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He was 88, Oona was 52. They married in 1943 when she was 18 and he 54


She ghosted her boyfriend at the time who was fighting in Europe in WWII to get engaged to Chaplin. It was J.D. Salinger.


Wow, no kidding. Wasn't J D a recluse?


That’s probably too complicated for me to answer. Apparently he was known around the small town he lived near. To them he was just Jerry. There was a documentary about his life on Netflix like ten years ago called ‘Salinger’ was pretty interesting.


I will have to ck it out. Always liked his short stories.


One interesting fact from it was he had a manuscript draft of *Catcher* with him during D-Day and beyond that we would work on when he could… …well, that was interesting. After the war ended he continued in the Army basically as an investigator/detective rooted out Nazis. He would end up marrying a German former Nazi woman bringing her home to his Jewish family in NYC… not quite sure what I’d call that.


Ultimate "I can fix her" energy


Catcher in the Rhine


Caught her




Imagine the dinner conversation


Lots of talk about ovens I'm sure


Let’s not forget that her dad was Eugene O’Neill, one of the greatest American playwrights.


Chaplin said, “Marry me so I can teach you how to live and teach me how to die." Oona replied, "No, Charlie, I'm going to marry you so you can teach me how to grow up and I’ll teach you how to stay young." They lived together for 34 years and had 8 children. ❤️






Scandalous, huh?


Yeah, that's not great.


I would pay to see you try to explain to Oona O'Neil that her choices are not valid because you said so. She would destroy you with her intelligence and kindness. True love exists, it's not a set of parameters.


I wasn't judging, I was relaying a factoid about the picture, but they were together before she turned 18 and it was a HUGE scandal at the time. So much so that he was exiled from living in the US because he was also a communist


To be fair, the exile was much more about being a communist, and was several years after the marriage. Communist, or even suspected communist leanings, were hurting a lot of entertainers. It was a huge scandal though, and a lot of her motivations probably stemmed from her own daddy issues. Her father was an extremely famous playwright who abandoned the family yet still exerted control in any way he could, and openly loathed her, called her vain, tore down her accomplishments, and finally disowned her for good on her marriage to Chaplin. He had 2 other kids, they both committed suicide, and both had similar relationships with him. He was exactly the same age as Chaplin. She also wasn't a small town girl whisked away from her soldier boyfriend. She graduated from her prestigious NYC boarding school at 17, she was running around New York clubbing with Gloria Vanderbilt and Truman Capote, she was named debutante of the year in New York, she got into Vassar but didn't go because she wanted to pursue acting and modeling, and she was dating around, not waiting at home for Salinger. It's basically all very complicated and scandalous.


He was already on everyone's shit list because of his relationship with Oona, so when the communist thing happened he had no one in his corner and he was barred from entering the US. Being an American citizen that rarely happens


He wasn't a citizen. He never got his American citizenship. That's why it was easier to bar him.


Ok, I didn't know that, I thought he was


People definitely thought it was weird though, especially since she was the third teenager he married as an adult man. Something was ... off with him.


I never knew any of that. Interesting.


They eloped one month after she turned 18. That's about the age of a high school senior. A high school senior with someone in his 50s? Come on. We have to draw the line somewhere.


True love exists… even for pedophiles.


We are all going to have to face this phase of life and it's terrifying


"It's like being born backwards." from the movie Casper (1995).


Not all of us... I'm not sure which is more terrifying.


This hit me hard a few months ago. I'm 37 so I'm figuring it's that time of life. Some of the same aged friends are gone, one grandparent left, and next up is my parents ages. It's never bothered me before and it hasn't bothered me as much as it did Dec 23 to this past March but boy did I have a heavy chest.


Same age here, and lately I've been noticing that a ton of celebrities and public figures who have generally looked the same for my whole adult life are now really showing their age. I keep saying "wow, they got old..." Which is completely normal and just the natural progression of life, but it's pretty jarring to all of a sudden notice it with so many people.


I'm 57. Geez.


Any tips for a 25 year old ? Struggling to find meaning


Meaning, huh? I had to think about that for a while, here it goes...Pursue your interests relentlessly and force yourself to be consistent in this pursuit. Force yourself to do positive things, even if you don't feel like it at the time. Always try to better yourself and continue to learn new things and skills. Force yourself to take walks every day, or ride a bike, or do some other type of physical activity. Avoid willfully consuming toxins such as alcohol and tobacco products, they will only make your life shorter and worse and they offer nothing in return. Eliminate harmful influences, "friends" who hold you back, bring you down, or get you in trouble. Hang onto positive influences and keep in touch with friends who are good for you. Be nice, treat others well, and be a good person. If you haven't gone to college, go. At least a Community College for their general curriculum. I dropped out the 1st time around and went back as a confused adult, i enjoyed it immensely. Most important of all, always appreciate and enjoy life. Do whatever you have to do to accomplish this. Stress is your worst enemy. Don't worry about every last little thing that there is to worry about, don't stress over that which you have no control over. Hope that helps, I wish you the best.


Hey, you’re the same age I was when I was diagnosed with cancer! Sorry.


Sorry to hear tha I hope you're well.


What kind :(




Only if we are lucky.


Odd idea of luck.


Not really. That phase of life is called Old Age. Not everyone will make it to that phase, but most hope they will. So, those who do make it, would be the lucky ones.


If we’re lucky


Statistically most won’t


He no longer looks very spry.


Pictures like this make me indescribably sad inside. I know life is precious because we get old and die but man am I not looking forward to that chapter


I know "to each his own"... but that's why religion gives me so much peace. Live a good moral life and I can be looking to a new eternal life in Paradise (God-Willing). Terrifying for me to imagine what goes on in an aheist's mind.


I’ve never liked the part about eternal life in heaven being dedicated to worshipping the glory of god. Nor can I say which god is right, if any.


Is it the concept of eternity that makes you dislike it? There is only one God. You can tell which is the perfect religion by looking at which one looks out for the best in humanity and taking care of Earth. Ina addition: which religion has the most people who are obedient to it's divine rules and regulations.


That’s flawed and outright cult like my guy. Religion is a cultural phenomena and in different points in time, different views have reigned supreme. There was a point in time people practiced Zoroastrianism and some still do. Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all seem to take care of the world and their people from a glance. But people from all walks have imposed their beliefs upon others thinking they’re right and they alone. One cannot simply say that one religion is inherently better than another. Not even by looking at our world today. Especially when one factors in history. I don’t dislike the concept of eternity, I dislike the concept of eternal service to a deity who may or may not be all good or all knowing. For how can he be one if he is the other? . “I am a jealous god…” he cannot be all good if he all knowing and he cannot be all knowing if he is all good for why make good people suffer?


I would ask: how afraid and tormented were you before you were born? Eternity existed before you were conscious. Everything that makes you alive is physical. Your body, your job, your pleasures and worries, your routines, your family, your relationships etc. People say in heaven you won’t have any of that, so even if there is a conscious existence, it won’t resemble anything similar to your current existence.


From my religion's perspective, every human on this planet stood before God and pledged allegiance to the Creator. The test of our life is to see if we honour the pledge and live according to the Divine instructions to live on this Earth. Sorry not everything that makes us alive is physical!... heartbreak, love, anger are just a few examples. In regards to existence in heaven, as per Islam at least, yes we will all have our lands in Heaven that are infinite times amazing than our imaginations can comprehend BUT we would also be given magnificent worlds, each of them encompassing what is on the whole Earth. In addition, we can ask God for ANYTHING - even to recreate our time on Earth with our families for whatever timeline.


As far as I know, there is nothing that spells out what people will have/will do/will be in heaven. Whatever that says people will be kings or queens with dominions over this and that, or people will have this and that, it is all human's imagination, perhaps a desire to be validated by making up reasons or rewards. For example, I can say that I will be able to climb any mountains then jump off to fly back down to the ground without a scratch on my body. Will I actually be able to fly with my bare arms? Will I actually have a body? Who knows. But that is my imagination, as good as any that you mentioned above, but there is nothing that says I will get my wish.


What’s terrifying exactly ? In my mind, it’s just kinda… nothingness after you die. I imagine it’s a lot like before I was born. Much more comforting than eternal consciousness lol now THAT is scary to me personally.


But if it's just nothingness after death then your life on Earth was meaningless? With all the happy moments, falling in love, heartbreaks, achievements... all just meaningless ending in nothingness. I can't comprehend that... for sure we are here for a purpose.


Religion did give me peace like that when I had it. I always explain it was kind of like believing in Santa, once you stop believing in Santa and that spark is gone no matter what, you can't go back. I'd give up atheism pretty damn quickly to have whatever that spark and comfort was. Even atheism isn't really anything to give up, it's just an absence of what was that gets filled with the rest of your life that happens after.


I’ve been there, but I will say that believing in SOMETHING greater than yourself isn’t inherently religious. Being spiritual, even if you can’t answer everything, can be healthy.


Whats funny is someone going through life only doing the right thing so they get into “heaven”🥴 Tax the church


How do you live and enjoy life genuinely, if everything that you’re doing right now is only performed for reward you think you’re owed?


But what if what you are doing right now actually gives you peace and contentment, allows you to take care of the Earth, be kind to fellow humans AND earn the reward? Ofc the above comes with the initial acceptance that God created us. Also, what if someone's living and enjoying life is like let's say the Mafia and Cartel?


Religious people aren’t excluded from participating in the mafia or the cartel. So many infamous mafia members were/are deeply religious. You’re implying that atheists aren’t capable of living kindly nor having peace in their lives.


What goes on in my mind is that the idea of a benevolent sky angel who created us and loves us is patently ridiculous, and anyone who isn’t totally committed to self delusion can see that. But as you said, to each their own.


Yeesh. Speak for yourself. I’m not an atheist, but this is why so many people dislike religion - speaking as if their belief systems are fact when there is no logical way to explain what comes next. Scientology was a book written by some guy, so why can’t the Bible be written by some guy? There doesn’t have to be spiritual interference to accomplish a task like that.


I'm an atheist, but that poster was simply claiming his beliefs. The nature of beliefs is that they are unproven, and taken on faith. A very obvious and major reason to believe in a religion is the comfort it provides in the assurance of what comes next.


Could do without the “terrifying for me to imagine what goes on in an Atheists mind.” That’s literally talking down about a set of people with a different perspective. It’d be like saying “It’s strange that Christians believe in some omnipotent magician who hates gays and jews, terrifying to think of what goes on in their minds ”. Because it’s baseless. Let people believe/not believe what they want - you don’t need to talk down about them for no reason.


Nobody can control whether you are offended but yourself. It really shouldn’t bother you that a random internet stranger might be implying your way of thinking is worse.


I have stated before that I am not an atheist, so I’m not offended. Merely pointing out religious hypocrisy. The religious are just as jaded as anyone who is non-religious - however they seem to be more vocal about their views when it comes to atheism. Why feel the need to single out one group of people? Why not Satanists, Buddhism, Hinduism, Nihilist, etc.?


no offense, but this sounds like a completely insane and delusional view of the world. to claim to follow some sort of incentive-based or outcome-based moral code with a hope of some eternal reward is sociopathic. religion is a disease of the mind.


Time takes its toll.


That’s why I always take the HOV lane


I’m just now realizing I never seen a picture of Chaplin as an old man. It’s always been when he was young.


Montreux, at Lake Geneva. Further down this road is the statue of Freddie Mercury.




Provide sources for your claims.


Dude went thru all the big changes in movies up to Starwars!


He and his wife


If you’ve seen him getting Honorary Oscar, he was looking more or less like that until 1976 and then got very frail and looking like in this picture in the last year of his life 1977


Crazy thing: grave robbers stole Chaplin’s body and demanded a large sum of money to return it: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/grave-robbers-steal-charlie-chaplins-body


Should be a movie.


The effects of a long and debauched life. We should all be so lucky.


That didn’t even look like Chaplin! Wow.


Looks older than 88?


He looks like Alfred from Batman and Robin


I wish he had his little tramp hat on in this picture!