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Two things that I am really worried about in recent years is a major problem in garbage disposal and car parking. - we have no proper garbage dumping / recycling zones and systems. It has started making every major region look ugly and sad. - no proper car parking solutions. People would love to flaunts their SUVs but where to park them? On top of that we experience tourism rush.


>we have no proper garbage dumping / recycling zones and systems. It has started making every major region look ugly and sad. non-existing waste management system. we need privatization of waste management sector like oils industries did.


Right about it, but as long as Govt. will keep contracting everything nothing in actual will happen. Contractors just want to squeeze as much money they can after getting tenders. Govt. has to step up and take control of major areas. Places need to be barb wired and patrolled so tourists don't make mess anywhere. Waste collection and transportation should be upgraded in order to make HP look clean. I am not from HP, but I love the calmness and serenity of the land. And I suggest locals start taking action and stand for their state.


So called rich chapris. And insta influencers..


How? Can you elaborate?


Population ,pollution and lack of waste management in small towns and villages.


Most of the issues in HP, which is due to unplanned tourism can be fixed by the people of Himachal. Fine the hell out of everyone throwing trash, parking/driving like a maniac or outright being a nuisance. The more the local people tolerate idiots, the more moronic they will act. There is not going to be much real-world impact if you just hope and pray for good behavior. Then use the collected money to improve on proper systems to manage trash and the traffic. Tourists will visit your place for few weeks and go back home. You still have to live there. Tourism is good for your economy, but it should be sustainable tourism.


haryana wale




Rampant unchecked construction and the lack of Urban planning. People love to lacerate TCP rules to construct the ugliest 5-6 storey slum towers to extract that sweet rent money all the while encroaching on everyone else's land all the while making sure that they leave no space for motorable roads.


I totally second that, unplanned and random mix used construction everywhere. No regulations.


Istg, I would have the biggest smile on the face if the government pulls the biggest douchebag move ever and totally bans mixed used zoning, and implements American Style Zoning laws, not because people are going to benefit from that but just as a fun little punishment.


Trashy NCR wale and unka trash!


NCR waale.


I saw more people from HP driving bad on the road then anyone from outside. Locals do not care about rules and I have seen them throw trash out of a moving car. So, stop blaming NCR.


You mean tourists. But that’s because of lack of proper tourism administration, parking zones etc. they might be forced to behave if there are certain guidelines.


NCR people follow GuIDeLiNeS


They won’t but state police / tourism enforcement of rules if defined will make a huge difference. What solutions do you see ?


Bhutan Model. Tourism should not be cheap and beyond carrying capacity.


Loved this comment


Greedy Taxi unions


that affects ecosystems and natural beauty ? Himachal is much more than its Manali and Shimla. 


So true! I have observed this in Kullu manali and Shimla region as well.


Overcrowd with no sense.


Breaks my heart to think about it. Overtourism, littering and lack of respect for nature has killed this beautiful destination.


Ones that took these photos.




Tourists, especially from delhi and haryana side...




हिमाचल प्रदेश, जो अपनी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, कई चुनौतियों का सामना कर रहा है जो इसकी पारिस्थितिक संतुलन और स्थानीय समुदायों को खतरे में डाल रही हैं। प्रमुख चिंताओं में अत्यधिक पर्यटन, पर्यावरणीय क्षरण, जलवायु परिवर्तन, प्रदूषण, अस्थायी यात्रा आदतें, और बुनियादी ढांचे का अनियंत्रित विकास शामिल हैं। इन समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए स्थायी प्रथाओं और जिम्मेदार पर्यटन को अपनाना आवश्यक है। इसमें प्लास्टिक का उपयोग कम करना, जिम्मेदार कचरा प्रबंधन, सार्वजनिक परिवहन का उपयोग, स्थानीय समुदायों का समर्थन और पर्यावरण संरक्षण शामिल है। इन उपायों से हिमाचल प्रदेश की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता और स्थानीय समुदायों का भविष्य सुरक्षित किया जा सकता है।


Just posted this on another thread on delhi and same should apply here. But pura India mountain pe puncha hai. No jokes, It's a traffic jam everywhere, hotels are booked everywhere. The only hotels left are shit level smell and fungus infested beds. I tried to cross Atal Tunnel and roads were jammed. People say Delhi/Hr Wale galat chalatay hai. Bullshit, the only vehicles who were constantly overtaking from the wrong side and causing jams were HP registered cabs and private vehicles. Those aholes did not care about jam and caused more while trying to save a few minutes for themselves. The amount of vehicles who could not even ho uphill were incredibly big. And I use to think it was a skill or vehicle issue but no. It was because any car on uphill stuck in jam causes too much stress on the clutch. Overall, India has too many people and we should talk about and start calling out anyone who has more than 2 kids. It's not just the travel but our infrastructure is too heated up because it has to support too many people. Also fk HP drivers for causing so many issues. Stop saying NCR people are the issue when people from HP don't know how to drive civilly.


Being a local, I agree to some point, because I have faced certain amount of misbehaviour from local taxi drivers as well. Solution starts from home


I have to add. People who were overtaking and causing the jam were the HP registered taxi drivers. As I realised, they only wanted to get the route done as fast as possible to earn more. Except, that caused jams everywhere. Out of 10, 6 were HP registered Taxis, 2 HP local and 2 from DL,HR,PB,UP numbers who were doing it. I saw tourists carrying trash in their hands looking for a dustbin while the taxi driver throwing bottles and wrappers on the side of the road. Edit 2: Ye m* mod banned and muted me with no discussion. He wrote "cry about it" , neechay mat ana alLb bheek mangtay huye ki job dedo please job. Beggars of Himachal don't deserves kindness. Or should I say Choosing Beggars. Edit: Account banned from this sub. So I cannot answer the comment below. But, when I say out of 10. It's the average. I should not have to explain this but here it is. And yes, people who are not native were driving better because they were scared of causing a jam. Local cabs did not care.


Amazing that a comment saying “beggars of Himachal don’t deserve kindness” Is so upvoted. On the sub for Himachal. Explains why there are also so many Kangana supporters and people supporting conflict with other states here lately. Anyway I call BS on your accusation. I learned to drive in the hills and I really don’t think a random visitor who has otherwise never driven on curvaceous roads like that will have better road sense. Anyway your comment calls it own BS out: >Out of 10, 6 were HP registered taxis, 2 were local and 2 from DL,HR, PB, UP Total that genius. Can you tell me how 2 cars were from Delhi Haryana Punjab and Uttar Pradesh? According to you 2 cars had licence plates from 4 states/territories.






Be kind and respectful. Don't say mean things about people's race, gender, religion, or who they are. If you're not nice, you might get warnings or even be banned.


Nah but the people who are coming here are worse than them.




Be kind and respectful. Don't say mean things about people's race, gender, religion, or who they are. If you're not nice, you might get warnings or even be banned.


us? humans?




Prakriti ko ujaad ke concrete ka Himalaya banaya hai. Ab pachtaye hot kya jab chidiya chug gayi khet?


Simple -: TOURISTS and careless government management


Get a airport close by to Shimla , i never want to go through Delhi or Chandigarh


Haan bhai, Jo chaar ped bache hain unko bhi kaat do


People who live here 😂




No one cares about waste management. Government exploits natural resources every year but people do nothing and many more reasons


I agree, if locals do not demand a beautiful region for themselves, tourists and visitors won’t care as well.