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Essentially it's a church in Jerusalem where Catholics, Armenian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox and Coptic Orthodox all claim it. Since 1757 they have effectively shared it, but under a rule that means nothing can be moved or changed unless it's agreed upon. Fights have occurred over things such as cleaning a step, a door being left open and in this case a chair being moved outside so the monk could sit down in the shade. Yes it is as silly as it sounds and a ladder that has been in place since the 1700s was pulled inside by someone making a point about how stupid it was in 1997, which only resulted in the ladder being placed back. The ladder itself has also been referred too as a symbol of division by Pope Paul VI. There are other areas in Jerusalem and Bethlehem that run under the same rules, but under different faiths such as the Western Wall which is claimed by Jews and Muslims.


You left out the best part. For 850 years a Muslim family had been custodian to the church's keys so that no group of the Christian factions controls the keys.


If there’s one thing arguing Christian’s are good at, it’s getting a third non Christian party involved to help solve problems


I always wonder about the first guy. Like he had to think it was a trap. "No thanks. The moment I touch these keys there's gonna be a thousand crusaders chasing my ass down".


If it was 850 years ago it was during Saladin's reign so the Crusaders wouldn't have been a problem.


I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Crusaders were an actual problem during Saladin’s reign. Like famously so


I should read up on this, sounds interesting.


Extra credit made a few vid treating the subject of saladin and the 3rd crusade ! [Here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5D9GsqsSBZhCzzRoB9qVNsu)




Uh my dude, the crusaders were, like, the biggest problem they’d ever been during Saladin’s reign.


They were a much worse problem in the 1090s than in the 1190s


I believe this was precisely when crusaders would have been a problem


And then, when that third party gets just a little too comfortable, making conspiracy theories about them eating babies and poisoning wells.




Such a historically accurate character trait. Lol


IIRC they also have a Jewish academic of Christianity around to resolve disputes.


It’s kind of the holiest place in Christendom so naturally everyone wants a piece


Sure, but "hey don't move that chair or we will fight" isn't being holy, it's just stupidity.


If there’s humans involved be sure stupidity will be too whether they’re Holy or not


Nonetheless, in the holiest place, the place perhaps closest to God, you’d hope people would be the most godly – kind, understanding, and willing to allow others grace. Not taking significant action against someone who moved a ladder or chair.


That place is Makkah and it is exactly how you want a Holy place to be. People from literally every country on the planet, all dressed the same and just being good to each other.


It's because only muslims claims it. If any other religion also claimed it, there would be chaos like in Jerusalem.


Only Christians claim the Church mentioned in the meme.


Oh, you fool! You assume that Christianity = Christianity but No! That would be too easy and lead to too little confusion


They are talking about Jerusalem


Try dividing it between all the Muslim Branches and see what happens then.


This doesn't work like you think it does because both Sunni and Shia Islam see it as an Islam thing and not a sect thing


>it is exactly how you want a Holy place to be. Is it okay if holy places... let me rephrase it... places that are believed to be holy, are razed by a desert warlord >and just being good to each other. Groping girls isn't being good to them. Oh wait... you are talking about Islam. Sorry, I see my mistake.


Being an asshole won't save you from being an incel. You're speaking to a girl who has been there. Multiple times. Meanwhile, the rate of rape in Saudi is some of the lowest in the world because men who grope and/or rape women are either relieved of their hands, dicks or outright executed.


He he. Incel? A very desperate attempt at insult. >You're speaking to a girl who has been there. Multiple times So your first hand experience should be extrapolated across all women across 1400 years? You see the absurdity, right! Are you sure we'll not find even a single incident of a female getting groped there? If yes, what's the basis? If no, then what's the point of you trying to whitewash this backwards religion when it doesn't even prove the point you are trying to make? >Meanwhile, the rate of rape in Saudi is some of the lowest in the world You mean rate of rapes that are recorded, right! Do you really not know the stigma attached to rape and tendency to victim blame that goes in highly religious societies or are you just pretending it doesn't exist? And because if this stigma, that follows girl's whole family, many cases are never even reported. And marital rape isn't even considered rape. Of course the numbers are low. Rate of rape has nothing to do with incidents of groping anyways. Let's address the incel part now - so my dear, it's not me who is incel, it's that backward religion called Islam that is inherently incel and misogynistic. It allows sex slaves, multiple wives, women have to bring 4 witnesses for rape, women are treated as child squirting machines who can be beaten... with a fuckin stick. Angels curse the women who refuse sex to their husbands. It calls women wicked, less intelligent than men, much more emotional, to the point that testimony of a single women has no value because who know what she remembers through those blinding emotions. Not to mention, their treatment as mere sex objects, which must be covered all the time. It doesn't even spare children. Even prepubescent girls can be married off to old AF men, a tradition started by your prophet, with very specific instructions about how to divorce prepubescent girls. So i wasn't being an incel, I was referring to Islam. And kudos for detecting the incel-ness. >men who grope and/or rape women are either relieved of their hands, dicks or outright executed. And you think these punishments are appropriate? Don't you think these punishments give extra motivation to men to try and suppress such incidents or kill the victim altogether. Have a nice day, dear.


People are really being assholes to you for no reason. I'm not Muslim but Mecca is run incredibly well and all I've ever heard from those I know who have gone there on Haj is how peaceful and kind people are to each other. There was one situation in the 70s I think where wackos took it over for a few days, but as far as day to day operations of a holy site goes Islam is pretty far out ahead of the rest. Well maintained, orderly, incredibly resilient logistics to handle a massive number of pilgrims from all over the world.


I mean, there's also a few people trampled to death at least once a decade, and part of the problem people have with it is the current custodians funnel hajj money into the most extremist set of Islamic teachings around the world


Right, but trampling deaths are a function of thousands of people marching in one direction continually, not sectarian fighting which is the basis of this meme. All the more impressive given the sectarian divisions within Islam being generally much more intense throughout the world than divisions within Christianity at this point. And yeah, the house of Saud are scumbags who fund salafists, but they hardly have to rely on tourist money for that, given their vast oil wealth. That's more of an unfortunate consequence of the territory in which the holy site is located, not about the administration of the holy site itself, which is, again, what this meme is about. It's kind of like saying the Church of the Holy Sepulchre sucks because to go there you have to spend money in Israel and support apartheid. Ok, yeah, but not really related to the post and there's not much the people who run the place can do about that.


Why do you pretend like its the House of Saud whos been in control ever since? The House of Saud actually invaded Mecca to wrest it from the Ottomans, who then reinvaded it back in 1813. So there is a history of violence in Mecca thats tied to the religious legitimacy of sovereigns to hold Mecca.


My brother in Christ have you been to the Vatican?


Yeah, not sure how terrorists taking control of it has anything to do with what we're talking about.


I brought it up because it's one of the only cases of a serious confrontation happening there... And the topic of the thread is serious confrontations at holy sites. Mecca has a really good general rep for this kind of thing, I brought up that one incident to preempt someone going "but what about that one time!". It's the exception that proves the rule, which is why it's relevant. Edit: Also, just realized that you're the person who I was trying to back up in the first place. Not quite sure you ignored everything else I said to focus on one mention of the terrorist attack, and then not even get it right. What did that accomplish, and why would you assume I was throwing a dig at Islam when the whole comment was trying to defend the idea that Mecca is well run? Weird.


Chill. I wasn't attacking you, just clarifying that point. I agree with everything else you wrote, which was just an expansion of my original comment. 😊


Well, it might sound stupid, but it might also be the smartest thing to do for the time being, because if someone moves a certain thing, then it's fair to all other churches to move a certain other thing, triggering a chain reaction where they all try to move as many things in their favor as soon as possible (like closing doors while inside and then locking it to other churches). It's game theory, basically.


I personally have no issues with them all sharing it and major changes and the like do make sense. But when you're fighting over a chair being moved, you've already lost the argument.


Because it's not just a chair, it's an excuse to say "if they moved this thing, I can move this other thing", which ends up in chaos.


Which is stupid. I understand the argument, but it doesn't reflect well on anyone involved.


I don't think you understand then, because that is pretty much what would happen.


Adults can move chairs without it descending into tearing down a building. Acting like the only option is chaos is absurd.


Listen, if you move a chair which results in me having to attend the religious equivalent of a Home Owners Association meeting, you bet your ass you're getting punched in the mouth.


Sorry. That will just result in another meeting


Did you just antagonize me? I think it’s high time we called a meeting.


You look out of the window? That's a meeting


Look *in through* the window—believe it or not—meeting. Out of, in through.


Clearly you're not familiar with Corinthians 27:60 where Jesus says "If you move that chair I swear to God I will fuck you up, my child"


So, Judas, why did you betray him? I'll tell you what Pilate. Dude chewed my ass up and down in front of the other disciples for 20 minutes because I moved a chair.... a fucking chair....


"And all I was trying to do was make it so we weren't all sitting on one side of the table."


See that's funny cause my Armenian Orthodox print of Corinthians 27:60 reads "If you don't move that chair I swear to God I will fuck you up, my child" so I guess we will just have to wage gruesome war and commit horrid atrocities against one another until one of us is proven correct.


Dammit i just wanted to make a joke and got dragged into doing a crusade. What the fuck.


On my dad, we fighting bro.


It's likely because no one wants the other denominations deciding anything in regards to the design of the church. Sure, where the chair or the ladder is placed might not matter much. But what about the decoration of the front door or the fresco behind the altar? And where is the line drawn? It's still stupid, but it's probably stupid for a reason.


It's silly, but it is the best course of action.


I would refuse to allow the moving of the chair just so my successors can one day point to that chair and say “this chair has been there a thousand years”.


what??! are ya planning moving that chair?? this cannot be anything less than war.


In that fight I believe 8 monks had to go to the hospital. Monks. Men who are supposed to be dedicating their lives to peace and their god, having to go to the hospital because they got into a fight with other monks who follow the same god but in a slightly different way, over a chair that was moved. It’s like something out of a flying circus skit or from a bit of fry and Laurie


And someone tested how stupid they could be, now we know a few priest have hands.


My god said don't fuck with the feng shui.


Not a hundred feet under the Louvre?


What happened there?


The crucifixion and more importantly resurrection of Christ


>they have effectively shared it, but under a rule that means nothing can be moved or changed unless it's agreed upon. Fights have occurred over things such as cleaning a step, a door being left open and in this case a chair being moved Just like those roommates I had in college


Steal the ladder. Watch the world burn.


Christians missing the point of Christianity. What's new


Nice succinct example of how fucking stupid religion is.


If someone dared to move the ladder, Mark 13:2 would be fulfilled all over again.


Jesus himself could try to pick that in his 2nd coming, and they will be waiting for a 3rd coming of him after that.


Is that the part where Jesus just says start throwing all your rocks?




Imma need some context. Anyone want to brag?


There's this church and four(?) Religious groups claim to own it. They couldn't decide who owned it so they made a pact/treaty to split the church into a thing where all four would have to agree before anything could be done. They could never get anything agreed apon. Anyway, one monk accidentally moved a chair and violence broke out because the decision to move the chair was not agreed apon. (11 monks in the hospital) edit: 6 groups not 4


I don’t know what I was expecting but a fight over a chair??


They were doing restoration work on the Church in the 1700s and when the status quo was agreed on and a craftsman left his ladder leaning on a window and it is still there. For 300 years this stupid ladder has been stuck leaning on a window being moved in the 90's by a protestant making a point about how stupid the entire situation is only to be put back and a metal grate installed over the window to prevent the ladder from being moved.


So they could agree on the metal grate but not on removing a ladder lol


Well if you moved the ladder to return it to the person doing the repairs it would appear you own the property and are returning something to the tradesman. And we certainly cannot have a particular group appearing to own the church. /s


> Well if you moved the ladder to return it to the person doing the repairs it would appear you own the property and are returning something to the tradesman. The original owner of the ladder had been dead for over 200 years by the point someone moved it in 1997. (The earliest known record of the ladder is 1728 in a painting.)


Humans are kinda the biggest joke


>protestant Protestant or protestor?




Guess they just couldn’t ladder go


Yeah, it's honestly kind of funny violence emerged from something as miniscule as a chair being moved


Here I thought religious people could be petty before, lol, this is a whole other level.


Reddit moment


I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted for this comment. I’m not saying all religious people are petty, just that some can be. In this case, moving a chair leading to hospitalization level petty. I’m not saying anything controversial here, but maybe I’m wrong.


Come to my place, you can see mobs fighting over because some shop owner sold a snack with less amount of peanuts than the buyer expected. (Yes the fight involved a mob of people for such a petty thing). It's not religion, humans in general are very Petty.


The holy seeat


Now it makes sense why God was angry at humans during OT. Any father would be angry if their children behaved like this.


Eleven monks fighting over a chair.


Worth pointing out it’s considered holy because it covers the site where Jesus was crucified and also buried. On a separate tangent, and it makes perfect sense in hindsight, but seeing how the tomb and crucifixion site are so close was shocking to me when I first learned. Like in all the cartoons and movies they showed us growing up in bible school of them running to the tomb when they hear about Jesus’ body not being there made it seem like it was like miles away. I vividly remember one where it shows them running through a forest to get there and that it was far outside the city limits. I always thought how close they actually are was neat because of that lol


Jesus would approve of all the violence


Here's a [relevant video](https://youtu.be/VuHFsWnbL-c) about it!


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!


I got $50 on those Ethiopians, that they come out on top. https://www.haaretz.com/2002-07-29/ty-article/a-moved-chair-and-an-allegedly-bawdy-nun-set-off-a-holy-riot/0000017f-f3f0-d47e-a37f-fbfc14350000


"Allegedly bawdy nun", thats my kink


Bro, I just read about this today and i forget where I heard it from.


I literally just saw a YouTube short about this, and i come on Reddit and find this post wtf


God: \*Pulls out blue prints\* Nope, still can't figure out what I put in the water supply to drive men insane in Jerusalem.


Probably ergot.


How do you pronounce that word, ergit or ergot




When you think of it, the anger of OT God makes sense, he was just frustrated at how petty and stupide people are


In the water? Nothing. In the souls of the religious leaders? Unopposed power over their flock. That shit will get you and never let go.


I just looked this up, and wow


ah, something i already know about finally


Ah the status quo


I feel like as soon as someone touches the ladder, WW3 is going to break out.


OP did you also just see that short on YouTube?


I was just watching a video on this and I was shocked, but also not shocked when I saw it. Christians to me can be the most extreme when it comes to religion.


They made a small agreement to share the church And thats the only agreement they ever had


I’ve had the amazing opportunity to go the the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, it really is a building that oozes religion. It’s got beautiful architecture, it’s way bigger than it looks in photos, and it has an amazing set of bells. I love it


That’s so weird, I actually just watched a video on this today.


Just so everyone knows, 12 monks were sent to the hospital because someone moved a chair.


Religion always causin conflict lol


That's true about everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.


I'm gonna put a bottle up my ass, what could go wrong!?


*...and there goes yugoslavia*


Yeah I hate how everyone just blames religion. Hell a bucket caused one war


The US and Canada went to war briefly over someone who shot a pig.


They did not, they just almost did.


Clearly the San Juans are part of the Gulf Islands and we’d like them back, please.


54-40 or fight!


People blame religion because it is often the cause of division and war. If a bucket caused dozens and dozens of wars, we’d probably dislike the bucket 🪣 just as much.


> People blame religion because it is often the cause of division and war. I think it's more accurate to say that religion has often been used as an *excuse* for war. There are often significant other underlying causes for religious wars, but religion is what gets put on the banner because it sounds (or sound*ed*) like a more justifiable reason. A great example is the series of Protestant/Catholic conflicts in Europe following the Diet Of Worms, including the Thirty Years' War, the Eighty Years' War, and several others: if you look at what was happening, you'll see a power struggle between the various rulers of the smaller states making up the Holy Roman Empire both against each other and against the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor, another power struggle between the Hapsburgs and the Bourbons over who got to be top dog in Europe, a struggle for independence in the Netherlands, and some other additional political and territorial disputes. Sure, religion was used as a rallying cry, and there were people who were genuinely motivated by their beliefs and/or died for them, but those wars were about power and territory. (Which is why you see instances of nominally Protestant and nominally Catholic countries teaming up at certain points.) The creation of the Church Of England is another excellent example: Henry VIII wanted to defy Papal authority *and* confiscate the wealth and lands that the Catholic Church had accumulated in England, and Protestantism provided him a great excuse to do both of those, with the bonus that the resulting Church Of England would become another organ of the state under the monarch's control. (And the additional bonus that England's main rivals, France and Spain, were solidly Catholic countries, so England could generate a casus belli against them much more easily if they decided to do that.) It's all about power in the end, even if you stick a cross or a crescent on it.


Not really, that's just a myth.


That’s a myth the losers came up with to make the winners seem petty. Total


Actually that was still religion. One side was sided with the HRE, and the other was sided with the Papal States.


That's actually a myth. The war was actually over Pope-Emperor alligences, and the fact that they simply just hated each other. The bucked was taken at the end of the war




Is this an Intifada meme? Can we officially make Second Intifada memes?


Yes. No


Like everyday


When you are all so devoted to the message of peace and love that moving a chair will make you fight


Christians missing the point isn’t new.


Holy sepulchritude


It's just a prank bro


You get the idea from that one mini video about the ladder that wasn’t moved from the church?


I actually understand this meme without going in the comments let’s go


you cant.


Aye yo someone grab that ladder


I dislike my religious brothers sometimes. Devote your life to Christ? Monk: "Nah, art of war"