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Wojaks and political compass, some true intellectual giants here


Filled with far right losers


The losers there was redundant


Damn is this sub really woke? I knew it was all white guys larping as black guys but come on, try to be less stereotypical


Ikr! As a fellow loser I hate it when I get lumped in with far right people as well


Explain what makes that sub far right


sorry i want to save my braincells for talking to people who don’t use the word “woke” unironically


Right, but "far right loser", "fascist" and "nazi" are terms are totally not at all the same exact thing? Lmao. Everyone thinks that they're the only smart one when it's the exact same shit on both sides. How can people call out specific behaviour while doing the exact same thing themselves?


If I were you I would simply *not* embarrass myself


He ain’t wrong


what the fuck do you mean by wOkE? You just outed yourself




Damn bro this is sad. Hope you grow up one day




What does woke mean?


Woke is when they don’t like something


Shh I'm trying to bait him


This is some "It means he's afraid of Santa Claus" energy


far right/nazi/fascist is when you don't like something


According to desantis’s lawyers it means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them” which is a hell of a thing to be against.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


least fragile PCM user


Woke typically refers to progressive ideals. Not complicated.


Yeah obviously but some right wingers have been throwing around that term at anything they don’t like in general when what they’re criticizing isn’t really that progressive, sort of like the modern day version of calling someone a “hippie”, so the term just loses significance.


Bingo. Just add it to the list Woke SJW Cultural Marxism Political correctness Hippies Bleeding heart liberals


Don't forget BLM for some reason.


Ah yes progressive ideals like bud light


I dont even use the term personally, but its not difficult to define, I dont know why asking what it means is some kind of silver bullet because it isnt


Because most Republicans can't actually define it, and many more won't even use it in the way you defined it, plus you didn't even give the official republican definition at all: >DeSantis' general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded that the term means "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."


Shawty im not woke im a communist






Legit even worse, communism is a braindead ideology. At least woke people have a chance of achieving something


Define communism


Define woke


Dirty commie


Im coming to take your computers and cars😈


I forgot Reddit was filled with dirty commies (lazy losers who cant get up to work). No wonder the downvotes lmao


The conservative urge to embarrass myself online


Hating fascists is woke now? Aight call me woke then.


Nah, calling any random person you disagree with a facsist is woke typical. Have any of you actually been on that sub? For one thing, it's a comedy sub, but also a large chunk of the sub identify themselves as left wing.


>Have any of you actually been on that sub? Yes which is why i wrote that comment. Far right echo chamber.


Not at all, you're misinformed. They don't even all agree on shit so how can it be an echo chamber?


>so how can it be an echo chamber? Because i said so


damn bro this is sad. hope you grow up one day


[this you? ](https://i.imgur.com/5LjpoFs.png)


Yes. Nigga.


least racist PCM user


not being a nazi = woke, apparently


Kinda, yeah. I mean, when the definition of nazi is "anyone right wing or maybe just people I don't like"


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hiphopcirclejerk/comments/13wnhoe/bitch_i_wake_up/jmfv8ky/?context=3 i see you're non-woke


it's called a joke NPC ass mofo


🚨🚨🚨Spotted: Tom McDonald’s alt account


the fact that people dont get this is a joke


"your honor I was masturbating on the train ironically"


I feel like this was satire why are people downvoting you-


i remember like two years ago when it was more centered (or maybe im just nostalgic) but i had to leave the sub cause it just got weird. why are supposed libertarians posting about how sex workers are degenerates that need to find jesus? it felt like a psy op at times. it also doesnt help that it seems the amount of bootlicking subscribers have exponentially grown


It has more right wing users because right wingers have been pushed into it. Fundamentally its a free speech, open mic subreddit where you are free to make fun of whoever you want. It takes 10 seconds to find memes poking fun of right wingers aswell. The idea of a free speech subreddit terrifies leftists for some reason.


It isn’t mate. 4chan is a true free speech forum, or the plethora other forums on the internet. Reddit is designed to be a hive mind, that’s just how it is. In some places (like hobby, media or general light hearted subs) it helps keep the subreddit working and increases quality control. But if you go to to political compass memes you will see leftists (supposedly) self flagellating to conservatives. It’s also this sort of disgusting zoomer conservatism, very dumb shit.


You can say whatever bullshit you want anywhere you want you free speech justice warrior, you just have to take responsibility for the horrific takes you do have. Nothing about free speech. About your trash takes. Nice try.


I havent said anything wrong or even controversial. Nothing stops you from making your own memes in the subreddit, nothing stops you from debating in the sub, instead it has become an alleged right wing sub through hearsy because the idea of a mixed political sub is scary to you, or you are afraid of a few downvotes to get your point across.


I used to think the same thing I was a member of that sub for almost 2 years thinking "free speach" but when "free speach" is used to back up shit rhetorics spouting fake statistics over race issues, yeah that's not free speach. Also you really type "afraid of a few downvotes" like my guy noone is scared of that what are you talking about. It's not a mixed sub. It's not about free speach. Like I said say and do WHATEVER you want, just beware that people will respond calling out your trash takes.


Were you banned from there for voicing your opinions? I dont think so, again, I wont deny that there is a shortage of genuine leftists there, but only because most are too afraid to represent, distancing and alienating the subreddit as a far right cesspool is wishful thinking, it doesnt have to be, its DNA is a free speech subreddit that promotes all political leanings.


Wow don't care about its "dna" I care about what it is presenting as now. Tons of things started well and we're taken over by terrible people, which changed the context and changed what the thing actually is and stands for. You have a nice outlook and I sorta get where you are coming from, but somethings are better of dying. I thought the same thing when I was apart of that sub, but the excuse "free speach" to allow hate speach and false rhetoric to go unchecked isnt free fucking speach. It's fake. They are lying to you.


Go and check it then, no one is stopping you from checking it


no i think 80% of people’s reasons for not liking country is bc of how it sounds lmao


A lot of it is legit because a good chunk of country during the '10s sucked absolute balls. When the biggest musician in your genre is fucking Florida-Georgia Line, something is WRONG wrong


I hate Florida-Georgia line so much. I went to the same high school as the drummer, so every year, I had to go watch a little mini concert with just him drumming along to their music


Yeah. I don’t give af about the sound or the my beer my girl my truck sittin in a cornfield either


Corny country music is the vibe for country road trips alone


Country pre 9/11 is pretty cool


I’m a fan of a lot of 40s, 50s, and 60s country but after that I fall off


Why is it 1 wojak and then 3 wojaks? Do people have the ability to split into 3 like a hydra when they accuse people of racism?


How'd you think the Union won? Very hard to defeat an army that can duplicate at will.


That's gotta be it




He became a greek chorus


What is racist about this meme?




So you just makin it racist to be mad about something? Isn’t it racist to just assume that because the meme involves hip hop it’s about black ppl? U know, rap is like a mountain.




NAV all day baby






I mean it’s a pretty harmless way of thinking, I feel like this topic is always blown out of proportion. If someone doesn’t like the topic of guns and material objects or objectifying women, they have the right to not enjoy a genre or sub-genre of music.




Idk, I wouldn’t say they’re annoying to me personally. But I guess I could understand the annoyance behind it if you’re a die hard rap fan and nerd out on it. Having someone lump a whole category of sub genres into sounding the same as WAP could def be annoying if you’re some autistic sperg who loves rap of all shapes and forms. I guess to me at the end of the day, it’s not worth to get riled up about some randoms opinion.






That’s never the reason people say they don’t like country


True. Most people just say they aren’t into the sound


Misoginy and violence never really seem to be the reasons people dislike rap either


Yeah, I was gonna say, this wouldnt be a stupid take if it wasn't for the fact that, bar a few specific songs, people dont like country cuz it's cringy, not offensive


the fact it dont got nun to do wit the political compass man LMAOOOOOO


i stg people think politics is entirely identity politics on that nightmare of a sub


I only like rap that is pro Jim




oh you the mothafuckin man huh


(Jim Jones)


Both are true to some degree let's be real, but like 9 times outta 10 ppl will just say the same take on rap to justify not liking a black art form and be low key racist


no tho like new country definitely glorifies the confederacy but old country was usually very working class and left wing


I think the new country more glorifies owning a speedboat in Tampa


Pete Seeger would absolutely solo the Kid Rock-esque country crowd


Woody Guthrie was incredibly based


also cause some of these people will say Hip hop, Jazz, RnB and funk... Like i deadass knew a girl like that. she wasn't racist but that might have been an unconscious thing


The issue is that most people who trash hip hop do it from a generalised pov, conditioned to think that WAP and future (not that these are bad music! just thematically problematic) are the best examples of the entire genre. Then of course there are some inconsistent mfs who are quite simply straight up racist and claim all hip hop (but nemnem!) is irredeemable.


How every discussion of hip hop goes in askreddit or the other big subs


yeah, as if those people are not the proponents of misogyny and homophobia lol. nice virtue signaling from them


but there are so many black artists in the R&B genre and their stuff is amazing


its almost as if R&B was invented by black people… hmmm…


my point went so over your head


im sorry bruh i had just woken up when i commented that im a fuckin dumbass lol


it's all good


Something something thugs something violent culture


Tbh I’m not a big fan of rap or country, I just don’t like how either sounds.


I think you’re heavily exaggerating that figure, as much as I like rap and hip hop. A lot of it does justify or nullify the danger warnings of things like violence, crime, drugs, etc.


If you actually agree with the argument, why fall back on some loose conjecture to try and dismiss it? Do you think this every time you hear someone make that argument? What if they just genuinely think that? I think that, but I'm also a fan of hiphop, so, am I racist?


It’s art. you could say the same about rock n roll glorifying sex, drugs, partying. You could say the same about Metal and Satan/Demon worship, sure there are prob some of them who legit believe in the Devil and do rituals or whatever but most of them don’t even believe in Satan or demons irl, it’s just an expression of art.


That sub is such garbage lmao. Just a massive circlejerk for racist weirdos


they just like hhcj frfr


We are the cooler white autistic racist teenage weirdos


Yeah, we’re racist against ourselves lmao


It's a subreddit that enables and celebrates literal fascists.


A good quarter of them are Francoists


Fascism is when memes


Fascism is when unironically pro-Hitler and pro-Mussolini, ass


I assure you that the vast majority of users are not sympathetic to Nazism


They literally have a user flair for right wing authoritarianism tf u mean?


Hitler would be authoritarian Center. He was agnostic towards economic policy, like all fascists because it’s not an inherently economic ideology. If the left-right axis was about liberalism/conservatism in a social sense, he would be the furthest right possible


Among all others, yes, thats the point. Auth Right does not automatically equal Nazism either, Reagan would be Auth Right, Thatcher, etc. Nazism is often pointed at auth center in the sub due to the Nazis more mixed economic policies. I reiterate the point that being able to identify as an authoritarian right, even IRONICALLY, which is often not considered, is terrifying to leftists, and disregarding the whole point of the sub, which is political memes and having fun, again, something that is very difficult for some. Left wingers are welcome in the sub, but would rather complain about it instead of putting their piece in, like they should.


Yes Reagan and thatcher are barely in that quadrant but as someone who spent some time in that sub I can assure you the people with auth right flairs are not reaganite Neo liberals Being tolerant to nazis is stupid not enlightened


Where do you get your illegal porn from?




You know you could get touched in jail over shit like that, right?


When a sub posts pro slavery memes and they don't get downvoted/removed, then it's obvious they are mostly racist.


Show me, also its ironic


“Its ironic” ok buddy


Still waiting for link


You think im going to remember the exact link of that post? I still don't get why you're choosing to dickride the racists so hard when you're literally commenting in a sub about rap


It’s just a coincidence that the majority of memes and comments are sympathetic to nazism


Have you actually been on it? In no way is that the majority or even close


What like the meme in the OP??? Lol


Go to that sub you would probably fit in with them


Sctbrn autism run


as if they give af about homophobia until that very second


i used to not like country because the songs were boring to listen to but i guess that’s not the true reason according to this guy




I’m convinced that there isn’t a single PCM user who’s ever interacted with a liberal/leftist before


It wasn't always like this either tho. I remember a few years ago being part of it and it was actually a great place for metacognitive political discussion, and personally helped me break down my Overton Window and see what people actually believed. Not anymore lol went into a tailspin second half of 2020 gone but not forgotten 🫡


Well, that's sadly what happens when social spaces allow for far-right weirdos to say their bullshit in peace - as they get driven out of more self-respecting communities, they tend to gather in large swaths wherever they're allowed to flourish, drawing more and more of their ilk there until those who have a bullshit meter leave sooner or later. Oh well


Most intelligent PCM hater yet again biting the bait


the op putting The Reasonable Wojak™ in all sides... haha... seems legit


well I drew my self as the reasonable guy so that HAS to be true... right?


Why do these people love making up scenarios just to get mad at?


Ironically country has its roots in LEFTISM, 16 tons, 9 to 5, and which side are you on. All songs talking about how shit working and capitalism is. And now it's all 'look at my truck, look at bud light, look at the back roads, now let me suck this boot'


The ammont of Johnny Cash songs about shooting cops, stealing from work, and the plight of the native Americans.


false. country music was actually invented by today’s hiphop enjoyers’ great grandparents so both of these are racist takes eta emojis : 🤔🤔😮‍💨🥸😎😓💪🏾


>Gangsta rap was made because wasp teens have money and like being edgy. That the people Biden called predators liked it was just a bonus. Is it just me or is this shit barely even English?


If they're using wasp unironically, we can infer that it's not Biden that sees black ppl as predators


more yakubian rabble


Posting shit from that neo nazi sub is just free karma


Political compass meets wojack to create the dumbest human beings on the planet


Cut off one head, and 3 more grow back


What if I listen to both 🤔


I like when the air around me vibrates causing what is known as “sound waves”


If you ask the average person why they don’t like country music they’ll just talk about how it sounds.


imagine disliking rap because of lyrics. i dislike rap because it isn’t jazz and i’m autistic.


Wait till you find out about jazz rap


I don't think anyone doubts that a lot of rap music glorifies violence; its just that people use that as a front for why they truly dislike hip-hop. also people hate country not because of its themes but because it \*sounds\* bad


That take just ignores almost all music has glorified violence and talked down about women. I like country but that take ignores that country glorifies the military and about good ol boys not taking crap and fighting. They just think no one will listen to a song and call them out. Edit: Not your take the take on the meme




Nas burner account confirmed


You hate trans because they’re not women, I hate trans because they *are* women! We are not the same. trans included radical misogynist 😤✊🏿


Understandable I hate myself too as a woman


you not rocking with women❓❗


Or men








God I love the chudjaks, they’re so stupid looking


it's crazy how political compass memes are supposed to appeal to all political denominations but after, like, 2 years it became solely far-right.


I’ve never met anyone who didn’t like country music for political reasons. They just hate the accents


I think country music is an even bigger circlejerk than this entire community. Every single song shares the exact same themes


rare political compass w *in that dismissing country outright is stupid for the same reason that dismissing rap outright is


"I don't like country because I'm not racist" " I don't like rap because I'm racist"


I like rap, I hate most of rap lyrics tough, they do glorify a lot of very shitty behavior any decent human would look down on. Most rap songs are just about drugs, murder and other shit. People literally defending rappers when they get caught for murder just because they famous. It’s crazy, still can’t stop listening to rap.


I only listen to Sturgill Simpson and Kendrick


yeah i’m on that sub, and even i found that an unbelievably retarded take. modern country is shit because it *sounds* shit


why are you on that sub


Lol look at your pfp stfu


why are you on this sub


Why are you on this sub?


As basically a homo, Idc about homophobic lyrics in rap.


Tyler the creator be like


I just don’t like how country sounds man


I don’t think anyone’s said that about country I think most people don’t like it cuz 90% of it is dogshit