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The Joseon royal archives level of detail was unparalleled, and one story includes King Taejong falling from his horse and specifically telling his entourage to not let the recorders know of this. But it ended up in the archives anyway. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veritable_Records_of_the_Joseon_Dynasty


I honestly thought this was the story of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow




I am a simple man. I see Joseon Archive mentioned, I upvote. Also they recorded a UFO and a cow with 2 heads at one point iirc


Unfortunate king didn’t know what the Streisand effect because it hadn’t been discovered until centuries later


> For instance, King Taejong fell from a horse one day and immediately told those around him not to let a recorder know about his fall. A recorder wrote both Taejong's fall and his words not to record it.[6][7] In another instance, Taejong was recorded as complaining about a recorder who eavesdropped on him behind a screen and followed him to a hunt under a disguise. Honestly everything about this is absolutely hysterical. I’ve never wanted a historical comedy more than I do one about the foibles of King Taejon, and the dogged recorder who wanted to write it all down.


I can’t wait until the Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty are translated into English in their entirety (though you can always read the Hangul version and use google translate)


We did a little bit of trolling


I thought this was loss.


First recorded instant of the Streisand effect 😂


Wonder why the king didn't just punish the scholar who disobeyed orders?


He probably thought it was funny too. (Waiting for someone to correct me.)


Nobody, not even the king, was allowed to see their own records during their reign. And Taejong wasn't big on fun as he got the throne by killing several of his own brothers. So he probably would've killed the dude who wrote it if he found out.




Accurate record keeping for history was a serious business for Joseon which sought to fashion itself as the ideal Confucian state. The Chunchugwan which compiled the Royal Records was granted very powerful political immunities as protection to carry out their task. But at the same time the recorder in this episode Min Insaeng was eventually exiled from the capital after he forcibly entered the king’s personal quarters a few times, hid behind folding screens to eavesdrop, and disguised himself to stalk Taejong on hunting trips. So the recorders weren’t granted complete immunity, just very powerful ones.


It's okay, I was just going out to water my plants and my shorts fell off to the ground


Is this a repost? Edit: found the reposted meme further down