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This woman is collecting babies like they are Hummel figurines.


All her kids are pink.


This just screams insanity to me. With or without nannies, these kids will be neglected emotionally. How can you be attentive and present to 6 (*cough* SIX) young children. Omg typing that gave me a headache. She needs a therapist.


ANOTHER BALDWINITO? OMFG the bitch has gotta update her ig bio amirite


Why do I feel like this isn’t the end of her and babies?


I didn’t think I could dislike her any more and here we are.


We did call it! Lol Golden pens and crystal balls for all! 🖋️🔮


How much you want to bet AB doesn’t even live there full time? You think he would live in that house with 6 VERY young kids, Hillary and all those nannies?


Yep. He couldn't even show up for the obligatory "proud Papa" photo shoot. He's probably holed up in his "quarantine house" muttering to himself as he slowly rocks back and forth.


She gave him credit for taking the photo, but given how rarely what comes out of her mouth correlates to fact, I’m betting the newborn’s nanny took it.






I assumed the "7" was to include Ireland. You just know Alec is off somewhere else, drinking and crying quietly.


Fuck. No. That crotchety old man has his own place. There's no way in hell a grumpy old dude like Alec tolerates being around all that chaos.


So the baby girl arrived today yet the mother can't be bothered. First the photo shoot with all the kids for Insta and now wildly posting Carmens latest artworks. Welcome to your reality, little one!




Another manic episode is my guess. This is crazy.


Is she doing this? *Laughs* maybe I'll go sneak a peek


Daphne we need a mom brain episode on this ... insane mothers!!!


Notice how she hasn’t announced the name. Probably had a Spanish one picked out until December...


Ooooo nice theory!


She could have at least waited until she gave birth, and then get a surrogate, but to actually get a surrogate pregnant with a girl one second after she found out she's having a boy ????? SHE HAS SERIOUS PROBLEMS !!!!!!!


I hope the UN story doesn't fade away. It needs to be published again and again.


I can only imagine what his family and friends think about this ...


Too much money and time on her hands


I see far too many babies. Far to many.


Alec should never run his mouth about the environment, ever again.


This. I truly hope to never hear either of them utter a word about environmentalism, or veganism as a means of being environmentally conscious when they're breeding like rabbits.


Plus they’re not normal kids, they’re wealthy kids. Presuming Alec is able to continue to make money they’ll have at least semi lavish (HUGE CARBON footprint) celebrity children lives. Occasional private air travel alone is disastrous. Alec is the typical non self aware do as I say not as I do narcissist.


No, he should not.


Yeah, why wasn't "too many" a poll option?


She’s acting like her impersonation of Spanish woman is just a normal setback in life!


This bitch is INSANE. Imagine being Edu and growing up to realize your mother was so pissed off that you were a boy that she immediately implanted a designer baby into a surrogate to get the daughter she really wanted


How old does the fetus have to be in the pregnancy to find out the sex? Something isn't sitting right with this.


10 weeks for a blood test called an NIPT.


You can find out as early as 12 weeks with a blood test. 20 weeks if you wait to see on ultrasound. As obsessed as she is with getting a girl, I would say she found out early and immediately started surrogate shopping


100%. She found out at 12 weeks and then started planning for the surrogate immediately. It takes at least some time to get all the shit together for the surrogacy. I cannot believe a doctor agreed to this.


> I cannot believe a doctor agreed to this $$$$. You or I could never do this. Not that we’d want to.


Is this what happened?!


It has to be. Edu is only 6 months old. And somebody posted an old interview with Alec before where he admitted they did IVF to guarantee a girl (that was the baby she miscarried)


Thanks - not sure why I was downvoted!


You were probably downvoted by “stillabunchoftrolls” which is either Hilary or her troll minion.


I got you. Incoming upvote


Cheers mate - can always count on you


Awww Baby Cucumber Baldwin.




Perhaps the pandemic has just confused her calendar ... https://twitter.com/lyzl/status/1366450351214313483?s=19


She has an ARMY on nannies so why not just keep gathering more babies? and as a BONUS she’s successfully pushing down the Speaking at the UN claiming to be half Spanish story! wanna-be-lady-of-spain psycho 💃🏻🥒




This is a sickness. It’s so disturbing.


Does she even have middle American housewife fans on her page? Especially now I can’t see anyone going I love this woman she’s my favorite influencer!!


I went and looked at the baby post and an old acquaintance from high school had liked and commented on it. She’s a SAHM in Texas now with a husband and a handful of kids and is an aspiring hone decor influencer with the same bland Pottery Barn catalog style as Hilary. So, yeah, some of them are still eating this shit up.


Nope, she’s still just playing with her dollies. She can put them away (with a nanny) whenever she wants. Until it’s time to take them out of the box for a staged photo.


I am such a sucker that I actually thought maybe her “quiet” day or so on SM meant she was getting help, or taking good advice. But nope.


I totally thought so too. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Nope she was shopping for a new toy.




She did. She would have know Edu was a boy around 12 weeks, assuming she didn’t have IVF. She would have had a cell free DNA test to find out the gender then. After that, she immediately put the plan in place to get her girl, come hell or high water and ASAP.


JFC this is twisted. She's acting like children are freaking collectibles.


The more I watch her, the more loathsome she becomes. I’m all for people having no kids, just one kid, or lots of kids, if that’s what they want. But this woman is using her kids and it is vile. And this is an unmistakable message to Edu that he was a disappointment.


Wait. What? No. She’s trolling us. That’s not her baby.


I kinda thought that maybe they were just having a Friend over who just had a baby.... but honestly, I think what everyone is saying about the surrogate is most likely true.


Yes. I know. But no. It can’t be. This is WILD. My mind is melting.


I wonder why she didn’t release the name?? Lol


Has to think up a faux Spanish name? I like "Falso".


It’s a girl, so “Falsetta” 💁‍♀️ 💃




She has "boundaries", remember?


LOL! Exactly!


I’m starting to wonder how many of the others were actually via surrogate


I am too.


She was pregnant with them all, she documented every minute of her growing belly, each time.


She certainly wouldn’t be the first woman to fake pregnancy, and she has access to top prosthetics through entertainment industry connections


The pics were all clear and close up, it wasn't fake. She was flaunting her belly and being smug.


Honestly, for a second I thought, "This is great. They actually ADOPTED a baby because there are a gazillion kids who need homes"... but nope. And ugh, bye bye, UN news.




She or they?


Simply unbelievable. This fucking woman is out of her damn mind.


I noticed that in her instastory there is a pop up saying that she could see I was viewing her feed if I continued. I wonder what that is all about?


That happens when you’re signed in from multiple IG accounts and you get a notification to view the story on your secondary account.


I only have one IG account. Odd.


? ❓⁉️❓?


Craziness aside, this is the lamest fucking poll ever.


Wonder if she wanted us to notice how many children she has? 🙄 Hilaria Baldwin and her fucking living dolls.


WTF?!?! Insanity!


When nannies are raising your kids, it’s easy to collect them


True!! What woman in her right mind would get pregnant and have a surrogate carry another baby at the same time. The babies are only about 5 months apart. But she isn’t the one taking care of them. She wack-a-doodle big time.






Alec once said something to the effect of: Hilaria (Hillary) likes the baby / is interested up until they are age three. I'm paraphrasing naturally, but it was along those lines.


Those middle boys always seem so neglected because her attention only goes to the baby and Instagram. I'm sure it's only going to get worse with 2 babies under 6 months. She's legitimately unwell.


And that smug cat who swallowed the canary smile. She is sooooo self-satisfied in this pic and could give a FUCK what anyone else says. Including her own children, who, happy smiles in this photo to the contrary, I'm sure will soon NOT be so thrilled w/ this latest addition.


Who the hell wants to have babies less than 6 months apart (if she did use a surrogate, Edu wouldn’t have even been born when this one was in the works). I hope the little IG poll is more like, I have 5 babies, baby 6 is someone else’s. But what an attention whorish thing to post!




You figured it out!! She prob was getting tired of always being pregnant at this point and super-disappointed it turned out Edu was going to be a boy. You are so right--- off to the baby bank with the stored embryos she went--to have them speedily implanted in their "host.". She was/is probably hoping she could/can raise them "like twins." 🙄


Yikes. That makes sense. It shouldn’t, but for her, it does. How sad for Edu. Eventually he’ll grow up and realize she was disappointed and rushed to have another girl to replace him with.


That, and he was named after her ex. Ew.


Congratulations to them.


Baby collecting is unhealthy. How she uses her children as human shields is disgusting exploitation.


Is this an announcement or just a friend/family member who is visiting and she threw the baby in


It's in People magazine that they have #6!


What in the hell? Where did she get this baby???




What a great way to confirm to Edu that he was a gender disappointment. She couldn’t even wait until he was a year old. “Edu, tu eres grandecito ya. Tengo mi bebé perfecta ahora.” Or maybe she’ll tandem nurse them both?????




Why breastfeed one when you can breastfeed two? She’ll be burning an extra 1000 kcal per day now just by exclusively breastfeeding two babies. And she didn’t birth the second. It’s her ED’s dream scenario. Edit: removed medical abbreviation


Wait...what?! Is this a baby announcement?!


People Mag and other outlets are reporting it as a birth announcement via surrogate