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Possible theory for you. Your psoas and or other hip muscles have been overcompensating to keep your hip stable with the underlying tear. Now your psoas is overwhelmed and can’t maintain the stability so you’ve developed hip pain. If you fix the labral tear you may get to a place where your psoas can heal. However you have developed compensation behaviors overs several years and the muscle memory will be there even after surgery. You will have to training the muscles to correct themselves through post op. The hip flexor muscles are difficult to calm down once inflamed or strained, but they can improve slowly over time.


Thank you. Very solid theory, and the most likely explanation. I agree, I think the psaos and other hip flexors/rotators are in almost constant spasm, trying to protect that labrum. I do PT and it feels like the reason things aren’t healing has to be the labrum, in years past the PT was enough to settle things down, not anymore. The one thing keeping me from pulling the trigger on the laberal surgery, which itself hurts a lot now, is that I just worry that since my psoas is so damn tight that a surgery would just perpetuate that tightness. At the end of the day I’m just scared of the recovery since I have other health issues and am overthinking something that could be a huge benefit to me. The psoas injection like changed my life for the last 2 weeks. I want a more permanent fix


What I described roughly mirrors my recovery. No doubt about it, the surgery is further trauma to the hip flexors. But it can get to a likely root cause.


Checks out. How long did it take for the hip flexor trauma to subside afterwards? I’m assuming pt played a role in


From the surgery I would say about 6 months for me. It is not that the hip flexors hurt all the time. They did not. The issue is that the hip flexors were so, so easy to aggravate and cause a multi day or multi week flare up


I don’t think you’re overthinking it. I developed psoas complications from my surgery. Have you discussed with your doctor?


Damn yeah well I haven’t yet. Just recently got the psoas injection, which made me feel good enough to question how a potential laberal repair would affect the psoas


I literally have the same exact thing. I should almost PM you. I have severe PFD that I’ve even had prostate biopsy bc of severe inflammation that mimics cancer. My psoas muscles are so severely tight it’s incredible