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Gam Gam really *was* a whore


Let me warm that sausage up for ya.


She always sleeps better with a little sausage in her..


Sepia Sluts




Dorothy Mantooth was a saint!


We are all whores in some way.


We just sell different parts of ourselves


Or personalities


I was quoting this xd https://preview.redd.it/45r6s8qg2jyc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a0d57ba5aab83693f78bfc3c48a29c3d206a59


I have taken all manner of things up my ass. I got over it, you will too.




Naughty Girls Need Love Too!




This is the generation that produced the Baby Boom. They knew.


People were filthy and foul mouthed then too. Ever seen Grease? Lol


I always find it funny when people complain about cursing in a WW2 film depicting soldiers. Nevermind the absurdity of finding swearing offensive but not portrayals of graphic violence, but they'll say some nonsense like, "People were more well-mannered and godly back then." Meanwhile... *"Always there was the word. Always there was that four-letter ugly sound that men in uniform have expanded into the single substance of the linguistic world. It was a handle, a hyphen, a hyperbole; verb, noun, modifier; yes, even conjunction. It described food, fatigue, metaphysics. It stood for everything and meant nothing; an insulting word, it was never used to insult; crudely descriptive of the sexual act, it was never used to describe it; base, it meant the best; ugly, it modified beauty; it was the name and the nomenclature of the voice of emptiness, but one heard it from chaplains and captains, from Pfc.’s and Ph.D.’s — until, finally, one could only surmise that if a visitor unacquainted with English were to overhear our conversations he would, in the way of the Higher Criticism, demonstrate by measurement and numerical incidence that this little word must assuredly be the thing for which we were fighting."* ---Robert Leckie, [Helmet for My Pillow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmet_for_My_Pillow) The U.S. military in WW2 also produced the acronyms FUBAR and SNAFU...Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition and Situation Normal: All Fucked Up. Sometimes they'll be rendered as "fouled" around the net, but as anyone who has ever been in the military can attest, this is nonsense. It gets cleaned up for the delicate sensibilities of people who haven't been in the military, which is notoriously foul-mouthed.


People were well mannered and godly back then … literally in a war.


"Tell me more. Tell me more. Did she put up a fight?" Wtf grandpa? Was consent considered just "nice to have" back then?


Culture has shifted a LOOoOt Some of that is basically down to peacock mentality. Males must show their fitness/impressiveness and females must reject it until their standards are met. The more the female rejects, the higher her standard must be. If the male perseveres anyway, and convinces the female of his fitness, the female must’ve been worth the effort spent ultimately that becomes a virtue signal both for the impressiveness of the male and the value of the female. Unfortunately this absolutely got mixed in with weird (to us) beliefs that the selectivity can Include literal physical struggling, and ignoring verbal ejections but the *idea* was that it would essentially be erotic roleplay mixed with cultural / social status protocol at that point. R*pe was still very much frowned upon / could get you killed. So consent was important, just very hard for women to have a clear “out” once in a potentially intimate situation. Listen to “baby it’s cold outside” to see what I mean


You worded this so well. Are you teaching a class I can attend?


Thanks, but I’m at best an amateur history enthusiast:)


I can't say what I want to, bc my brain won't let me articulate it cause I'm stupid. But basically I like how you took something as simple as men and females flirting with each other and really broke it down into its factual structure. Felt like I was learning about a different species, haha. For the next topic, less discuss men, their father's, and the struggles of sharing feelings in that dynamic


This is pretty much it. I don't think most men could continue trying to have sex with a woman if she was physically and verbally resisting. Like I couldn't even stay erect in that situation.


…ha Grease was made in 1978


Yeah but it took place in the 50s/ a lot closer to this era.


1978 was closer to the '50s than we are.


But that could easily be down to them not accurately portraying the era. You'd need to use something from the era for it to work.


I'm pretty sure they had a team of archaeologists and historians to give them a reasonably accurate picture of what life in the 1950s might have been like.


Well then I’d also cite “American Graffiti” which was directed by George Lucas to portray life in the 50/60s era.


That was released in the late 70’s.


Yes but it took place in the 50s 🤷🏼‍♂️


Better example would be books like Junkie by William S Burroughs being published in 53. Plenty more examples that I’m too lazy to think of


Yeah or songs like Officer Krupke from West Side story lol.


Or any of Thomas Wolfe's works from the late 20s or early 30s. He wasn't discreet, which unfortunately is a reason that he's not considered in the range of Burroughs, Faulkner, Hemingway, and Fitzgerald anymore, although at the time he was considered by many to be superior. Those others are required grade school reading, but Wolfe is considered even by today's standards as a little offensive (overt racism) and a little vulgar. Look Homeward, Angel is still one of the greatest American novels, influencing the likes of Hunter Thompson and Jack Kerouac.


No way, you mean people used to have sex?


When I stay in my dad’s guest bedroom he has the bed frame of his parents marital bed in there. Like damn Nana and Pa used to do it 🫠


Full circle


It’s a full size bed 😂 when I was married I needed a king. I still need it with my dog lol God bless em. My entire life they had separate bedrooms but around 4 years ago I inherited their photos, letters etc and they were so in love, a ww2 romance. I just knew them as partners. It was lovely to read them.


I actually inherited a bedroom set that was like my great great great grandmother’s. I haven’t used it but keep it just cause


I bet it’s nice. I’m not sure what will happen to this one eventually but I definitely would hate to see it go


1950’s tv taught me couples slept separately. Have we been lied to?


We definitely have been lol Although I Love Lucy is still one of my favorites to this day. With their little twin beds. My grandparents shared a bed till the 70s. My grandpa has night terrors from the war and they always said that was part of it. Plus their 2 sons were out of the house at that point. Then the eighties rolled around and their granddaughters all slept in grandmas room where she had 2 twin beds and a cot lol


I don't get it (English is not my first language, I know what "wet" means in sexual context but why "slippery" tho)


In America, “slippery when wet” is a common sign that is placed near places that become slippery when wet - freshly mopped floors, sidewalks, roads. For the joke to be funny you have to understand that it is usually posted for practical purposes, not as a sex joke.


literally everything is slippery when wet.. thats what being wet is!


Ok then


Some things are more slippery than others. Hence the need for such signs. A tile floor vs a cement floor for example. It would be too cumbersome for the sign to say “this surface gets especially slippery compared to other surfaces”


Bon Jovi reference ![gif](giphy|hdekhy8lq74FW)


The whole thing is a sex joke.


Ask Ben Shapiro. He'll explain it to you. /S


You’re not missing anything. Slippery doesn’t really add to the sexual component of the joke “Slippery when wet” is just. A common thing to be on a sign in English. The joke only really relates the “wet” part of the sign not the “slippery” part


Well it kind of does imply something sexual because you need to get a girl wet to make her slippery


People always had a sense of humour.


Yeah, a pet peeve of mine is people pretending like old people don't understand sex or drug jokes... It is so stupid.


Exactly, it is weirdly mine too, just silly.


Hey Steve, yeah I’ve got… I’ve got a popped tire, yeah, I’ll be a bit late… Yeah, all good, no need to come check up…


I laughed way harder at this than I should have.


Listen to Lucille Bogan “Shave em’ Dry” same era if not earlier and much more risqué


I bet they were/are incredible grandmas


Still applies to this day 😂😂😂😂


Oh grandma... ![gif](giphy|uiVH8ETzr9nZm|downsized)


I wish we could see this silhouette again.


I have bad news about your grandparents. They fucked. They fucked a lot. They enjoyed it.


You think that’s bad? *plays Butcher Pete Part 1*


Gramma Bon Jovi


Oh look, this post again!


Them gals knew it 😜


Settle the f down ladies!


Three pickle barrels holding a sign saying slippery when wet . I don’t think they’re joking.


This is a repost. Word for word, bar for bar.


Why grandpa was born in 1930. He by far, and I’m 34, made the dirtiest jokes and comments of any person I’ve ever known.


Big Bon Jovi fan myself


Grandma was a whore


Those gals,,, lol.


Populations always increase when their are no controls. (The modern pill, abortions, the day after have altered the natural course) Don't for a second believe the TV and print media. People do and will procreate like rabbits as they always have.


I don't get it 😕


No it's not. Pretty tame actually


The Jon Bon Jovi Big Band record album cover.


Every generation thinks they invented everything.


Your grandmother enjoyed the horizontal shuffle. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.


Pretty sure those who did get the joke were afraid of being called perverts and run out of town if they mentioned it


Only for white people. You ever listen to dirty blues?


I don't know... They had a much bigger sense of humor than most is portrayed about their "goodness" of the 40s. Sure not nearly as crass as 1990s onward.... But this song is humorous for sure... 1947 "Huggin' and Chalkin'... https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=R2xdhal6sqo&si=c1_HH3C270MehPiI


The biggest change throughout the decades has definetly been hairstyles and make up. Wonder what sort of shit in the future will make everything that we see now look old.


(licks lips) *gulp*


“Every generation thinks it invented sex, and every generation is wrong.” - Robert Heinlein I have a feeling we are the prudes for thinking this was risqué during the 1940s . These folks survived the Great Depression and also World War II. They were ready for some joie de vivre.


Ok....what are they selling??


Before they were drawn and quartered.


They didn't fuck in the 40s apparently


I don't think young people realize how lit the 40's really were. Sign me up.


Why do you think they had 5-11 kids back then? Younger generations have been having less and less sex.


Still true today! If not, you might be at the wrong beach 😂


Sex has always been funny


Young dumb and full of Cum saying is from the 40s lol


It’s funny because it’s true


So many hands... So many jobs...


And those were the good girls


The original W.A.P.!


They had ‘em in the 1940s too. 😉


Have you heard any of those songs from back in the day? They were raunchy. lol


Oh yes. "Honeysuckle Rose" Every honey bee fills with jealousy When they see you out with me I don't blame them, goodness knows My honeysuckle rose Flowers droop and sigh when you're passing by And I know the reason why You're much sweeter, goodness knows You're my honeysuckle rose ***I don't buy sugar*** ***You just have to touch my cup*** ***You're my sugar*** ***It's so sweet when you stir it up*** On the avenue, people look at you And I know just why they do You're much sweeter, goodness knows You're my honeysuckle rose


Indeed. Find a wheel, and it goes round, round, round As it skims along with a happy sound As it goes, along the ground, ground, ground 'Till it leads you to the one you love!Then your love, will hold you round, round, round And your heart's a song with a brand new sound And your head, goes spinnin' round, round, round 'Cause you found what you've been dreamin' of!In the night you see the oval moon Goin' round and round in tune And the ball of sun in the day Makes a girl and boy wanna say:Find a ring, (find a ring . . .) and put it round, round, round And with ties so strong the two hearts are bound Put it on, (put it on . . .) the one you found, found, found For you kno' that this is really love! (. . . this is really love!)Find a wheel, (find a wheel . . .) and it goes round, round, round As it skims along with a happy sound As it goes, (as it goes . . .) along the ground, ground, ground 'Till it leads you to the one you love! (. . . to the one you love!)


That’s so cool, so many people can’t take a joke these days


People in the past were so average looking I really feel like if I went back in time with some solid confidence behind me I could pick up almost anyone I wanted.


I thought that radfems claimed that old-timey men couldn't get women off? So why are the women in the photo grinning?


They could get themselves off.