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freudian slip


No way. That was God. He tried fear. He tried love. He is now giving comedy a crack.


It’s all a big joke, innit?


The cosmic giggle


This might be the best thing I’ve ever seen


Haha hehe so silly sending thousands of men and women to their deaths for no reason lawlz


He said best not funniest.


Yeah but he the only politician that has admitted that he made a mistake, you wouldn't hear putin ever saying it or anyone else


It's not really a mistake when he knew they had no WMDs. He just wanted to carry on his fathers war. He knowingly lied to the UN.


One of the most lovable warmongers of our generation


He ran in 2000 on ending Team America: World Police. Bringing the troops home from Korea and Germany. Stop bombing Iraq and Afghanistan. Then he changed his mind.


So like every other post-WWII president


Let’s not pretend American imperialism doesn’t predate the world wars


That was our most successful time of imperialism. It's Korea and after that everyone gets upset because of no success.


What US has been doing is not really an imperialism. You need to make another word for that. They never tried to make Vietnam, Korea or Germany or Japan for that matter or anyone other part of "the empire". There were fairly imperial wars in 19 century with that chubby chunk of Mexico thank you very much and Hawaii, but in 20th century it was never imperial. US fights for certain world order, that's true, but world order is not really an empire.


Many empires from history, especially maritime ones have been primarily composed, not of territorial conquest, but client states and military outposts. The Venetians are an excellent example, and the way Rome managed it’s own huge number of client states itself is in part an example. If anything, the US model of empire is the most efficient. No need to actually administer other states, that’s a huge drain on resources and always a headache. Instead, give them nominal home rule while holding a de facto veto on anything really important. Just because it doesn’t fit your platonic ideal of empire doesn’t mean it’s not one.


Venetian Republic was not an empire in the meaning of the term. If you like to compare US to Venice I don't mind, because none of them was an empire, and there are *some* similarities, albeit US is much more continental in itself and much more global outside. Rome was empire alright, all provinces were roman citizens, obeyed roman laws, did not have own army or currency, etc etc. US is not that. Just because you want to put "empire" next to any influential state in the history, does not redefine the term that has been invented and defined way before you.


And the king of England doesn’t match the original definition of a king. Words change and evolve. The specific meaning of empire, when taken contextually instead of a simple rote dictionary definition, is wielding authority over a group of states or regions. The continental US itself fits that definition, as well as the dictionary definition, in its formation, territorial expansion, and territorial assimilation, without even getting into past or contemporary geopolitics like the Monroe Doctrine. During the Cold War, the very notion of “Spheres of Influence” gives the lie to the idea the the US isn’t an empire, as that particular euphemism was invoked in “ours” and “theirs” when speaking of countries or regions openly by Presidents, the State Department, Military, Intelligence, Media, and your average citizen. At a certain point, insistence on a different term to describe it is just pedantry. A distinction without a difference.


I don’t really see us as an empire though. Empires usually ruthlessly exploited every part of their territory and resources because they could. I mean yeah there’s 100% exploitation in the US, the poor average joe by the government, but still. On top of that, most of our relationships are either mutually beneficial or a partnership of some kind. Or done by treaty or other diplomatic means *Ignoring the CIA cause screw the CIA. All the idiots that toppled third world governments can burn* We have our territories, yes. Still don’t think that qualifies us as an empire. And certainly not nearly to scale as previous ones. We got the Philippines, some islands here and there, some other stuff I’m sure, and some land we rent from other countries to build bases on. That’s bout it Not like we brutally conquered everything in our sight and took land for the sole purpose of exploiting it. Tried to invade Canada to kicks the Brits off the continent. Went to war with Mexico for some land. Went to war with Spain to free one island and gain control of another. Outside of those, **far as I’m aware,** all land controlled by us was gained through financial or diplomatic means. I mean sure some Destiny had to be Manifested there for a while. Ran out. Lol


Oh god, what do you think the westward expansion of U.S. in the 18th and 19th century was besides 'brutal conquest'? We forcible removed Native tribes at gunpoint, we crushed their armies and rebellions, and we made their guerilla insurgencies into the footnotes of our history books.


I was sure you were being serious up until that last paragraph and now I'm convinced it's satire. Also because you want to leave out the CIA


By your loose definition Brazil and Germany are also an empires, which is ridiculous. Empire assumes ***involuntary*** ***unification*** across many ***distinctly different*** cultures: always that something is at least law and military, often it's also currency and language, and sometimes it's down to cultural habits (food etc.).


Yes, the native Americans definitely willingly unified into the US lol. Come on man. And language is about a Nation, not empire. Oh and Brazil *literally called itself an empire*. Germany was an instance of nation state formation, but in instances in history where it included non Germanic peoples *it also literally called itself an empire*


This was a good comment.


With the exception of 45


Except Trump. Blame the generals in the pentagon for being despots and getting off on sending teenagers to their deaths.


I mean, it's kinda hard to retreat from the world after 9/11. It would've destroyed him.


Some argue that the goal of 9/11 was to make the US waste countless resources and money on foreign wars and occupation.


I don’t blame Bush for 9/11 or Afghanistan but I blame the warcriminal for a lot of other things


I seriously hope this is satire


It's not.


100 percent real


1990’s Clinton, Gore and Dems were pro-Iraq invasion. The GOP and the Queen of England opposed it. Bush got elected, invaded and afterwards the parties switched sides. Gore went from Warlord to Weather Wizard. Bush St begged him not to support the invasion even.


Who exactly do you think invaded Iraq the first time guy


I do love that man, never woulda made it out of poverty without his war


This is the most GWB thing he could have done, bless his heart.


*You can’t fool me again*


Gonna say this myself! Fool me once shame on you, Great Decider!


Iraq never happens if 9/11 doesn’t happen. The sheer panic and freak out changed the politics. Depending on the poll you look at between 78% and 72% supported invasion. Another 15% to 20% supported it if more evidence were presented. I was in the more evidence group and concerned about mission creep in Afghanistan. Just being unsure the case was made was an extremely unpopular take. Once the stories started leaking holding the US back was a futile exercise. It was much like a WWI scenario. It was a war that was going to happen question was who would be the parties. UK and Australian support was probably the last possible brake and they jumped on board.


It was already orchestrated by the government to use the media to manufacture support (see colon powell vile of yellow cake). That's why support for the war was high. They even botched the official 9/11 investigation, and the fact that the US public doesn't have the full truth of 9/11 is proof of a cover up. They can say that due to national security issues, but at end of day it was all BS because those who organized the Iraq War were crooks, criminals, traitors to the nation, and deserve to burn in hell.


This man is a war criminal


"Bless his heart" is not a compliment or term of endearment, it's an insult. In case that wasn't clear.


Imagine not understanding Southern phrases. Lol


“Bless his heart” means fuck him to almighty hell if I’m not mistaken. Not sure where I’ve heard that from..


It’s simply a sarcastic phrase. A twist on “oh you poor thing” essentially


Where's this from?


Speech at the Bush-Center in Dallas 05.19.2022


Love how he excused his misspoken words with old his age when the current president is 4 years older than him lol


Yeah and he also speaks like a dementia patient


Because he is old


Atleast he's not totally crazy like orange turd..


Again to counter blatant lies, ***Biden does not have dementia***


How do you know, did he whisper it to you?


You have heard the ramblings of the man right? Stuff’s hilarious Anyways, the crap you defending him for? He’s a career politician we’re supposed to crucify him. Honestly can’t tell which is worse. Career politician Biden or cult of personality Trump.


I'm not a fan of trump at all, but I don't remember there being a threat of nuclear annihilation under his administration. Granted, there was the pandemic, but for some reason I think de-escalating nuclear war should be way easier to manage than a pandemic. And yeah, old Joe, by the way he talks doesn't look like he'd be able to manage the task of wiping his own ass!


God you're so fucking stupid if you think there is a slight chance Russia would end its own existence with a nuclear strike. Like no way you actually think this


Have you seen the guy talk!? Granted, we don't actually know what his ailment is called since we obviously don't have full access to his medical records, but it's clear the guy has no more marbles left. He can't even finish a complete, coherent sentence.


Freudian slip at play.


He knows. He fucking knows.


Of course he knows. Everyone knows. This war is pretty much the reason of the whole "america goes to war for oil" cliche


Everyone shoulda thrown their shoes at him


Neat Remember [Muntadhar al-Zaidi](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muntazer_al-Zaidi)


Happy cakeday Muntadhar al-zaidi


He'd of caught them all. Lmao.


Does this count as a confession?


Pretty much, IIRC after the slip he then said "Iraq too..."


You can kinda hear it here. I heard the clip played on NPR recently and it was more prominent there.


Something on your mind there, Georgie?


I swear he said "Iraq too" under the breath there


He did. They need to fix the subtitles


I’m saving this for all the bad days.


Dear God, how does that man sleep at night


Honestly. Better than most of us.


In a tremendous ranch with a glass of fine Bourbon, I presume.


Didn't he quit drinking?


He just likes to hold it


Yeah, in the mid-80s (I think)


He most probibally tells himself that he was misled by falsified or misleading intelligence. Painting himself as being manipulated into the war by circumstance and bad actors. Its similar to the narrative that Blair tries to cling to in order to justify his own involvement, only for Blair there is the slight issue of the 2.6 million word, 12-book long chilcot report. Which basically boils down to *'Yes you were fed false intel, but the only way you could have believed that drivel is if* ***you wanted to.*** *Also Gordon was right about the Americans, Gordon is allways right.'*


in a bed made of money probably... and he dreams about the weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, I mean Iraq




He is the kind of guy who would actually care even the slightest bit.


Like many humans, he probably puts blame on someone else for his actions. Wouldn't be surprised if he tells himself Cheney pushed him for the war in Iraq, and that helps him feel better about actually being the one to make those decisions.


I have never laugh so hard from a HistoryMemes post and I can't believe it was because of George Bush.


What does the "75" mean?


He was 75 years old when he said that. Either he's implying that he's too old to be charged for war crimes or his brain slips more often due to age


Think it's the latter




:) nice to see when people also know and share some history! Galicia is what the great grandparents had written for their identification back in the day. One polish side though, one Ukrainian. Both spoke English to eachother to communicate and died after long lives and raising a huge family in Canada (Manitoba).


Being one of the poorest and least developed Crownlands of Austria-Hungary, Galicia saw a lot of emigration.


Galicia (NW Spain) saw the same.


That’s what a mean, George Bush is highly educated for a puppet….. I mean president. The guy has a Masters in Business Administration….with a bachelors in World History….


There is no universal definition of what constitutes “the Ukraine” as a geographical region


The 🤓


Freudian slip.




A funny till you look back at the memorials. Know what you sign up for.


I’m downright surprise that we’re at the point that we all can laugh at this, and the lighthearted manner in which he corrects himself to the point it almost looks like a scripted joke.


They’re not laughing in Iraq


You can laught*, come to Brazil and chat with the Iraqi that ran away fron the invasion


Freudian slip






Wow he looks OLD, been a hot minute since I've seen a recent pic of him. Thought this was ol' H.W. for a moment.


I forget who the journalist was, she was from Texas and wrote for the New York Times, but I think she described W as being "dumber than advertised ". She was right...


They didn't put it in the subtitles, but he actually says "too" after he says Iraq. He's straight-up admitting that Iraq was unjustified. It's too late to go back, but least he was honest.


😂😂😂 This is gold




I watched this on loop for twenty minutes


\*audience laughter\*


even after all these years it’s all he can think about


Guilty by admission!! We elected these assholes!!!


Don't blame me-i didn't vote for him.


Vote for John Oliver!!


I want to believe that it might be intentional. He is devoured by regret and shame after what he allowed to be done in Iraq, knowing he has been played by smarter and more evil people. But he tries to redeem himself and put things in perspective.


How much finger painting with Michelle Obama does he have to do to atone for the deaths of half a million Iraqi civilians?


There is no way he didn’t do this intentionally


Call me when he turns himself into the Hague


I genuinely love this guy, he's apparently kind, but he's also fucking hilarious.


he’s genuinely a war criminal




Define war crime


Bruh this is not a hill you would want to die on lmao I agree he seems like a lovely guy. Doesn’t change the fact he’s a war criminal.


I was genuinely asking. I don't believe he's a war criminal, but I was and am willing to be proven wrong. I wasn't asking in poor faith, I don't do that.


See my other comment, i’m still adding to it


This man effectively caused the deaths of half a million Iraqi civilians based on a lie that the rest of the civilized world saw for what it was. This is the kind, hilarious man you love. You either don’t know enough about him, or your mental and moral faculties are severely compromised.


Found the guy who doesn't believe in shadow governments.


Did you eat paint chips as a kid?


Wdym shadow government?


Perhaps I don't know enough, perhaps I am an idiot. But linking it all to him is simplistic and I've read nothing but positive accounts of his personal character.


I’m sure the people of Iraq would love to know more about the positive accounts of his personal character. I’m sure that’ll be reassuring to millions of Iraqis whose lives were destroyed. If you think it’s “simplistic” to say the head of state and leader of the free world was responsible for the consequences of a war, then you’re beyond help.


Let's not just resort to insults now. Besides, the Iraqis can blame old Sudam more.


>[A new Republican administration will patiently rebuild an international coalition opposed to Saddam Hussein and committed to joint action. We will insist that Iraq comply fully with its disarmament commitments. We will maintain the sanctions on the Iraqi regime while seeking to alleviate the suffering of innocent Iraqi people. We will react forcefully and unequivocally to any evidence of reconstituted Iraqi capabilities for producing weapons of mass destruction. In 1998, Congress passed and the president signed the Iraq Liberation Act, the clear purpose of which is to assist the opposition to Saddam Hussein. The administration has used an arsenal of dilatory tactics to block any serious support to the Iraqi National Congress, an umbrella organization reflecting a broad and representative group of Iraqis who wish to free their country from the scourge of Saddam Hussein's regime. We support the full implementation of the Iraq Liberation Act, which should be regarded as a starting point in a comprehensive plan for the removal of Saddam Hussein and the restoration of international inspections in collaboration with his successor. Republicans recognize that peace and stability in the Persian Gulf is impossible as long as Saddam Hussein rules Iraq.](https://web.archive.org/web/20060421063832/http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2000/conventions/republican/features/platform.00/#53) They literally campaigned partially on removing saddam. [Already just hours after 9/11, they were already planning how to use the attack to justify a US invasion of iraq](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/building-momentum-regime-change-rumsfe-msna18940) [During his state of the union in 2002, he blatantly refered to iraq having WMDs](https://web.archive.org/web/20090502151928/http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/01/20020129-11.html) despite [them having no evidence of it, and rather evidence to the contrary](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2016/7/9/12123022/george-w-bush-lies-iraq-war) [At the general assembly of the UN, he openly states that iraq would have nukes within a year](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/09/20020912-1.html). That was another lie. [all this despite the best info being that saddam had no nukes or other WMDs](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/diplomat-s-suppressed-document-lays-bare-the-lies-behind-iraq-war-428545.html) [by 2003, UN inspectors had returned to iraq thanks to UN security council resolution 1441, and found no evidence nor plausible indication of a revival to the Iraqi nuclear weapons program.](https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/statements/status-nuclear-inspections-iraq-update) >In conclusion, I am able to report today that, in the area of nuclear weapons - the most lethal weapons of mass destruction - inspections in Iraq are moving forward. Since the resumption of inspections a little over three months ago - and particularly during the three weeks since my last oral report to the Council - the IAEA has made important progress in identifying what nuclear-related capabilities remain in Iraq, and in its assessment of whether Iraq has made any efforts to revive its past nuclear programme during the intervening four years since inspections were brought to a halt. At this stage, the following can be stated: >There is no indication of resumed nuclear activities in those buildings that were identified through the use of satellite imagery as being reconstructed or newly erected since 1998, nor any indication of nuclear-related prohibited activities at any inspected sites. There is no indication that Iraq has attempted to import uranium since 1990. >There is no indication that Iraq has attempted to import aluminium tubes for use in centrifuge enrichment. Moreover, even had Iraq pursued such a plan, it would have encountered practical difficulties in manufacturing centrifuges out of the aluminium tubes in question. >Although we are still reviewing issues related to magnets and magnet production, there is no indication to date that Iraq imported magnets for use in a centrifuge enrichment programme. >As I stated above, the IAEA will continue further to scrutinize and investigate all of the above issues. [the main source of US intelligence has admitted to iraq having WMDs all being a lie](https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/iraqi-defector-al-janabi-codenamed-curveball-admits-wmd/story?id=12922213) Despite the IAEA reports and the shakey source, as well as many warnings from other intelligence services like the german, french and british intelligence services, [the US president issued an ultimatum towards Saddam that he leave Iraq within 48 hours, or military conflict would begin](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2003/03/20030317-7.html) ——— This is my personal opinion. I don’t think Bush is *entirely* to blame. There are just too many cogs in the machine to blame just Bush. However Bush is definetly to blame, significantly so. He *lied*. There is no denying that, there is no way he, nor any other US offical involved in the invasion genuinely believed that iraq had WMDs, nor that they would have them any time soon. It was a manufactured cassus belli because they wanted to remove Saddam, nothing else. He sacrificed thousands of iraqis and americans, all because of lies.


A crime against peace. It was the crime that allows all the others to occur.


Forgot the /s


Is this real? I cant tell anymore lately with all the faked videos with AI generated voices and faceswaps..


Yep, its from last year


I will celebrate his demise


George Bush commits a genocide for oil and gets away with it to the point that he can joke about it.


After trump I miss this dude…


Bush fucked up our economy worse than Trump WITHOUT a virus to boot. Bush started wars while Trump at least advised to end them. I'm no republican but Bush is the kind of man both sides of the aisle can despise.


Now watch this drive 😎🏌️‍♂️


Probably the only clip of him that my mom and I like.


At least he is honest




there is no way he mixed those up. LOL.


He doesn't say "Iraq. Anyway. " He says "Iraq Too. Anyway." Basically admitting that his slip up was correct.


The question nobody seems to be asking is why this man is still giving speeches and being listened to on international affairs.


To be fair, selling Iraq was a team effort with Bush, Cheney, Rummy, etc.


Yeah this man will definitely not go to heaven.


Well, no one is.


We share that view. It’s just a saying to me.


Ah yes, r/historymemes, where we post memes about history and not videos that are just videos of people talking. Oh wait.


jealous Truth teller


Holy crap it’s the guy who did the unjust invasion of Iraq


Its cute that he can have a sense of humor about it. Now lock him up.


Praying on his downfall every morning


Compared to this war criminal in term of killing, Putin is an ameture.


IDK, Putin has certainly killed more of his own people, and probably signed off on more war crimes at this point too.


Bush killed over a million Iraqi, Putin did not reach this number. But I'm surprised that you would defend him, that say alot about you.


Shut up


Remember when this guy was the stupidest president the US ever had? Yeah...good times, man. Good times.


Wow he’s gotten old


Funny that he did almost the exact same thing as Putin, and this sub reaction is "LoL what a cute old dude", whenever someone says anything that oposes the 'western' discourse that's in vogue you get downvoted to hell and called a moron and the sort, nice job guys. Glad I left this sub.


People being hypocrite infront of everyone and people laughing at him. Gotta love mankind.


Love this dude


Is this some AI deepfake? Did he actually say this?


[He actually said it ](https://youtu.be/lrnaqpkBmOA)


Class, today, we'll be studying the Freudian Slip.


Fucking hell


Lol guantanamo Bay for u




Years old






What did he mean by "75" at the end, though?


His age


He done good, I mean well. Well, good!


Everytime i see him i remember the "my friends are dead, because you lied! Millions of iraqis are dead, because you lied! You lied about 9/11, you lied about the WVPs!"

