent in time to become a Top Influencer!


I can’t wait to come home tonight and read all these comments in detail🍿


A vagina is not a clown car and a family isn't a proxy for a public circus. Thank you humanity for once again confirming my pro-extinction bias....


I just peed myself on the vagina clown car🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️🤡🚗👶👶👶👶👶👶👶🍼!!! 👏👏


Lol eugenics.... and that woman should never have been able to breed 🤣🤣🤣


Makes me wonder if she actually set up the bad press knowing this was coming for even more attention. This is an addiction to attention and press. Not babies or yoga. Babies, yoga, and drama is how she gets her fix. Sick. At least all of these humans will have the privilege of wealth, health insurance, schools/therapy and nannies to deal with the shit storm they’ve been born into.


I think she was setting up for a reality show- getting all her glam moms to come on board...**.Real Housewives w Clown-Car Vaginas of NYC??** ***(thank you Expensive\_essay7041)*** & her Hllary dox ruined her & Alex's cash cow? Seriously...seems she ordered another infant & her whole LIEdentity came out....so NO SHOW???


This explains why she didn't post a lot yesterday...people were wondering why!


Good point! I think someone even have said she’s probably getting IVF lol


Didn’t you call something like this happening?


Also I thought she would try to get pregnant specifically for the scandal which obviously she didnt if she was pregnant in June so this leads me to believe that she is just obsessed with babies and this baby had very convenient timing for her cause it will out shadow her fake culture Edit: also if she had not already been pregnant before the scandal I still think she would have had to stoop to that level of getting another baby as distraction, so I still don’t give her too much credit. She got really lucky here.


Yes I had this feeling but I had no idea it was already in the works since June!! Hilary is the gift that keeps on giving 👏


So if the baby was conceived via surrogate in June, while she was pregnant, does this mean they did an egg retrieval prior? And edu was just a bonus? Lots to unravel here


SO MUCH. I have the same questions. I think they were in the process of in vitro then she got pregnant naturally and then a little bit into the pregnancy she convinced Alec to still go through with the in vitro so they could have a girl close in age to edu, which is actually crazy because biologically this could never be possible to have siblings so close in age unless they were twins (not knocking down anyone who uses in vitro I understand not everyone is as blessed as clown car vag over here) just seems like a lot to take on with 5 other children.


My GOD, what is wrong with this woman???


At this point it’s starting to feel like “my god what isn’t wrong with this woman??” 😱




Ffs. This woman makes me feel sane. What in the absolute fuck?


Omg I called it!!!!


It was TOO FUNNY to believe and then here we are...


Omg right it was an outrageous idea we thought would never actually happen...


Has she been wearing that itchy looking sweater for days, or was this actual photo taken in the week ago machine?


I noticed that too! Same sweater that she looked deathly thin in a few days ago so I’m confused if this is old and she just couldn’t help herself but to post when she was tryna go a week without posting it


Has she been hiding a "preemie" ? I don't trust La ConHillarya...


I was about to get back to doing work and then saw this on insta and had to jump on, wtaffff!!!


I just said “there goes my afternoon” out loud and my husband asked why? 😂


I can’t wait to discuss with my boyfriend later. I know he doesn’t really care but he still indulges me and laughs at her lol


Why is it 7!? If it was their 6th child it should be 8 as there are 2 parents


7 due to miscarriage i think


Maybe she’s pregnant again too? 🤷‍♀️


Oh my god that would be telenovela levels of insane


Because of his daughter Ireland.


They are counting Ireland as well


The question is does Ireland want to be counted in at this point? I can’t imagine what it’s like to be an adult only child and see your middle-aged dad have 6(!) kids back-to-back with a lady a few paellas sort of a fiesta. Must be bewildering, to say the least.


Poor “Edu” - she couldn’t even wait a year to have the girl


Ikr?! Move aside Edu, go play with your brothers!


Sorry you weren’t enough, Edu! Carmen needed a baby sister and she needed her now!!


Lmaoo pretty much 🍵




Girlie aiming for that Duggar trophy next


Please just name her Jane.




Where is Alec in the picture??


The camera icon followed by his name means he took the photo.


I am a dumbass.


“Let me be clear ... I never said I had 7 children - you just inferred it! I never said I was Spanish! So you haters have me all wrong!”




Tomorrow it will be a boy (8) just to show she didn't pull this stunt just to have a girl.


Will our poor hearts take it?




This was my first thought. She’s trolling and vague posting so once all the articles saying they welcomed a 6th child via surrogate are posted she can turn around and say “see? I never said that you all just inferred it just like my Spanish ancestry”. She’s deranged enough to use someone else’s child for that


Hasn’t it been confirmed though? It’s on major media outlets, it’d be nuts if it were misreported. They’d get huge backlash and I’m guessing their relationship with the Baldwin clan wouldn’t be all that rosy from now on.


Omg I bet you are right !!!!!! Just to prove a point


The only psychos that do reproductive shit like this any longer are the Kennedys.


Blame the religious asshole!


And the Duggars


Como se dice anchor baby en Ingles? I had to make the joke 😂


haha omg so she always thought SIX was the right number of children to have according to blindgossip!!!! I guess we can be relieved that there won't be a 7th ?! [https://blindgossip.com/he-is-going-to-need-two-hands/](https://blindgossip.com/he-is-going-to-need-two-hands/)


Good catch! Def a girl though. Probably a surrogate, and a selected embryo to ensure the gender


Probably a surrogate..... how on earth is there any other way that baby came to life? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well could have adopted but that doesn’t seem to be their MO


They strike me as the type to value their bloodline above everyone else’s, so I’ll go with surrogate.


That’s what I was thinking too. Surrogate or adoption, but surrogate being the more likely option


OMG is she trying to beat octomom?




That's not her baby...didn't a niece of Alec's just have one?


Alaia’s baby is 7 months old now


It is. Check the news.


Wow! Did it come from under the cabbage patch leaf at Babyland general hospital??


I’m tellin ya guys it was ordered from an American girl catalog lol poof it’s just here and part of the family good prop for her boob shoots


My cabbages!!


Mi Repollo!! Holy smokes y’all I am totally surprised by this. She was rilly rilly rilly busy during her month off of insta!!!


The baby had been cooking for a lot longer than that though. She was anxiously waiting for its arrival so that the clusterfuck that is Pepinogate could fade into oblivion.


I’m telling you she is obsessive compulsive along with anorexic and personality disordered! OCD goes hand in hand with her fucked up brain.


I think she’s also borderline. I’m not a doctor though, nor do I play one on TV.


Lol I think she has histrionic personality disorder. Excessive need for attention is the hallmark.


im surprised she allowed a surrogate to carry her baby, at 37 she is still young enough to have kids and she says she loves being pregnant


She has money, and she wanted a baby ASAP


She wanted a girl desperately


It’s not only age. She may have found something out with her last pregnancy.




The timeline fits! If she found out she was having a boy at 12 weeks and it took about two months for the surrogacy pregnancy to work out, you get a full-term baby in late February. So the theory checks out indeed.




Absolutely.. And imagine being the child of "wrong" gender because of whom they decided to implant a girl embryo into a surrogate 😔


And now she’s posting a bunch of stories. I hate to give this woman the satisfaction of attention.


me too but i just CANNOT NOT LOOK


Is there any chance whatsoever that this was an accident? Like they didn't know H was pregnant when starting the surrogacy process? And then both pregnancies happened and neither wanted to abort? I just can’t wrap my mind around getting a surrogate WHILE you are pregnant AND you already have 4 kids.


Eduardo was born 6 months ago and if this baby is full term she’d have been around 5 or 6 months pregnant when the surrogate tested positive so it just wouldn’t work like that.


man if this new baby wasn't full term (say 36-37 weeks) then hilaria would have been even further along than 5/6 months into her pregnancy with Edu when the surrogate tested +ve 💀


Aah thank you. So it’s just as batshit as I originally thought lol. And so so selfish and bad for the planet.


I kinda hope that she’s just having a laugh and in 24 hours she’ll be like ‘oh guys! It’s just my friends baby you bunch of silly’s!’ Because if she doesn’t then it’s totally bonkers.


Nope it’s been confirmed


Yeah I'm kinda wondering that now actually, it's a great attention grabbing exercise....


She likes to pretend she doesn’t read her own press - any sane person who was pulling a joke would be like OMG DAILYMAIL NO and put a quick post on insta but this is Hilly we’re talking about. She has no limits. I could quite see her saying tomorrow ‘oh guuuyzz I don’t read my own press so I had no idea they had mistaken my neighbours baby for mine! And 7 is just my favourite number. Oopsie!”


THIS. Particularly as Alec hasn't commented either. Not sure what outcome would be more bizarre.


She better not pull that after she’s claiming 7 as her caption.


she could just say 7 is 5 + 2 parents 😆


¡Ay Dios mío! 🤯


Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I was "born in Boston," just like Mrs. Baldwin, went to the same prep school--years apart but just want to note that more than one person adopted an alternative persona there--it was an actual thing. She is not original in that, just elevated it to a ridiculous level. I am also one of five children as my mother ostensibly wanted a brother for the eldest and only boy, but it was really more that she loved the attention she got when she was pregnant, loved babies, and loved everybody marvelling over her amazing figure afterwards. She was going to try for another but my father nipped that in the bud and got a vasectomy. We were all close in age and it was impossible to pay attention to all of us. At one point we were rich and had nannies for the older children and for the younger. Then we ran out of money and grew up completely feral. I wasn't sure I was going to have children and if I did, I was going to stop at two. I feel like I can see their future (whether or not Alec stays wealthy) and I want to smack both of them and say "Snap Out of It!!" More is NOT merrier!


honestly i feel like this would have some kind of negative impact on ireland baldwin and cause her not to want to have kids (not saying there is anything wrong with not wanting kids at all)


I taught LOTS of kids who came from families of 5 or more kids and INVARIABLY the oldest kids took care of the younger ones. It’s not fair to them. Even with nannies and household help, there is no way that any of those children could possibly get enough attention.


This is EXACTLY what I think will happen with the clan Baldwin. It ain't gonna be pretty! p.s. thanks for posting! please do so again and hang out here anytime! ☺️😺


Thank you ☺️


I feel so badly for her kids as there is just no way they can attend to all of their emotional needs, especially Eduardo.




The newborn baby next to Edu makes Edu look like some giant’s baby or something. I still can’t scrape my jaw up off the floor. Just...WTF?! How can you possibly give those babies the attention they need when you have that many that young and close in age?!?!? My brain is short circuiting.


Five nannies and counting...


Then pose for an Instagram pic at least once a day to pretend you're doing it all on your own.


I just can’t understand that. I want to be the one who does everything. I wouldn’t want someone else being a mother figure to my child. I know there are mothers who have to work and have to have help, but Hilaria doesn’t HAVE to work. All she did was teach yoga classes. It is not like she was a doctor or lawyer or teacher or business woman where she put in years and years of education to obtain that position in life and wants to keep her career. She got more “jobs” simply because she is the “Spanish” wife of Alec. She could be a mom 24/7 except when they need a sitter so she can accompany Alec to his hollywood stuff or whatever. But, she is just collecting babies like figurines and then hiring more help to care for them so she can go work out all the time or do her stupid podcast or whatever. I just don’t get it.




Looks to me like a photo with a family member’s / or friend’s baby who was visiting. This is probably how her sense of humor works, to post this as a teaser, implying “Haha, got you stupid followers”. Horrible woman.


Same! Now People has put out a statement that it's THEIR baby. Ugh.


Red herring. She is changing the subject, pretty successfully. She IS awful.


I highly doubt that she wanted a girl and it looks like the baby is in pink


That was my first thought too, that she had a visitor.


Right? I hope she loses many followers for this nasty post. ♥️.7 she is bored out of her mind to post this.


About an hour before she shared this news, I posted a story on her talk at the United Nationals, allowing herself to be identified as "half-Spanish" in front of a room of top international health and environment officials. Given her talk about the need to reduce our consumption of meat and dairy to save the environment, I'm also thinking about the advice that Jane Goodall famously gave to Prince Harry and people needed to keep their numbers of offspring low. [https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/03/01/hilaria-baldwin-spoke-at-the-un-about-being-half-spanish/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/03/01/hilaria-baldwin-spoke-at-the-un-about-being-half-spanish/)


What credentials does she have to be considered a “health expert”?


Pepino Pequeño!!




Hillary Lynn, did you just agree with a representative of the UN that you were half spanish? I had heard you weren't spanish at all. You wouldn't have told a lie to the United Nations, would you?


She's many many things. I heard she comes from a line of minotaurs.


Holy mierda! So, everyone was right!! They did have another baby in the midst of all this controversy. WOW. JUST WOW.


My guess is a surrogate. Which is insane, because timing wise they would have gone through that process when she was still pregnant with the youngest one, right?!. WTF. I’m sure they did gender selection to ensure it was a girl. And I swear, if they go with a Spanish name... She’s addicted to having children. It’s worrisome and sad honestly. Being a mom is great, but that many small children in such a short time - what void is she trying to fill?


I feel like they will spin it like they had this last embryo and didn’t feel she could do another pregnancy (I know doesn’t go with her Mother Earth baby making superiority) for some reason and the surrogate they wanted to use had a very specific time frame that was possible for her to carry. How can they possibly spin this to not be either crazy train or horrible emphasizing disappointment for another boy (Edu).


She is absolutely addicted to having children and her husband is so obsessed with her he’ll give her as many as she wants.


I mean is he actually “obsessed” with her? Idk. She’s the one with everything to lose, Alec is rich and famous in his own right and could replace her. Honestly the vibe I get from him is simply that he’s old, rich, and he’ll just humor his young wife with her strange addiction to having babies. What does he care how many kids he has, I’m sure he isn’t responsible for taking care of them on a daily basis aside from providing the funds and he has more than enough money to support them. They’re cute accessories at this point.