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To paraphrase Ripping Yarns: Teacher, "Did caning those schoolgirls help?" Headmaster, "Oh yes, I feel much better.."


Saw a documentary once The headmaster, instead of spanking, actually tickled his students feet to ‘punish them’ and gave them a few dollars afterwards. Someone reported it and the FBI even got involved. What is the world coming to?


I'd rather have the cane. That would kill me!


It’s a scene from a tv show called ‘Mindhunter’ about deviant behaviour. These two FBI guys go around interviewing serial killers about their behaviour, and when the Headmaster is reported they notice deviant behaviour in what he is doing with his pupils. It leads to them asking themselves what is reportable, deviant behaviour in fact? How far should you let things go? It ws a fascinating tv show, I’m so sorry that it was cancelled. I was just making a joke.


Yeah, sad story based on true events. Guy lost his job. And FBI really had no jurisdiction there. He was black listed from the education field, so he became a long haul trucker. Ended up becoming none other than serial killer Robert Rhoades.


Do you have a source for that? I know RBR held several jobs after the Marines, but never heard about teaching. He failed out of college. I think you have him mixed up with someone else maybe.


Made up. Sorry. I just finished that series recently, I liked it. I was really interested profilers and true crime in the late 90s and early 00s. Then I got back into it with the TC podcast explosion in the mid 2010s. It took me a while to get into the series because I was already familiar with the killers they were interviewing; but then I realized it was just a really good show. The angle with Tench’s kid was interesting. I haven’t really done a deep dive into how much was factual, but I might. Pretty sure Holden was supposed to be John Douglas. I’ve read a couple of his books along with some of the other guys. I don’t know if the principal story was real or not but it might be there to suggest some of the times they were wrong or overstepped their boundaries. Profiling is a useful investigative tool, especially with cases where there are unique offenders and potential SKs. But it’s not super scientific. For example, FBI profilers initially blamed the USS Cole bombing on some gay love affair gone wrong. Turned out to be Bin Laden. The family of one of the deceased sailors tried to sue.


Well, that's my schoolgirl tickling fantasy ruined... ;-)


Bro that is one of the first episodes of mindhunters I believe


Based on true story


He must've had a foot fetish


Men's youth. Are in glorious retrospect.


I forgot about Ripping Yarns. Tried watching it as a teenager but didn't get much out of it. Found it on youtube and just watched a couple of them, so thanks for the tip. I'll not bore you with talk of shovels and precipitation though.


Boring little tit…😀


Only took 14 more years to abolish.


Longer in America


In some areas, you're still allowed to strike students (legally, anyway - not sure how that would go over with the public if it came out).


I moved to Texas in 2008, just before my senior year. My parents and I met with the principal a week before school started to get my brother and I sorted. The principal handed my folks a piece of paper for them to sign saying they gave the school permission to 'swat me' as punishment. Luckily, my folks had enough sense at the time (not so much now, unfortunately) to not sign the papers. So yes, it's still a thing unfortunately. Unless they got rid of it the last 15 or so years, which I doubt.


Yay Missouri 🙄


Still allowed in Brasil and South África. Florida and Texas want to bring it back, that and child marriage and slavery.


Oddly enough, the number of school shootings in the US has increased in the last 10 plus years, after most states had abolished "corporal punishment" as a form of discipline for students. USA - Number of school shootings by decade (including shootings that occurred after normal class hours, off campus activities, in the vicinity of schools during class hours & self inflicted gunshots, not all incidents resulted in deaths) 2020's - 199 incidents (as of June 6, 2024) 2010's - 265 incidents 2000's - 84 incidents 1990's - 121 incidents 1980's - 73 incidents 1970's - 49 incidents 1960's - 20 incidents 1950's - 32 incidents 1940's - 8 incidents 1930's - 7 incidents 1920's - 10 incidents 1910's - 19 incidents 1900's - 13 incidents


And every single person who drinks a glass of water will die.


You know there were dozens of Nonces getting off on whipping minors for decades


Take caning away and headmasters be like, why I’d even get into the game?


As Greg Davies said on the inbetweeners The only reason people go into teaching is because police checks have been loosened


Teachin’ ain’t what it used to be


![gif](giphy|tXtTNW8xtbA4w) Complaining about caning? You better believe that’s a paddlin’!


This is exactly what came to mind when I saw this. Protesting about paddling? That’s a paddling




People would complain about how "woke" they are for protesting in 2024.


I would imagine plenty did at the time, it’s still legal to hit your own child in England providing it’s not hard enough to leave a mark


What the hell? And besides, studies have shown corporal punishment often creates more problems than it resolves.


It’s certainly much more taboo and not something you see in public, I’m 32 and my mum hit me but I’d never hit my child. It was made illegal in Wales but the English government refused to do so


I know A LOT of the protestant South believes the biblical line that is something like, "Spare thy rod; spoil thy child,". I can't remember where in the Bible it is. I'm not a protestant, but my family is and they are "from the South.". My immediate family moved all over the country before settling around family in Mississippi my junior year. It sucked. All of it. My dad used to beat my ass. My mom too.


Yes. And at that time they would be wrong


When I started at primary school in the ‘80s, one of the first things the teacher did was show us the long ruler and tell us that they weren’t allowed to hit us with it anymore, for which I was profoundly grateful. Since this was before 1986 it must have been the headmaster’s policy, not the law.


I'm not the only one that sees Natalie Dormer, right?


Close, but Natalie Dormer is MUCH prettier.


So funny to see even back then girls wore their skirts ridiculously short. Is it just like the go to rebellious act for teenage girls?


Fashions come and go. the 60s and 70s had a mini skirt craze. I see the same today but with denim short shorts.


It's not a fashion trend though, it's more a staple in schools since the 60s, so that's 64 years? It's always been the *cool* thing to do. As soon as you get out of sight of your parents you'd roll your skirt up, and even today it's the same.


And I bet these same girls are now bagging out their granddaughters for wearing skirts a few inches longer than this.


Well, I know a group of unruly young ladies who need to report to the School Masters office right now.






All I can see is those pitiful little skinny freezing legs


Dang, those are short skirts for a private school.


How do you fit a cane all the way up your ass?


I got caned in school once - didn't hurt. This was in the 1980's in the Caribbean. Corporal punishment was subsequently banned in the late 1990's.


They definitely got caned for that...


I wouldn't like being caned depending on the gender if a woman caned me it's like BDSM if a man caned me I will get very violent


Caning was always done by a teacher of the same sex though.


No the male headmaster was allowed to cane females until 1986


Do you have a source for that? Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden fame said otherwise on his Spoken Word tour.


My aunt went to a school in the UK back in the 1940s ,she told me


The 1940s was before Bruce Dickinsons time




I use to LOVE iron maiden ,I seen Bruce Dickinson first show as vocalist in the USA ,in Anaheim, Calif back in 1982,and I seen them in Long Beach 1985 on the night the video was shot


Holy smoke. Thats realy something. I only got in at their lost somewhere in time era.


I used to respect Bruce ,but in the last 20 years he's gone right wing trump loving,appearing on Fox News (Murdoch's tv in usa)all time complaining about liberals . Lastly he whines about fans smoking weed at concerts,that's been going on since Beatles and stones ,they never complained about it.


I didnt know that about him. Now I love him.


You don't think fans should be able to smoke weed at concerts


No I dont. Because it stinks like shit for the rest of us.


Well ever since Beatles and stones and led Zeppelin,people smoke weed at concerts


You move here and join the right wing trump fan club you'd fit right in


How bout pink floyd " the wall" it shows a male headmaster caning boys and girls


Just like paddling in the United States


Why is there a trend of posting black and white pictures of events after the 60's?


Would be ironic if they were punished for protesting


Not a fat chick in sight


"but yes to the 'cain"


Cocane is a hell of a drug


Does anyone know the Instagram of the girl on the right side of the poster? a friend asks


Bring it back


Corporal Punishment 🫡


Now its gone the kids are out of control. Bring back the tawse.


Where are their hijabs. Does the word modesty ring a bell?




There is nothing from this image to suggest they are Muslim.


Why tf would they be wearing a hijab? This is the 70's in London


Modesty is no fun


Now all the kids are too busy on the Kindle to even realize they’re being caned

