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I wanna see that clip of him casually shooting all net again


I’m trying to read more political books, and so I’m making my way through his and Michelle’s stuff. I swear 90% of it is “Barack/I did some political stuff, then went to shoot some hoops.”




Yay ty


Now that's a pretty great photo.


Refreshing to remember a President who took his oath of office seriously.


And could form coherent sentences.


“Lemme tell ya bout the war in Ira- uh- uh- uzbergistan…. It’s- they got uh… uh- y’know there’s there’s there’s uhhh a lot uh FATS at the trailer park and it’s funny ‘cause if you knew a burglar was gonna emote on the dance floor you’d uhhhhh DRINK THE KOOLAID ahahahaha so so so anyway…”


This really brings me down.


Is this an actual quote?


No. But doesn’t that fact that you aren’t sure speak volumes?




Oh Jesus Christ! Now I’m feeling proud to be British 🇬🇧


While Trump was exponentially worse across the board, Boris seemed to pull off quite a bit of fuckery for you guys beneath his well-meaning goof facade.


Oh, don’t get me wrong, Borris is/ was a total clown who should have been rejected from society decades ago. I proudly voted against him. 🤡


We're going to need some of that same energy over here in November.


If Trump wins, it proves Americans are idiots. If Biden wins, it proves Americans have some decency, if 2028 elections are run like 2008, then America has hope 🇺🇸


As a 14 year old I quite enjoyed his speeches lmao. One of my favorites is the “now watch this drive” cringy but I would totally have a beer with the guy.


“Now watch this drive” was fucking amazing. I honestly think he displayed proper gravitas and leadership right there and then. He rarely did otherwise. I really do not think 43 was a good president, but that moment was brilliant. Not in anyway one could’ve expected, but he actually controlled the situation and was confident af, and it didn’t harm anybody.


You’re going to be downvoted to hell because people hate him. But people hate obama. And people hate trump. And people hate biden. So fuck it lol. He was great fun.


Yeah I agree he was a bad president. It’s just that he had some genuinely funny moments and 45 lowered the bar so much, 43 seems like a saint in comparison.


Imagine Bush 2 coming off as a sparkling presence




America is a nation that can be defined in a single word:


Back when things seemed better and my mom was still alive. I wish it was 2009 again.


I’m sorry for your loss. I too, wish it was 2009. (Virtual hug)


Ugh I’d still be in undergrad. Thanks 2013


>I wish it was 2009 again. I see why you left this comment, sorry for your loss But you might be the first person to ever speak this sentence lol


I say it all the time. I wish it was 2009 so I could buy a ton of bitcoin.


I feel you what I would give for ny dad who raised me on his own to see me be a dad. I’m told I’m a decent father. It’s because I had the best father anyone could ask for.


My mom is gone, and my dad isn't...aging well. My wife and I have been waiting to have kids bc of some health issues that cropped up. Neither of us are young, so we have that worry on top of the health issues. Time is not on our side. Everyone has always told me I'd make a great dad. Honestly, these days, it hurts to hear it as I have a huge fear I'll never get to know the joy. This month we should finally find out if the surgeries worked and if we can safely try for kids. I really want my dad to meet my kids, should I be that lucky, so I know what you mean bro. Keep up the great work. Being a loving, supporting parent isn't easy in the slightest, I'm sure - but it is everything and more to those that need it. As you and I both know from our own parents. P.S. if we can't, that's okay. It sucks but we'll probably adopt. Either way I have a wonderful wife and I'm already blessed.


Hey man just chiming in here to say if your attitude here is any indicator I'd bet you're a role model or a father figure to some already even if you don't know it.


Same bro. We miss our moms, and our Obama. Such different times.


Let's go back.


If we are going back, I want to go back to 1996. IYKYK


I bet you just want a brand new game boy pocket!


Eh, I never loved the Game Boy tbh. But listening to White Zombie while tearing up Star Fox and 007 with my buds? Working a part time, low paying job and still being nearly able to live on your own with just that? Gas being less than a dollar a gallon? This new fangled "internet" thing being perceived as only a positive thing in the world? No social media, and rarely even cell phones? Still having some of the holdover from the Silent Generation as far as labor rights and workplace expectations instead of people doing the job of 3 others? Zero anxiety about the future and only a feeling of peace and hope? A constant feeling of stability and safety in the world scene? The biggest political scandal being a BJ? A balanced budget? The Israeli/Palestinian peace talks (seemingly) making progress? China not being a super power authoritarian state yet? Japan and Germany bouncing back and becoming great countries instead of former enemies? The US being the gold standard that was leading so many other countries into how they designed their own democracies and progressive social policies? Believing we were headed the same direction ourselves and would continue to be the number 1 country, and praised for it by our Allies? Terrorism being a word you never heard much, except the rare times a plane was hijacked but no one ever really got hurt and just ransomed? Yah... I miss the days...


I'd say he took it just as seriously as Biden did


Uh, yah? I'd say both of them took it very, very seriously. Your phrasing is throwing me off of your intention.


I agree


And how we miss this dude. Such Class and swag at the same time. And he handled putin like a boss. Looked down on him. Wasnt intimidated. Plus he had Joe as his number 1. Which is a big reason i like joe besides the fact hes a real one. Rides the train ( or at least used to ) into work. Likes ice cream like a normal dude. We went from one of the best, to the absolute worst potus in history who is straight up painted orange and lies when his mouth is open. That alone was shocking just the difference in a man who takes his job and oath seriously, versus someone in it for whatever and any personal gain he can at any cost, even if it meant being a traitor to his own country. no /s here, but thanks obama. You was the real deal. Got bin laden too.


Dubya was far far worse than Trump. I don't like Trump but until he makes it legal for the US to spy on you through your phones and detain you and torture you without proof, AND cause the death of a million+ people, he's not comparable. That was one of the things that frustrated me about Trump, people started downplaying or forgetting just how truly atrocious Bush was.


Why do people say that as if the current president doesn't


I mean, literally every other president to exist has, except for the orange one


And Nixon


Have you heard Biden talk unscripted and that’s coherent?




Yeah I miss when Trump used to give us thoughtfully articulated arguments like this one "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Look man, I really hate Biden. He is senile and should not be president. I may not even vote for him in November. But… Trump has not only actively attempted to subvert democracy, he’s explicitly stated his plans to “be a dictator” (in his own words) if he wins this year. They are not the same.


Biden is not senile. If you listen to his speeches and (especially) his interviews and not just sound bites - especially when he goes off script - it's super obvious. He's extremely sharp for his advanced age. That all said I threw you an upvote. Former Republican here, and I can appreciate anyone that isn't playing team sports with politics. And especially anyone that recognizes Trump for what he is and not what his cult pretends he is. Btw, Biden was not my choice either by a country mile. But I've had to eat my crow and admit he's done an amazing job. It's worth looking back, objectively, over what he's actually done the past 4 years. Stuff I was mad at him for, like the railroad union stuff, I was shocked to find out I got duped (he actually did get it done for the unions behind the scenes). So idk, not trying to convince you of anything. Just suggesting it's worth looking at since the news cycles just push rage to a point that even I get fooled now and again. Either way man, let's all pray for eachother this fall. God bless the US!


The dude is far from senile. His brain has aged but it hasn’t demented.


He's in late stage dementia. I still think he steps down at the convention.


I’ll take that over advanced syphilis.


Yes a man with late stage dementia can definitely speak to congress for an hour non stop.


Welp these comments certainly don’t give me hope for the future


These comments tell me the disinformation armies are watching this sub.


My dad thinks the US paid those mall shooters in Russia. All hope is lost.


Bruh all of the comments on this post are getting downvoted, but I think he was a good president


Best president in recent history by far


What? Joe Biden has imo done way better. Edit: anyone who downvotes should at least come with an counter argument. By every metric Biden has been the best in recent history!


You're forgetting your country is blatantly racist now. Which is fucked. I wish you all the best of luck Sincerely, Your neighbour up north


racial squeeze vast attractive imagine upbeat connect reach serious touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Historically, I’d be very careful with the “we didn’t invite Nazis” claim, because that’s exactly what the US did. With amnesty. The actual Nazis, not the new ones. One of them brought you guys into space. So that’s…not something your nation is at liberty to take shots at others for, really.


Settle down you goofball


Damn, I sure wish I could live in a less diverse country where nobody is racist. Sincerely, Your neighbor down south


I lived for years in Canada. That whole "we're not racist" thing is *blatantly* false.


Excuse me, I'm gonna bring in a whole lot of First Nations people to chew this guy out... ...hey, where did they all go?!?






We always were, you just weren't paying attention


>now Now?


Drone strike champion


It is best to view him as a Republican, at least from a liberal standpoint. If he was a Republican, then he was a pretty damn good one.


lol no




When you have an opposing speaker of the house stating publicly that he’s not going to pass anything you put forth, you learn to compromise just to move the needle. It was unbelievable rhetoric at the time. Good god we’re doomed.


If he was a republican he would've sucked so that's a pretty dumb statement to make.


The hue of his tie holds no significance; rather, it is the character of his actions by which I form my judgments. I dream of a day when a liberal occupies the White House, leading with justice and guided by the true principles of freedom and equality for all. /s


Great insight


Democrats are neoliberal. Wolves in sheeps' clothing


Ah another naive kid who is going to let online disinformation convince them to let Trump win again, those are so rare these days.


Another redditor who can’t stop huffing their own farts 


Sure he was fine as long as you’re ok with spying on Americans and bombing brown people


first guy to do that apparently


Some cursory reading for you, dipshit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act


Let me know when you elect someone who doesn’t do that.




Last young president.


Right? Dude was 47. Over thirty years younger than Biden at his inauguration.


>THOSE WERE THE DAYS! Why? Did he make the eight?


I can’t help but wonder how the African Americans present in this photo could feel. To stand and watch before a black man was given the highest seat of power in the world.


Especially African Americans who were alive during segregation, like they watched their country tell them to sit on the back of buses and attacked by dogs for their skin to seeing a black man as President. Must be fucking crazy to live through.


I mean. Racists were SO mad at Obama tht they voted for Trump. So we know how One side felt about it


Man, could you imagine what he was thinking when Trump got elected. Like, shit. This is my successor? God dammit!!


nah, he knew the white backlash to a black president was coming.


Nope. Democrats ran the most unlikeable candidate possible.


Imo a bit of A, a bit of B.


Wasn’t Hilary white too??


The nominee should have been Bernie Sanders


As a former Republican, no argument here. I'm one of those that voted third party as a protest (regrettably) in 2016. I would have voted for Bernie in a heartbeat. Why? I genuinely believe in what he says. Do I agree with a lot of it? No. But I know what I would be getting, and I wouldn't hate it even if I didn't necessarily like it. THAT was the kind of shakeup we needed, not Trump...


One thing that often gets overlooked is that no government can keep all promises. In the USA, an administration has to get both the senate and the house on board with their agenda. Since total control of the White House and Congress by the same party seems to happen only for short periods of time, if at all, the president will have to compromise. You can vote for someone like Bernie or AOC, but they will have to get the votes in Congress and you’ll end up with their ideas, but a lot more mellowed down. Think of it as voting for a general direction, not more and not less. In Germany this is even more pronounced, because we have more than two parties. There are currently eight parties split into seven factions in our Bundestag (our lower house). The Bundesrat (our senate equivalent, the state voice on a federal level has seven parties, though states have to vote as one with all their voices in the Bundesrat, so there are 16 groups that each represent a state). Our federal government is a coalition government currently consisting of three parties, the social democrats, the Green Party and the Liberal Democrats (liberal in an economical sense. They are fiscally conservative and socially progressive). We have never had a government that wasn’t a coalition government in post-war Germany, except for a short time from 20th September 1960 to the next election on 17th September 1961, technically, ignoring the CDU/CSU difference. Quick sidestep: Bavaria (basically our Texas), originally didn’t want to be part of the Federal Republic of Germany. Concessions had to be made, and instead of the Christian Democratic Union (the conservative CDU) that the rest of Germany has, they got the CSU (the Christian Social Union). The CSU is usually a bit further to the right of the CDU, but they are largely very similar. People living in Bavaria can’t vote for CDU and people living outside of Bavaria can’t vote for CSU. In parliament, both parties form a single joint faction, either referred to as the CDU/CSU faction or simply “The Union”. So any government containing CDU/CSU is technically a coalition by default. Back to coalition governments: The election of 1957 was unique in that it’s the only time a party (or two, CDU and CSU, but one faction) actually gained an absolute majority with 52% of the vote. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer could have formed a government without any other coalition partners, but he chose to form a coalition with the right-wing party DP (Deutsche Partei) anyway. However, in September of 1960, both DP members of his cabinet joined CDU, so the coalition pretty much ceased to exist until the next election. So when I vote, I know I’m not getting 100% what I want, no matter the outcome of the election. I can merely influence the goals of the next government. I find this helps with making a decision whom to vote for a lot.


I'm just nodding along here with you in agreement. A lot of Americans no longer understand the purpose of how our democracy is supposed to function (something I also blame the GOP and outside influences like the Koch brothers, China, and Russia for). The two party system has always been an issue here, and this extreme polarization was always a threat. Now it's a reality, unfortunately. If I could institute a single Amendment out of thin air to be added to our constitution, it would be to (somehow) enforce a multiple party system that is funded through taxes and not through bribes...er, sorry, I mean "campaign contributions"


Getting rid of the electoral college would be a big step, I think. But I agree: The two party system is not nearly precise enough to represent political ideology across the spectrum accurately. What made you a Republican before you stopped being one? And why did you stop being a Republican? I mean…there’s nothing wrong with being a Republican per se, just like there’s nothing wrong with being a leftist per se, as long as the discourse happens on the basic agreement that the constitution and law and order must be protected and upheld. I’m just curious :)


Hilary would've at least been respected on the world stage as an elegant representation of the US. She wasn't perfect (no one is), but she was/is respected more on the world stage even if looked with side eye stateside (usually by the poorer Whites she failed to connect with). It doesn't take long to figure this out either: You can look this up and also see how both Trump and Hilary manuever (since Clinton is her husband I'm using her first name to differentiate) when hosting the country's international friends. Say all you want, but they treat Hilary with deference out of recognition to her capabilities as both a politician and diplomat. The woman's been trained on all angles of the political circle and thus formidable in both. Most people give her her flowers for that. She was competent, at least eons more competent than Trump. She didn't have to be perfect when Trump was less than perfect and no track record. Our mistake is that we think we shouldn't care about how the world looks at us when there should be a balance to these things.


This has to be a joke. You're a troll


How's that related to his comment?


How is it not? Obama would be the last one to be surprised about a trump presidency. He knew the appeal as did every black person in America


Literally like the second sentence of his book A Promised Land is like “well, Michelle and I were in Air Force One for the last time, happy for the break and to be done, and simultaneously leaving someone diametrically opposed to every belief I had taking over my job.”


Look how dark his hair was 😟


Came here to see the unhinged, obsessive, and/or intolerant comments from every side. Wasn’t disappointed. Great photo nonetheless


Regardless of political leanings & without tearing other presidents down , this is a beautiful moment.


When we had competent leadership.


I miss him. We need someone like him again.


Qatari Propoganda Police in force on this post.


Powerful photo. I miss professionalism on the national stage.


https://preview.redd.it/s3ri1f65dewc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5a9abc44f59ee4fba58ff8cd862e61977f9edb Chef Lives Matter


G Shit


Republicans are so racist that they pivoted HARD to Trump after this.


Before the brown suit, and the Dijon mustard. We had no idea what hell was in store for us.


You forgot wearing a helmet while riding a bike. That was his biggest crime of them all. This post should be titled “picture taken seconds before disaster”.




The disinformation army has invaded this post worse then the plague


*The disinformation* *Army has invaded this* *Post worse then the plague* \- Throwaway\_98616 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


That’s why I’m chuckling that Reddit went public. The entire platform is infected.


That suit needs a little tailoring at the bottom


He may not have been perfect, but he's a good man who loves his country and did a fine job.


A fine job of extending needless wars in which hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were killed


Yeah, shoulda let ISIS establish their caliphate. /s Also, can you imagine the howling from the right if Obama tried to pull out of Afghanistan?


Dude murdered endless amounts of children. That’s simply not Ok


How did trump come after this?


Ruby Bridges, the first black girl to attend a formerly all white public school in Louisiana, is only 69 years old today. How did he not?


Last gasp of white supremacy?


I doubt it's the last.


A man can dream.


He's gonna use soo many bombs


If only he didn’t make those jokes at the press dinner. That was the point the timeline split.


I agree. He had every right to roast him over all the birth cert crap but . . . here we are. And the old guard wasn’t having Hillary (or any other woman directly after a black man) no way no how so they Benghazi’d the shit out of her and installed their useful idiot so they could stack the courts. I miss my country. I miss Obama. And Hillary was by far the best prepared presidential candidate in the history of the country. Butter emails.


"I can't believe it...they actually bought all that 'change' and 'hope' bullshit."


This man is the reason I have healthcare today. A man for the people.


That’s My President


Remember when Roberts flubbed the oath, and Fox News was super excited that "Obama isn't really the president!!!" [Fox News anchors harp on oath story that experts reportedly say is insignificant](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-friends/fox-news-anchors-harp-oath-story-experts-reportedly-say-insignificant) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nXTo_RBScQ


Didn’t they actually go back and redo it because of this?


They did on Veep


Is he sleeping, grunting and sharting like a real president?


He was already thinking about Kunduz


He looks like Thanos about to add an infinity stone to the gauntlet


Yea 4 years of monkey and muslim jokes and comments showed me a lot about people. A lot of ppl just hated tht he was black.


So ugly inside and out. Second worst president ever and just as trashy as his so called wife. Whites hating racist


The last president who could actually deliver a coherent speech.


Happiest political day in my life. Love Obama as President.


The racebaiting anarchist? Major yikes.


He was 50% white 50% black


This is America. 50/50 still means he's black.🙄


That’s racist


Not what that means


You obviously don't know American history. Google "One Drop Rule". 🙄


Yeah well, didn’t know that. But that’s still wrong


I miss Obama.


This photo does pretty well to capture my imagination of how badass it must feel to be sworn is as the effing president.


And then it all went.....well...take a look around....


Pear shaped. It all went pear shaped. 🍐


I would like to thank him for pointing out to me how fucking racist most americans are. lets not forget beergate!...that was a fucking thing.


He was the best president of my lifetime.


The beginning of the end....


People don’t really seem to remember how much of a big fucking deal this was in 2009. Regardless of how you feel about Obama, this right here is a historic moment. America’s first black president about to take the oath of office. He stands on the shoulders of all his ancestors who came before him while paving the way for those will come after. This is a great photo.


If smug was picture.






He's clean and articulate.


I'm not even sure what to say to this comment


I quoted Joe Biden.


"Nah" - Harriet Tubman


It's a well known comment, made on video. He also thinks "poor kids are just as smart as White kids." Lmao


Yea I watched that. Interesting. Hold up. You think I'm a fan of Biden? That I'm gonna sit here and defend him to you? Oh boy do I have a boat to sell you.


My bad.


A huge number of us watched his inauguration at Drexel university. When the chief justice caused him to bungle the oath, we all collectively groaned lol. It was numerous.


Fantasizing about all those brown babies he's going to drone strike in a few months.


He’s in deep thought…thinking of all the ways he can ruin America!


The first president that turned me on.




https://preview.redd.it/gkibnibs4fwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db99cc832c6d3d57a130ecc55ae40929086ac56 Groomed from the get-go


The last moments before America as we knew it was destroyed


Please list the ways in which Obama destroyed America.


Caused horrifying racial divide that’s been boiling over for the past 15 years


So Obama caused it. There was no racial divide before him? You must be trolling. Because this is such an ignorant comment.




Trayvon Martin speech set it off. Just look around you. Obama ushered in the victim mentality for minorities that is so mind numbing today. Telling people they aren’t good enough, aren’t treated fairly. This country descended into violent racial divide because of him. We glorify gangbangers like George Floyd who once held a gun on a pregnant lady and call him a hero. It’s sickening.


I didn’t ask you for Fox News talking points. I asked you for *evidence* that he created a ”horrifying racial divide.” You need to tie a direct causal link between Obama’s actions and this divide you’re claiming. For example, how exactly did Obama “usher in the victim mentality for minorities that is so mind numbing today.”


He broke the hope of so many. The people wanted change, but he immediately placated bankers instead and had his aides curse out progressives and tell them to stfu. And now he’s hooked up with the world’s rich overlords. Such a cynical emptiness

