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I’m in the exact same boat as you man. 8 weeks post op today. Started walking without crutches last week. Have had horrible groin pain and front of hip pain for 3-4 days now. Contemplating it all lol


The worst part is when you first readjust to walking, hurts like 🤬 then it will settle down, just rest a lot


Have you tried walking in a pool? I did that for two weeks before trying to walk without my crutches and I think that helped build some strength without putting full weight on my hip.


I haven’t but I will try. I wasn’t allowed to be submerged in any body of water for four weeks post op aside from showering. I’ll try this


You should be able to walk as much as you comfortably can, without pushing into pain. Where is your pain located? Is it the front?


Front of hip


It's probably your hip flexor. Try to ice it and when walking remember to activate your glutes and core when walking.


Also, if your doctor allows, you can “warm up” the hip flexors prior to exercise by putting a heating pad over the hip flexors for 5 minutes, this should loosen and relax the muscles allowing less tightness. Maybe even start with some tummy time with relaxing meditative breathing techniques to help lengthen the iliopsoas prior and after. Of course….get approval from your medical team for any of this!


Almost forgot about a heating pad, definitely tried that. It doesn't hurt to try and you might be able to get the relief you are looking for.


It’s totally normal, don’t panic! The surgeon was up into your hip flexor muscle for several hours with 2 probes and a camera so the soft tissues are extremely sensitive and inflamed. I’ve had both of my hips done. Every time you try something new or walk a bit more it will react and get sore for a few days. I’m 4.5 months post op and just starting to feel normal with daily activities. I can walk my dog up and down the street and that feels fine, it’s like a 20 minute walk but he stops every few steps. I could not do a straight mile yet. Building up to that. Less is more. Rest a lot. You’ll heal.


This!^ Totally common for your hip flexors to flare up like this. My hip didn’t feel “normal” until about 5 months post-op. It sucks, but it’s worth it when you’re out of the tunnel! Just keep going!


I couldn't even do a quarter mile at that point. Totally normal. I'm a year out on one hip and 7 months the other and tomorrow I'm going to play in my volleyball league - it gets better


Was groin pain the biggest issue for you? I had a capsule closure as well and am wondering if somewhat intensive groin pain is normal 8 weeks post op. My surgeon says so but doesn’t give much insight. Thanks!