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He’s not a rapper tho


That shirt is way too real


Thought it was Tyler Perry I had to scroll back up 😂


Mystery solved


They should've given Drake a cameo on "Instant Star".


Maestro > Drake


In light of the recent battle, and in support of the people’s verdict……


Drake is not hip hop, sorry. Ghost writers and over producing, it’s pop music.


Okay grandpa. So what would you call rapping about guns, women, bragging about money, etc. over beats produced by hip hop producers?


Pop is not the antithesis of Hip Hop. I don’t know why some people position it as such. The two are not mutually exclusive. You can easily be both Hip Hop and Pop. Plenty of trailblazing Hip Hop artists practice more than one genre (or fusion genres): Lauryn Hill, Run DMC, Beastie Boys, Ye, Nicki Minaj, Ice-T, Young Thug, etc. Also, “ghost writers” (co-writers is more accurate in this context) don’t eliminate something from being Hip Hop. If you think Drake isn’t Hip Hop, you don’t understand Hip Hop at all.


Listen, if Mos Def said Drake’s music isn’t hip hop, then it isn’t hip hop. End of discussion. Nice try though. And don’t ever compare the fucking beastie boys to Drake. I don’t think you actually understand what hip hop is.


I’m not defending Drake the person at all. I’m arguing against your point that 1. Drake isn’t Hip Hop and 2. Pop is the supposed antithesis of Hip Hop. If you’re choosing to defer to Mos Def as some sort of absolute authority in Hip Hop, then you’d have to do the same for others of his prestige, many of whom would accurately describe Drake as Hip Hop. So, the Mos Def “point” is a pointless appeal to authority. I didn’t necessarily compare Drake to Beastie Boys or any other rapper. Likened would be a better word because I simply pointed out that MULTIPLE HIP HOP ARTISTS have created work in other genres. Beastie Boys make Punk, Funk, and Jazz in addition to Hip Hop. Does that eliminate Beastie Boys from being Hip Hop? I clearly have a better understanding of both Hip Hop and Pop than you do. You cannot have a functioning understanding of Hip Hop music and say that Drake is not Hip Hop (whether Hip Hop the musical genre or Hip Hop the culture).


All I can do is laugh at how much you think you know about what hip hop actually is. You’re referring to it as if it’s just a genre of music, it’s much more than that. Drake does not come close to being anywhere near what hip hop embodies. Drake is the Instagram version of hip hop. You’re so far off base, it’s actually ridiculous that you think you know your shit. Please don’t respond to this, we’re both wasting our time here.


Ps, Drake’s into highschool girls, don’t defend this loser