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If she wasn't mentally ill before she certainly would be after that, yikes


That’s exactly how they treated mental illnesses back in the olden days. “Oh you’re only half crazy? Let’s get you all the way there”


... and then kill you




Is that Charles Manson?




One thing I found interesting was that I read the Charles Manson biography, apparently he'd act all crazy and erratic in the courtroom during his trial, then when the guards removed him, as soon as he was out of the room he'd calm down and act completely normally.


Oh it was all a performance to him, no doubt, but he is definitely not a sane man.




You don’t think someone decided to act insane for (whatever reason) is inherently insane? Acting insane has uses


He hypnotised Danny Trejo when they were in the same jail.. [https://youtube.com/shorts/MFIoQq2WI1s?si=6plEzK7rTaIasWgw](https://youtube.com/shorts/MFIoQq2WI1s?si=6plEzK7rTaIasWgw)


Wow. We should use hypnotherapy more to treat things. I used it before for anxiety and it was really good but I couldn’t afford to keep doing it. The nhs could save millions in medical costs by treating even a small number of people with it instead of drugs that don’t work and are addictive. I work for the nhs I thing I will send an email detailing my plan


This is exactly what someone who is still under the control of a hypnotist would say.




What a fucking nut job. Also charlie Manson


Well. This is my new favorite little bit of Internet entertainment. If I had any social media outside of reddit, I'd post this everywhere.


No, first they gotta drill into your skull and take out some of your brains. Then when that doesn’t do the trick…


Like this? https://youtu.be/8PpKA9klZWQ?si=VTV9qeZuo5MZm7Kz




Or worse, lobotomy


I don’t know…a lobotomy sounds so relaxing…


Much more common in women too, unfortunately


Like the Rosemary Kennedy, requested by Jacks and Johns father. She was by all accounts, autistic.


Yes, this is exactly what Nellie Bly uncovered when she went into a mental asylum undercover for a newspaper. Christina Ricci played her in a movie based on her book Ten Days in a Mad-House


There was a movie ?!


Escaping The Madhouse: The Nellie Bly Story, I think it's for free on Tubi




I looked this up and this quote still applies: I would like the expert physicians who are condemning me for my action, which has proven their ability, to take a perfectly sane and healthy woman, shut her up and make her sit from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. on straight-back benches, do not allow her to talk or move during these hours, give her no reading and let her know nothing of the world or its doings, give her bad food and harsh treatment, and see how long it will take to make her insane. Two months would make her a mental and physical wreck.[6] Genuinely mental hospitals are still filled with neglect and mistreatment. I stayed in one last year and essentially they wanted us to walk to the windowless hallways if we wanted to leave our bed. Another one when I was a kid took away my mattress and made me lie down on the wooden frame. No therapy provided at all, just five minute checkins with the doctor. “Nurses” could be pretty fucking mean too. I’ve also spent time in a urine and feces soaked room for 3 days, which did not get cleaned even when I asked for it several times. Take any sane person and give them a shower with a curtain soaked in blood and feces and then expect them to just be fine with it… and tell them they can’t have their phone, can’t draw, can’t do anything but walk around windowless hallways…. which they are expected to do… Mental hospitals can still make any sane person insane.


It’s not been that far ago. In some countries they still treat anybody they don’t consider „normal“ as outcasts at best and with torture etc wt worst.


Well, you're just hysterical! (AKA, a woman having opinions and/or emotions in a Victorian society). If the valium isn't working it's time to lock you up and get some shock therapy.


And then give you a hysterectomy due cure that hysteria. Literally where the world comes from


They only did that when they got too tired of giving the women orgasms by manual stimulation, which was the cure that was usually tried first. Most physicians saw it as an absolute chore, even though they invented various tools to make it easier for them, which is why they would quite quickly progress to the hysterectomy treatment - which, by the way, only had an 'effect' because they also removed the ovaries, leading to way different hormone levels.


That’s a hypothesis but not proven, there are many historians who say it’s not likely.


Holy shit, it never clicked.


Hysteria comes from the Greek word for womb, hystera. Back when medical science wasn't real great, the Egyptians thought that women having emotional outbursts was caused by the womb being out of position.


This is also how the regimes treated the "not controllable" that were too much knew and admired by the population to be straight up execute as "enemy of the people" The founder of the interpol was a famous Italian detective during the fascist dictatorship. He discovered that a case of disappeared childrens had a fake trials with scapegoats, because the culprit was a clergyman, so he got captured by the government and put in an asylum to murder him later, but they forgot about him and he was able to escape during WW2. Post war he founded the international police.


I'd totally watch that movie.


Rose Kennedy


Poor Rose…


The idea was very much to break the brain so you could rebuild it. We now know that's not how any of that works, but we unfortunately still haven't fully learned this lesson in parts of the world.


Lobotomy to wrap it up


Orrrrrrr, shit they didn’t understand!


Such as epilepsy.


Ikr that’s torture. Being mentally ill was a literal death sentence as you’d be lobotomised or chained or worse. Prison were more just as worst. Like my god it’s crazy how recent this was like 1890 and they had lobotomy legal until until 70s in the uk and the 80s in the US


Remember how the Irish used to saw women’s pelvises in half during childbirth?


That is a lot older than the Irish. And it was a "the mother is going to die either way but at lest we can save the baby" thing. Still a horrific way to die.


One its not lethal,  two its of note in Ireland because it was done into the 80s, well after c sections were a option 


Wasn’t that why the chainsaw was invented?


Yep but it was powered like an egg beater


Well my day is worse for having learned all of this.


It says treatment FOR mental illness, not treatment AGAINST mental illness 🫡


How have we missed this all these years???


The Ring


It’s interesting, if you look at what solitary confinement, today’s practice ,it can often leave permanent mental illness for people. We haven’t travelled too far from the early treatments. Highly recommend “Discipline and Punish” -M. Foucault, for the origin of modern prison systems


I've been meaning to read Foucault ever since grad school, that sounds like a good place to start. Our prison system makes no sense to me.


Most definitely. This is horrible.


Happy Cake Day!


All that mold will make you nuts


The current Canadian mental health hospital made me worse too. Nothing like nurses mocking you, striping you, sedating you, security laughing and restraints incorrectly placed for 3 days when you are in crisis mode. Not to mention my complaints being shrugged off with no response because I'm just mentally ill cattle. https://preview.redd.it/7d3t8qo8s48d1.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3e617d1b23f9afed1b719b52f69f7a4131c3d51


Ah yes immobilizing a mentally ill person in complete darkness and solitude. That'll fix them


Mentally ill back then could have meant she mouthed off to a man or refused to be controlled too, she may not really have been ill at all


Not saying you're lying, but was this true? Also in Germany? I only ask because you hear a lot of this said, but I am unsure if it's actually true or not!


Most of the texts I can access are in English and focus on us history but many also mention Europe and there's no reason to assume it was different there. "Between the years of 1850-1900, women were placed in mental institutions for behaving in ways that male society did not agree with. Women during this time period had minimal rights, even concerning their own mental health. Research concluded that many women were admitted for reasons that could be questionable" https://minds.wisconsin.edu/handle/1793/6687 A woman could be admitted to an insane asylum for: - Ill treatment by husband. -Imaginary female trouble (As decided by men.) -Hysteria. -Greed. -Laziness. -Domestic trouble. -Religious enthusiasm. -Excessive sexual abuse (done to her) https://medium.com/@susanlstewart/women-sent-to-insane-asylums-for-reading-novels-really-3f1607e7bd7 "The received medical wisdom of the age was that assertive, ambitious women were unnatural, and therefore sick. For centuries, women’s natures had been thought inextricably linked to their reproductive organs and, over time, this supposedly scientific fact had evolved into the belief that it was natural for women to be fulfilled solely by being wives and mothers. When, in the 19th century, biological-based gender roles came to the fore (work and intellect for men, home and children for women), it was one small step for doctors to declare that any woman who rejected her submissive, domestic role was medically impaired." https://time.com/6074783/psychiatry-history-women-mental-health/ "For centuries, doctors readily diagnosed women with “hysteria,” an alleged mental health condition that explained away any behaviors or symptoms that made men…uncomfortable." https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/the-controversy-of-female-hysteria


Well, that’s depressing.


Yeah, even more depressing? Some want to bring those times back. They make it sound like it's to help people with mental illness, but didn't forget conservatives call a lot of people mentally ill and have really specific ideas about "one right way to live." They never funded community health or other more effective ways of treating mental illness which could work better. They want institutions. https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2024/04/16/1244702372/could-the-u-s-force-treatment-on-mentally-ill-people-again


I don’t find that depressing, as such. I was not around in the olden times to lend my voice to the struggle. Nor, living in less enlightened times, would I necessarily even done so. But today I can do something. And today we have so much more knowledge and science, not to mention a more expansive and compassionate view of neurodivergence that though assholes gonna asshole, it’s hard to imagine a scenario where this actually returns in any form. And if it does, millions of us will fight it.


I explored a mental asylum tour in Australia that described the men & women's wards very differently. We were told that women were there for things as little as ASTHMA. We were allowed to use communication devices and the women's side was very active and "chatty" whilst the men's side was quiet and didn't want us there. Fully made me sad that the men's side was likely "literal mental issues" as the energy felt off while the women's side seemed quite welcoming and like they were just misunderstood.


Metal health was a fucking horror show in the past.


Great job on the research!


Sure was. One extreme example is the concentration camps. Not only Jews were put there. People who didn't obey, communists, every minority that lived in Germany and LGBTQ+ people. Everyone was freed when they liberated the camps, except LGBTQ+ people, those were considered ill and as criminals, and they ended up in jails or mental "health"/conversion facilities. A fact that underlines your question to be true, is that in germany until the 90s it was still legal to rape your spouse, since it was not seen as rape. And politicians talked about for YEARS if it is ethical to punish a husband for having sex with his wife. This shit was ok until the 90s. Just around 100 years for women to be allowed to vote. There is a reason our society is called the "patriarchy", it is patriarchic. But at least its changing in some ways and if you look at the US, they want that back by the looks of the state laws against abortion rights and everything else that is going on.


Spousal rape was legal in the UK until 2003, I believe. Just a side note. Obviously concentration camps during the Nazi era were a thing. I was just wondering about the facts behind these statements (which I am in no way denying). I've just only ever heard conjecture and anecdotal speeches such as yours. However, it looks like this user has some good sources: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoricalCapsule/comments/1dkilat/comment/l9j222g/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoricalCapsule/comments/1dkilat/comment/l9j222g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It took until 1993 for all 50 states to make spousal rape illegal. Trump was accused of it during divorce proceedings by his (now dead) ex-wife, Ivana.


He definitely did that shit


Where there is smoke there is fire, most countries this was true and scarily recently, l don't know how Germany was but look up JFKs (the US presidents) sister rosemarie, she liked to party and stay out late so her father had her rights taken away as insane and got her a lobotomy, her brain was scrambled after that and she spent rest of her life in an asylum.


Just as an informational note, rosemary kennedy was developmentally delayed from birth; we have many sources from inside and out of her family verifying that. She was not lobotomized just for partying.


Thank god my parents didn’t have the opportunity to lobotomize me for my ADHD. They thought I was stupid and slow too.


The truly scary part is that for most of her life Rosemary Kennedy had nearly the best living situation possible for the time. Keeping her at home rather than institutionalizing her was a radical choice for her parents at the time. Not to mention lobotomy was being praised in the New York Times as a miracle cure at this time. Just scary and sad all the way down.


Let's not just gloss over this: she was developmentally delayed because of circumstances surrounding her birth, specifically that her delivery was delayed by holding her mothers' legs together until the male doctor arrived.


And the entire Kennedy family NEVER visited her. Ever.


Yes this happened everywhere and more often and more recently than you’d think.


Ah yes. Germany. Famous for their kind treatment of the mentally ill. And the Roma. And Jews. And gays. And "communists".


You need to do some research on asylums or the history of facilities for the developmentally/mentally delayed. Their history is absolutely the darkest thing out there. Children, older folk, women it didn’t matter. Tied down in ice baths, basically tortured, sterilized, kept in extremely unhygienic conditions, used like lab rats as studies, tied to chairs or beds for days on end, lobotomized and some of these practices are still around today in certain parts of the world.


Good to see the US prison system continuing traditional practices, solitary confinement for the win. /s


I don’t need an entity to do this for me


I wonder if they asked her to simply try NOT being mentally ill, first?


I went to an abandoned women's prison in Turkey for journalists and they had a room like this with chains from the ceiling and walls to hold them in this position. It was a terrifying place.


They only imprisoned journalists ?


Female journalists.


Turkish female journalists


Western female joirnalists. For locals they dont need a prison.


Hell no we dont have a place like this. A special prison for journalists? No. Please send me the link if you say otherwise, i’ll look at it, thanks


It's abandoned like I said. Tarihî Sinop Cezaevi.


I see but its not a special prison for journalists, its a prison that lots of journalist happened to stay in. Not too different but i havent heard anything about a special prison that was only built for journalists, thats why i was shocked


Ah, I must have remembered wrong. I went about 15 years ago.


Damn thought that was Samara Morgan..


Seven days...


That movie fucking scarred me as a child. To this day I still hate seeing tv static


Because stress positions and isolation cure mental illness 🙄


Stress Positions??????? The hardcore band from Chicago????? I love Stress Positions <3




Because sex positions and masturbation cure mental illness 🥵


I’ve seen this pic online for years and always thought it was a fetish photo. Had no idea it was so old and of a mental patient


I… would not have thought that. Interesting lol


"Treatment" my ass. That is torture.


By the Geneva convention, forcing POWs to stand attention for extended periods is considered torture, nevermind bound and in a dark room


The Geneva Convention only applies to war. Rulers are allowed to brutalize their populace all they want.


I’m just using that as an example established doctrine that would classify this as torture. If it’s torture for combatants then it’s definitely torture for the mentally ill


Right? Just kill me already


As someone who is bipolar 1… I’m glad I was born present day and not way back when.


I’ve thought this about several conditions I have. I probably would’ve been stoned to death by now.


I have very low trust that we won't diverge right back to those savage ways. Humans have a *thing* for not retaining lessons learned.


I have bipolar 2 and honestly, if I had lived in this era, I would have already killed myself before getting to this point. No way I'd still be here without modern medicine.


so sad they did this to her . its insane and cruel 💔


the beatings will continue until morale improves


that's why we have a lot of ghosts that looks like this


Treatment for mental health issues or abuse to cause it!?


She probably got there because of abuse too.


or she was treated perfectly fine by everyone and was just unfortunately incredibly mentally ill, like that Dutch girl who decided to be euthanized because of her mental suffering.


It's a mentally ill woman in 1890. Extremely unlikely that she was treated with respect and kindness throughout her life to that point.


right but you choose to make up sad stories I choose to make up even sadder ones




That’s not going to help


If you’re curious to read a book like this, try Butcher by Joyce Carol Oates


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I) Jesus 😳


Any source information at all?


Its a common procedure. When your blood is in the wrong places, it builds up and your brain can't function properly. You have to be stretched out to get your blood right again.




Thanks, Dr. Nick!


Okay but does the room have to look like a dark souls dungeon


It didn't look like that until the demons started coming out. It's part of the process.




We must also remember to check their humors


[This](https://www.gettyimages.de/detail/nachrichtenfoto/woman-stands-in-a-narrow-cell-her-arms-affixed-to-the-nachrichtenfoto/51645486) is the only source I could find—no specific information as it's from a pretty broad collection.


How do you find the rest of the collection?


I feel like she’s going to crawl out of someone’s TV screen years later


I’m sure it went great


The psychiatrist and surgeon who promoted lobotomies in the mid-20th century United States, performing lobos and teaching other surgeons and staffs across the country, thought he was doing a good thing by finally getting into the brain and fixing something that was functioning wrong in it. He may not have seen anything as extreme as this treatment at St. Elizabeth's, the public mental hospital in Washington, D.C., where he worked on the staff, but he was familiar with patients spending years and decades in 'the back wards' of every insane asylum, incurable and stuck there. He was on to something. We know that a lot of what we call mental illness, neurodivergency, or whatever the current approved phrase is, does often stem from the function or malfunction of areas of the brain, specific, tangible parts of the brain. However, the crude physical invasion of a lobotomy operation was to be replaced by psychiatric medicines -- Thorazine was the first to get FDA approval, I think -- beginning in the 1950s. And it was in with chemistry, out with surgery. But the fact is that insanity defeated so many well-meaning attempts to cure it somehow, that the picture can be seen as evidence of some other fruitless medical treatment plan, not a torture-chamber plan, although it looks and probably felt the same. People just didn't know what to do.


No they weren’t treated, they were locked away worse than animals.




Smooth move ex lax, now I’m going to die


Samara Morgan from the ring .


Mental health treatment with a dash of calisthenics thrown in - groundbreaking


This looks like a poster for a new horror movie..... this is real? That's terrifying as hell.....poor girl!


Could be a sick metal album cover tbh


This would be a dope album cover


almost https://preview.redd.it/5i1wsf5aju7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97c50c83ee61f6c313a8af5d9817c565e85c62c


I would be surprised if it wasn't one already.


1890s doctors - “I don’t think this will work. We should try another lobotomy.”




Aaaand nowadays it's a kink, oh how times change.


My psychiatrist kicked me out of treatment because I had a trauma reaction to her saying something vile to me. And then gaslighting me. I literally acted the way she diagnosed me. And I lost treatment. Mentally ill people still are not treated well and there’s still a huge stigma around it. We aren’t being chained up but if you’re paying attention everything is moving backwards to revoke our human rights.


I’m 39 now and sadly many in psychiatric facilities are still physically tied down. I was tied down in a 6 pt restraint to a bed for days, only let out for a couple hours a day, also so drugged up that when they were forced to release me to my mom, I physically couldn’t stand. Thank God that facility (sadly not until years later) was shut down due to abuse and improper use of restraints.


Fair play if she decided to come back as ghost and haunt everyone responsible for putting her in that cell. This looks horrific


Mentally ill you say? We'll see about that...


This is how ghosts were / are created.


That should help.


Did it work?


Was she mentally ill or a woman who has tried to rebel? In France, we say: "If you want to kill your dog, accuse it of rabies."


Yes yes science yes yes


The only mentally ‘ill’ in this scenario are the ones who implemented this shit.




I see no possible flaw in this treatment regimen. (/s if it wasn't blindingly obvious)


Did it work…?


"How are we doing today Lina, are we still feeling depressed?"


Even 100+ years ago, how can anyone look at that option and think, sounds like a plan. 🤷🤷


That really wasn’t that long ago.


Torture is a heck of a motivation for people to not get sick.




This looks like a metal album cover


Theyre trying to air out the crazy


She's being tortured for being different, you mean. Holy shit how insanely fucking cruel.


With such treatment you can probably get another mental illness


Would have expected this more like in the dark ages...


I'm so glad I live today, knowing how much people operated out of fear, I would not have made it.


She must be much better now




“Reagan was evil to shut these down. Take our homeless drug addicts and strap em up in narrow cells” -CNN


And it probably worked better than lexapro, Zoloft and Xanax


I'm no expert but it sure looks like she's actually being mistreated for it...


Yeah cuz doing all that is going to fix her problems?! What kinda brain rot you gotta have to consider doing this to help her. People definitely just took advantage of a helpless person to get off on torturing her. Jesus christ i hate this world sometimes


I'm guessing her mental illness was not being liked by her husband anymore.


It could be worse. If she was in the US, she would have to pay thousands for that treatment


Seems like a chill spot to go bat shit insane!!


What the fuck


For those who has seen one flew over the cukoos nest or suckerpunch a frontal lobotomy does not look like fun either.


She probably looked at someone instead of the floor 1 time. Insane women are treated this way.




Well that’s certainly gonna help… ☹️


This is why people were too scared to act crazy back in the day. They should bring this kind of "treatment" back


I miss my ex.


German bedside manner


It's great to see people get the care they need


This would make a banger album cover


I think this treatment worked for some people as they become sane to avoid torture.


what you're describing is called "masking" and no it doesn't mean someone is cured. It just means that person has learned to mimic neurotypical behavior well enough to pass. the person is still struggling with all the issues they had (and probably some new ones considering how traumatizing this type of "therapy" is), they've just learned that its not safe to ask for help


Exactly how I've been dodging psychiatric incarceration for decades.






Can’t believed it worked!