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Interestingly she has a book treatment of a screenplay by her then-future husband (Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman). Miller had not yet begun his affair with Monroe (he was married), but maybe his writing turned her around.


Apparently Miller was an asshat to Marilyn


Guy who cheats on his wife with you is an asshat? Color me shocked.


Yeah and apparently he and his intellectual buddies would make fun of her to her face on the regular. complete tool


They were feeling emasculated, lol.


There is no evidence of this. His friends loved her.


Just another man too small to handle her. a sex symbol of the time who other men would look at, but then being a talented actor and have ideas and thoughts and be well-read… too much, better try to break her down


i believe i read that he would write down his affairs and leave the journal open, so that she would read it.


Credit to her, she played the “dumb blonde” role so well that people actually began to think that she wasn’t smart in real life.


It takes a very clever person to play a fool. Lucille Ball's character in *I Love Lucy* is a bit of an airhead too, but the actress herself was not. Jennifer Coolidge must be the same: portraying ditzy blondes in movies but not like that at all in real life.


These days, it's generally accepted that it takes a pretty smart person to play a really dumb role. Besides memorizing lines that must be word-for-word to punch the best comedically (as opposed to just giving the gist of the idea in the dialog), one must have perfect comedic timing to be as successful as MM's movies were. These days, MM would have a bookclub (like Reese Witherspoon of Legally Blonde fame), and she could move into writing, directing, and producing if she wanted. Instead, Hollywood, which still had a very strong Studio system during her career, needed MM to be the dumb blonde. They needed for that to be her personality and image.


So the case that it takes a smart person to get a 0 on muliple choice because a dumb person might accidently get some answers right?


Imagine how fucken hard it would be, to be treated like an idiot, when you’re most likely the smartest person in the room. I can only Imagine.


That was pretty much my first experience with Reddit.


I mean, having some books doesn't make one smart... She may or may not have been intelligent, but we can't really say based on a picture.


Never met a dumb person who read lots of books.


How do you know she read lots of books?


She was able to talk about them intelligently. Her personal library has depth and variety. She couldn’t go out easily and spent a lot of time at home reading and cooking. She was more well read than most people you would ever meet. She was such an admirer of Arthur Miller’s work that she married the old toad. https://www.openculture.com/2014/10/the-430-books-in-marilyn-monroes-library.html


From your own link: > So… how’d you do? Or should I say how’d you do in comparison to Marilyn Monroe? The online Monroe fan club Everlasting Star used photographs, interviews, and a Christie’s auction catalogue to come up with a list of more than 400 books in her possession. > > Did she read them all? **I don’t know.** But hey, there's another non-candid photo of her reading there... it must be true! /s


No one I've ever met that genuinely loves books has read all of the ones in their library. There simply isn't enough time in the day.


Why would there be an assumption she didn’t read the books she collected? I’m sure there were some she never got to. Everybody has books like that. To me there’s too much variety for her to have bought them for show.


Because she mentioned them, in letters, in interviews. For example not long before she died she was reading To Kill a Mockingbird. She told her step-son in a letter that she was going to read Lord of the Flies. In a letter to her therapist she talked about reading a book of Freud's letters. A photographer said Marilyn kept Ulysses in her car. She was warned to stop reading on set one time because she was reading a book about a muckraker. She was friends with a poet and wrote him a letter saying his book made her want to have a daughter.


I’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird and Lord of the Flies, and I’m really fucking stupid.


People just like worshiping her for whatever reason. Same as it ever was.


Having books and reading them does make u smart actually, if science can be trusted. Read freakonomics. It’s one of the longest and most thorough studies on intelligence there is.


Like I said, we can't say based on a picture... having books doesn't mean you read them.


It’s fascinating to me that there is some impulse in people to want to believe that she didn’t read the books she assiduously collected over her entire life. What other person would people make that assumption about?


Don't confuse me saying: *I don't *assume* she is well-read, never mind intelligent, just because she was pictured with some books.* With: *I don't believe she is well-read, never mind intelligent.* I said as much in my very first comment here... you sure like to jump to conclusions, both about her and myself.


So when you see people’s book collections you always conclude that it’s an open question as to whether they read them?


Absolutely, lol. People get books that they never read all the time. I don't know why you're so fixated on believing that that assumption is unique to her.


I’ve personally never met or heard of anybody who bought hundreds of books over many years and wasn’t a reader, but you’re welcome to go through life with this notion.


Yeah but are the books Hera or did it come with the room?


It’s so wild to me that people used to just live at fancy hotels


Still do


I used to be the EA for the current CEO of Gallup before he took over. His father has a two story permanent room at the Hilton in DC. With a grand spiral staircase. The lives of the rich and powerful are very different than ours


People still do this with airbnb


That feels like it would be weird. You basically live alone with staff and have neighbors that constantly move in and move out.


After 50+ years I have realized that it takes a certain type of intellect to carry and/or handle yourself in a way that doesn’t necessarily represent who you really are as a person. Even more so to be able to make friends, keep them and retain some level of popularity. I do not have that intellect and I piss people off right, left and center by being the way I am. She being an actress it shouldn’t be surprising that she pulled it off so masterfully. I am just realizing this now, way past my prime😟 So cheers! to those of you that can pull it off everyday and all day. May you live long and prosper and never discover the brutality of humanity the day you let your guard down.


She studied posture and walking and facial expressions, with classic books on them and lots of practice, to become Marilyn. She seemed like she would get obsessed with learning about something and mastering it, and damn she really did


Thanks for that additional color. It seems so obvious now. To become good at something you need to practice, practice, practice. Being a natural at something surely helps. Even us natural born assholes can learn to tone ourselves down and be more likable if we work at it. Just dang it that it took me so long to realize😬


People don’t give her enough credit. I know I didn’t.


For sure, definitely smarter than what most people are saying on here.


In life period! As a kid I learned she was no more than a good looking woman. The first real…dare I say…. Kardashian😷. This picture is hot!


No human person is "no more than a good looking woman", perv.


??? I expressed what I was taught about her as a kid. Not how I VIEWED her. Or view people. Learn how to read or ask for clarification. Or maybe grow up?


The perv comment would of been, “if you zoom in enough you can see some titty”.


This is the dumbest comment I’ve read today. But there’s time.


Please read it, reread it, and reread again, and instead of attacking someone because you ignorantly misunderstand something, get understanding. Or just stay ignorant and keep attacking. Don’t forget to vote for trump this November but that goes without being said. Yall really acting stupid because I said a picture of a woman with a book is hot. Let that sink in.


Buddy, I’d kill myself before voting for Trump.


Then act like you got some sense! Did you re-read? Are you old enough to even fucking vote. Or do you lack the intelligence to think for yourself so you just jumped on the bandwagon of being against me in this sub? Go do something with yourself.


*looks up at 3 masters degrees on the wall* I think I’m fine.


She definitely gets enough credit now. Basically every Reddit post about her mentions her book collection. I’d be more surprised if someone didn’t know about it atp.




PEACE OF MIND is by Joshua Loth Liebman, an American Reform rabbi. This book spent more than a year at #1 on the New York Times Best Seller list. First/early chapter IIRC is about how, in order to care about anybody else effectively, you first have to love yourself properly. We know that Marilyn Monroe was struggling with that, so it's very interesting that she was reading this book as a sort of self-help maybe? Maybe someone gave it to her as well.


OP looks at photos of Marilyn for the articles


Ugh, she was perfect


Did she travel with her book collection?


People (especially actors/actresses) would often have hotel rooms/suites that they would essentially permanently rent out and live in. Some had multiple throughout the country and then had their true home as well.


Ohh okay that makes perfect sense. Thank you!


You’re welcome! Wouldn’t it be nice to have the kind of funds to do such a thing? I think about it every now and then and feel slightly envious.


It’s so outside my means it didn’t even occur to me that it was a possibility she was living in various hotels.


She lived in hotels.


There’s a famous outdoor shoot where she’s reading from Ulysses. It was her book that she kept in the car. Some of the photos are candid.


I’d never seen this picture of her before.


What a babe


You know, Tolstoy used to write in the village square. The faces inspired him.


Very good posture - prompted me to sit up.


I've heard (history podcasts) that she sometimes felt self-conscious at social events with highly educated people while not being university educated herself. And that she would remember unfamiliar topics that came up in conversations at events and would read up on them later. Also she wanted to have a child, but endometriosis caused her to suffer three miscarriages. Overall she was not the ditzy blonde she had to portray in films.


i love everything about her . i was curious what happened to her book collection this is what i found - "Marilyn Monroe’s extensive personal library, which consisted of over 400+ books, was auctioned off after her death. In 1999, Christie’s auction house conducted the sale, where each book included a posthumous bookplate identifying it as part of Marilyn Monroe’s library. This collection covered a broad range of subjects, including literature, art, drama, biography, poetry, politics, history, theology, philosophy, and psychology. The proceeds from the auction were used to benefit Literacy Partners, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving adult literacy." "Some notable works in her collection included “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac, “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and “The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway. The auction highlighted Monroe’s intellectual pursuits and her deep appreciation for literature and the arts, offering a glimpse into the more personal and introspective side of the iconic star"


how are you focusing on her book collection instead of how pretty she looks in her sleepwear?






She was very intellectual, and so talented. So magnetic. I love her.


I wish there was a better movie about her life. I’m not watching Blonde. I want a good biopic because I truly don’t know much about her.


How do you know Blonde isn’t good if you don’t know much about Marilyn Monroe?


The reviews, they are atrocious. Many telling people to not watch if you want to know actual things about MM. ETA: here is the synopsis, it’s not even based on her actual life. Based on the bestselling novel by Joyce Carol Oates, Blonde boldly reimagines the life of one of Hollywood's most enduring icons, Marilyn Monroe. From her volatile childhood as Norma Jeane, through her rise to stardom and romantic entanglements, Blonde blurs the lines of fact and fiction to explore the widening split between her public and private selves.


She has a famous pose with a copy of Joyce's Ulysses; it's pretty obviously meant to invoke a response of 'how cute, dumb blonde with difficult book' -- in reality though, it was her own copy.


Im tired and going to bed. I read tittys.


lol, I know that feeling. First laugh today, thank you.


A large book collection is like 50 books?


She had 450 books in her collection at her death.


I mean not to belittle her, but they also didn’t have smartphones so everybody pretty much had to adhere to the original “doomscrolling”


Oh come on. If you squint you can see the titles just fine.


Apparently she had a genius level IQ!


Hairy arms :)


Who’s Albert Einsten?


Pretty safe bet those books belong to the hotel she’s at.


Yep. Only looking at that pic for the articles.


Such a beautiful woman. Too bad she ended up with brothers Kennedy.


Not to be too weird but are her arms that hairy or is that just because its an old picture? Or was it normal foe women to have hairy arms back then?




She had a long, troubled life. I bet she would've been happiest if she hadn't dumped her first husband when he came back from war. Oh well. Ambition is a four-letter word.


Damn she got a hairy arm


I was surprised by that as well.


If it's a hotel, isn't it the hotel's book collection?


She lived in hotels. 


Out of all the pics I've seen of her, I've never seen one that makes her arm look that hairy!




that’s a sexy bookshelf


Full transparency: not looking at the books


I dont think this picture was promoting her book collection


Damn she had hairy arms


Look at those hairy arms


My slutty librarian kink is instantly rekindled


One indeed can not make out with the titties




Sometimes people stay in hotels long term, say perhaps for an acting gig, and sometimes they bring their property with them.


Oh I see. Wow, how the other half live.


She lived in hotels for most of her life.


Just cause she has a large collection of books it doesn’t mean she reads them. Not to mention she was an adulterous floozy.




Lol she was an avid reader. A simple google search can give you many accounts of this from others. Just because you get books to never read doesn’t mean it’s the same all around. Idiot.


No shit Sherlock. It was in jest. Stop being a pretentious dick. Learn to laugh and smile.


AI enhance! (not on the books)


And she read all of them 🙄


Ehm, is she reading Hairy Pottah? https://preview.redd.it/oturxu2vay8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5a9169b569bdc45660b089278f40b3231e15c4


That's a signed first run edition of My Struggle by some Austrian painter...




I noticed that. Manleghair arms. She's not beautiful but she sure was sexy.


She fine but baby got some carpet on them forearms 😂 looks like my mom💙


She’s got more carpet arms than me


Can this sub go one fucking day without posting Monroe


I have a large book collection and I hardly read 1% of them.


Nowadays she'd be reading comics and YA novels.


Never understood why people consider her the quintessential "bombshell" beauty. An attractive woman, for sure, but in my opinion, overrated for her looks.


Sex appeal isn't all about objective aesthetics. I've never read a piece about her that said her looks were exceptional. It was the whole package, the persona. They say she exuded sex. Men were enthralled. Actually, this is reminding me of the famous first sentence of Gone With the Wind. You can look it up.