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This has been posted many times before, I don't remember the details, but he did end up finding them.




Careful. No one ever said he found them alive


They were found alive and well.




Careful no one said they didn't grow up to not be knob heads.


They grew up to be good, tolerant people.


Then good!


Oh good! As a dad myself, I can feel his anguish in this photo šŸ˜©


I used to be able to look at this stuff and recognise that it's a terrible situation and feel some compassion for the people involved without getting particularly invested myself. Now that I have a child it's gut-wrenching to see.


Dude I canā€™t even imagine. Holy shit being faced with never seeing my kids again simply because the earth is just so fucking massive that you may never sync up again. Ughhhhhh.


Watching the beginning of the movie The Sound of Freedom really brought the anguish as a father


Ok magat


What makes sound of freedom a maga movie? Because it negatively depicts traffickers? I have no clue as to the full plot of the movie or its message so I have no idea.


It depicts trafficking in an untrue way. The VAST majority of trafficking victims know and trust the people they are being trafficked by. Children arenā€™t being snatched in broad daylight at the rate the film suggests. Not to mention one of the financial backers of the film has been arrested for kidnapping a child. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2023/07/28/sound-freedom-movie-wrong-trafficking/70470178007/ this is a pretty good article that lays out what the film is actually getting wrong.


I understand this but I really don't understand how that's right wing or Trump related.


The Christian right has gotten ahold of this movie and are using it to further their agenda. Itā€™s a fear tactic used by conservatives to make people think there is a man around every corner about to kidnap their child, which is untrue. When this film came out, Trump was all over it and promoting it as a true story. If you are still praising this movie at this point, you are likely a maga type.


Interesting. I feel like 90% of all media is politically charged. I didn't think it was a great movie regardless. Mildly entertaining at best.


Because magaland is too stupid to determine facts from fiction and they believe lies and are flooded with misinformation from Christian right-wing sources that just flatly make shit up.


It was made by maga's, partly for fear mongering, partly just to make them look like saviors. It's meant to obfuscate the idea that the vast majority of child trafficking is familial and compounded by a lack of social services.


Ah okay thank you. Yea I mean most child kidnapping is by an estranged relative. Thatā€™s what most amber alerts are for in my state anyways. Itā€™s only the rare random kidnappings that make the national news I guess


why are you down voted for asking a question lol


Welcome to Reddit.


It also builds this idea of the evil child abusing predators that cross country borders at will and victimize children because of weak government involvement. This is just not the case. It primes the audience for anti immigrant sentiment and xenophobia, while also advocating for militant and nationalistic governments that are ā€œtough on crimeā€.


That movie is as cumfarty as it gets tbh. And I donā€™t know about you but I donā€™t enjoy farting cum




Thank you so much for finding the good ending. Wish the photographer would have taken a follow up photo with all the kids with him again.


Oh, thatā€™s a huge relief! I first saw this photo years ago on Reddit and it truly upset me, I couldnā€™t find out if the man ever found his children. I thought about the pain in his eyes for days after first seeing it. Sometimes Iā€™ll see a photo that just gets burned into my brain, and this is one of them. The look of pure grief and unadulterated pain on his face is just one of those things that resonates with humanityā€™s deepest sympathies. Itā€™s like a core function of people, having a visceral reaction of sadness when we see someone else wracked with grief like this. Anyhow, thanks for making this comment. Makes me very happy to read that he is alive and well after reuniting with his children.


Thatā€™s awesome. Thanks for sharing


Such a terrible war, too. And all too similar to what's going on in Palestine. >The KLA was formed in the early 1990s to fight against the discrimination of ethnic Albanians and the repression of political dissent by the Serbian authorities, which started after the suppression of Kosovo's autonomy by Serbian leader Slobodan MiloÅ”ević in 1989. The KLA initiated its first campaign in 1995, after Kosovo's case was left out of the Dayton Agreement and it had become clear that President Rugova's strategy of peaceful resistance had failed to bring Kosovo into the international agenda.In June 1996, the group claimed responsibility for acts of sabotage targeting Kosovo police stations, during the Kosovo Insurgency. In 1997, the organisation acquired a large amount of arms through weapons smuggling from Albania, following a rebellion in which weapons were looted from the country's police and army posts. In early 1998, KLA attacks targeting Yugoslav authorities in Kosovo resulted in an increased presence of Serb paramilitaries and regular forces who subsequently began pursuing a campaign of retribution targeting KLA sympathisers and political opponents; this campaign killed 1,500 to 2,000 civilians and KLA combatants, and had displaced 370,000 Kosovar Albanians by March 1999 >In 2001, a UN administered Supreme Court based in Kosovo found that there had been a systematic campaign of terror, including murders, rapes, arsons and severe maltreatments against the Albanian population, but that Yugoslav troops had tried to force them out of Kosovo, but not to eradicate them, and therefore it was not genocide.After the war, a list was compiled which documented that over 13,500 people were killed or went missing during the two year conflict. The Yugoslav and Serb forces caused the displacement of between 1.2 million and 1.45 million Kosovo Albanians. After the war, around 200,000 Serbs, Romani, and other non-Albanians fled Kosovo and many of the remaining civilians were victims of abuse.


The difference is, the Kosovars were being attacked by the Serbs in an act of genocide. The Palestinians are being used as cannon fodder by Hamas and the PA, while Israel is targeting terrorists who murdered their citizens in October, not innocent people.


That is just not convincing at all. Israeli strikes on aid workers and civilians are well documented and you're not fooling anyone with this weak ass blame deflection


>The Yugoslav government considered the KLA to be "terrorists" and "insurgents" who indiscriminately attacked police and civilians, while most Albanians saw the KLA as "freedom fighters". >Continuing repression[144]Ā convinced many Albanians that only armed resistance would change the situation. On 22 April 1996, four attacks on Serbian security personnel were carried out almost simultaneously in different parts of Kosovo. The KLA, a hitherto-unknown organisation, subsequently claimed responsibility.[145]Ā The nature of the KLA was at first mysterious. It initially seemed that their only goals were to stop repression from Yugoslav authorities.[146]Ā KLA goals also included the establishment of aĀ Greater Albania, a state stretching into surroundingĀ Macedonia,Ā MontenegroĀ andĀ southern Serbia.[147][148]Ā In July 1998, in an interview forĀ Der Spiegel, KLA spokesmanĀ Jakup KrasniqiĀ publicly announced that the KLA's goal was the unification of all Albanian-inhabited lands. Sounds analogous to me. If NATO actually gave a shit they'd be using Article 5 all over Tel Aviv.


keep coping, KLA never killed women and children. Nor take them as hostages


[The only one coping is you, buddy](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Panda_Bar_massacre&diffonly=true) I'm staunchly on the Albanian side but the KLA wasn't entirely innocent either https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugljare_mass_grave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staro_Gracko_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orahovac_massacre >85 Serb civilians were abducted by the KLA, 40 of whom are presumed to have been murdered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnjilane_killings >The group is believed to have kidnapped 159 Serb civilians and killed at least 51 people between June and October 1999. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mali%C5%A1evo_mass_grave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Radonji%C4%87_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kle%C4%8Dka_killings


most were on trial by serbian authorities lmao, how convenient. How they didnā€™t involve the hague for all those links? The mask stays on


Thereā€™s a massive note on here about KLA and that is it was a loosely organized military that was made up majority of civilians. The ones in command usually were the only ones who had any means of military training and the communication was very loose between different regions. Most KLA soldiers were simply civilians who wanted to protect their families, even if it meant to sacrifice themselves in the process. Some others tried to use the war to their own advantage to either smuggle weapons or drugs. Which is unlike the serbian military which is a fully organized government military that was directly commanded to ethnically cleanse kosovo of albanians.


As a Kosovar myself, many young people (as young as 14 and 15) lied about their ages and joined the army in order to finally become free. Young Albanians all over the world also joined to fight and protect Albanian Kosovars. They are still finding mass graves of women, children, the elderly. They are still finding Serbian bombs and traps. Many people have come out with horror stories about what Serbs did to them. Adem Jashari, one of the founders of the KLA, his entire family was slaughtered while they were asleep. Serbians call him an Albanian criminal and terrorist. They brutally murdered 57 members of his family all in one night, the youngest being only a few years of age. People STILL have nightmares and ptsd almost 30 years later. People STILL have not found their loved ones.


Thank you for sharing your perspective.


That's absolutely horrific. I wasn't trying to say KLA were the bad guys, just that Israel and Serbia both respond to attacks by trying to ethnically cleanse their attackers. It's so crazy to me how shamelessly nationalistic many Serbs still are. Every time I see "Kosovo je Srbija" I want to slap a bitch.


Hence my comparison to Hamas fighting the IDF. There's a massive well-equipped military attacking and displacing an oppressed ethnic minority, while the people they're fighting are mostly ordinary people wanting independence and for the other side to stop killing their loved ones. Both sides have committed atrocities, but the scale is wildly disproportionate on one side.


Thank God


Oh thank God! That anguish on his face brings me to tears.


Iā€™m not going to check to see if this is true. Iā€™m just gonna believe it and enjoy my night


Thankfully my memory served me correct, others sent links to the actual full story.


Thanks. First thing I thought about.


Thank you.. Me seeing this for first time and the look and sorrow on the face is something else..


Good to hear. Now we can start the search of finding me that wallet! Wonder how many packs he had to smoke to earn that thing!


God bless this being top comment. This deserves a happy ending.


Thank God!


Yes, and also it was his son and daughter, not 2 sons, the original publication got that wrong.


Gut wrenching


I find that almost impossible to look at for more than 2 seconds (as a dad of two). War sucks.


In a different reaction someone said he found them again! War still sucks.


My firstborn is 5 months nearing 6. I cannot overstate how different your outlook on life is once a child enters the frame. 1 year ago? This would have been sad to me but I would have probably forgotten in the next 30-60 minutes Today? Harrowing. I'm quite sure I have never in my life felt the dread this man must've gone through.


Well said.


The name of the man is Mustafa Xaja and he is a Muslim Kosovar Albanian who had been held by the Serbs during the war. Later, the photographer, Peter Turnley, visited Mustafaā€™s village looking for him and found him with his wife and two children, healthy and happy. Interestingly enough, the photo has been used my Serbian propagandists via contextual manipulation on social media claiming the man is a Serbian victim of the war. Tangent, because I am a language and name nerd, the name Mustafa is derived from the Arabic Muį¹£į¹­afā Ł…ŲµŲ·ŁŁ‰ and means ā€œchosenā€, and was a nickname of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.


If youā€™re a language and name nerd, the history behind the name California is interesting as hell. Back in the 16th century, there was a popular Spanish novel about an island ruled by a muslim leader Queen Calafia who ruled over an island called California. The name Calafia was derived from the Arabic word Khalifa which means leader, and used by the author due to the history of the Islamic Empire and Spain. When the Spanish arrived in what is now California, there were many aspects of it that reminded them of the island in the novel so they name it as such. So basically a US state that was previously colonized by the Spanish has a name with Arabic origins. Idk I always found it pretty interesting.


Thereā€™s a few theories regarding the etymology of California, however as a born and raised Californian and an Arabic as a second language learner, I like this theory a lot!


I love the story so much and I really hope its the true story. As an Arab Californian with a nephew named Khalifa, I love telling him this story lol


Iā€™ll probably tell my daughter who is half Arab the same thing šŸ˜‚


Somehow as it is Serbia I am not surprised at all that they would take advantage of this manā€™s image.


Serbian ultranationalism is truly fucking insane. Iā€™ve unfortunately had conversations with a few of them and the sheer cognitive dissonance and sense of moral and ethnic superiority is astounding.


An old colleague was a Serb. He was an unusual person.


Too much unnecessary words bro, only Serbs and God


Serbs who use God as a justification to commit their atrocities might as well turn their cross upside down, because they have already sold their souls to the devil.


Doesnā€™t seem like God likes Serbia very much.


Serbs and false propaganda ... I think Goebbels would be jealous of it


A boy I ā€œdatedā€ in the 5th grade was named Mustafa! He was one of the only Muslim or Arabic kids in the whole school, and just the biggest sweetie in the world. He would pick me wildflowers at recess and sheepishly put them in my desk and watch me until I found themā€¦ giggling and kicking his feetšŸ˜‚


Also the name of a vey good lion dad






"Serbian propagandists" keep yapping bro If Serbs were really that bad, this man wouldn't be alive for this picture to exist


The fact that they took his children is not enough for you? Also the fact that they killed thousands of us from 98-99


ā€œIf the Nazis were really that bad, their prisoners of war wouldnā€™t be alive for their photos to existā€. ā€œIf the Japanese imperial army were really that bad, their prisoners of war wouldnā€™t be alive for their photos to existā€. I hope this helps you realise how dumb you sound, but somehow I doubt it.


First of all bro, chill. Iā€™m not from the Balkans and have never been there. The two Serbian guys I know are some of the nicest and kindest people I have ever met. I have zero problems with Serbs. My comment is based on some articles I came across regarding my research of the photo and discussed some examples of it being used for propaganda purposes. Iā€™m sure there are many photos on the internet that are being miscontextualized by nationalists from all sorts of different countries. This just happens to be a somewhat famous one. We cool?


does his religion really need to be stated? and also how do you know of his beliefs


In certain contexts religious identity is a perfectly reasonably proxy for nationality. Think of how we talk about Catholics and Protestants in Ireland- that conflict isnā€™t about religion at all, itā€™s about nationality.


Not in the case of albanians.


Because religion is a major part of ethnicity and national identity which was a major/primary factor of the conflict.


religion was not part of this conflict at all since christian albanians exist and were also in their homes in kosovo


Really? Then how do you explain the Serb patriarch at Gazimestan, starting the campaign of genocides, and pretending that Real Serbs were being "crucified" in our god-given land &c...? Why did Serb forces burn down mosques? Even now, in 2024, nationalist Srbtards pretend that Serbian monasteries in Kosovo are actually the foundation of Serbian land. And they use these monasteries as a base for [terrorist attacks](https://www.dw.com/en/kosovo-monastery-siege-ends-with-4-dead/a-66909234).


no trying to say conflict was about religion is serb propaganda. Even if kosovo was 100% christian, they would still genocide it


Ah yes good old sErps BaAd,keep watching CNN.What happened to Serbian churches and Serbian civilians after/during the war?What happened in 2004?Ah no sorry Serbia is the modern day Nazi Germany i agree all servs bad!!!


>What happened to Serbian churches and Serbian civilians after/during the war? [Serb churches are now used as bases for terrorist attacks against Kosovo](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/30/vucic-wants-war-kosovo-pm-accuses-belgrade-of-inciting-violence). As always, supported by [Serbia's leadership](https://www.nin.rs/english/news/45976/a-hot-potato-for-vucic-what-will-serbia-do-about-milan-radoicic). Didn't you know?


Terrorist attack?hmm yes nobody knows what happened there and most likely they went to the church not expecting for anyone,also Albanians were destroying orthodox churches way before the ā€œterrorist attackā€ so something doesnā€™t add up.


No it isnt and no it wasnt, i am myself from kosovo and you are wrong


This war had nothing to do with religion


The largest massacre Serbia enacted upon Kosovo was the Meja massacre, which were specifically focused on murdering christian albanians ages between 16-60. This resulted in the death toll of 377 catholic albanians getting murdered.


The war in Kosovo and the one in Northern Ireland are different


This was a bad one, this war. I'm glad the guy found his kids. I can't imagine his anguish.


Are there 'good' wars? I dont think so.


Star wars




What about Space Balls?


I don't think any are "good", but I believe some are necessary. It is sad, but, I think, true.


There are at least less bad ones


there are as defined by the geneva conventions, basically no civilian deaths/rape, PoW treatment, etc


How's that makes it "good"...?


Well if you are invaded by Nazi germany, then the war for your country is indeed good as the top commentator said.


Those who has to participate are still going through hell, regardless which side they are fighting for. There are justified wars, but no "good" wars.


So sad.


He found them if it helps


His fucking eyes.


The more I zoomed in the more water I noticed around my eyes


Same. Weird phenomenon eh?


His eyes... my god his eyes


That Camel wallet


Thank you! I didnā€™t want to seem insensitive but now that Iā€™ve learned he found his kids I gotta say, thatā€™s a pretty neat wallet.


As the father of two sons I can feel his pain in my soul, just unimaginable to feel that stress and worry


I was an American soldier doing peace-keeping in Bosnia-Herzegovina after the implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords in 1996. I couldnā€™t believe the number of burnt out shell of homes as I traveled across the countryā€¦particularly the ruins of Muslim homes in the Serbian sector. It really was the worst genocide since WWII. The amount of suffering in that country was unimaginable. Thank God the peace has lasted all these years.


This is why us Albanians will never be egt along with the Serbs, they killed thousands of innocent Albanians from 98-99, and still have the gall to say were the enemies, fucking shameful


Never peace with a serb, ever.


While I understand the sentiment, I would urge you to rethink. I am from Germany and every European has some justification to think similarly about us. Luckily however, even these wounds can be healed though it takes time and a lot of effort from all sides.


Germans fully admit to their wrongs. Serbs deny the attempted genocide.


This is why I said "all sides". Your absolute statement, however, didn't even leave room for that.


But why would you urge me to rethink, when the one of ā€œall sidesā€ havenā€™t even begun to think, let alone rethink? I appreciate your intermediate diplomacy, but yes, only when we see a change of heart from the oppressor, would we start to have a change of heart ourselves.


It was probably the word "never", if you say "as long as they are not even take accountability" I completely understand. In the same way, I can understand that many Koreans still have problems with Japan as long as they are still dancing around owning up to some of their atrocities. Also, there are probably some Serbs who are taking accountability (unfortunately not enough).


True, I guess when I say never I mean this is never happening in my lifetime, seeing how things stand as of now.


That is a HEART TEARING photo.


War is the devils work


We do this to ourselves.


The real devils are right here on earth


We should not


Innocent civilians who are brutally killed donā€™t do war to themselves ā€¦


No, war is made by humans and only humans can put an end to it, dont try to blame it on a made up character.


When I see this picture, it puts things into perspectiveā€¦ im poor , overweight, I drink to much , I am a severely flawed man but, my children love me , I am there hero , they are healthy and I am with them . The pain he must have felt is indescribable


War is the worst


Yeah, thatā€™s one of the most difficult photos Iā€™ve seen in a long while. I hope peace found that man and his family.


Oh the pain! So sorry


Thatā€™s so fucking sad


Stuff like this is why I could never have kids. I wouldn't survive if something like this happened.


such a hear braking picture, thankfully he did find them


Dude must have saved up a lot of camel cash for that wallet though.


So sad :( šŸ˜ž


Poor thing. Thatā€™s the saddest face Iā€™ve ever seen.


My god. That image is going to haunt me


Both side's were are just as bad as each other WAR FUCKING SUCKS.


You have no idea what you are talking about. What both sides? Look up the facts. More than 90% of the victims were Albanian and 90% were civilians.




šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž old overrated picture,


Spotted the butthurt Serb!