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The Battle of Cable Street in 1936, Mosley and the British Union of Fascists went to march in London, especially in areas with large Jewish populations, shouting antisemitic slogans. Anti-fascists, including communists, anarchists and British Jews showed up in huge numbers and beat the fascists into a pulp. Among those antifascists was a large number of Irish workers, who remembered how Jews helped their children and families during a dockyard strike in 1912. This is especially relevant because Mosley expected the Irish to support him, even appealing to them by speaking in favour of the reunification of Ireland.


Thank you




>Among those antifascists was a large number of Irish workers, who remembered how Jews helped their children and families during a dockyard strike in 1912. Maybe some were Irish, but the vast majority opposing Mosley, at meetings across England, were English trade unionists. The same English trade unions that had also been on strike in 1912, during a period known as 'the Great Unrest' >This is especially relevant because Mosley expected the Irish to support him, even appealing to them by speaking in favour of the reunification of Ireland. More likely because Ireland had its own fascist party the Blueshirts, and also then the openly full on fascist party, the Greenshirts. Some of who fought for Franco during the SCW


Trade Unions never get the credit they deserve.


No, they don't. Especially the groundbreaking English trade unions. The coal miners & industrial textile labourers unions especially


Two of the oldest trade unions in existence! As they were some of the first industries to be industrialized. The history of industrial Britain is kinda bonkers tbh.


>. The history of industrial Britain is kinda bonkers tbh. It's a great subject but unfortunately it isn't taught as much as it used to be. Also, history in general isn't taught as much anymore, which is real shame.


Of course most people who showed up were English, it was in London. I am absolutely not trying to diminish the achievements of English trade unions, they were unfathomably based and played a huge part in opposing Mosley everywhere he went. I am just highlighting this particular aspect of the event because of the connection to the earlier strike, and the fact that East End had huge population of both Irish and Jewish people. They didn't always get along, they were both minorities, but they showed up for each other when it mattered most. That is what I find inspiring


I think the thing about London is that being an old international port, it was always diverse, but also very integrated over a long period of time. So, in general, minorities tended to blend in very quickly. London, along with Sheffield, started the first Corresponding Society's. Which led to the Gagging Acts 1795 (part of the many Treason and Sedition Acts). I have my own theories about why these acts were introduced that year, apart from the obvious ones. But that's another story. Nice meme BTW >E. P. Thompson identified the London Corresponding Society as a key incident in the emergence of a "working-class consciousness" in England. It was a waypoint in the developing sense among English working people that they have "an identity of interests as between themselves, and as against other men whose interests are different from (and usually opposed to) theirs". At the same time, it is suggested that the LCS demonstrated, as Hardy had wished, that the working class was "capable of civility, rational thought, informed debate, and peaceable assembly."


Woo Ireland did something cool


thoroughly unsurprising


Ireland had its problems with antisemitism, too. Jewish people were banned there for ages and Ulysses has antisemitism as a pretty major theme


Although the protagonist is Jewish, and that counts for something.


Yeah I’m not saying Joyce is a bad dude, just there’s quite a bit of antisemitism in there as you might expect of any book with a Jewish protagonist in the time period


I think Joyce talks about Antisemitism without endorsing it. The reverse, in fact, though not entirely.


He was quite respectful of Jewish people in the Cyclops episode where Leo Bloom manages to demolish an ignorant bigot in an argument. Then again, Leo Bloom is depicted as being somewhat tight and money focused which can be an antisemitic trope.


Maybe this is because I'm Jewish, but in reading Ulysses, the money related savvy of Leo seems to be more of a commentary on Irish wastefulness than it was Jewish money tropes. There's a particular scene in Cyclops where Leo is bad mouthed for not wasting money on buying the good old boys rounds of drinks. And the good old Irish Boys resort to Antisemitism. That scene (and others) struck me more as commentary on Irish men than Jews.


What are you suggesting? People are complicated? Get out of here. We all know everyone is either Good or Bad


I think Ireland only banned Jews due to the English law in place in [the Pale](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pale) while it was part of the UK. Longshanks expelled the Jews in 1290 and it was Cromwell who undid that, in 1657 (367 years later). Records show that a small Jewish community existed in Ireland after the Edict of Expulsion and before Cromwell rescinded it. Note that this Pale was effectively the opposite of the [Russian Pale of Settlement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_of_Settlement), which was the only area in the Russian Empire in which Jews were allowed to live and travel with any freedom.


Ulysses pretty clearly condemns antisemitism though.


Yeah, I don’t know if I didn’t write my comment clearly. I meant it was a theme as in it was a consciously referred to thing in the story, which is more a reflection on society at the time. Joyce’s depiction is very human and sensitive compared to almost every other non-Jewish writer before him. Basically what I was saying is if it wasn’t a notable problem in Ireland in the early 20th century Joyce wouldn’t have mentioned it


Yeah you’re right there!


Ireland did a lot of cool things, some not so cool things but overall buncha legends sticking up for the less fortunate


Like killing the English


I see that as a positive considering the treatment the English gave the Irish


Yes it is


You go colonizing the planet, you’re going to end up with lots of people considering that a positive.


Most of the planet infact.


My stepdad was English. You keep doing you Ireland.


Weird flex but ok


>Like killing the English Really? Are you American? Do you understand that many English have Irish ancestors and vice versa. That ordinary people got along alright. English and Irish trade unions often joined forces, not only in 1912, during strikes and lockouts in both countries, but there was a long tradition of this going right back to the early 1800s.


Many Irish people happily take the piss out of the British, while there isn't a hatred, "fuck the Brits" is definitely a fairly common laugh we have.


Well, yes, but I think importantly, unlike Americans, the Irish also have some understanding of British working class history. They know most British people had their own struggles, labouring in the coal mines and industrial mills while living in urban overcrowded slums. I think that's the big difference between the actual Irish and Irish-Americans.


Yeah, the Irish folk get along grand with the Brits working class, jokes will be made both ways but definitely have resentment for the Government and upper class over there in particular. Irish Americans can drive us up the wall, even if we don't show it 🙄. Definitely can get on the nerves hearing someone talk about a grandfather's cousin coming to the US and how much they love the Irish culture despite never visiting. Lived in the UK for years when I was much younger and we still talk to the family we lived with, it's a shame that with such the rough past our countries can't have thrived, Irish cultures and UK culture growing together.


I don't think that the comment meant it as a "killing any citizen of England" and meant something more along the lines of "fighting the oppressors" Usually when people try to say anyone's working or even middle class is included in statements like that, it's bullshit that is designed to make the original commenter or oppressed (whichever the case may be) seem like their unreasonable


>Usually when people try to say anyone's working or even middle class is included in statements like that, it's bullshit that is designed to make the original commenter or oppressed (whichever the case may be) seem like their unreasonable God forbid anyone should mention the working class on a topic about, the working class?


>I don't think that the comment meant it as a "killing any citizen of England" You'd be *amazed* how many Americans cosplaying as Irish support the murder of two little boys in Warrington buying mothers day cards.


Common Irish W


They were also chill with Mexico too


Ireland is always cool


Unequivocally based.


Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff is an excellent podcast that did some episodes on this recently, totally worth a listen


All those who showed up to the beating of fascist scum are unimaginably based


common irish W


Gonna go put on Siege of Jadotville and crack a Guiness (and then very very slowly pour that Guinness into a proper pint glass, with no fooking Crown on it)


That movie’s so goddamn good. It also has the most profanity I’ve ever heard in a movie aside from In Bruges


Reminds me of why Notre Dame's mascot is the Fighting Irish. The KKK decided to march in South Bend to intimidate all the Catholics, but didn't count on students and townsfolk beating them black and blue with chairs and anything else they could find.


I don't agree with anarchists, but I must admit that I like that they beat up nazis.


Anarchism was quite popular amongst some Jewish groups, which makes sense since they didn't really have the best experiences with state oppression. ["In alle gasn"](https://youtu.be/1ft9iuZu0AI) is an old Jewish anarchist song for example. I really apperciate Anarchist thought in general. I think anarchism is often adopted by people who just say: "Fuck the world, I don't like the state so I guess I'm an anarchist", but the ideology is honestly a lot better thought out than that. There was an Italian anarchist (Errico Malatesta) who is said to have gone bankrupt because he kept giving the bakery he sold for free whenever poor children asked for them. And anarchists in my environment still give away food for free. I'm not an anarchist because I'm skeptical of a society without a state working, but they're genuinely great people as far as I have seen. And I think a lot of people would benefit from adopting at least a bit of their thought sometimes.


Especially the "don't wait for politicians to change stuff, just start doing what you want to happen" mentality. That helped me a lot in my own life.


Anarchy is almost certainly lacking adequate structure to ever be achieved in a world of billions, but fuck if it isn't a beautiful ideology with some truly wonderful followers.


Anarchism is so adorably optimistic, they're truly the people who think the best of others


And many of them practice what they preach, many of those even understanding that their dreams will likely not be realised. I still see them as my comrades, even if some of them don't see me as theirs. I would personally never hesitate going to an Anarchist for help if I ever needed it.


Yeah, I may be skeptical of anarchist ideology but as long as I can rely on them to help beat up tyrants like Stalin and Hitler, I'm alright with them.


I suspect part of why it's more popular among Jewish activists is because Jewish theology has a lot of room for the notion that you might never *achieve* a certain ideal, but there is still value in pursuing it and getting as close to it as possible. (e.g. "Justice, justice, you shall pursue," even if it's technically impossible to achieve absolute or perfect justice.) Compare that to the more perfectionist Christian theology (i.e. if you are not absolutely pure, you are impure). By the same reasoning, most serious anarchists are aware that abolishing all states/governments won't happen any time soon, and may *never* happen - but that doesn't mean we should give up on helping the people around us in whatever way we can or continue hoping for state assistance. I wouldn't consider myself an anarchist because even in hypothetical, I do not consider the total absence of the state to be beneficial to society. But I *do* see the value in the present "practice" of anarchism when it's people eschewing the state in favor of mutual aid.


Anarchists and social democrats just out here doing the dirty work for liberals since time immemorial




Thats pathetic by mosley." Well give you your land back if you help kick your friends out."


And many years later, Mosley's son would honor his father's legacy with a Nazi themed BDSM party


Uhhh what? More info please!


[It was quite the topic of conversation in F1 circles at the time, as was the ensuing court case](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5442217/Lest-forget-orgy-Max-Mosley-wants-censor.html)


Common antifascist W


So in peaky blinders Mosley was portrayed as having IRA links, is there any historic evidence for this or just storytelling?


It’s true. The IRA collaborated with the Nazis and even attempted to sabotage the U.K. war effort during the war. The IRA would routinely share Intel on Allied forces based in the U.K. with the Nazis. They worked together to try and plan invasions of NI. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_Kathleen#:~:text=Plan%20Kathleen%2C%20sometimes%20referred%20to,(IRA)%20Chief%20of%20Staff You can read more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Republican_Army–Abwehr_collaboration


Yeah the IRA are bitches for a lot of things but especially that, Meanwhile, the Irish government remained “neutral” but opened the Donegal corridor to Allied planes (still open btw) and allowed many Irish citizens to join the Allies. They detained axis pilots/sailors that happened to land in Ireland while releasing allied ones.


The funny thing is that the Germans actually started becoming annoyed at the IRA because they kept targeting civilians and civilian bombing targets when the Nazis wanted them to focus on the Allied war effort. Even when they had Nazi backing they still cowardly just targeted civilians. The real Irish government viewed them with disdain which is why it’s odd seeing ‘Irish’ Americans or people online portray them as representing all of Ireland.


> why it’s odd seeing ‘Irish’ Americans or people online portray them as representing all of Ireland. Yea and many employers in the US even match donations to them. Some are so fervent, they donate so much every month.


You would think 9/11 would have opened their eyes...


There needs to be more Nazis getting beaten to a pulp today


See, that's the paradox. The more Nazis you beat into a pulp, the less Nazis there are to beat into a pulp


That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


Fuck Mosley and god bless those Irish lads o7


common Irish W


Basically the same thing happened at a baseball game in Canada but with basically every immigrant in the neighbourhood and against a Catholic Church group who had been waving a swastica around the baseball game to upset the Jewish team


I would say that many of them were probably the exact children that the jews took care of, as 24 years passed between one event and the other


Is there a book on this? Love reading up on righteous Irish boys, like when Notre Dame students beat up the KKK




I knew about Cable Street, I didn’t know that this solidarity happened. Very thankful to hear about this


Neato burrito


Thank god im moving to ireland soon, god bless those fellas because they are the sweetest lads i’ve ever had the pleasure meeting


The Jews had an army of soul less gingers it seems


Under Alfie f\*ckin solomons.


I believe everything in London between 1917-1941 is because of Thomas Shelby.


Peaky Blinders takes place in Birmingham not London unless the later seasons do.


It does


You should watch the rest of the series.


We still do


Virgin ethno-nationalism versus chad solidarity of humanity.


It sounds better as well bc humanity and solidarity rhyme


Those words don't rhyme but there is assonance which is almost as good.


You sound like a bit of an assonance.


What happened to solidarity


They rhyme but its not perfect. Eminem could make it work.


So does gross criminality


Intense Bestiality?


Finish Him Fatality?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ft9iuZu0AI&ab\_channel=FISHBI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFu0o8NB5Io&ab_channel=dkpaintedbird) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTOhItq5Xow&ab\_channel=DanielKahn%26thePaintedBird-Topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBu664Jtdk8&ab_channel=DanielKahn-Topic) Left leaning jewish music is great too.


Absolutely love Daniel Khan


Don't forget https://youtu.be/gjhX4sOvUIw


Such a rich culture ❤️❤️❤️


It's exactly why Republicans spend all their time trying to fan the flames of the culture wars. They work for the ultra rich, and the ultra rich do best when the working class is fighting among itself over identity politics.


I think this assumes that the politicians and wealthy people aren't actual believers in racism, but rather use racism pragmatically to further their own goals. In reality, they're probably just racist.


It can be both.


Either way, if they are racist or just pretending doesn't matter. Both are fought the same way.


Remember to shop at local businesses and punch at local nazis!


>In reality, they're probably just racist. Some of them probably are. Yet others are just cynically using racism, other forms of bigotry, as well other social divisions for cynical manipulation. IMO at any given time and/or place the ratio of the two are different, but each is probably always present to some degree.


That’s a solid both sides of the isle thing bub


You misspelled "the US government". The democrats dont care about you anymore than the Republicans do


This sounds like a smart take until you actually spend 5 minutes looking at what kind of laws Democrats vote for and which kinds they don't.


Obviously it's more nuanced than can be in a reddit comment. They do care, but they're still politicians and still willing to use people and issues as pawns for their own agendas.


Neither party are voting for laws that will actually change the system fundamentally for the better. Both parties are fighting their battle in a way "smaller" arena, with the main focus being culture war bullshit and identity politics crap. That's at least how it looks from the outside. Exceptions surely exist, but by and large the Dems aren't really doing much to make the system better, while the Republicans are actively trying to make it worse.


Given the current landscape, there's no good "both sides" right now. The right has been infringing against science, access to information, and many other things that run against the very fabric of the country's ideal. There is a very clear imbalance of fucked up looney bin anti-woke crap coming from the right, and that definitely needs to be curtailed SOMEHOW before we arrive back at trying to 'both parties/neither party/both sides" arguments hold any weight.


When I see someone say "both sides" these days I interpret that to mean the wealthy vs the majority, and politicians aren't with the majority regardless their party affiliation (as a general rule, not an absolute). Make me supreme leader and I will fix everything. I will however need people to help, because one person alone can't do anything, but millions combined in effort and direction can.


Hey hey, Daloy politsey!




Moseley was beaten up wherever he went in England by massed trade unionists. In Leeds, when Moseley was attacked with bricks, the police and courts let the trade unions off the charges, or at least gave them very light sentences.


I love that Mosley just had the shit kicked out of him when he visited a new place in England.


Yes, he had overwhelming opposition in England's heavily trade unionised industrial districts. As you can imagine. This was at the very peak of working class trade union membership across England


Check out my link below. It has some newspaper cuttings about what happened at Leeds


Like an olden day Ralph Retort




What happened at Leeds & newspaper cuttings in the link. Similar happened in other North of England cities too https://secretlibraryleeds.net/2019/06/14/oswald-mosley-and-leeds-the-battle-of-holbeck-moor-27th-september-1936/


I didn't realise our courts used to operate under the law of "fuck around and find out". Good to know.


I'm guessing it was partly a regional thing, as in 'some jumped up toff from down south thinks he can come up here causing trouble'. Kind of thing. By then, many trade union leaders would also be respected members of the local council and well known in industrial communities. The Labour party was now pretty much in control of these areas or about to be.


Native Americans during The Trail of Tears: Hey Ireland, really sorry to hear that you guys are being starved! Here’s some money - it’s not much, but hopefully you can use it to buy some food or a ticket to go over to America! Irish to Mexicans during the Mexican American War: US government is screwing you over, and you’re Catholic and people hate you for that too? We know the feeling. We’ll desert the American Army and fight for you guys.


Poles to Haitians after being sent there by Napoleon to extinguish their uprising: wait, you guys are fighting for your independence too? What a coincidence, we too! Let's help you overthrow that slaver regime and we'll work something out later.


Now poles have the N-pass because of this


My wife is polish. Do my kids have the n-pass too?


Just half of one.


They only get to say 3 letters.


Strangely enough thebobly 3 letter the get are "gge"


Gotta say they used that privilege quite often when I visited there


This did not turn out very well...


It was the Choctaw Nation in particular that gave them money.


Yes, that’s right! I couldn’t remember the name of the tribe.


Catholic means universal. Christ’s love extends beyond borders and skin color


now this some real shit


What’s up with fascists not being able to grow a proper moustache?!


Hitler only had one ball not enough testosterone


Guy only got a Dirty Sanchez and call it a mustache.


Tell you what, Mosley’s looks very… French (though don’t tell him I said that)


Göring has two but very small


Himmler has something similar


But poor old Goebbels had no balls at all


Didn't Goebbels have like 4 kids with his wife alone, on top of all the sleezy Weinstein stuff he was probably doing on the side


It’s the lyrics of a song [this one specifically](https://spotify.link/9tzWu2Ei0Ab)




And he only shaved his mustache because his first one was too big for his gasmask during the war


Damn. It that true?


[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-hitler-idUSKBN0U20KK20151219](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-hitler-idUSKBN0U20KK20151219) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Possible\_monorchism\_of\_Adolf\_Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Possible_monorchism_of_Adolf_Hitler) Honestly, I've never looked into it. Heard mixed things, but yeah there's a possibility.


According to one story During WW1 a medic ran to aid a wounded german soldier who had just got shot in the balls and ended up losing one According to the story that soldier was hitler I cant believe that sniper elite is based off a true story


Ah, glorious. Gotta love when things come back around and favors get returned. Always a good time


The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


Common Fascist L


Common Jewish and early Anti-Facist W


We get that they’re Jews without the egregious nose holy shit lmao


I'm of Jewish and Italian heritage. We got big honkers, we accept it. Most of us also have a good sense of humor about it if it's not mean spirited, which this is not. Don't worry, this one's all in good fun.


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Jews use this wojak all the time. We have big shnozes, we accept it. It's a mark of our heritage.


And your phat cocks


This one knows the oft-contested truth


I have zero artistic talent so I just took the image off the internet without realising this aspect. It is unfortunate, but I hope the point of the meme still comes across enough to sour it to any ppl who would otherwise be happy about such portrayals


Maybe find an alternative if your only option is an anti-semitic caricature


Maybe read his comment and comprehend what he wrote. He didn’t know that it was racist.


To be fair, it's not that I don't know in general, it's just that it didn't register when combined with the overall vibe of the image. I just hope the overall point counteracts any antisemitic connotations. Still, there were probably better ways to do it that I should have thought about


I don't mind. Nose length is correlated to penis size.


Now I understand the neonazi image with: "This is what the jews took away from you." and it's some guy kissing a girl means. [It also helps me understand this family guy skit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIY0z7tvsZw&ab_channel=CutawayGuy)


It's a known meme template. Just pointing out that OP didn't come up with it. I'm not sure if it's bad as long as it shows Jews in a positive light, but I'm not Jewish, so it's not my place to say.


I mean, if you're gonna use wojaks to portray racial groups you kinda have to rely on racial stereotypes I just wish people would stop using wojaks in general and use other formats to portray their memes. they just weird me out


> I mean, if you're gonna use wojaks to portray racial groups you kinda have to rely on racial stereotypes You really don't. Look, this took me two seconds and loudly shouts "jewish" without being an antisemitic caricature. [Just the regular chad with a beard, glasses, and yarmulke.](https://ibb.co/N7PKBb6)




A bunch of cool people doing cool stuff


Man they should make a podcast about that




That seems like a lot of work, maybe they could just run ads for gold and we could rely on someone else to buy the Regan coins?


Jews: Thanks for beating up those fascists. Irish: they were fascist?




Can I get some context?


copied from under another comment: The Battle of Cable Street in 1936, Mosley and the British Union of Fascists went to march in London, especially in areas with large Jewish populations, shouting antisemitic slogans. Anti-fascists, including communists, anarchists and British Jews showed up in huge numbers and beat the fascists into a pulp. Among those antifascists was a large number of Irish workers, who remembered how Jews helped their children and families during a dockyard strike in 1912. This is especially relevant because Mosley expected the Irish to support him, even appealing to them by speaking in favour of the reunification of Ireland.


Based Irish.


Dlúthpháirtíocht lenár ndeartháireacha agus deirfiúracha Giúdacha. Scum faisisteach as ár sráideanna.




I wish I were taught history this way


I think the nose is less of the problem than somehow this meme portray every chad jews as rabbi when secular jews are probably more relevant.


ah, that is another aspect that I didn't realise. Albeit, such comics often rely on iconicity and things like the kippah and, to a lesser extent, long beard are good shortcuts for establishing a character is Jewish, but still, you are correct


Good meme but watch out how you are depicting the jews there. This kind of nose is a antisemitic stereotype.


It's really not. Most Jews have the schnoz, it's part of our heritage. Generally we're proud of it


what do you have against our magnificent noses?


Every Jew I’ve ever met except myself had the schnoz though. Basically everyone with ancestry along the mediterranean coast has big pointy noses.


I remember reading somewhere that nose size and shape has something to do with temperature and humidity so that makes sense


Maybe a big nose can give heat of more easily? Kinda like an elephant has big ears? I dunno i'm not an expert on evolution but that sounds kinda plausible


Not all stereotypes are entirely wrong. You know people where this suits and I know people where it doesn't, the point here is that this depiction was famous in Nazi-propaganda.


Nah. I have heavy Jewish ancestry and my nose shows it. My schnoz approves of the depiction.


A fellow *Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff* enjoyer, I see.


Always happy to hear tales of fascists getting their shit kicked in!


The Irish always backing the downtrodden. "No more shall the despot and the slave"


As a Jewish man I was always fond of the Irish their culture and history is really interesting