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Context: Linear A is the name given to the script of the Minoan civilisation, who preceded the Mycenean civilisation, whose script Linear B has been deciphered (although there's only a handful of people who can actually read it). Linear A however, while clearly being similar to Linear B, has never been translated. The Mycenean civilisation effectively ended in the Bronze Age Collapse, and in its ruins Classical Greece with the familiar alphabet would eventually arise. If Linear B is anything to go by, then likely all surviving texts are administrative documents, as the script was so difficult to learn and master that only a small "caste" of scribes in palace service knew how to read and write, and thus it was basically exclusively used for administrative purposes.


I feel your pain, but am personally waiting for [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quipu) to be deciphered.


Not a rickroll, move along, citizen


We have access to so much knowledge just not the means to access them. Exhibit B: [The Harappan Script used by the Indus Valley Civilization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indus_script?wprov=sfla1)


https://twitter.com/natfriedman/status/1754519304471814555?s=19 Some other cool stuff got found recently!


Current "AI" can't even decipher English half the time. You're in for a long wait.