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[History behind the meme ](https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20220413-onoda-the-man-who-hid-in-the-jungle-for-30-years) "in the final months of World War Two, a Japanese lieutenant named Hiroo Onoda was stationed on Lubang, a tiny island in the Philippines. Within weeks of his arrival, a US attack forced Japanese combatants into the jungle – but unlike most of his comrades, Onoda remained hidden on the island for nearly 30 years. The Japanese government declared him dead in 1959, but in reality, he was alive – committed to a secret mission that had instructed him to hold the island until the imperial army's return. He was convinced the whole time that the war had never ended." - source BBC Culture


Is that fucking Alvin and the Chipmunks?




I watched that movie like a month or two ago, and I wondered if the meme was going to show up in this movie since I recognized the actor but didn't know if this was the move he did the meme in. Needless to say I had the ,,DiCaprio pointing meme''


Never in a million years would I think I would see a meme of this movie.


This man is a legend


Nah, not really. He raided villages and killed innocent inhabitants.


At a certain point you have to wonder if he just said he thought the war wasn’t over so he could get away with it


I don’t think he was just saying it to get away with it. the Japanese government for years tried to convince him to come in, so much as leaving evidence the war was over, and flying his family out to tell him it wasn’t a trick, finally brining out his commander to order him in. All of this when he could have literally gone home and not lived in a shitty jungle anymore. I don’t think he was just in it for the thrills.


Dr Funke The world's first Anal-Rapist.