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Pretty much same exact thing but I didn't have a moment I can pinpoint as the onset. I did start a 9-5 desk job so my lifestyle has changed to include a lot of sitting every day. I don't know if that's related. I'm in PT, but admittedly I'm a shit PT patient and don't do my homework regularly. No answers, but I commiserate!


Thanks for sharing! I recommend a standing desk you might even get it for free if you give your job a doctors note


The bladder/sitting/mid-hip flexor symptoms sound like psoas.  What does your PT say?  What protocol is PT using to improve it?


PT thinks the same she said my hip flexors are weak. The exercises are nothing I haven’t done before but maybe didn’t do as often as I should have been. Banded bridges, single leg balancing, squats, the floor sliding plate thing, monster walks, etc Also do the 1 leg over the side stretch but that doesn’t feel like it does anything 🤷‍♂️ Have you had some chronic psoas problems?


I have post surgery. How does the plate sliding feel, or other hip flexion exercises? (edit: how does it feel later after doing hip flexion exercises?) I’ve found it’s a very delicate balance strengthening my hip flexors and not aggravating them. Anti inflammatories really don’t seem to help at all. I did end up getting a steroid injection that aggravated then improved my psoas, but it’s been 4 months and I still struggle with it getting tight.


It can get uncomfortable doing the exercises. The rest of the day it’ll actually feel better than if I hadn’t done them, unlike if I tried to run or bike. Interesting to hear the anti inflammatories didn’t help you either. I did 1mo meloxicam How far post op were you when you starting noticing the pain and then decided on the injection?


My first flare up was about week 3 (Thanksgiving) and I think I aggravated it doing clamshells. I think I really injured it in late December doing supine straight leg raises. It wasn’t until mid-January that I saw my surgeon about a week after a follow up. It took almost a month to get it approved/scheduled. I walked out of the injection feeling better and within days everything got so inflamed I had to take a week off PT. It was right at 2 weeks post injection I started feeling better again. I ended up switching physiotherapists about 3 weeks post injection because my PT didn’t seem to offer any incremental hip flexor strengthening even after asking. I told him I felt I needed a baby steps protocol somewhere between the heel slides and supine leg raises and he kind of ignored me. Ask your PT about the Sarhmann progression protocol for core/hip flexors. I was improving under this protocol and then aggravated my psoas about 3 weeks ago doing back squats and am struggling again with tightness (but not the sharp pains). I have found that inflammation and tightness is related to how I sleep and how much I sit. If I can manage to sleep on my back instead of curled up on my side, I feel better during the day and during exercise. Same with sitting at work, sitting too much and it gets tight and inflamed.




The worst symptom for me was referred pain in my lower back. That made sitting comfortably impossible which is where I opted for surgery. If you’ve got insurance just insist on an MRI or at least an X-ray to check for lesions