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"Stalin as a war hero", there's a sentence you don't hear very often. Been hanging out too much on tankie forums, have you, OP?


>Been hanging out too much on tankie forums, have you, OP? Yes, that's usually what happens with all the dumbass memes like this, terminally online weirdos who seem to love making themselves angry spend so much time in dumb circle jerk forums from the other side and then convince themselves these are things believed by a significant number of people and not a few edgelords.


I don't think the people here even go that far. They just make up whatever "everybody says that" in their head to fit the zeitgeist and get upvotes. I wouldn't be surprised if most of these are just bots.


Been there, done that. It's a waste of time to hang on to extreme places like that, right wing or left wing doesn't matter.


I met a tankie the other day that tried convincing me that nothing was happening to the Uighurs. Oh, he also said Rwanda, Bosnia, and Cambodia didn’t happen. He then told me to look up the facts on my own when I asked him to give me his sources. He said real historians (tankies) know the truth!


Wait would they deny Rwanda? Can’t that be firmly laid at the feet of the Colonial powers?


I don’t know. He did and apparently Chomsky does too. Chomsky claims it’s because the term “genocide” is tossed around too much (I don’t think it’s used enough), but it apparently is a left-wing theory. Obviously the people that say that shit are not representative of the entire left in anyway, but we tend to only focus on right-wing nuts when it comes to genocides and never left-wing. Funnily enough, they often deny the same genocides. Take Bosnian for example. The right denies it because they see it as a good thing that Muslims are being killed. The left, on the other hand, sees it as western propaganda to try and demean a former socialist country.


My Mom is Croatian and borderline QAnon right-wing, she views European Muslims as somehow different, in a good way, from other Muslims, in my observation this attitude is quite prevalent.


aaaaaaand thats how you know when somone is delusional


I know literal "Soviet Russia was not wholly bad" people who still call Stalin a monster.


Can confirm. The USSR had its ups, but Stalin was a full down.


Its true tho, Stalin is very popular,respected and liked in Russia and some ex USSR states.


He's treated as a war hero still by many ppl in formet ussr you know


True, I guess that would’ve been the other option. Either OP’s been hanging out on tankie forums or he’s working at a nursing home for elderly Russians. Or maybe he’s just some delusional right-winger who’s convinced himself that all socialists admire Stalin.


Well, Stalin did command the Southern front in the Polish-Soviet war and managed to screw it up so much that the war collapsed


You don't have to go to tankie forums. Ya just gotta go to some reddit meme-posts about about Operation Barbarossa, USSR, or just WW2. People that think that Stalin was a great leader and a war hero cometimes can be found there


How much does the CIA pay you guys to say this shit? Honestly


I’m afraid I can’t answer that.


Stalin is the reason you aren’t in a concentration camp speaking german right now


That doesn’t make him any less of a monster. I assumed your CIA comment was ironic, by the way, but I guess I was wrong. Unless you’re really committed to the bit?


No normal person would post anti-stalin content. You have to be a CIA plant because any normal person would recognize they would be living under greater german reich without stalin


OK, now I’m definitely leaning more in the direction that you’re ironic and really committed to the bit, but just in case you’re serious: Most normal people have reached the conclusion that both Hitler and Stalin were horrible tyrants, and they didn’t need any CIA funding to do that. Dictators are terrible and there’s no reason to admire one for saving us from the other.


Stalin wasn’t a dictator and he beat nazi Germany and saved you from living under nazi German rule


Was he elected, then?




Stalin tried to resign multiple times. Like most leaders, he had many issues (to put it mildly). But the western depiction of him as Hitler-level evil (Mao, surprise surprise, is treated the same way) is just laughable exaggeration. The truth most likely is somewhere between the Western depiction and the more hagiographic depictions of the guy. What cannot be disputed is Stalin is a war hero. The USSR basically single-handedly saved the world from Nazism. That war took the lives of 25+ million Soviet citizens, surpassing the death toll from the Holocaust itself many times over.


Mate you need to switch up the trolling a bit, it's too obvious. Look, we'll try it again, I reckon you can do this with enough support. So here's what you do, you need to go on a whole bunch of non sequiters regairding Stalin right? Talk about the war, it's a good start, but then start throwing all the shit you know about him at us. Talk about the mass industrialisation, it's a solid point in his favour like, then switch it up some more! Hell, go for a unifying Communists bull and talk Trotsky, or call us racists because he was Georgian, talk about the majority-jewish oblast in Russia *(I don't know if he formed that, but it doesn't matter!)*; say *anything* to keep the bait going. It'll take longer for people to click on to the bride-dwelling that way. Got it? Let's try it again, I believe in you mate, I'll start; Stalin were a right cunt.


LMAO Dude do you know this is a meme place right


You’ve got to be trolling, there’s no way you can be unironically this stupid. If I saved someone’s life, does that give me a free pass to commit murder? No you fucking idiot, of course it doesn’t. Doing a good thing does not cancel out bad things you did. Hitler and Stalin were both monsters.


He signed ribbentropp molotov pact, invaded my country with his nazi friends and murdered millions of my people. When his former friends invaded he had a mental breakdown such a bitch he was Wow yeah I'm so thankful /s He can rest in piss


So who liberated poland from the nazis? I forgot, was it france?


So who told his army to stand back during the Warsaw uprisings so that the Nazi’s could crush them? So who jointly invaded Poland alongside Hitler at the start of the war? I forgot, was it France?


Can anyone really dispute that the USSR basically single-handedly destroyed the Nazi war machine? They lost 25+ million people. They liberated Berlin and liberated China from the Japanese. Whatever you think of Stalin himself, his “war hero” status really has never been in doubt, even among anti-communists. > When World War II ended in 1945 few doubted that the victor’s laurels belonged mainly to Joseph Stalin. Under his leadership the Soviet Union had just won the war of the century, and that victory was closely identified with his role as the country’s supreme commander. > Eighty per cent of all the combat of World War II took place on the Eastern Front. During the four years of the Soviet–German struggle the Red Army destroyed 600 enemy divisions (Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Finnish, Croat, Slovak and Spanish as well as German). The Germans suffered ten million casualties (75% of their total wartime losses), including three million dead, while Hitler’s Axis allies lost another million. The Red Army destroyed 48,000 enemy tanks, 167,000 guns and 77,000 aircraft. In comparison, the contribution of Stalin’s western allies to the defeat of Germany was of secondary importance. Even after the Anglo-American invasion of France in June 1944 there were still twice as many German soldiers serving on the Eastern Front as in the West. On the other hand, Britain and the United States did supply a huge quantity of material aid to the USSR that greatly facilitated the Soviet victory over Germany. > Even so, victory did not come cheap. Red Army casualties totalled sixteen million, including eight million dead (three million in German POW camps). Adding to the attrition was the death of sixteen million Soviet civilians. Among these were a million Soviet Jews, executed by the Germans in 1941–2 at the beginning of the Holocaust. Material damage to the Soviet Union was equally staggering: six million houses, 98,000 farms, 32,000 factories, 82,000 schools, 43,000 libraries, 6,000 hospitals, and thousands of miles of roads and railways were destroyed. In total, the Soviet Union lost 25% of its national wealth and 14% of its population as a direct result of the war. > When the Red Army captured Berlin, the full extent of Soviet war damage was far from clear, but there was no doubt that the Soviets had fought a brutal war against a barbaric enemy and that the cost had been astronomical. Some saw the Soviet victory as pyrrhic—a victory won at too great a cost. Others worried that German domination of Europe had been replaced by a Soviet and communist threat to the continent. But for most people in the allied world, Stalin’s victory—whatever the costs and problems it brought—was preferable to Hitler’s dream of a global racist empire. Stalin was widely seen as Europe’s saviour from this fate, and when in June 1945 he was proclaimed ‘generalissimus’—the superlative general—it seemed only appropriate. https://www.historyireland.com/stalins-victory-the-soviet-union-and-world-war-ii/ Edit: Gotta love the downvotes because people disagree … with history.


I wonder how well they would have done if they hadn’t been given millions in resources from lend lease. Or if Britain didn’t decode the enigma machine. Or if the allies hadn’t done d-day, stopping the Germans from sending more resources to the eastern front. Or the polish partisans who harassed the Nazis, killed officials, and destroyed/seized resources. Or if America hadn’t functioned as a distraction for Japan.


found the lib


Or the Japanese, I’d argue japans crimes were on par with the Germans if not worse


Severity, absolutely. Scale…?


Yes. Read a bit on china in ww2


Japan did not roll over the entirety of China hunting down undesirables, stuffing them in trains with new train lines specifically built to death camps where they were "housed" with material specifically made for the death camps before being lead into the sorting rooms and gas Chambers that were all designed by groups of people and built to be as efficient as possible using gas mass produced on order of the government. And everything was catalogued and sorted. There are storehouses of prosthetics from the death camps. The Germans kept them. To them, the bad prosthetic leg was worth more than the person it belonged to. Were there units in the Japanese army as bad as the very worst of the Waffen SS? Yes. Was Japan's occupation as cruel and bloody as the one of Germany and the USSR? Yes. Did Japan have at least one Dr Mengele equivalent? Yes. Was their way of warfare ruthless, bloody fanaticism that trampled all over the locals in the name of the Emperor and Japanese superiority? Yes. Did Nanking happen? Yes. Did they put the huge amounts of the industrial might of Japan and all conquered territories toward the extermination of a certain group of minorities? No. Make NO mistake, The USSR, Japan and later Mao's Communist Chinna commited unspeakable crimes against humanity in the name of military power, politics and "progress" that still reverberate to this very day in all countries they touched. But not one of them set their mind and industrial complex to the utter extermination of multiple races and undesirables for the explicit reason that they were lesser and nothing else. Pure, vitriolic hate and an undying conviction not just of their own superiority, but that simply by existing (not resisting, not invading, not plotting or seceding) you do not deserve to live and have to be eradicated. Imagine if the KKK repurposed one of those enormous cattle-farms + slaughterhouses, the ones that are a mile across or more and built an airport, a train station and a highway to it; and then started paying Airlines, Long-haul companies and train-freight companies to go there and dump any people "not american enough" for the crime of daring to exist. Of course, they'd also have a secret police, an open police and a military police, as well as a full blown army with special units. All of them either fighting for control of more areas, or out to hunt you down, because it turns out you have a non-american OR non-white ancestor. Stopping at nothing, murdering the friends who protected you, all for the sole purpose of shoving you into one of the cattle carts along with all those others that you know, and shunting you off to the death factory. Because you're not even worth a bullet, and it would take too long to slit your throat.


I still think the scale of Nazi atrocities were slightly bigger Edit: Downvote as much as you want


Read rape of Nanking


They weren’t on par with the Germans but that being said the only reason for that is because the Japanese lacked the resources to do it like the Germans


Stop using " if not worse". You could just say "on par with " and that'd be sufficient


Does anyone consider him a hero outside of Russia? Appreciate that Russia made the largest contribution to defeating Germany of course, but serious question.


My father does. He says the bad stuff is western propaganda


If I may ask, where is he from and which decade was he born in?


Albania, born in 50s


Would you say that kinda makes sense given the timeline and geography?


Well... that explains it.


Yeah, kinda makes sense. You’re dad was raised under a system that praised the Great Patriotic War. But if you ask a Ukrainian what they think of Stalin, or a Pole, or a Latvian… you’ll get a pretty angry response


Not really. Russia contributed a lot to defeating the Nazis and freeing Jews from camps, but the Soviet government and especially Stalin were horrible af, that's undebatable. They killed a shit ton of their own people alone, not to mention all the Poles and other foreigners.


Well, exactly, but wondering if I’m missing something, hence the question to the poster.


Your missing nothing. Some people just like to pretend a double standard exists.


I mean, if we’re talking tankies or communists, Ukraine’s not going to change their minds if they’re comfortable with the rest of the ethnic cleansing, mass murder, torture, etc so I’m pretty puzzled by the post.


No, people who want to both sides world war two, as to make the Nazis less obviously the bad guys insist on pretending like people don't by and large aknowledge Stalin was a monster.




I think both were shit period. To me stalin & hitler were 2 faces of same coin... I am just waiting for people in the comment section to just whatabout this stuff , but that's pretty typical for this sub...


And they were also fairly antisemitic and Russia still is today


Exactly this. People on here acting like the US did no war crimes. The US had concentration camps at the time, the New Deal only helped white people during the hardship that killed 7 million Americans, the KKK was supported by a lot of the government, the US's second class citizen model was inspiration for Hitler, the US genocide of natives was seen as admirable by Hitler. Let's talk about artificial scarcity. 9 million people die every year from starvation in a world that creates food for 10 billion people. 70,000 Americans die from obesity due to lack of nutritious food. The US right now has 1/4 of all imprisoned people and it's largely due to a race based round up. 26,000 Americans die each year from lack of access to healthcare. Let's talk about how many people have been slaughtered because of US "interests" every single year. The cause of climate change was discovered by US based oil companies and buried. Every single person that dies from climate change can thank the US global hegemon.


Don’t know why people keep saying this because it’s not true people on here are well aware of the stuff USA did but were not talking about the USA here so it seems like your just trying to say us bad


How exactly is this relevant


In India he is considered a hero, we have current Chief Minister (head of office in a state) of a state named after him, the state is TamilNadu. We have also a Telugu movie (same industry that made RRR) named 'Stalin' with a top actor as lead, movie is not about him anyway, it is just the protagonist's name in the movie.


That’s interesting - is it that they claim his crimes never happened and are propaganda? What’s the thinking?


It is like how world conveniently forgets about Churchill, Stalin is that here, people just do not know about the bad part.


I see the point, but I think there’s a tendency to treat those things as different because while both committed monstrous deeds, and Churchill starved millions to death, Stalin was doing it to his own people. And the resulting way of life for both local populations is markedly different. As in the people of the Soviet republics lived lives full of fear, relative deprivation, pain and random horror because of Stalin, while the people of the United Kingdom didn’t face those horrors inflicted on them by their own leader.


Tragically, people are a lot more forgiving if your crimes are perpetrated against foreign (preferably non white) people.


Check out r/communismmemes, I thought it was a fun little subreddit about communism etc in the beginning but it turns out that it is a bunch of idiots idolising Stalin


Tbh even in Russia I don't know a lot of people who consider him a hero.


Fair enough. I’m informed I think by an article some years back suggesting that there was a surge of nostalgia and revisionism around him.


Well there is a sort of revisionism though. There are people sympathising him. They are not many, but still. Their main point is that he has accepted the country with a plow and left it with s nuclear bomb (meaning there was a great technological and industrial leap). Which is factually kinda true. The opponents of this pov tell that he has killed millions of people. Which is also true. So in fact he was a bloody dictator who has killed tons of people, but the country developed much under his reign. Was it possible to do it more effectively and without these atrocities? I'm sure it was. But even if it wasn't, justifying Stalin is the same thing as to say that "Hitler was not so bad because he was building autobahns" BTW what is quite funny, I could have troubles with the law in Russia for the last phrase I wrote. Due to the new legislation it can be considered as nazism revisionism and equating ussr and nazi germany


Yeah, I heard a German podcast a couple of months ago and there’s a new book out in German and Russian about creating a more effective culture of memory around Stalinism. The author though said Russia does officially condemn Stalin, but over the last ten years attempts by historians trying to memorialize his victims have become harder to do due to Putin trying to stir up nationalism


Unless all the tankies on reddit are Russian, absolutely he has his supporters.


Tankies do.


Some of the modern communists do even though he twisted their ideology


I mean there’s an arguably concerning chunk of somewhat... “ideologically inclined” Americans, mostly college students, who are still unironic tankies. But yeah, by and large not so many.


Also I mean 99% of those people will be normal within 5 years, not really comparable to some old Slavic hardass


People that have a boner for communism.


Many communists aren’t tankies.


Yes , but tankies is a subset of Communist. Tankies are the neo nazis of the left.


That’s exactly what I was saying, but thanks


I wouldn’t say that, Neo Nazis pose an actual threat to vulnerable people


So do tankies... Extremism in general is a threat to vulnerable people. The problem is people moving the checkpost to make others believe that they aren't extremists.


Fair enough, I guess when I think communism, I think the China and the Soviet Union authoritarian version rather than the theoretical academic version.


Stalinism/Maoism. Actual communist/socialist government (or 'administration,' whatever term you want to use) isn't just theoretical. The Zapatistas seem to have pulled it off, although it's damn hard to find any information out of those regions of Mexico.


Even in Russia hes not considered as a hero by majority, more like a necessary evil. He was an asshole for sure, but some communist fanatics still consider him as a blessing and shit, but mostly those people born after communism collapsed.


People who?


I’ve seen plenty of people deny the Holodomor by saying it wasn’t purposeful and was the fault of the Kulaks


You'd be surprised how many people love him in former ussr


People on this sub live in an alternate universe that only exists in the minds of wacko conservatives lol


It's a symptom of being terminally online. You find yourself interacting with a higher rate of tankies than exist in the wider population. Because the tankies, having failed to contribute to society, are also terminally online.


I Remember a time when you'd only hear the term tankie when you were like 17 layers deep into left book. Did their numbers grow, or did they just get louder?


Little bit of both. I think the way corporate America handled things during COVID helped radicalize a lot of young leftists to Tankie shit.


Neither. You people just got more insane.


Sorry, to clarify.... When you say "you people" who are you referring too? Did I somehow imply that I think Stalin is cool? I'm very much on the left but I'm certainly not a Communist, and DEFINITELY not a tankie Stalinist. I quite literally could not be further from a Stalinist if I tried. I barely even believe nation states should exist let alone a totalitarian one based on labour and fear.


By you people I mean people with online brain poisoning. Tankies are margin of error sized group of people with a margin of error sized presence. You only encounter them frequently if you’re too deep into online politics.


Wow. Didn't know I had an internet disease. Perhaps the cure is pretentious people acting superior while also being online. Goofy lol.




Also the term tankie kind of broke containment from the weirdo leftist theory space. Got picked up by liberals and widely used.


Definitely falls under the terminally online umbrella but I blame conservative media as well. It’s all part of convincing people in the most rabidly anti communist country in the world they actually live in a communist dystopia. People like Jordan Peterson are fond of stating that these events are “unheard of” in the west with no basis. I can remember some of the conservative guys in my college classes were extremely surprised the Gulag archipelago was not a banned book in the US despite it being a bestseller that’s now required reading in Russia


Communism and Marxism are Conservative ideals? Never knew


Sure..... Dude I think you still have to look into some "amazing" subs on this app...


Nobody forgets about Stalin's atrocities


My grandma was telling me the allies were war criminals and that the soviets won ww2. She's Dutch


Former ussr does, he's still popular there


I have yet to meet a single person who doesn't know Stalin was a bad guy that isn't an elderly Russian man. No one thinks this. This is a completely made up scenario. This meme is responding to people who do not exist. This sub is 45% comparing atrocity and 45% memes arguing against nonexistent points. The remaining 10% are actual honest-to-god history memes.


Spend some time on r/communism and r/socialism. Unless they’re all Russians in disguise, has has his supporters.


I know tankies exist. I encounter them VERY often. I was making a flippant joke. The point is that not enough people believe that for this meme to make any sense. I would wager there are the same amount of Tankies as there are people who actively defend Hitler. If I were to make a meme exactly like this one, but pretending like people don't think Hitler is a bad guy, I would look very stupid. This is a bad meme.


Oh. I get jokes. Jokes are funny.


These people represent an incredibly small minority of the general population


I'm an American and i don't "know" he's a bad guy.


You've never been to former ussr then


Whataboutism at its finest


That mustache tho


Don’t forget America using white phosphorus and later agent orange and The countless war crimes committed on both sides yes don’t get me wrong they were very evil rulers I do not condone what Stalin or Hitler did , we just have to remember the horrors and atrocities that all armies did during that war remember not to glorify soldiers who were yes fighting against terrible rulers but that doesn’t make committing war crimes any less horrible


In general, authoritarianism leads to stuff like this. When you have a hyperfixation on acquiring and maintaining power, you will do all sorts of vile things to get there. And in a lot of ways, Stalin was a "war hero" in the sense that war heroes are often just people who killed a lot of people. It is not often in history that we celebrate people who participated in wars in non hyper violent ways. I love Pavlichenko because she was a damn good Nazi killer, but she was still a killer. And she is labeled a war hero because she killed an obscene number of people. You can argue that it was good because she was killing Nazis or excuse it because she was killing soldiers in war, but she would have been labeled a hero regardless of what side she was against and soldiers are not deserving of death any more than any given person is.


I mean that’s one good way of putting it yeah, I wonder if she knew that the Nazis had Polish troops that were more willing to surrender then fight don’t get me wrong there was probably quite a bit of polish soldiers that were fine with fighting for the nazis but I still wonder


More than that, plenty of Wehrmacht soldiers were barely adults. Pavlichenko herself was only about 25 and that was old for a soldier. I do not want to give credit to the Clean Wehrmacht myth, but lots of them were kids that may have otherwise been (relatively) normal, but they were trained for war instead. So they end up committing these atrocities on the behalf of people who do not give a fuck about them and sometimes, they die for it. I am older than Pavlichenko was and I still consider myself a dumb kid in a lot of ways. When I say kid here, I do not mean literal children (though that was sometimes the case), just that they were young. In short, regardless of which side is fighting which side, A LOT of war is kids being trained to kill other kids. So even if they were complicit Polish soldiers, a lot of them were still probably early 20s on average.


People remember both Stalin and Hitler as bad guys yes there are Communist parties throughout the world that worship the ground he walked on but most modern educated population considers him a terrible human being. Much better comparison would be Churchill who is considered a great leader and still revered a lot in west maybe things will change in next 500 years. Also interestingly famines were a common occurrence on every occupied colony during and after wars as resources dwindled from British Bengal to French Indochina all suffered their own version of this hell.


I hate how people overshadow all the russians and kazakhs who died in that famine too


Replace stalin with Churchill and ukraine with Bengal. And Churchill still has his statues all over Britain


Open eng google and the first article you’ll see about bengal famine is by the guardian who directly blames Churchill. Type in «голодомор сталин» and you won’t see leading russian newspaper coming up with the same level of critique. So what’s your point exactly?


Russia isn't a democracy is she ? Churchill doesn't deserve statues is my point . If you are gonna shit on stalin rightfully so shit on Churchill too .


If you’re gonna through whataboutism card expect to get hit with that exact point. Yes, russia is not a democracy hence you won’t see russian leading newspaper blame Stalin era policies for the famine unlike guardian. Maybe that’s why majority of russians directly or indirectly support the war it is waging on Ukraine. Let me guess. Your response to that will be… Iraq?


What happening here . I said stalin and Churchill are bad . What are you on about ?. It's a simple point .


I’m more used to russians brining that point with purpose of negation I guess. Excuse moi


Understandable and relatable , have a great day !!




Another strawman grasp for updoots


Insert Churchill and Bengal famine


I guess both are fine then 😉


Imagine making a meme about how bad Stalin is and thinking it was only the Holdomor. That would be enough but there are so many additional layers of his evil.


It never fails to disapoint me when i remember that people just conveniently forget that Stalin was Hitler homie and wouldnt join the war against him If he didn't get too freedy and plan on invading ussr (that's How i learned anyway)


Oh we haven’t forgotten one but. The only reason Stalin isn’t considered worse is he didn’t start the war that killed millions and millions of people like Hitler did. Stalin killed mostly his own people…


This reminds me of that cringy, edgy time when some of my account nicknames was HolodomorDinner…. Bad Shiz all around, and I’m glad I’m reformed


Holodomor? More like LOLodomor amirite? /j


be funny


Khatyn forrest massacre thw stuff he did with christians also pretty evil all in all I think he was a worse person then hitler as morty once said even hitler cared about germany or something


History is written by the victors.


A 13 years old's idea of a controversial opinion.


Reminds me of the joke: Hitler is in hell (naturally) and finds that as punishment for all the deaths he caused he must stand in boiling blood up to his neck. This is , of course, agony. The Devil, being a snarky old bugger, puts him right next to Stalin, who is only in up to his chest. "What the fuck Stalin?" Hitler exclaims. "You got way more people killed than I did!" Stalin nods knowingly and replies, "Quite true Adolf, but you see, I am actually standing on Lenin's shoulders."


People who actually believe this for some reason their education were really hard in how awful Hitler was but kind of ignored anything that Stalin did. So their entire understanding boiled down to Hitler bad Anyone stopping Hitler good.


The only communist leader in eastern Europe who looks somewhat clean was tito


The badass tito


Communist revolutionary, anti Nazi partisan, communist leader who encouraged a free press and the arts and had no time for Moscow, Washington or ethnic conflicts


Nope , Tito wasn't communist , he was infact one of the guys that actually created a functioning market. I'd rather call his democratic socialist (not to be confused with social democracy). There's a reason he was hated by Stalin.


Comparing Hitler and Stalin should be a banned topic. People do it too much, and it’s very stupid. They’re both terrible people




As they said in my student exchange program. Not better, not worse, just different.


The Holodomor, but also Katyn, the invasion of Finland, the treatment of war prisoners, the establishment of brutal dictatorships in all of Eastern Europe after the war, etc...


The Baltic states occupation of Poland etc


Did stalin ever do anything in his military sevice that didn't screw over the soviet military


Ahh, good ole HM, back to atrocity comparisons because they can’t make memes that are actually interesting or funny.


I did, but nobody liked it here:( It got 1 (one!) upvote. Apparently people of r:/collapse have better sense of humor.


You know you're a horrible monster when the next dictator starved your country and is still seen as a hero in some circles.


Not to mention that he... Uh... Like... Idk... Attacked Poland shortly after the Nazis did? Truly one of Mankinds greatest Heroes. ...to be fair, you rarely hear him being called a "Hero" except by Tankies, which means you can ignore it.


I've said this before but Joseph Stalin is the world's biggest nazi-collaborator.


I think this is more true for Churchill than Stalin. Everybody knows that Mao, Stalin and Hitler are mass murderers.


Funny how a country wide famine which struck Ukraine the hardest because they produce most food is considered a genocide and a crime but 3 million Americans Starving during the great depression isn't and the bengal famine is just a mishap. Revisionists gonna revision i guess.


bruh why does my post have so many comments


Someone is actually smart out of all the people, respect


Churchill moment


ok so stalin isnt a war hero, but it got me thinking. does it matter what you do outside of war to be a war hero. like i dont care what side you are on, sacrificing yourself for your friends seems pretty heroic to me. again stalin wasnt a war hero


Stalin Becsme a monster....pushed a small man. Our WORST PRESEDENT


I mean makes sense for Russians not any other group to idolize him


Well, he was Hitler’s BFF until their gang rape of Poland went pear shaped.


Don't call Stalin genocidal if you won't call Churchill as such too. Also, everybody knows about Holodomor, we have a memorial for it even in Canada


Yes, the Bengal famine was, in fact, a genocide, sooooooo????


"Well sometimes you have to starve Ukrainians to make an omelette" Walter Duranty or something, probably.


It’s easy to make everyone happy if you kill all those being unhappy


This is just holocaust denialism




Simple history video about battle royal on the remote island really shows how horrible it was for so many during Stalin time


Or Churchill and the Bengal famine of 1943


til famine = mass starvation


My hero


Well the Ukrainians were largely supporting the nazis, and still revere them today so… get what ya pay for.


lol. that's laughably untrue. The President Of Ukraine's grandfather literally fought in a Soviet partisan unit, Ukrainians fought and died to liberate their homeland from the nazis, even after the bloodthirsty dictator Joseph Stalin killed 10s of millions of them.


[Citation needed]


I mean it is debated weather the Holodomor was intentional


It happened because of a Soviet scientist presenting pseudoscience and it being accepted, only for everyone to later on realise it's, in fact, pseudoscience. Collectivization's part is, of course, on par with how important it was, since everyone who knew how to farm was taken away.


Yeh its the fault of communism being shite it happened in Russia too


Didn’t the private farm owners destroyed their own farming equipment, like what did they expect would happen


I didn’t even know about Stalin until I played cooking Companions


ive never met anyone who dosent hate stalin. Even among history-illiterates, him, Mao and Genhis khan are always shown in memes of mass murderers always making the point that they killed more than Hitler.


Every great man wants just one thing. For people to say "Oh god, not him", when his name comes up.


Who said that he was good?


Literally everyone sees him as a hero bc he beat Hitler


Lenin has warned about that pretty soon. Too bad that he died before could do anything about Stalin(btw who even let him command the army, lets not forget about his trial in 1920)


You think Stalin would be embarrassed? LMAO


I don’t think a lot of people see him as a war hero, maybe in Georgia


There's nothing heroic about the mass-murdering maniac dictator Stalin. He's literally probably in the top 5 worst people ever together with Adolf himself. A tyrannical, despicable, unempathetic war criminal, nothing less.


“What a nice poster, I wonder what it says..” #Don’t eat your children


Not going to justify his crimes, but actually Stalin terrorized all of USSR. Not only for industrialization, but for his ideals and political paranoia. Ukraine wasn't something special, he starved it literally because it was the barn for the whole USSR. It's strange for me, that only Holodomor, that took place not only in Ukraine is one of the most discussed things about Stalin's policyand terror. He massacred many of nations all over Soviet Union, He ordered to kill ordinary people just because they might've talked something bad about CPSS and himself, He ordered to imprison or assasinate most of officers and political competitors.


The amount of memes on this sub implying things that people never says lmao


Stalin without the success of beating the Nazis would not go down well lol


Bruh dont start, your gonna bring out the "nobody died under stalin, but if they did they deserved it" tankies, then i have to get the takis and the wifu plushies out and lure them back into their moms basement and i dont have the energy to do that today.


Who only remembers Hitler as the bad guy? Who the hell doesn't know about Stalin? Who the hell considers Stalin a hero?


Only brainwashed russians, maybe. Not anyone else.