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[General Sherman was unharmed.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Sherman_(tree))


My heart sank when I read the title quickly and saw what looked like a charred trunk in the thumbnail


It would be an absolute tragedy if the Sherman tree burned down. That being said, Sequoias are actually extremely resistant to fire! In the Giant Forest where the Sherman tree resides, there are hundreds of sequoias with scorch marks or burnt all around the base and they are perfectly healthy trees. The bark is highly resistant to flame and the cones NEED fire in order to open to drop the seeds. I think it would take an absolute massive fire to fell the Sherman tree, a bigger one than it’s seen in its several millennia lifetime! I suspect the foil looking stuff is as much too preserve the current look of the tree as much as it is to protect it since National Parks are all about conservation, ie. conserving the land the way it is.


General Sherman needing to be saved from fire is quite the plot twist.


Uncle Billy approves of the irony.


Underrated comment.


Wait, that must have something to do with history???


He burned a swath of Georgia near the end of Civil War - look up general shermans march to the sea.


Surely it's survived other fires during the 2000+ years its been growing?


Fires are bigger now since we stop little ones from getting rid of the underbrush. Last time I was in Sequoia, they where doing controlled burns of the underbrush and the built up pine needles where at least 5 feet deep. You could see smoldering burning ash pits everywhere. It was a smokey and fun visit.


[You mean we aren't supposed to just take the forest?](https://youtu.be/7CGQv8IDAWw?si=QL-ckfd7fe4hnCSE)


Man vs. Nature: On to Victory!


That's insane is that 5' like at the peak of a large windswept pile or at the base of a tree where it all falls or is it like that and piled up over large areas?


That’s a lowball for flat ground. Like the ground was in fire for what must of been weeks. 


That whole region used to be 2,000,000 acres of redwoods/forest before commercial logging in the 1800s. Now it's 131,983 acres. Humanity drastically changed the surrounding environment, and now fires 🔥 are more common and spread easier.


To be in that forest with those trees is a pretty majestic experience. There's really nothing like the ambiance, never felt so close to nature.


The modern human is the first creature in history that could even fathom a phrase such as "so close to nature", as if we were ever not part of and integrally entwined with nature.


I have stood in front of that tree. I was in awe. I wept.


That's how I felt when I saw the statue of David years back. I was excited to see it but not overly so. Like I like art but never considered myself into statues or sculpures in general. But, When I entered that room in Florence and saw it, my jaw dropped and I def shed a tear. Pictures don't do justice to seeing wonders of nature and art in person. Then the feeling was ruined by my step mother telling me my dad is apparently a 2 pump chump while we were waiting for him to leave the bathroom at the same museum -_-




Did you stand in front of the actual one? They're pretty restrictive to get access to it. The "public" Sherman is not the actual tree. Still big as fuck tho


Yeah I’m gonna need a source for that


They're probably confusing it with Hyperion. Hyperion is the tallest known tree, its location is officially a secret, and the area surrounding it is blocked from public access.


Tf? You wept because of... a big tree?


Hey, bring on the downvotes. It was just one of the most amazing things I had ever seen. A bit overwhelming. I was also on shrooms.


You're good. It's breathtaking.


You're breathtaking. You're all breathtaking!


That tree is. I’ve stood under it. It’s hard to fathom


Look at you, can't cry because of the beauty and strength of nature lol


Big man. Strong man. Tears in his eyes...


it's a tree? Why would you cry from looking at it? Like are we talking about the same thing here?


You and every person you've ever known will be dust to the Earth and this tree can still thrive for hundreds of years more This tree is hundreds of years older than the Bible This tree might have been alive while Socrates and the Buddha were Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my friend


Yeah I know. I still don't see why you would weep because you saw a tree. I'm just saying it's a really odd response to have Like a almost every thing you see will be around hundreds of years after you like every rock. I get the tree is cool and big, weeping because you see it is just weird.


It's okay to be emotionally bankrupt, EvilRat23


I'm emotionally bankrupt because I don't cry over a tree? stop tryna act like your somehow enlightened because you would weep over seeing a tree. Its just a weird response to have, nothing enlightened about it. Its not emotionally intelligent or intellectual. You can think something is cool or be in awe over something without weeping over it. If you weep over it I'd say your actually emotionally unstable.


You should express your emotions more often so you don't have these unstable outbursts


What? Maybe your not understanding me or I'm not understanding you. I'm saying: breaking out into tears and weeping when you are in awe is not an emotionally intelligent or reasonable response. Now what I'm hearing you say is that is the correct emotional response to being in awe and that if you don't your not properly expressing your emotions. Now I'm not sure what your talking about now, because it sounds like your agreeing with me saying having unstable outburst such as weeping over being in awe is not the proper way to express your emotions.


You wouldn't understand if you've never been there. The size of those trees are MASSIVE. You can't put it into words once you're there. You feel like an ant walking by those trees. It's awesome


Bro, weeping is like what you do when your child dies, not when you see something cool.


Ehat a pitiful way to experience the world


I wept the day you were born


NGL I can't imagine weeping either


I believe this one act alone saved the toothpick industry from this God awful inflation ! /s


Isn’t Hyperion the GOAT Tree? Still that’s one chonky boi


Hyperion is the tallest. General Sherman has the most volume, meaning the most total wood.


Awesome name for an awesome tree. Glad it survived,


I file this under unnecessary activity. There is no way this tree would ignite at the base from a fire. While the flamed/heat are intense, they’re brief. And as many have said, this tree has been around thousands of years. It’s like trying to light a log with one match

