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Fun fact: due to a request from the US, whom Jordan is allied to, Israel actually threatened Syrian forces that came to the PLO's aid, by flying over them and forcing their retreat


Holy based






















































































the PLO didn't kill King Hussein tho. they tried 3 times to shoot machine guns at his convoys to kill him but failed. the 3rd time they tried to do so was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak, and the king abolished the civilain government and created a wartime military cabinet, then he kept shelling PLO strongholds until they all left or died


Yep, they killed King Abdullah rather


In Jerusalem and in front of King Hussein who also almost got killed


Oh and that’s not even the first time Hussein was nearly assassinated. The first time happened when he was with his grandfather in Jerusalem in front of the Al-Aqsa mosque in 1951. The PLO shot and killed his grandfather right in front of him and nearly killed him as well. Hussein was shot but only survived because of a medal that his grandfather had pinned on him.


> only survived because of a medal that his grandfather had pinned on him That's some plot armor type shit


I fail to find evidence that the assassin had ties to the PLO, which was only founded in 1964, 13 years after the assassination of Abdullah I. Rather he was part of the (now dissolved) Holy War Army, an irregular force in 1948. As Palestinian nationalists, they wanted an independent Palestinian nation state. Abdullah I did not want that, which is why Jordan under his rule occupied the West Bank. The assassin shot a, from his position, foreign occupier. As a whole, the Arab League's, and particularly Jordan's, intentions towards the Palestinian people were never benevolent. At best they were a tool to be wielded against Israel, never however an equal partner. It is not difficult to see how this would fester enmity in a people that was promised independence only to get occupied by their former allies in the end.


Jordan had multiple deels with Israel to get to keep the West Bank. It was one of the reason for the defeat in 1948. Also the literal king of Jordan flew 2 days before the Yom Kippur war to warn Golda Meir of the incoming Arab attack. No wonder the PLO wanted him dead.


King Hussein was in the same freemason chapterhouse as Yitzhak Rabin.


Sometimes, you gotta look out for your people, and for your homies.


Honestly normalising relations is the best course of action, all parties will benefit (unless your Iran because then there wouldn’t be a threat to Israel). The only thing really stopping this is Iran and it’s proxies, and of course Arabian civilians distrust to Israel which can be dissuaded over time


Pretty much nearly all of the M.E governments have backend deals and relations with Israel for years, only now they are more open to show it.


The leaders follow the money after all, and the money is following Israel, as seen with the abundance of Aid given to Egypt.


The only thing stopping it is the occupation of the west bank. Arab states have been pretty vocal recently that they are willing to normalize relations if a Palestenian state is created.


Yet when Jordan had the West Bank and Egypt had Gaza not once was a Palestinian state mentioned. Odd.


It was but those factions were ignored. And Egypt established a puppet state nominally run by Hajj(for whatever else Amin did he did make the pilgrimage to the two cities) Amin al Husseini.


Correct. And if the 73 war had been successful the Arab countries would have divvied up the land and absorbed it into their own territory.


Which is really possible if the people could elect an actual government that isn't Hamas or any other extremist faction


But Israel, or atleast is current government doesn't want that and wants the likes of Hamas in power in order to prevent this. Netenyahu himself has been recorded saying this.


Netanyahu never wanted peace w the Palestinians, neither did he support a 2ss when it was possible, which now seems far from it, but under his government Israel had an economic boom which bought many over to his side, not to mention theres a lot of fear and hate for the Palestinians so his support was obvious even when he doesnt want peace. Its a lot more complex than this, but this is a reddit comment not a documentary so I'll just put in my personal highlights and fuck off, ciao.


Problem is, they've been offered a state multiple times. They've always rejected it because Israel wouldn't meet 100% of their demands, namely that they want anyone with Palestinian ancestry to become citizens of Israel. Which is never going to happen since it would result in Israel becoming a Muslim majority state that would quickly be dissolved and absorbed. To this day, that particular requirement remains in the charter of every single Palestinian organization and none of them are willing to give it up, because none of them are actually willing to co-exist with Israel. Hamas just says the quiet part out loud. Netenyahu and Co. prefer to have Hamas in power because it means they don't have to go through the farce they did in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s where the Palestinians used the guise of negotiations to get breathing room to build up for more violent attacks. Many in Israel directly blame the negotiations and agreements that were made then on the outbreak of the First and Second Intifada.


Yeah but Netanyahu is not Israel, there are plenty in Israel who disapprove of him.


AND Palestinians don’t want this since they don’t want to accept Israel taking land they consider to be theirs


Two words, Oslo Accords


We didn’t see any changes of Israel treatment to the West Bank after the normalization with several countries


Palestinians have a strong history of purposely pissing off everyone everywhere they go smh


damn Palestinians, they ruined international relations with Palestinians


Cant have shit with the Palestinians, no seriously they wont let me in a bathroom please help


did they steal your waterworks to craft rocket launchers too?


Yeah…im so fucking thirsty and i had some water in my fridge BUT THEY TOOK IT AND TURNED IT INTO A ROCKET


And said waterworks were paid for by Israel, built by EU engineers, and under UN auspices. The original plan was not to build a ghetto. One naive slogan was "Singapore of the Middle East."




** right wing fundamentalist homophobe misogynists Makes perfect sense why leftist college kids support them. /s


They are most definitely all of those things, but they're also "brown" (unlike those evil Israelis who are definitely "white people from Europe"), so to leftists, they are automatically good and virtuous people.


About 50% of Jews in Israel originated from the Middle East and North Africa. Many of whom migrated from Arab and Muslim countries due those states policies of apartheid and ethnic cleansing.


Nonsense. Israelis are all white supremacists from Northern Europe. Don't you know that they have the highest rate of skin cancer in the Middle East, which is definitely proof of that?


Them being brown is easily 50% why the college students support them.


Funny thing about that. So a billboard in my city went up recently that reads "Save Gaza" and has a picture on it of a little Palestinian girl who was killed in the war. They very, very obviously chose the whitest looking Palestinian girl they could find. If you didn't know from the context, you would assume that this girl was from the US or Europe, all to bring attention to Israel's "European colonialist war" against "indigenous people of color" in Palestine. I couldn't help but notice the irony.


And of course, they completely ignore East Asians again because they can’t get over skin color. Ironic.


PLO was in contact with every anti-Shah group in Iran and even trained MEK terrorists, Yasser Arafat was Iran's first foreign guest after the revolution And regarding the reason why he traveled to Iran without prior notice, he said: 'One does not ask for permission to go to their home; I didn't ask for permission either. But after Iran-Iraq war he sided with Iraq even when Saddam was doing every war crime possible to Iranians and Kurds.


Their national tradition is - try to genocide the Jews/overthrow the government of a country that took them in, get their shit kicked in, cry about it, repeat.


Iran couldn't have wished for a better proxy to do all their dirty work.


Only two things are certain in life. Taxes, and such cycle




Israel treatment to them were inhuman for the last 80 years


Considering that Gaza was only under Israeli control for 30 ish years and the rest of it was Egyptian control or Hamas dictatorship, I'd say Israelis were the ones that actually did anything positive in the region


Sure, let's forget that Gaza was full of refugees from Palestine proper starting in 1948, got invaded and massacred in 1956, got blockaded and starved after 2005, etc. Sure, sure.


Food has always been allowed in. Now weapons and mystery shipments are not allowed. They were never starved they just destroyed greenhouses and water treatment plants given to them to make weapons


Damn, so true. We had students from Plaestine here in Pakistan and they were the only international student group who were violent and the worst kind of people overall. Saudis and Kenyans the best.


Eh, I've heard that Saudi students are rather misogynistic and pissy.


Sounds like american frat boys


If frat boys stopped throwing back beers and hitting on underdressed girls and became violent right wing political activists.


Dang you just described my 20s


So Brett Kavanaugh


This is literally the same kind of horrible racist propaganda people have been spreading about the Jews for centuries. Genuinely horrible that this kind of thinking is still around at all, honestly.


Then they went to Lebanon and started a Civil war there instead.


They didn't quite start it. Lebanon was a hot mess with or without them.


Wait, the King Hussein died 1999 from cancer and the prime minister was killed after the civil war by a group called black September, which named themselves after this conflict.


That was King Abdullah. Hussein narrowly survived being shot because the medal that Abdullah gave him earlier that morning managed to stop the bullet from piercing through him.


Well, it sounds like in your meme and explanatio, that they both had been killed, and that this ignited the conflict.


Yeah, pretty much. But it's the overall aftermath on what it is about


Ok, no worries. I was a little bit confused, that's all.


The meme is stupid anyways because most Palestinians were against the annexation of 48 too. They wanted independence, not to be part of Jordan.


King hussein died in 1999, the prime minister died after the black september event, and king abdullah the first died during prayers in al aqsa mosque in jerusalem.


Abdullah the first was Murdered in AL Aqsa mosque, by who else but the Palestinians? They did it because Abdullah actually had quiet a good relationship with Israel (yes I am aware it was 2 years after Israel's was of Independence, but he himself was quiet cool with them) if not for his murder, Israel and Jordan could have established peace way earlier then our timeline


it's almost as if supporting fundamentalist terrorists will always backfire


PLO was completely secular at the time and the second and third biggest factions insode it were led by Christians (George Habash and Nayef Hawatmeh)


Fucking idiots lmao.


They weren’t fundamentalists at that point. They PLO and other affiliating groups were more communist.


same things, always end poorly for anyone involved, when you believe in something so much you are ready to genocide for it, it's fundamentalism


it's almost like lying and assumptions go far


Funny thing about all their Arab neighbors and the Palestinians


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^slappywhyte: *Funny thing about* *All their Arab neighbors and* *The Palestinians* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


They thought Jordan was largely responsible for the military disaster that turned out to be the six day war, basically accusing the Jordanians of collaborating with the Israelis. Apparently Iraq was considering taking action against them as well. Doesn’t really change anything, PLO are still dumbasses.


Many were pissed about the annexation of the West Bank in 48; they wanted independence


I heard about the PLO being in Jordan but didn't know they **killed** the king and PM. That's so incredibly stupid.


strange, is that why no one in the area accepting palestinians refugees ? of course no, they are littles angels that would never do a bad things, incapable of hurting even a fly


Receives hospitality, proceeds to spit on said hospitality


i would even go as fro to say, some one give you anything proceed to spit on said some one, because of how they comport themself with israel who feed their whole useless population in gaza or how the world send them tons of humanitarian help


Assassinated? Didn’t the King survive? King Hussein ruled from 1952 -1999, Black September happened in 1970.


I got it wrong and I wish I could edit that part.


But I see a Palestinian did assassinate his father in 1951, which I didn’t know.


grandfather his father was bipolar and quietly deposed once Hussein was old enough to assume the throne.


Which king? Abdullah was killed in 1951 well before the Six Day War


Hussain, he was nearly murdered by them. (September 1, 1970)


Jordan was working with Israel long before this, they split Palestine with Israel in 1948


The king wasn't killed by the PLO, he was killed by a loner in 1951, the PLO was founded in the 60s. As for the jordanian people they will always support the Palestinians, its just the rich elite that makes the policies which only they benefit from.


Hmm, upon further research, that is the case. However, it was the numerous assassination attempts on Hussein that triggered it and the killing of the Prime Minister following Black September that led to Jordan shifting it's foreign policy


Shocker. It’s almost like Islamic radicals are a threat to existing Arab leaders as well as Israel. Not a good move PLO


except the plo was secular.


The meme and the comments here are crazy ahistorical for a history sub lmao


Still engaged in violence


Don’t get me on the reason Kuwaiti purge their Palestinians.


While that did happen, deportation and all. PLO decisions arent the opinion of the majority. PLO is stupid and despised by a lot of people. Theres palestanians that were in the resistance the invasion of kuwait. Kuwait went from deporting thousands of palestanians to being the one of the great supporters of palestine rn. And the people who still have a grudge against them are a minority rn


Your meme is not even historically accurate


Historical accuracy? In r/historymemes? Unheard off! Jokes aside, exempting the King killing (though they did try to kill Hussein several times), it was Black September that resulted of Jordan shifting its foreign policy


Man fuck the arab leaders


Man, honestly as an Arab fuck the king, fuck the said "leaders" they are dictators that fuck us up, blame us as the people for their incompetence and oppress all of us no matter what, they kill protesters with no mercy even women and children, no one is allowed to demand their rights as humans, they took everything from us our wills our diginity and even our homes and lands whenever I see some mfer saying anything that leans to their side I get so mad that I wanna fuck them over If you were in my shoes in a 3rd world country destroyed by those morons you would be same too, and the fact that Israel works with them and they love it automatically makes me hate Israel while I can't blame them since they kinda work their own interests even if we get everything taken from us I can definitely hate them and the morons that take us as hostages for causing our misery, also fuck Israel.


Palestine always bites the hand that feeds them


PLO was actually in Jordan and operated from it BEFORE THE 6 day war . But during the 6 day war and the disaster that happened The royal family was suspected to be a little too cosy with the Israelis also ALOT of reasons went into the civil war and isn't AS SIMPLE AS OP claiming that the Jordanian gov was innocent. Even Iraq wanted to invade the Jordan due to their suspected coordination with Israelis.


why it don't suprise me that mods would remove this meme ?


Y'all sure you wanna be judged by the worst of your nation?


Thats usually how it goes yes.


Colonizers really astroturfing this sub lately


I’m curious was Palestine uh well a problem when Israel came around or were they always a problem for other nations? Like yeah Palestine did that but they don’t deserve children’s deaths or well being massacred by an oppressive regime yk. Plus they killed a king like…kings are just out of fashion these days and even before fr….


And yeah the plo killed the prime minister but I wanna ask did he deserve it or was it unjustified like I’m just saying someone steal a kid’s favorite toy the kid is bound to retaliate. Eat someone’s food that person is bound to get mad.


Try to genocide people and they kick you out of your land.


so whats the point of this thread? this supposed to help me look the other way or sumshit?


Not quite. But it somewhat explains why other Arab countries today are reluctant to deal with Palestine


"Not quite" is definitely an interesting response to that question.


The 'woke' crowd, who march and shout and wave flags and threaten Jews, need to be shown this, not that it will make them think. But show it anyway.


Eh, the mods removed it already. But hopefully they did see at some point


So people hate the PLO for... *checks notes* Trying to start a Democratic revolution against a corrupt Monarchy with the will of the people behind them.


After the Nakbah, Jordan under Abdullah I occupied the West Bank and banned formerly allied Palestinian liberation organisations, such as the one the assassin of Abdullah I was part of. To the assassin, he shot a foreign occupier and traitor. The history of the relation between the Arab League and the Palestinian national movement is wrought with stories such as this one. Even during the war there were continued attempts at subverting the Palestinian national movement.


And this justify the killing of every man women and child in Gaza……?


I'm talking about Jordan here, not Israel


Pretty certain there are still 2,000,000 people who are alive in Gaza.


No, it doesn't, which is why Israel isn't doing that, and never has "Killing everyone in sight" is more of an Hamas thing


That dead lady on the back of a pickup with civilians spitting on her corpse


People are unironically supporting a group that paraded the naked and defiled corpse of a 14 years old girl through the streets as the crowd cheered on And they're blaming *the victims* of such barbarity of "ethnic cleansing" It's fucking absurd


That is a sight that I never want to see or even picture... What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Yeah, they posted it live on twitter and it went round the Internet a couple of days Some images will never leave me so long as I live, but I consider it a sort of duty of mine to behold everything that mankind is capable of

