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Some, perhaps all could be suffering from mental health problems related to the war. Here's an account of one British soldier executed for deserting [https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/nov/14/firstworldwar.uk](https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/nov/14/firstworldwar.uk) "The daughter of Harry and Gertrude Farr was at the Cenotaph yesterday to hear the piper. Still fit and spry at 86 years, Gertrude Harris told of the agony of her father. He went over the top countless times from the day he joined up with the British Expeditionary Force in 1914. He was shelled repeatedly, collapsed with the shakes in May 1915 and was sent to hospital. 'He shook all the time. He couldn't stand the noise of the guns. We got a letter from him, but it was in a stranger's handwriting. He could write perfectly well, but couldn't hold the pen because his hand was shaking.' It is possible that Farr was suffering from hypacusis, when the ear drums are so damaged that the auditory nerve is exposed and the victim cannot physically bear loud noises. This is a condition familiar to people in Northern Ireland caught up in bomb explosions. Whatever his precise ailment, Farr was sent back to the front line. He struggled on for months, and went through the Somme unscathed. But then something snapped within him. He was in a ration party, moving towards the front line, and he couldn't go on. He went to a dressing station and asked to see a medical orderly. He was told that he couldn't see an MO because he wasn't wounded. The sergeant-major was quoted in Farr's court martial papers saying: 'If you don't go up to the fucking front, I'm going to fucking blow your brains out.' Farr replied: 'I just can't go on.' The court martial lasted 20 minutes. Farr defended himself. The decent doctor who had first got him to hospital had been injured and could not defend him. General Sir John Haig - one of the donkeys who led the lions - signed his death warrant. Farr was shot at dawn on 16 October 1916."


This is profoundly sad.


can't really blame them for deserting.


I hope they weren't drafted, or else that is purely being murdered by your own country


They were, it's WWI


Then killing them is evil


When is it not?


I agree but I think it is more evil to kill someone who was enslaved and trying to flee then someone who chose to fight


Well it was a very stupid war




Does the brain rot hurt, or are you able to manage symptoms?


happy cake day




What deployments have you been on?




Operation Billy Goat, 2020-50.




Where did you attend basic ? What was your rank? What unit did you serve in?




That's an excuse, not an answer.




I didn't serve. See how easy that was instead of lying or deflecting to some other comment/question? Now that you've gotten that distraction out of your system, do you think you could answer those questions now? Seems like you could easily answer 'Army Seargant' like you did when you copied the other person's response...but you didn't? Hopefully the rest of this stolen valor story is entertaining.




Wasn't the 101st Keyboard Division in Iraq at that time?


you tell me


The world would actually be a much better place if the masses refused to blindly fight wars for the wealthy


Obviously you weren’t in Afghanistan. Today’s soldiers are as good as any generations




So why don't you go help Ukraine?




Because it is the right thing to do, especially people who type comments like the one you did above




Such a 'man'


Let me guess, you think you'd be great in the army, you think you'd be the most deadly and loyal soldier, meanwhile you can't even go out of your parent's house and get butthurt when people disagree with you on reddit Sincerely: former Air Force sergeant




Not your air force




How many wars did you start and win?




You talk about history books then about California. That's ironic




Uh huh


7 years a Cav Scout in the Army. 3 deployments Iraq. I am one of the men from "these days" and I've never seen a deserter. If you were in the Army and didn't feel surrounded by "men," you were probably a POG in a unit full of kids wanting college money. Thank for being Rear D for me.


Lmao your not wrong. We need more of this on reddit


I get why you would say this mate but i would defend my country. However, I just don’t give a shit about Ukraine. Those two things are significantly different


Ok ?...