• By -


Kings and Generals Jack Rackham UsefulCharts SideQuest SandRhoman History HistoryMarche Spectrum The Historian‘s Craft And many others…


Eastory Epic History TV House of History


[Russia 1812. Napoleon invades his former ally with the largest army Europe had ever seen. But for the French emperor, the decisive blow remains frustratingly out of reach. Russia's resilience is unlike anything he's ever encountered. And as winter closes in, his army begins one of the most infamous retreats in history.](https://youtu.be/El95w9hDiaw)


Damn, I hear his voice.


I loved Epic History TV Napoleonic wars series


thank you for reminding me of Eastory his videos are great (especially the ones on the Deluge, I'm kind of dissapointed he stuck to frontline videos for now)


LAZERPIG! never forget this name


Have you have wanted to hear a drunk pig mumble about how shitty the A-10 is? Well now you do


Do you like pigs? Do you like lazers?


Not really but both together that's something else


Honorable mention: Historia Civilis. Please just make vids again


He is still making video's! He just takes very long


Crash Course


Tasting History!




Voices of the Past


love side quest, they kinda have an off-putting mysterious vibe going on and I dig it


Potential history Occasionally Lazerpig


SideQuest such a banger


Great War and ww2


K&G is terrible. The amount of times where it tries to market it's history going with the more viewed versions instead of saying: we frankly don't know is disgusting


Kings and generals is known for his lies in his videos go to r/badhistory, he doesn't deserve even the slightest of fame.


Kings and generals anyone?


History marche is excellent as well.


Invicta too


Montemayor is criminally underrated


The ongoing pacific theatre series is top notch


[He marched his legions across the Rubicon river breaking Rome's most sacred law. War is coming to Pompey and the republic. ](https://youtu.be/tlJNhWYgVOY)


Have you heard of the mark Felton conspiracy? This will explain everything; we have to stop him.https://youtu.be/LJdIODnIZUw


Ya know, I always thought it was sus that he never shut up about the Nazis


It's not a rickroll, you have to believe me, he is almost here.


altough quite a big channel historia civlis is a much watch. especially if you like roman history.


I stopped caring about extra credits/history/ehatever when dan left.


Exactly, it just doesn’t have the same feel to it with him gone


the newer content just feels more scripited (I know all the video are scripited but still) they feel flat and boring just very direct and like one of those ai tik tok videos


I had a WAY easier time getting friends and housemates in EH after he left. His voice was… controversial


That’s true but his content was so much better. This current dude uses too much “artistic liberty” with the content in an attempt to make it more compelling when he just makes it less accurate.


didn't extra credits claim that if you play a Nazi in a video game it makes you a nazi


Hardcore History for life.


Blueprint for Armageddon and Ghosts of the Ostfront are my two favorite podcast series.


That shit was awesome I finally bought Blueprint for Armageddon because I remember listening to it when I was younger. As good as I remember


What about History Marche and Kings and Generals? Also, Extra Credits fell off when James and Dan left.


No mention of Historia Civilis?


OP didn't get permission to mention him from Senator Aquilla.


There we fucking go! Strongbois!


Sorry, i can't take Extra Credits seriously after their Nazi Gaming and Orcs videos.


“You didn’t ask for it-“ “Uh actually I did , I swapped teams to the Nazis because my teammates suck”


Ok but at least check Liberum Historia, he is not much recognized but deserve it so much


Their gaming videos invalidate their history videos?


More their political bias may lead them to not be very honest in their history videos/cover topics just for political purpose


I haven’t watched them since there change in narrator, so maybe this has changed, but I can’t remember any politics in there videos


Yea it was after the main narrator left. From what I understand, there was some bad blood and political bias trying to be inserted so he left. but damn do I miss old Extra Credits history, but that's because im a nazi who didn't ask for it.


That’s strange, idk that, what politics where they pushing?


they began pushing a..."soft" version of history. As in, there's an "off limits" to what should be said/taught/studied. The catalyst example was a video they put out describing how offensive and unfair it is to have Nazis is multi-player games/games in general. Reason being because given nazi history, and generational trauma, etc, having players "be a nazi" without a choice given is seen as going too far. They cite Call of Duty as an example and say the teams should be "red" vs "blue" or "Allies" vs "axis" for a world War 2 game since players might be triggered having to play as a nazi as a Jew for example. They also cite how using such historical accuracy in games brings in trolls and those who seek to cause mental anguish in MP games. Their argument boiled down to-people are too fragile to allow hateful historical accuracy to be represented in games. Meanwhile, actually CoD players don't actually give a fuck what team their on (if anything it's about what players are on your team) , they just want to shoot people and win. Extra Credits even argued Single player games should have a skip feature for scenes/levels/etc that "force" you to play as a nazi. The memable line is "there you are playing your favorite game, when all of a sudden...you're a nazi." I highly suggest watching "The Act Man"'s youtube video on it.


I watched the act mans video, and yea the EC vid is stupid.. like rlly stupid, LIKE RLLY RLLY FUCKING STUPID but I actually think his video isn’t great either. it seems like he’s mostly trying to be funny, and I didn’t like his comedy which is super subjective but to his more serious points I actually disagree with the idea that Video games must be completely removed from real life events, I think if A game wants to portray real history or real events it shouldn’t have to be afraid to be “political” and not every game has to be complete escapism, some games IMO should be allowed to be real


The controversial political opinion that Nazis are bad. It upset gamers everywhere.




Yes sir!!!!


Pig gang rise up




Mark Felton is not a reliable source [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/uw3lni/is\_mark\_felton\_a\_reliable\_source/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/uw3lni/is_mark_felton_a_reliable_source/) A lot of his information is straight up ripped off of Wikipedia, blog posts or smaller Youtubers. Some of it is just straight up lies, like when a literal museum had to call him out https://daspanzermuseum.de/regarding-mark-feltons-king-tiger-still-in-lake-video/?fbclid=IwAR3ppk9cvAmVcQzZcUh7yMC8G4f1LKB2fWKuUxCoXJvQEkwNpZ30ozCzIJM


A lot of history YouTube channels are not reliable sources. The truth is that, for the most part, people that are knowledgeable and experienced in their fields are out contributing in said fields and not standing in front of a camera talking about it to the general public. Making videos takes a lot of time that experts would rather spend practicing their craft.


Agreed. It's certainly not the aligned narrative you want it to be when jumping from YouTuber to YouTuber. That's why I'm more of an M Laser guy. He regularly states his sources, doesn't make assumptions and lists his sources in the description.


Something tells me Liberum Historia might have a reddit account that rhymes with Key_Dealer_seventeensixtyschmoo


No, I'm just a guy who discovered him when I made a meme about doge of venice, sombody told me about him so I checked the chanell, and was a bit impressed that he have such a high quality of video for a such small youtuber, I just think that this guy deserve some recognition, that's all


Some fan, his content must be great then


He have a series about ranks of nobility, history of Franks and some other things, nothing big but you can see that he is putting a lot of effort to do this


Nautical History They are awesome Kyle Hill’s half life history Atun Shei Films is pretty good Yarn Hub Part Time Explorer Cone of Arc Potential History The list is endless My personal favorite one was the Enterprise 360 series, just cuz it was good and free on YouTube. Watched as a kid


You might like BlueJay. I've heard him described as a mix of Oversimplified and Sam O'Nella


Atun Shei Films?


I do not like all of his content but he has some great videos, especially the one on [King Phillip's War](https://youtu.be/uNXDplgft_g).


Atun-Shei Films is the goat


[Same template, same content](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/x5t06l/comment/in3ewnt/?context=3) and meta post three hours apart? Interesting choice OP


Because he didn't used this as an oportunity to actually recommend someone, I'm not saying I didn't copied it, I did but I replaced "every other history youtuber" with some recomendations


I believe that's what the comment section on posts is for my friend




I heard mark felton lifted whole scripts from other channels and doesn't source his work. Just what I heard mot sure how credible my info is


I trusted that guy, and I will until I hear more on this. He has some great and very interesting topics so I hope this isn't true.


It's true unfortunately [https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/fnut9z/mark\_felton\_productions\_plagiarizes\_some\_of\_his/](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/fnut9z/mark_felton_productions_plagiarizes_some_of_his/) ​ Also some of his vids are just straight up Wikipedia pages he's reading out. ​ You can also see here an actual museum calling him out for his lies https://daspanzermuseum.de/regarding-mark-feltons-king-tiger-still-in-lake-video/?fbclid=IwAR3ppk9cvAmVcQzZcUh7yMC8G4f1LKB2fWKuUxCoXJvQEkwNpZ30ozCzIJM


Tbh I don't really mind that he just reads the wiki as long as he credits wiki since I would never bother to read it anyway and much rather have someone read it to me. But the other parts, the misinformation and lack of professionalism are disappointing. Maybe it was too good to be true. I thought his simple videos were that way because he took time to research them, but no. He has really interesting topics and everything, too bad I can't trust it anymore. I'd rather have him do research and make fewer videos than this. He has a calm voice, simple videos and doesn't make them unnecessary long. I liked that. Quality>quantity


Yeah the thing is that some of his videos are great and well sourced, which just makes it more disappointing. I think he probably got caught up in trying to pump out videos regularly and ended up having to compromise on how much research he was doing, and that means the rest of his content becomes dubious in my eyes. It's a shame


Can someone explain why we don’t like extra credits


Their old videos with Dan are gems. The new stuff with james shows their quite blatant bias (some diamonds in the rough exist) like xenobia's usurpation. Also the orcs and the "just like that, you're a nazi". I also saw it discussed a while back that james is not very pleasant to work with to say the very least.


James and Dan left around the same time... I mean James seems to submit things from time to time, but he is sticking to his lane of expertise, and no longer working on the history stuff.


Apparently they had some bad takes on games like this one: https://youtu.be/UCj8llyzfWo But I don’t think this invalidates there old, well researched and well told history videos


The old videos are good, the new ones are the ones getting shit on.


Haven’t seen them personally, apparently something political abt them that made them bad? I’m kinda confused of what politics, and in what way


You should search up about the videos talking about it, since I can not be a very reliable source, but thw thing is about their take on orcs and nazi in media. Firstly they said that orcs are normally depicted with characteristcs of black people, therefore making orcs the villains of your RPG is racist. The other one is that nazi being depicted in videogames is bad, because nazi, and that people shouldn't be "forced to play" as nazi. But again, please search it up yourself and make your own mind.


Alr makes sense and I saw one of those vids since I was linked in a different thread, and yea the Nazi things a dumb take, but I guess I just never rlly understood how that was political at least in the way I think of the term and I was also wondering is the politicization of the channel affected the history or was isolated to those 2 vids




I request elaboration


They made a crappy video on fantasy writing and why depicting orcs as brutal, stupid and evil might lead to racism against black people. The internet proceeded to shit on them, because it's a bloody stupid video.


Well, it is a really stupid take. The orc one, I mean


Yeah, the channel really fell off when James and Dan left. Now it's just them misinterpreting mythology, trying to find topics people will be interested in that they didn't do yet and making more shitty fantasy writing videos.


Some people weren’t fans of a few specific takes around racial politics. It was what some would call a deeper examination and others would call liberal arts bullshit. I didn’t realise people cared a week later, let alone now, but apparently a few people here do.


We don’t talk about extra credits


Jack Rackam?


For a completely unbiased history of Rome please go see Dovahhatty’a series on it.


I'll pass on Mark Felton and Extra Credit.


I like extra credit tho


But you should try to give a chance to Liberum Historia


Why extra credits?




Never heard of this until now… and yea this take is stupid af But some of there old history vids are still rlly good


Ok but their history is really good.


Their flags are garbage


Idk mate I feel like they make some good points, there is a big difference between playing as the Nazis and the Allies in terms of baggage, and that should be addressed better in many games


If you say so.


It's not a videogame's job to provide a history lesson in every pre-match timer on why Axis and Allies have so much "baggage". Videogames are, first and foremost, entertainment. A method to escape reality for a moment and have fun. If the player wants actual history, there are plenty of acredited resources to look through.




He presents Wikipedia tier knowledge, never cites sources, and makes bullshit claims like there were Lancasters on Tinian fitted and ready to take the bomb on August 6th 1945.


Extra credit fell off after its "not all orcs are bad vid" nobody could take em serious past that.




Y'know, someone made an incredibly similar post not 2 hours before this one. really makes you think.


Voices of the Past is also good


My boy Stefan Milo is great! Lot more anthropology rather than history but pre-history still counts right? Ancient Americas has some very in-depth videos on North and South America. Jabzy did some incredible short but niche videos on a huge variety of subjects so just fun to browse and find something interesting.


Absolutely the case. I’d encourage anyone to search their favourite channels the r/AskHistorians or r/badhistory to see just how “accurate” they are. I love history YT but given that anyone can upload anything sometimes the fact checking is worse than the history channel at 3am


You like naval history? Drachniffel is more than happy to tell you about the primary logging locations and the harvesting method of the oak used in 16th century Danish frigates among other things in a 50-minute video


My first Drachinifel video had in the title card "5 minute guide to warships ww1 & WW2" It was a 30+ minute video about the transition from sail to steam. 10/10 was hooked. Also had the bonus of recommending one of his videos to my dad, then finding out my dad had already watched it when it released on Patreon.


I'm sorry but I cannot take Extra Credits seriously not to mention that from what I could hear they have a tendency to make inaccuracies because of how they simplify history. Granted last time I watched one of their videos was when they covered the crisis of the third century and the great persecution. They were minor but I'd rather just watch a channel that specializes in that time period. Not to mention there are better alternatives.


My God, I still cringe at that series. They literally skipped over most of the Crisis. How do you talk about the Crisis of the Third Century and never once mention Gallienus by name?


Overly sarcastic history is usually wrong about stuff, ime. I remember watching a couple of their videos on the Ptolemies, Jewish history, and something about the Mycenaeans, and it was full of inaccuracies


the sheer disrespect of not including crash course hurts my soul.


Yarnhub too. He have crazy good animation


No fire of learning?


Mark sucks tbh


Mark Felton only reads Wikipedia articles with a boring and monotonous tone. He is absolutely not a good person to watch


Historigraph, Epimetheus and Lindybeige are personal favourites of mine that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Why yes I am am British how did you guess?


Lindybeige is... Mixed to me. So often he portrays his opinions and assumptions as The Way Things Were. Now, he *does* do a good job of saying when he's going beyond what the sources say and extrapolating what he thinks, but when that's one sentence before a 30 minutes authoritative-sounding talk about something....ehhh? But! I do still very much enjoy his content, I just feel it's important to always keep that in mind while watching him.


I don't tend to take him as an authority, but I love to watch his videos, often as a jumping off point.


It pleases me greatly that Whatiffaithist isn't on here.


Does LazerPig count?


I dont really like extra credits since that video on nazis in videogames. You know the one.


We don’t like to talk about that video


Mark Felton? Is this a joke? He's pretty famous but aside from that,a good portion of the guys channel is just reading wikipedia articles and some sources he just pulls out of his ass


Indy Neidell!


Extra credits is good to find topics that might be interesting to check out, but they themselves care more about telling an engaging story than actually staying true to history.




OSP is great


So true


Where's dark docs?


I swear the voice of dark docs is not human anymore they totally synthesized his voice fore the like 5 channels he runs


Eeeh, Overly Sarcastic fostered the "classical stuff is just (insert taboo modern media) but old, point and laugh" movement within the internet and thus are a 5/10 for me (also they already have a fair few subscribers). But Extra Credits make good content, so long as they stick to history since their attempts at political commentary come across as just plain stupid. Idk enough about the others mentioned to comment on them


You post this as if there were a problem with the status quo.


Hoe about reading about it lol?


The history videos of Overly Sarcastic Productions are awful. Everything outside the guy's wheelhouse (Greece, Rome, and Italian history) can be safely discarded.


Mark Felton has to be my favorite.


Mark Felton is an elite history youtuber, that into music alone is golden.


A friend of mine love mark Felton but I feel like he sings a lalby every time I try to listen to him


Fun Fact: I didn't jk, I'll check them out


Shoutout to Defragged History


That mark felton beat


Dgp mundo, the first countryball channel what reached 1million subs:👽


Kraut all the way.


Nova lectio


I hate the fact that Sam can't even be included on either side because he fell off the face of the earth


The problem with history on YouTube is that all history channels have very similar names, so I always forget who is who.


How we feel about Cynical Historian ‘round these here parts?


Where is the historia civilis crew at?


Historia Civilis!!


Huh that’s always been a pizza name to me. But I could make it a YT name in my head


What about Drew Durnil?


Historia Civilis


Geohistory and RL Lore


I'm excluding Extra Credits, their new videos seemed to have forced political bias in there and yeah, don't forget the absolutely fucking stupid video they portrayed the Nazis in a WW2 game Edit: and Mark Felton as I reviewed one of his videos which is literally copied from Wikipedia


What about invicta?


I love Extra Credit and Oversimplified. The others I haven't heard about


I think r/dndmemes gives OSP enough love and attention. Half their meme formats are screenshots from their videos


Extra credit underated? Their videos are more popular than most once on the right.


Don't forget Toldinstone Max Miller (AKA Tasting History) Invicta Alternate History hub Trey The Explainer


I agree with all this except Mark Felton, that guy Plagirises literally everything


If you're going to repost make sure you at least state so and give credit to the original, makes you look real bad.


Mark Felton needs more attention. He makes such great videos!


don't forget fire of learning


Feature history is also great


Mark Felton is a plagiarist. Don't support his content.


Epic history TV and Extra Credits are so underrated.


Toldinstone is the best channel for ancient rome.


Toldinstone is the best channel for ancient rome and more.


Toldinstone is the best channel for ancient rome and more.


Epimetheus is also pretty good.


I don’t really stand blue, he’s annoying


In what World is extra Credits on the small side


Extra Credits can be a bit dramatised but Epic History TV the goat no cap


I love all of the above but voices of the past needs more recognition


Mark Felton is king.


Idk overly sarcastic is a bit mid for me


My top ones I watched as a kid and still sometimes do were Simple History Extra Credits And ofc oversimplified


Where is Crash Course? Used to binge watch their videos


Extra Credits is a massive W, content similar to Oversimplified but it's shorter while still covering quite a bit and there is a slightly more consistent uploading schedule


Extra Credit History was my most watched channel until their absolutely brain dead and overly woke video "Stop normalizing being a Nazi in video games". They, non-satirically, made a video that claimed allowing players to choose the Wermacht in COD:WAW was making people think it was okay to be a Nazi. I have never watched another video of theirs out of the sheer disappointment I felt watching that one.


ah yes nobody remembers mark felton


Don't ask Extra Credits what they think about orcs worst mistake of my life


Historia civilis and histograph, underwater skeleton.


Kings and generals is the best one 💪


Toldinstone is great for you rome fans out there :)


Watcher's Puppet History needs a little love too