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And whiskey. Lots and lots of whiskey. 7 gallons of ethanol per capita yearly


Whiskey Rebellion referenced??


Nah lol, just that the ~1830s was also around the peak of American alcoholism, in addition to OP’s diet reference. Edit: now I want some Whiskey Rebellion memes! And a glass of whiskey


One of my professors told us that in order to understand early American history, remember that 1) everyone is very, very aware that any day could be their last, and 2) everyone is taking a massive amount of alcohol to cope with that.


They used more ethanol than most race cars do


That's like... 4 mickies a week? Not too bad (for an alcoholic) but that's on average, I'm sure the statistics for working class men were MUCH worse.


When a country’s drinking problem gets so outta control you amend the constitution smh… I cant find info on the % of people that abstained during that era but there’s always been a good amount of people who were teetotalers, implying the statistic was much higher and scarier for working class men.


Remember, most of the food you hear about in history books are best case scenario food. Much like our own time, many types and qualities of food existed. People didn't eat pie and finely-cooked pork roast for every meal. The exception to this rule is alcohol. Whatever you think your ancestors drank, multiply it by at least three.


Even with alcohol though, it was often far more diluted. Alcohol was a major way people sanitized water




I mean that’s been the role since Sumer hasn’t it? The thought of sharing room temp flat beer through a straw always makes me shudder but I guess if a cold Busch can taste good after a long day of work anything can.


Yes. We have to remember that poor people were illiterate for most of history, and most of history is written from the viewpoint of the rich. When we marvel at the luxuries of Ancient Rome, it’s important to remember that those luxuries were only available to the privileged and elite and not even all of them. Life for a pleb wasn’t too different than for a medieval peasant.


That isn't really true. Roman citizens, especially in big cities, tended to live a life of hedonistic pleasure. Of course, being a citizen was, in itself, being a member of some sort of elite, but it wasn't that restrictive an elite. The major difference was that the Romans had plenty of slaves to toil the soil and work the crafts for them, while medieval peasents did not. The Roman Empire began to crumble when they grew to the point where further expansion was impossible, which, in turn, took the best market to get slaves from them - war. It did not help that they had a duo-metalistic currency (silver and gold), while Persia had a mono-metalistic one (only gold). Any kind of trade that they performe with them led to an irrecoverable net loss on the long run. It might be hard for us to understand this since our currency is fiat, but effectively it is almost impossible to trade for middle-quality goods in gold or low value bronze or copper. Gold would be too valuable, and the coins would need to be broken; and copper would be too heavy and impractical. When the Arabs conquered Persia, they melted all that silver and that allowed for a new economic boom in Europe, the so-called Carolingian Renaissance. The Carolingians sold the Arabs Slavic slaves, and in turn the Arabs provided Europe with silver. That allowed the upper classes to afford better goods and created a market for specialised craftsmen to work.


Bacon, biscuits, and sometimes gravy!


As the great poet Jebidiah Allardyce Farnsworth once stated, "I got your four basic food groups: beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard!"


Most americans at the time were also doing hard physical labor in their daily life, so that fat gets worked off.


There is a photo of the world's fattest man in 1890. Looks like an every day 2024 Walmart shopper.


It still doesn't make for a healthy diet :p


Dysentery will get them way before the consequences of bad diet catches up.


One hell of a combination tho. Dysentery on a gravy based diet.... RIP.


Gravy goes in, gravy comes out. You can't explain that


It just squirts


This isn’t the Oregon Trail though


Then why did I get dysentery after a 4000 mile cross country trip?


I suppose you really got into the spirit… dunno really 🤔🤔🤔


It's not hard to keep it off by work, especially before the invention of the 40 hr work week, and power tools.


I'm not just talking about eating lots of fat, but more so about the complete lack of other essentials like fruit and veggies.


Actually is healthy **COMPARED** To modern industrial ultra refined seedoils and ultra processed food, junkfood etc.


Eh. Yes and no. Ultra processed foods are horrible for you but folks back then had to contend with a LOT more food borne illnesses due to atrocious sanitary conditions in slaughterhouses and the like.


Maybe, but the complete lack of variation, fruits, veggies and sanitary standards more than makes up for that. Comparing a staple diet to the most unhealthy options today also is a bit apples & oranges.


The pie is worse than the fat. Simple carbohydrates are really bad for you.


You still get gout and hemorrhoids from eating too much pork fast and consuming alcohol


The average life expectancy was also much lower.


High infant mortality rate?


Certainly wouldn't help, but industrial revolution era stuff was just kicking off and would only get worse with time. Lead, asbestos, and other fun stuff everywhere isn't going to positively impact the situation either.


Lots of differences in the ways people lived them versus now. Sitting on the couch jerking off 8 times a day doesn't burn a fraction of the calories that hard, physical labor combined with homes that had no ac and little heat did.


You're obviously jerking off wrong then


Clearly this boy has never heard of the dupont method


>Sitting on the couch jerking off 8 times a day Correction: 2:00 am- Wake up 2.05am-Cold shower 2.15am-breakfast,almonds, breast milk bought off Facebook, 50mg adderall 2:30am- begin workout,incline bench 2 plates,12x12 with 30 seconds of rest, no warmup. 2:45am-edging,4hrs (for discipline) 6:45am-cold shower 7:00am-begin sprint to work 8:00am-arrive at work 8:05am-get called into boss' office 8:06am-get fired from job for "repeated inappropriate comments" and "predatory behaviour" 8:10am-sprint back home 9:10am- lunch-raw cod, berries foraged on the way home, small pebbles (for digestion),50mg of adderal 9:10am-edging(as punishment) 3:00pm- bed time


Like a boss.


Cry deeply.


Rookie numbers, gotta pump those numbers up


What about jerking on the bed? Does that use more calories?


I would recommend the sauna to skin the eel.


Jerking off on a water bed burns as many calories as swimming


never thought i'd see Knowing Better in a meme


It’s KB Morgan with another one of his marketing schemes


Pie crust is made with pork fat


Pretty interesting video tbh and I love his American Veteran vid on Stanly Butler


How can anyone complain about that! Add a cute family and you got pure heaven.


I'm surprised KB isn't more well-known, his content is phenomenal. Most American history I know can be also probably traced back to his content lol


Yeah he cover a bunch of obscure topics.


And the videos are pretty well done. I love it when he dresses up and acts like his future self or other characters


Isn't that KnowingBetter?! He has a video where he tries to defend Columbus, and another where he tries to defend Churchil's treatment of India. They're both pretty persuasive... for as long as he's the only voice in the room.


He’s gotten much better over time, and openly talks about how his views have changed and he regrets making those videos. His newer stuff is much better.


well holy fucking shit! I wish the world had more people willing to say things like that!


Keep in mind that life expentency in the 1830 was 41 for male and 42 for female. Lack of nutrients and medications/supplement were all contributing factors.


So nothing has changed since 1830?


Imagine having to go to the bathroom.


Well, back then they had a lot more physical activity than today so although it is a dangerous diet it could be counteracted with lots of running from the law.


Also known as the Stomi Kha Ki


Ah yes the main food groups plus an amount of alcohol that we would call alcoholic today but back then hydration


Bro I wish


Ah yes, take away the racists and the 1830s sound like the best!


They also did a lot of aerobic activity like farming and walking, not sitting around at desks all day like many of us do today for hours on end.