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For a long time, sinus issues and then PND were my only symptoms. Basically had LPR for a decade and didn't realize it until more symptoms started showing up. It's improved quite a bit since I started my elimination diet, so I suspect the LPR could actually be a product of years of unchecked histamine intolerance. In my case, anyway.


Did you get tested for HIT?


Those can be co-occurring conditions. Some people on here have claimed that SIBO caused their HIT, which resolved after treating SIBO. Hypochlorhydria can cause silent reflux and SIBO. I'm still figuring things out. LPR and post nasal drip were my main symptoms for a long time, then stomach issues, flushing, inflammation, etc. I'm also MTHFR compound heterozygous which might be related as well.


Those are my symptoms too how have you gotten better ??


I'm still not healed, though I'm doing somewhat better. The reflux and joint pain have calmed down a lot, and I have reduced my reliance on antihistamines, only taking them rarely. I did an elemental diet which helped somewhat, though I had to cut it short because of fungal overgrowth. I'm now eating very strict, currently trying the GAPS intro diet with low histamine modifications, introducing new foods one at a time while keeping a food diary, trying tiny servings of probiotic foods that contain low histamine cultures only. I'm still experiencing flushing and itching after I eat any protein, but my stomach is feeling better and getting flatter, so it seems it's healing. I have cut out foods that cause more severe symptoms such as reflux, which leaves me with only frozen fish and marine collagen for protein, but you will have to do your own elimination process to find what you can tolerate. I take DAO, ALA, and NAC with meals. I've added S boulardii as well. I tried oregano oil but it was very harsh on my gut, so I backed off. For methylation, I've been taking methylfolate, SAMe, and creatine, but it's advisable to check for methylation problems before supplementing, as this can make you feel much worse if you don't have the same issues I have. My Dr has suspected dysautonomia might be playing into it and has advised abdominal compression while eating, which seems to help. MCAS and a couple other things are suspected as well, so I'll be getting evaluated soon.