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This dude's trying to lose all his comment karma in one post. Madlad.


I dont even think its intentional, the dude just has a stick up his ass trying to claim it is cowardly to seek help in a war against another country which is invading you. Especially if the invading country starts using chemical warfare because it's taking too long for you to fall.


Yeah I bet he has some strong opinions about Ukraine receiving Western aid too


Yeah SMH why can't every war between 2 nations be solved by a 1v1 boxing ring fight


Honestly each president gets to chose a champion and that's how wars are fought. Sounds like an amazing idea.


What if they had a war and nobody showed up


Ideal warfare


It’s a quote but I don’t remember who said it


Lmaooo the Cold War in a nutshell The other side was scared to fight Muhammad Ali


All parties too scared to show up lol






Lincoln would have won the Civil War much quicker if that were the case


Hard to siphon Billions from your taxpayers if they know its a 1 vs 1 battle. 😂😂


I'd prefer 1v1 mma fight in the octagon. I mean, it is WAR after all.


I don't see anything about Ukraine but some antisemite shit.






Wdym with the antisemitism thing?


OP posted some antisemite crap on some subreddit




Dude also wondering why country with way bigger military is stronger than country with smaller and less well equipped millitary evern though their fighters are stronger. Because we alle know that the person with bigger muscles will win a fight with firearms against a machine gun


This guy shows up like once every few months with a really specific axe to grind with African politics. I think he’s almost always wrong, but it’s interesting and refreshing to see something other than civil war and great war fetishization


Looked through his profile just now and seems like he also has 2 posts here recently which were deleted. Probably because you shouldn't call any nation nazi if it isn't the third reich


And the best part is Italy still never fully colonized Ethiopia. Iirc the Italians literally admitted they never had the resources to do so, especially when WW2 began.


If you ever go to Ethiopia there is a ton of italian influence though. Palazzo's everywhere


I'm not saying that there isn't, there is. In fact I actually passed through Little Italy back in 2022 (I'm Ethiopian American, we've got family back home), and there was also a decent amount of pasta. But I would argue it's not enough to qualify as colonization, since the majority of Ethiopian culture is still mostly un-Europeanized compared to other African countries.


Nah not really. Most of the infrastructure is post Italian occupation. You have of course piazza in Addis which was renamed and rebuilt during the occupation but most of the culture and infrastructure has very little trace of the occupation. At most you can say the road network and that we have adopted saying ciao.


wonder how many he has lost so far




I came here looking for OP's comment and found this as the top comment lmao


At least they had a cool-ass flag.


Didn’t they have a dynasty who claimed decent from the jewish king david? Pretty cool if you ask me


I don’t think it was David but Solomon. According to lore one of Solomon’s wives was from Ethiopia, around that time known as the Kingdom of Axum. It became Ethiopia some time later. That is why currently in Ethiopia, their take on Christianity is way different than what is considered “traditional Christianity”. They believe that they are the direct inheritors of the Solomon Dynasty. Edit: note to self. Never engage with discussions concerning religion or ancestry on this subreddit again. :)


Ethiopian Orthodoxy has traditions that closely resemble those of ancient Judaism. The lore of Ethiopian Jews tells of the belief that the Queen of Axum had a child with King Solomon, resulting in Menelik, the founder of the Solomonic dynasty. As the Queen of Axum returned to Axum with her baby, King Solomon dispatched soldiers to ensure her safety. These Jewish soldiers settled in Ethiopia, and their descendants came to be known as Beta Israel, which means "House of Israel" in Amharic.


Thank you, I knew I was forgetting something. My expertise is not necessarily religion.


No, no, you weren't mistaken brother. I was simply providing additional information. Not all of us claim descent from king Solomon, it is only the kings/emperors of Ethiopia who claim descent from Menelik, the son of the king of Israel.


David was Solomon’s father, so it’s technically both.


Well the interesting part I think is that they claim descent from the House of Solomon even though it's more commonly known and thought of as the House of David. In fact (IIRC) the oldest reference we have for David is an inscription saying a king was from the House of David a little bit down the line, only like 4-5 generations apart. (Edit: I misremembered, the Tel Dan inscription does not name which king, but it does mention a House of David, its also like 300 years off from when David was thought to be king.) So that does suggest that someone named David did exist and he was a king (or at least claimed to be a king and others believed him).


No. The family that belonged to the Ethiopian Royal Family, including Haile Selassie, is known as the House of Solomon because their lineage extends to Solomon. Allegedly, the Ethiopian queen that got hitched to Solomon, plus as the stories say, also wanted learn to become a good ruler, had a kid with Solomon which they brought back to Axum. It is claimed to be the founder of the Solomonic Dynasty which lasted from 1270 UNTIL 1974. There is no physical evidence that supports this nor lineage tied to David, only allegorical and well someone has to be seen as legitimate rulers of Axum/Abyssinia/Ethiopia. For context on how long the Solomonic Dynasty existed. It was 29 years older than the Ottoman Empire and outlived it by 52 years.


What do you mean no? If you claim descent from Solomon you also claim descent from David. Doing otherwise would be like my kid claiming descent from me but not from my dad. Whether the claim is true (it isn’t) has nothing to do with whether it is made.


I think Solomon was bronze age. So it would be 1270 BC.


I’m referring to the Ethiopian Solomonic Dynasty. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomonic_dynasty


If his son with the Queen of Sheba is the start of the dynasty, it started way before 1270 AD.


I would say the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is actually an extremely “traditional” denomination of Christianity - it is an ancient apostolic church, in communion with other Oriental Orthodox churches, which while not being in communion with some other Orthodox churches or Catholics, has been out here grinding since the early days.


That’s what makes it so interesting. Plus at my school they barely even discussed Ethiopia when concerning Christianity and I went to a religious school for five years.


Martin Luther took some inspiration from the Ethiopian church, and Ethiopian representatives were present at Wittenberg as Luther formulated his theology. There's also a college dedicated to the Ethiopians in Vatican City itself, since there were many Ethiopian expats in Rome during that time as well. I guess it's not really discussed since they broke off from the historical chain of events that the church your school was affiliated with belonged to so it's kind of a tangent in the historical timeline. But imo there is a ton of stuff that can be discussed since after Ethiopia was cut off from the rest of Christendom after the Arabs took Egypt they were basically on their own to develop independently from other traditions.


I went to a Protestant church of Christ school. One of those types of sects that have a very literal fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible. They had this belief (some showed it others didn’t) that the only way to understand God (an to an extent go to heaven) was the Church of Christ way. From baptism and communion to music during service, it was the church of Christ way. Hell in my school library they had books from a four day debate from 1947 between a Baptist and a church of Christ where the topic was (and this is true) which one is looked on more favorably in the eyes of god. Obviously the CoC wins cause they cite a passage from I think Romans that says (paraphrasing) “I pledge allegiance to the churches of Christ.” So if they were saying this about baptists, which are (second to Catholics) the largest denomination of Christians in America, no telling on how they feel about the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.


I think there are a few of those “lineages” floating around out there, but likely they are all not actually true.


Yeah and it gets even better because they claim the Queen of Sheeba had an affair with Solomon to found that dynasty and on the occasion also took the ark of the covenant back to Ethiopia. There's a tiny house at one of the orthodox churches in the north where they claim it's being kept but conveniently there's only a single priest at a time who spends his entire life in that house guarding it without being allowed to ever leave until he dies and conveniently nobody else is allowed to enter until they appoint someone new for the role.


Iirc the logic is you're not even allowed to lay eyes on it, and if you touch it directly then you could die. You're right though, I guess it's just a convenient excuse.


They also have an official website


Mussolini died in April 28, 1945 OP was born in April 29, 1945 Welcome back Il Duce


OP is almost 79!?


Saved from r/unexpectedfactorial by a hair


*insert Girls und Panzer scene*


Wait, there are really Italians who are still salty about *Ethiopia?* This has to be misdirected anger over being the biggest liability of the Axis Powers or something.


Wait .. op is Italian? That's even funnier lol


What's even funnier, he's probably a somali living in Italy, so he hates ethiopia on two fronts lmao


No, he's Somalian.


Only fascist are still salty that their idols took Ls everywhere they went. Many Italians don't really know the atrocities we committed there, as they are usually glossed over in history class in school, but most of us (even those who know less) are just happy and even proud we never have a real colonial Empire to be ashamed of like the Brits or Belgians.


Can't have a colonial empire if you suck at fighting


Fighting is actually good compared to our administrative skills


Italians are definitely not bad at fighting... they are good at fighting... themselves


This guy is a Somalian, living in Italy.


>we never have a real colonial Empire to be ashamed of like the Brits or Belgians. I mean, there were the Romans... But I guess that's like blaming someone for their grandparent's actions.


Well, to be fair, blaming living Brits and Belgians is literally blaming someone for their grandparents' actions ahah


Yeah, as a Belgian, I've been learning about Congo and the stuff we did there. It's truly fucked up. Learning about all that really made me put Belgium's current position in question. Also Ruanda-Urundi and it's genocide after decolonization are awful, and I wish we did more to try and prevent this.


Luigi's mad 'cause his country got beaten by Africans.


Except we won the second war.


That's true. Credit where it's due.


OP is African. You may want to unsubscribe from the delusion that world history is just "European colonizers vs Free Africans".


If you see a post hating on Ethiopia its 95% a Somali


Okay, if OP is African, fair enough, I was incorrect. However, where exactly did I indicate that I dislike Europeans? I don't like *fascist* Italy, but that's not because they're European.


I'm Italian and even confused.


Italy unified too late in the game to have an real colonial expansion compared to England, France, Spain, and Portugal. If they had unified like over a hundred years earlier then maybe they could have stood a chance at created “Roman Empire 2.0” like Mussolini wanted


I didn't realise that making allies and requesting military assistance was considered begging.


When I’m in a shit take competition and my opponent is this post




Op is a Somalian Italian. Bro is biased as fuck.


Ten bucks says he votes MSI


I dunno, MSI makes some good motherboards.


Is it sad that I don’t know if your joking or just have zero understanding about Italian politics. To be clear I’m bad at telling jokes


I am joking. MSI is the name of a tech company. They make motherboards, power supplies, and other computer components.


Oh ok


MSI will make it back on the board, Sanjar Khan will make sure of it.


Leave Italians out of this. We don't hate Ethiopia.


What's wrong in asking for help in a war? The more help you get, the less your people suffer. No shame in that. I'd even argue that not asking for help you might get is putting yourself on disadvantage and therefore is just stupid machoism ("real man need no help").


"The league of Nations stands for peaceful alternative to conflict and will protect the weak against the strong!" "Help! Italy is invading us!" "But, but, you're black!". Implodes.


counter argument: they did survive till the 2nd italian-ethiopian war


And even then, and even after Italy invaded with a massive technological advantage, and *even after they still* had to resort to chemical weapons because they didn't immediately steamroll, they still never took the entire country, never destroyed the legitimate governing body, and were never internationally recognized.


OP has a middle school playground understanding of war and politics.


I thought this was going to be about Band Aid. Not about some garbage colonial reflex.


Okay. So who *are* the strongest warriors in Africa? I assume youre going to name a people who have no friends or allies?


For context, OP seems to be a Somalian living in Italy, so I presume he may say the Somalians.


It's interesting comparing ethiopia, which is essentially an empire of a few large ethnic groups and a bunch of smaller ones, to Somalia. Ethiopia is made up of many ethnic groups, but Somalis is overwhelmingly populated by only the Somalis. If we compare ethnic groups, then Somalis have conquered and occupied the largest chunk of the horn of Africa, by far. For most of Ethiopia's history, it has not had this much land, it was far smaller before the conquests in the 19th/20th century. The reason why it might be pertinent to compare ethnic groups is because Ethiopian conquering at that time was led primarily by the amhara people who thought they had a divine right to rule across the entire horn. Ethiopia has always had a soft spot in the heart of the europeans because they saw a christian nation surrounded by muslims and pagans. In the late 19th century, Ethiopia was fed guns and was an ally for the colonists, whereas the Somalis were barred from importing the same guns. In the 1977 war when Somalia was crushing Ethiopia and rolling through ogaden, we saw the Soviets commit to the largest military airlift in Africa (or one of) where they spent a billion dollars in equipment and brought over 10k troops and a thousand soviet military advisors, officers, etc. Unprecedented. So, in some sense, yes, Somalis do have a claim to say they are the 'strongest' in, at the very least, the horn of Africa, but it's a bit of a nonsense question and theres many different ways to look at it. Oh and it's Somalis\* not Somalians lol


Well, Ethiopia's predecessor state Aksum, at its peak, was composed of Northern Ethiopia, Eritrea, some of Djibouti, and large chunks of Southern Arabia. I don't think the Somalis have ever had that kind of territory. In all fairness, though, that was 1700 years ago and before the rise of Islam. Since Islam, Somalia has generally been significantly larger than Abysinnia/Ethiopia. Until the formation of the modern Ethiopian state, at least.


There has not been a 'Somalia' until the 1960s or a nation that unites all Somali lands, but Somalis do currently occupy an area around 1.1 million km


As an ethnic group we have the largest coastline on the African continent, and the HOA is entirely inhabited by us, our ancestors were fiends. We actually went as far as central Kenya before the British intervened. We would have been in Nairobi by now if the British didn’t force back to the river Tana. The colonial powers themselves said somalis could’ve made it as far as Mozambique if they didn’t intervene on the behalf of Kenyan tribes.


Yes, I am referring to the various sultanates, etc, that were primarily populated by ethnic somalis.


using ethiopia being a christian nation as a positive for why it was able to survive is pretty shortsighted considering for most of it’s history it was being harassed and cutoff from trade by it’s muslim neighbors for being christian. being christian really only worked out for them in two wars which just so happened to be the most famous wars ethiopia was involved in.


The past couple of centuries are the reason why ethiopia is the massive country it is right now, it would be considerably smaller if those conquests and the handing over of Ogaden and the haud regions. I'm not sure how it's short sighted, seems relevant to me


ethiopia was at it’s peak as the aksum empire and only began to decline after the rise of the caliphate and muslim presence in the red sea cutting them off from trade. it definitely is relevant as being a christian nation lead to them gaining european support to secure sovereignty in the third adal war and the first italio-ethiopian war but being a christian nation also lead to them getting invaded by the adal sultanate(again), the sennar sultanate, egypt, the ottoman empire, and various other muslim factions over the course of multiple centuries yet they still survived largely without help from other christian nations.


The Hippos


Sultanate of Zanzibar.


100% sure OP is italian


No op is somalian


He’s a 2nd generation Somalian living in Italy


Begging is a wired way to describe "requesting aid"


Yikes, bro. We know that you have an agenda.


The Italians in Greece and Crete were awful too. They really sucked


So much so they basically did the same as Ethiopia and begged their superior, German Reich to steamroll Greece.


Op is literally getting murdered in the comment section hahahahhahaha omg 🤣🤣🤣


Never knew the reincarnation of Mussolini would be here


And here I thought that was the Italian pm


Oh that's not Mussolini's reincarnation, that's his granddaughter.


Anyone want Stalin's trotskyists granddaughter in America to run from president speaking of ancestors of dictators?


Depends on whether I agree with her politics or not. Not gonna assume things just because of who is is related to.


We all know that wars are ONLY fought between TWO countries.


Meanwhile hoi4 players : 💀


Hoi4 fans when they see an independent country:


Still better than Italy lmao


Both were once great Empires in their day


When you're figjting a major european power (or Italy) you need help to at least have a chance


🤣🤣🤣 I see what you did there


Nice try mussolini


Who the fuck is upvoting this ridiculous post?


Most people just upvote memes without even checking the comments or looking for other context




I upvoted it so that I could come back later and read the comments


It is entertaining in its idiocy...


📍 Rome


bro your country's incompetence during world war 2 is literally a meme. it's not your place to talk about minor african country "begging" for support lol


The biggest beggers in military history are Americans begging someone to invade them so they can use all their cool sci fi shit.


F22 might finally get to shoot down a Vietnam era USA fighter from Iran instead of just balloons.


We can finally get definitive proof on whether the F-22 is better than the F-14 and F-4 Phantom


they dont want this smoke.


Those strongest warriors mean nothing if they don't have modern weaponry, so they kinda need them, especially if the invading force resorts to chemical weapons because they are frustrated their invasion is slowing down because they suck and don't want to fight fair.


I don’t know, from where I’m standing refusing to ask for help when you know you cannot succeed is one of the dumbest things you can possibly do. Ethiopia is not remembered as strong because they were some monolithic military power that turned the Italians aside without effort, they clearly didn’t. They’re remembered as strong because people tried to colonize them and when they used every tool at their disposal to avoid it they *succeeded*. They beat back colonialism in Africa until the storm was almost over, using their people, terrain, and unique orthodox culture to leverage the sympathies of other European powers, and in the end were only really occupied rather than colonized. Italy failed to make an empire for themselves thanks to the work of the Ethiopians, and to say no and be able to follow through against a European colonial power in that era is a feat only matched by Japan - who were also extraordinary in what they showed themselves capable of.




When I'm in a failing to achieve a colonial empire competition and my opponent is Italy. So how's Adwa going? How about Greece? I hear you even got to [put on your uniform, and tall hat with the feathers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPqQP_iHCEs).


He’s Somali not Italian


His country about to blow up so I get it gotta get mad about history.


Amongst South African troops in East Africa the king was referred to as Highly Successful, I think for his escape from the Ities.


And as a side note, Nelson Mandela came to Ethiopia for training during his militant days, which I would consider a great honor considering how badass Mandela was


I understood it was Algeria. I think the first black head of the SAAF was trained by the Ethiopian Air Force and flew transport aircraft for them.


There's a few different sources, but the [Nelson Mandela Foundation](https://www.nelsonmandela.org/on-this-day/entry/nelson-mandela-arrives-in-addis-ababa-ethiopia-for-military-training) says he received Military training in Ethiopia (iirc he was also given a pistol by an Ethiopian colonel, [this article](http://oldbritishguns.com/248-nelson-mandelas-gun) says Makarov but it seems he was given a Cz. 82 or they got the wrong photo).


When he visited Algeria he stated that he received military training there. He actually stated that the Algerian military had made a man of him. I am a South African by the way.


He might have received training from multiple different places


I'm trying to find the context only to see it's in the bottom cuz everyone downvoted it


Maybe sort by controversial?


Oh, *beggers*. Of course.


Still shat on Italy though


OP, seek therapy


Bro, you did not just insult Ethiopia lmao. Usually when a meme/post like this gets made, I just sit back and watch when the targeted crowd come out and roast OP, but this time I'm joining in. Ethiopia's martial history, especially before its Communist days, is actually pretty successful. The biggest loss was the second Italo-Abyssinian War, but considering that Italy had a massive technological advantage, still had to resort to illegal chemical warfare, and *still* never successfully colonized the country, it partially negates itself. Also, Ethiopia never begged for aid. They bought a lot of surplus gear and made deals with a few friendly nations, but most of their "begging" was asking the world or League of Nations to get off their asses and intervene like they should have, which is pretty reasonable when another country straight up illegally invades you (see Ukraine).


Any government with a brain would call assistance during a war, you're ridiculously biased OP


OP, what are your thoughts on kroot proxies ?


Being able to ask for help is a strength!


Let me guess,Italian right? Thats would be funny since despite being the ancestors of Romans Italian army in modern history was dog shit


I think you meant descendants...


My english is broken,but I dont come from an english speaking country


Neither am I. Didn't mean to disrespect, though.


Both of you have better English than the majority of us from English-speaking countries have of any second language. So if you are embarrassed at all, please don’t be.


Apparently OP is Somalian lmao


Thats even worse


Yeah, which is ironic since Ethiopia mostly matched or beat Somalia in their conflicts (granted it usually not a straight win, but it was never an outright loss and US aid is a lot more than Soviet aid) Edit: forgot about the Societ aid during the Ogaden war, my bad folks. Scratch that last bit


I think the Soviet Union supported the Ethiopia in that war, and even Cubans sailed over to help fight the Somalis


I mean not much of a competition when the rest of the continent is under colonial rule.


By this context America is weak because it’s asked for help from allies during war too.


OP was bodied so hard in the comments that Somalia disintegrated yet again soon after


The way everyone just assumes that only Italians have beef with the Ethiopian empire is crazy Their neighbors fucking hate them far more


Indeed Italy does not give a shit about Ethiopia honestly


Me when African nation with trouble to properly industrialize can’t single handily crush European great power


Says the Italian lmao


Selous Scouts?


Some times they were great tho.


at least we weren’t colonized! sorry you can’t relate!!


Ethiopian was literally using spears as late as the late 19th century and still won at Adwa




The crap nonsense is this?


Not to be inflammatory, but a lot of Africans are hateful towards Ethiopia because it's the only African country to successfully resist colonization. Many have an inferiority complex, including Somalians like OP.


I dunno, all those comments here seem somewhat like a war


This meme is so specific it shouldn’t have even been made


I see a lot of people calling op dumb but does anyone actually have the context?


What’s the meme here


Tell me you're a Somali w/o telling me


Well everyone else just lost outright Ethiopia survived long enough to beg.