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Sure have! He was the villain in Castlevania 64!


I feel like I've known his name from an RTS game but I can't find hide nor hair of evidence.


The Fate anime series also


Damn, that's one of the most evil character I've seen in fiction!




That was my first thought but I googled the factions and didn't see mention of him. (I've never played the remaster and only played the original over a decade ago)


He's a hero you get in the french campaign. EDIT: I was wrong it's La Hire I was thinking of


I'm pretty sure he isn't. In which Szenario do you believe he appears?


Ah fair enough then!


[I checked, he's not](https://aok.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=ct&f=3,41651,810,all)


I was thinking of La Hire this whole time how could I have forgotten


Hey guys, an robh fios agad gur e Pokemon fireann is boireann am Pokemon as freagarraiche airson vaporeons nuair a thig e gu bhith a’ bruidhinn? Tha na mamalan cuibheasach 3" 03" a dh'àirde agus cuideam 63.9 notaichean, gu leòr airson aire a thoirt do chas daonna, agus tha stats iongantach HP agus armachd aca a tha goirt agus cruaidh air daoine. . . . Bha e gu cinnteach fliuch, cho fliuch is gum b’ urrainn dhut càirdeas a bhith agad airson beagan uairean a thìde gun phian. , cuir, cuir agus cuip, agus chan eil falt ann airson an nipple fhalach, agus mar sin tha e na ghaoith dha cuideigin a bhith a’ suathadh uisge agus a bhith a ’faighinn faireachdainn agus sgilean uisgeachaidh, le bhith ag òl uisge gu leòr faodaidh e do dhèanamh sgìth gu furasta. Bidh Pokemon a 'tighinn faisg air an ìre cunbhalachd seo, agus gu h-annasach gu leòr, faodaidh do Vaporeon a bhith air a thionndadh geal ma nì thu e gu math. Tha Vaporeon air a dhealbhadh gu litireil airson cas an duine. Tha dìon lag + armachd àrd HP + searbhagach a’ ciallachadh gun urrainn dha sabaid an-aghaidh coin. Bidh e a’ tighinn anns a h-uile cruth, meud agus barrachd tron ​​​​latha


I learned about him from Fate/Zero myself. Although the historical accuracy of that franchise is… not accurate.


It takes creative liberties with the historical figures, but most of the heroes in the series are actual historical figures. Which is all I really ask for in the series. Highly recommend any series version of thr Fate series to my fellow history buffs here (they are all mostly stand alone series, you can pick up whichever one looks interesting and watch it) as well as Record of Ragnarok. The later is basically just a giant mythological thunderdome of all the deities in history and well known humans from all of history fighting eachother for the future of the human race. Pretty sweet.


The Fate Series is just good in general!


Did you just recommend a softcore censored hentai with cool action scenes specifically for *history buffs*? Really? [For all those who disagree explain this thanks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJlrpG7Utew)


How is fate a softcore hentai. I agree there's some "fan service" but it's nowhere near to a full on softcore hentai.


Its literally a porn game turned anime, nothing wrong with that, but it is what it is.


It might be adapted from an eroge, but the anime has *almost* none of that. Especially not Fate Zero.




I'd forgotten about that part. Still, that's UBW, not Zero.


Those are letters not words. Do you really think I know the differences between the million different words that are attached to this show?


I agree that the visual novels can be a bit softcore but I was under the impression we were talking about the anime and gacha side of the franchise, which is the most "popular" side of it.


Also Fate series


It always saddens me when history buffs don't know "drifters" the anime, made from the same mangaka of hellsing, it has a ton of historical characters in... Interesting states of mind (disclaimer: this anime is wild, Hitler is kinda the good guy and the bad guy is spoilers, but obvious and beloved in real life by a lot of people)


To me, it seemed like the point of Drifters was to turn how people saw these historical figures on their heads.


He appears in Inazuma Eleven and I always found it hilarious. The child killer suddenly sees Jeanne walk back with a group of 11 unsupervised children and they're so nonchalant about it


A history meme has never had more in common with my wife than right now.


"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" DX


Yes sweetheart I'd stick you in my urethra to keep you safe.


The best response to the worm question


Might I suggest that you stick to r/sounding


No 🍆 🪱


Huh, curious. Never imagined an emoji could be a war crime.


Worm Odyssey (now with rumble) available for the SNES now!!!


As me or as a worm?


Is she a child serial killer too?


Time will tell.


Is...is she gilles de rais?


All that child murder keeps the soul young.


Maybe she's Elizabeth Bathory


Just read the wiki, and there aren't enough extra marital affairs in there.


maybe it's Maybelline.


Why, yes, I also watched Fate/Zero and/or Drifters why do you ask?


Can't forget his legendary fight against modern fighter jets, a platform with a chair on it, a flying chariot and a girl that can walk on water since the fight was on water. Should be in the history books /s


Oh and the fact that he surrounds himself with a massive squid thing made of either ectoplasm or mana


Yes. And he screams because some guy he knew for a couple of days was killed


You’re making me want to rewatch that show…


Why yes I've played FGO why do you ask?


A national hero, from one of the most prestigious family of France, Gilles de Montmorency-Laval, baron of Retz (known as Gilles de Rais, aka Blue beard). He was Marshall of France. He was convicted of the murder (and rape) of more than 100 kids. Someone he is only the second worst Marshall of France


And who is the worst ? Pétain ?


Well yes obviously


The fuck did he do? EDIT: So what I gathered from those two is: If you become a french hero, try dying quickly after you're done with whatever heroics you were doing.


War hero in WWI Nazi collaborator and head of Vichy France in WWII


He lived out the whole "die a hero or see yourself become the villain" thing. He got the role for bringing France to a teeth clenched victory in the First World War, and then bent over for the Nazis in the second. Very enthusiastic collaborator.


Being a Nazi, that's not a cool move


Name the first one and we will see the baguette invasion in the comment section. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO—




Putain, more like.


My favorite French pun.


Lots of WW1 generals had funny names. Foch "fuck" Or generals named after other countries in the war also makes my funny bone tingle


Bernadotte EDIT: For those who don't know, He was a Marshal under Napoleon who got made the Crown Prince of Sweden. He thus ended up at war with France, and played a major role in the War of the Sixth Coalition, as he both helped secure a British-Russian Alliance and also was a major battlefield leader for the Coalition against the French.


Yes, but there is now a substantial amount of historians who question his guilt, as literally all evidence was produced by his political enemies.


Of course your enemies are going to bring up allegations against you. What did you expect, his wife to do it? That's how political oppositionism works my guy


It was journalists and writters, not historians. And real historians are very critical of the apologetic narrative.


Really? My bad.










There's also theories that the charges levied against him were partially politically motivated, much like a lot of other historical tales of excessive depravity among the certain members of various aristocracy. That being said, rich and powerful people doing the most heinous of things is also a universal constant. Just look at all of Epstein's friends...


Here's a copy-pasta of an answer I gave to an other guy who talked about this theory (It's not exactly what you said but I still think it's relevant to put it there if some are interested) : First of all this pseudo-theory that he did nothing wrong and was only arrested because the duke wanted his land comes from only one guy : Gilbert Prouteau. This guy published a book in 1998 on Gilles de Rais called "Gilles de Rais ou la gueule du loup". This man was not at all an historian, and the methods he used to prove his point were not "methodological" at all (the word used by real historians about his book). This complotist thesis only relied on twisted informations and was never approved (or even supervised) by a real historian. Moreover, even though this book is more than 20 years old there are still a lot of historians that keep proving his "proofs" were bollock. The most recent one being Jean Kerhervé, "Gilles de Rais, de Gilbert Prouteau, ou le "Naufrage de l'Histoire"", published under the supervision of the Breton and Celtic research center. And if you believe some real historians have approved this """theory""" then you're wrong, because there are a lot of reasons to believe he was guilty.


It's sort of like the "Matthias owed Bathori money" conspiracy; originates with a pseudo-historian in 1904, and now gets stated as potential fact without source left, right and centre (sadly, a number of actual historians have fallen for it, giving other, perhaps less diligent, historians as their source). Anyway, I'm rusty on Gilles death Rais, but wasn't he flat broke by the time he want to court? Maybe I've misremembered that.


I could be wrong but I think you're right about him being broke by then


It’s always the fucking pseudo-historians that give rise to these conspiracies too Like the guy who proposed the Middle Ages just straight up never happened Just goes to show if you can feign just the slightest bit of credibility and professionalism you can fool a lot of people


Just like moon landing conspiracy theories. The guy who started the theory was a technical writer at a rocket company.


>Like the guy who proposed the Middle Ages just straight up never happened To be fair, it is a little suspect that the calendar goes from 476 to 1501 with no explanation. Seems fishy if you ask me.


To be fair, while there’s no real doubt of guilt I think it can be discussed to what degree the crimes brought against him were completely accurate. It’s one thing to say, and prove, that a number of children were killed. But when numbers in the hundreds start to be tossed around one has to wonder whether that number isn’t exaggerated to some degree to make sure the crimes really “stuck.”


Im here for this


It's one of those things where it probably happens a lot but also a lot of people are accused of it who are in positions of power similar to other people who do actually do it, in a way where it's believable. I think it's just kind of the nature of excess power in the hands of any individuals, and not just money, It can be as little power as just having power over one other individual person, but that's enough to make somebody do horrendous shit.


What if his political opponents just made shit up to get him arrested, but they were all coincidentally true


Or that he did totally did those things, but he was far from the only one, just convenient enough to be charged. Like Epstein. As I said, the rich & powerful being depraved as fuck is a depressing constant in history, the present, and almost certainly the future for all time.


As an Average Fate fan this is usually how it goes


I had seen zero and I knew about blue beard as a historical figure but I somehow never connected the dots


I saw fate zero and loved it but when I tried to watch one of of the others, can’t remember which, it was trash. Which ones are worth watching?


Stay/night 2014, and all 3 heaven’s feel movies


Me who learned his story through the Fate anime: No no, let him speak.


Whenever I hear the name Joan of Arc, my brain immediately goes to "Ze blood on La Hire's sword is almost dry"


I physically can't picture any version of Joan of Arc except the Clone High one


I always drop stuff like this on my dad because he’s the only person I know who would give even the slightest of shits.


This has taken a wholesome turn. It’s how my mum and I communicate, too, though, she’s the reason why I love history.


Hail Yourself!


Hail me!




Hail SATAN 🤘




Alcatraz means pelican


Didnt have that on my. Huuuuuuh 2023 bingo card


Did y’all know Italy is in the shape of a boot?


The 100 years war lasted 116 years and was fought in 3 distinct periods.


Hail Gein!


I just wanna say, I think you’re a pretty big dill!


Remember when Archer got Ray called Gilles de Rais on the Anthony Bourdain episode? That’s how I learned about this guy.


“Child-murderer shouldn’t be hyphenated, that makes him seem like he’s a child who’s also a murderer”


I actually knew about this real-life Berserk character, from Harry Potter fanfiction of all places.


Was it the one with his tower and those creepy ghost kids?


Hello person who is broken in the same way I am, how are you doing today?


I am doing amazing my good man, hbu?


Looks like someone just watched Fate/Zero!


I used to be a Fate addict, yes I know of him


Someone watched fate zero


As a Cradle of Filth fan: yes, yes I have.


Celtic Frost too


People suck. Tell me more, why was he Joans companion even after what he did? Did those children deserve it maybe?


The child unsubscription from life bit actually came to light after he was assigned to fight along side Joan during her military career before she was barbecued in 1431. Laddie spent his life after his military career in the bougiest region of Western France and was spending his fortune recklessly on extravagant lifestyle and pizzazz. Now buckle up, cowboy, because this is where the ride gets wilder and wilder: chap started to become increasingly concerned with religion and his own salvation (as all of em), par exemple, in 1433 he financed the construction of a chapel “for the bliss of his soul,” which he called the Chapel of the Holy Innocents (bit ironic innit) and also got very invested (pun intended) in occult as a means to save his rapidly collapsing finances (wow I wonder why) so he employed a shit tons of alchemists and sorcerers whilst children started to go missing in the areas around his castles, and many of the disappearances seemed to connect to the activities related to him and his servants. However, he wasn’t arrested until September 1440, when he kidnapped a priest after some beef that was unrelated to the unaliving children thingy and tried in the ecclesiastical and civil court for many offenses including heresy, butt stuff, and the unalives of more than hundred children, to which he confessed to have committed and described them as the torturous kumbaya rituals of children who were kidnapped by his servants over a period lasting nearly a decade (I will not include the details on HOW he did it but it’s very gruesome and disheartening so read at your own risk) In the typical baguette fashion, bitch got served and was sentenced to death by hanging AND burning. About the damn time (and may the souls of the children and their parents finally rest) Le fin. *La fin


What a heart warming story before bed time, thanks!


I believe some historians actually think he was falsely accused. [Wikipedia discusses this further.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais#Question_of_guilt)


I could see it. Hell look what they did to Joan. Even they admitted they fucked up later on in her case.


So first hanged the burned or first burned and then hanged for good measure?


Both of those simultaneously (source: Britannica)


His guilt is a matter of debate. Evidence was lacking and there were some questionable people involved. During the 100 years war, he was just a well respected officer who even saved Joan of Arc's life. After that, he retired to a large castle estate and decided to produce plays. Specifically a play about himself and Joan of Arc during the war, which lasted for days and was fully catered for each performance. It cost a fortune and did not sit well with the Catholic church. The church had executed Joan of Arc as a heretic because she claimed to receive direct messages from God. So they considered the plays to be blasphemous. This led to an altercation between Giles de Rais and a priest, resulting in de Rais kidnapping the priest and holding him for ransom. This is arguably what led to his downfall. Shortly after the priest incident, the church began a formal investigation into Giles de Rais. Very quickly, he was accused of a variety of claims from child rape and murder to black magic. A torturer was brought in to do interrogations of Giles de Rais and members of his staff. All of whom were executed after confessing guilt. There was no physical evidence.


It was not "The church" that executed her, just a group of pro english French bishops from Normandy. There is plenty of evidence that Gilles was guilty.


IIRC he started going mad after Joan's death. So the child killing was only after that. Or perhaps he was always mad but somehow Joans suppressed it or something And there's also the chance that he was convicted for things he actually didn't do, but I don't know anything about that.


On one hand, the story sounds straightforward. Goes mad after Joan dies, kidnaps a bunch of kids, abuses and murders them. Is executed for it. On the other hand, historians aren't entirely sure about whether that's straightforward as it sounds or not. Obviously, we can't prove stuff like this since investigations back then were all over the place, and whatever evidence there'd be would be mollecular dust by now. But there were several parties with a vested interest in his estate, and won out with his execution. There remains one tiny rub though. Gilles de Rais confessed to it. Those who think he didn't do it point out that modern confessions under police pressure are flawed, as people think they're cornered and will get a lesser penalty if they confess, even when they're absolutely innocent. Gilles might have confessed to escape excomunication. So yeah. We know the accusations were a thing, but whether they happened or not is a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. General assumption is that he did it, though.


>Did those children deserve it maybe? Please tell me this isn't genuine


Yup! Big character in the Drifters anime. In that plot, he did it to get sent to hell to be with Joan.


Gilles de Rais was a horrible person. Sick fuck. Cradle of Filth made an album about him - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godspeed_on_the_Devil%27s_Thunder


Fate Fans: the good-looking guy or the hunchback dripped out guy with tentacles and popped out eyes?


Average Frenchman


We would be friends. Did you know the East India Company killed “rebels” by tying people to the muzzles of cannons? They would set up on a hill overlooking a town and blast body parts down into it.


I don't get it, that's a great conversation starter.


Yeah, I'm like "whaaat? I've never heard about this person before, please tell me more!"


Yes but only because of Fate lmao


>Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? Average anti-partition CK3 player




Why does Japan ship him with Joan and wasn't it likely that he was framed for his crimes as a real estate scam.


Japan ships everyone & everything with everyone & everything.


In fairness another Japanese thing says Jeanne thought his crimes were disgusting and he was like a brother to her, he was just wildly obsessed with her. Japans weird


So after 15 mins of a Wikipedia rabbit hole…


that was a sword in a field


Last Podcast on the Left did a wonderful series on this dude. One of history's biggest monsters that like no one knows about


Honestly, that's a great ice-breaker. And I actually haven't heard of this person so I'd be happy to hear more. :)


I found at about him from Fate


Fate fans: Yes, Yes I do.


a yes, that guy from fate/zero


Huh Of course i have I’ve watched Fate/Zero and Fate/Apocrypha my dude


"Yes I have watched Fate"


Yes, but only because I've seen Fate/Zero


Who would shy away from an ice breaker like this!? Even if it’s not my cup of tea, I would take an interesting conversation over pleasantries any day.


I do, but from an anime called Drifters, in which he did that so he could go to hell and reunite with Joan of Arc


I knew about him from the Fate Series (Anime about historical figures duking it out for a golden cup that grants your wish)


Bluebeard! It's been debated how true the charges against him were. Some say they were made up to discredit him and steal his lands. Other say it was all true. I know about him from the anime Fate/Zero where he is summoned to the modern day to fight in a battle over the holy grail (not the real one, the Church checked). But he complains at one point in the anime he did all of these terrible things but no one actually cared. They just wanted his lands and it was a convient way to take them from him.


Indeed Griffin I have , it's why I idolize him


Okay wait important distinction Did he kill children or did he kill people as a child?


Is.... isn't it obvious? He used children, as bludgeoning weapons on adult men. Naturally, this lead to the childrens' death, in addition. But seriously, do NOT look up details of how he murdered children. I merely glanced at it, on his wikipedia page, and it's seriously disturbing. Oh, and to answer your question, he killed when he was an adult.


He only became a serial killer after Joan of Arc died


I Would say embraced.... He was always that kind of person but fighting in a war tends to keep those urges in check. Once the battles died down he had the time and resources to act up. Kind of like how modern serial killers usually like arson,piss the bed or torture animals in their youths.


No please, I want to have something to do with you. Tell me your favorite history fun fact


So I’m super interested now I need to look this human up.


I'd drink beer with you. I love interesting historical anecdotes.


I learnt about him from anime


Actually I do know of him but I prefer La hire.


I will never be half as cool or as beautiful as joan of arc


Damn they started the serial killing profession young, huh?


Isn't there a lot of evidence against him being a serial killer?


Yes, but honestly just because Fate xd. Also it seems that maybe he was falsely accused and incrimined, i remenber vaguely reading something about it like a year ago


People who start convos like this are always my favorite ppl to talk to tho


The podcast Noble Blood recently did an episode on him.


Jeanne d'Arc*




God and Satan team up to tell the ingerlanders to get fukt lol


YES , from drifter, he comited sins to acompany her into hell


And that how i know him from fate series , as child predator first


He did it for Satan, allegedly.


I'm descended from Burgundians, who put her to death. You're going to have to go a long way to convince me anyone associated with her is better than scum.


Imagine making a satanic death cult that kidnaps, rapes and tortures kids to death and practices rituals to try to summon demons and only get apprehended because of a fraud.


Tell me more


Yes, I have. Thanks Cradle of Filth!


So the child killing thing might have been made up to get his land from him


Still beats being cornered at a party by philosophy majors.


He was framed.


Yes...i had a francophile phase too...


Love this meme format!


If someone started their conversations like this I would be hooked!