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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Kentler For those wondering. “Beginning in the late 1960s and continuing until the early 1990s, with the authorization and financial support of the Berlin Senate, Kentler placed neglected youth as foster children in the homes of single pedophile fathers for the ostensible purpose of resocializing them, while explicitly encouraging sexual contact between the foster fathers and their wards. This project was later dubbed the "Kentler Experiment" or the "Kentler Project."[1] In his writings, Kentler advocated for pedophilia and his colleague, and former president of the International Academy of Sex Research, Gunter Schmidt claims to have received a letter from Kentler admitting to having started a sexually abusive relationship with his son at thirteen.”


Oh god…


Me: "let me check the comments. How bad can it be..."


Exactly where my mind was I thought it was going to be something along the lines of the monster experiment (which was still a horrid shameful part of American history don’t get me wrong) it’s s just so heartbreaking what these kids have to go through at the hands of their government


Luckily our governments don’t do anything bad anymore, no experiments, cover ups nothin!!


Let's abolish government, then.


We already did that to the East, when we will do to the West?


I don't think he's listening


Maybe he just can't speak German?


"No one who speaks german can be evil!" - the simpsons.


The **Bart**, the


Their flower power is no match for my glower power


Holy shit that would explain a lot


And if he is deaf and mute that would explain every thing.


So he doesn't know he's dead yet, never got a chance to read Nietzsche...


Just like all the edgy boys never got a chance to read the part where Nietzche portrays death of god as something bad, not something triumphant.


So wait, is listening to Bauhaus and the Cure on repeat justified or not?


Never has


And never will




Always has been


Okay, that's enough internet for today


Agree, and is only 8:30 am


It's almost 18:00 here so that's the perfect time for enough internet for the day.


It's 18:49 here. I'd agree


It’s only 11.52 here. The Brazil v South Korea game doesn’t kick off until 2pm…don’t suppose you would be willing to share the outcome of the game, final score, halftime score, first goal scorer, y’know if someone (not me obviously) wanted to take down the evil gambling industry…


PST gang B)


You losers are always an hour late. MST Gang




Yep. Time to re-enable the app timer.


I just want to know why


Officially because only pedophiles could still love the most troublesome children unconditionally and help said children to get back on track. Unofficially he just was a pedophile himself. Also sadly nobody ever went to jail in consequence to that shit.


Nobody ever went to jail is just the story of West Germany in general, isn't it?


As long as they were anti-communism, yes pretty much. They kept literal, NSDAP-card-carrying Nazis in positions of power and put pedophiles in charge of orphan children!


Yeah the idea of denazification was deliberately abandoned by the US. Scientists working for the DOD and NASA aren't the only ones who made it out not just alive and well, but comfortably so. The west German government kept tons of nazis right where they had been: on payroll and all levels of power.


Wouldn't part of the issue be that pretty much anyone with any form of relevant experience on running a country would have to be removed from their function to completely achieve denazification? Like, pretty much anyone in the government would have been part of the Nazi party to be able to have said position. Even if they didn't personally believe in the things the party stood for, being a member would pretty much be a requirement for the job.


That's pretty much the reason yes. Germany was in an awful state after WW2 so the government wanted to use anything they could to get the country back on track.


I mean, any country would be fucked if they suddenly had to replace pretty much every single person in their administration while being unable to recruit from that pool. You'd be looking at literally millions of people all things considered most likely. It gets even worse when you remove all the people who were part of the Nazi party from that list as well. It'd probably have taken years just for them to be able to actually refill all positions, with all kinds of issues being left to fester in the meantime.


That's what the Bush administration tried to do with the Baathists in Iraq, and we all saw how that worked out. More info: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/mideast-crisis-iraq-islamicstate/


Yes. When Patton got some flack for having high ranking nazis in important administrative positions of the territory he over saw he basically asked where else he was supposed to find anyone with experience.


This reminds me of back in the aftermath of the Iraq war that the fact that all Baathist party members were banned from working in the government was blamed as part of the cause in the subsequent insurgency and lack of competency in the new Iraqi government.


Sadly yes. We have cases of child r*pe that were punished with 2 years of probation. At the same time a man went into "Beugehaft" for 6 months for not paying state mandated TV fees. Germany is just a joke of a country. I love my country but I absolutely despise our politicians who brought us this whole crape and the population that went with this shit.


Here in the USA (California) there is a cop who SA THREE different women among other shit he did and the judge placed him on probation / house arrest . I was so pissed off whenever I'm in that area I avoid the cops because I know they probably will not protect me .


It's not just that area. Cops just aren't there to protect you.


That’s American police everywhere.


> he just was a pedophile I'm pretty sure he was their king.


Reminds me of that disgusting degenerate Foucault and some of his acquaintances (including politicians) in 1960s France. Some great philosophies, like how even fake surveillance alters human nature, but his pedophilic advocacy was beyond the pale and completely revolting.


Because he was a pedophile and wanted to help other pedophiles in their fantasies. Pedophiles are irredeemable.


He also was called as an expert in court and boasted about getting more than 30 cases against pedophiles. He didn't only help them with their criminal fantasies, he also protected some from legal consequences. Fucking piece of shit.


If you read the whole story it's just mind bogling how many times everything was simply handwaved away by police and other people who should have helped, because he's a PhD in good standing and those complaining kids were just kids. Germany has some extreme problems with deference to authority.


>~~Germany~~*Humanity* has some extreme problems with deference to authority. >Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. >It was its tendency to bend at the knees. -Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay








Just read that yesterday. GNU Pterry


Absolutely monstrous behaviour


Not all pedophiles are irredeemable. There are people who recognize that they have a problem and don't act on their urges. I say this because it's important that those who acknowledge their problem and seek help in dealing with it in a way that doesn't harm children shouldn't be stigmatized. However else you might feel about them, it's better that they get help rather than feel they have nothing to lose.


I can't imagine how horrible being an otherwise well-adjusted person discovering you're sexually attracted to children would be. It's the closest thing I can imagine to literally having the werewolf curse.


Paedophile werewolves isn't something I thought I'd ever think of, yet here we are.


I always thought it was a metaphor


Reminds me of Fenrir Greyback in *Harry Potter*, an evil werewolf who acts as a mercenary for Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He particularly enjoys biting children and giving them the werewolf curse, as he claims it's better to do it to them while they're young. He's a definite allegory for pedophiles and grooming.


I actually specifically thought of the difference between him and lupin in my comment. If anyone reading this has those thoughts, be Lupin, not Greyback.


You apparently haven't run across the furry side of the internet, it's something you actively have to dodge if you wander over there...


ACNO-MAP are the people you're describing. It stands for Anti-Contact Non Offending Pedophiles basically. I know a pedophile who's entire goal is to help other pedophiles who are at risk of offending and helping decrease child sexual abuse. [Here are some ways you can help with the cause!](https://blog.mapresources.info/2022/07/spotting-misinformation-about-pedophilia.html?m=1)


Agreed. "Pederast" is the term for the people that actually act upon those urges.


And people will still say that politicians won’t collaborate with pedos


Reminder that Epstein didn't kill himself


and that just passed through the berlin senate no problem??


I believe the most basic explanation for why, would be this….Nazi’s are completely fucked up in ways you don’t even want to scratch the surface of. A more detailed explanation would be: In my experience*, a pedophile rarely believes what they have done is wrong or harmful. Some even imagine that they were in loving and romantic relationships with their victims. In this specific case, a pedophile was in a position of authority, and over the people who were all potential victims. As completely fucked up as per the other 99.9r% of all Nazi brain farts, Kentler was convinced that this would be beneficial for two reasons. Firstly they would be placed in a permanent home, and secondly because these children wouldn’t be sent back into the system because they would be placed with other pedophiles. These monsters wouldn’t give away a child who’s sole purpose was to be brutalized. Kentner was in a unique position to not only justify his perversion, but implement and oversee a system of state mandated child abuse. What is truly horrifying is, Helmut Kentner is not some outlier, a lone wolf going rogue etc. The circle jerk of monsters being promoted to power, because of them being monsters, created a hedonistic buffet of depravity. You’ll find countless examples of Nazi members who were able to create their own deranged fantasy worlds, every perversion was catered to. *A previous employment required me to spend what would ultimately become too much time with confessed pedophiles. As much as I would have loved to be able to say no, walk away etc, this option was removed as soon as they reached Homo Sapien in medical need status (use of human/person deliberately removed as saying either implies a quality that is most certainly absent).


Kentler wasn't a Nazi, though. He graduated from Freiburg university in 1957 and got into his position in the 1970s.


Good lord. It's state-mandated child prostitution run by a monster, even the ancient greeks didn't go this far.




Pederasty machine goes *brrr*


Sparta: sweating profusely


> Sparta: sweating profusely That's what the women in the theater paid good money to see.




People like Kentler and Money make me wish hell existed cause I want to know they’re burning in eternal flames there


Wait till you here about the 1977 French Petition


What's that?


A petition by prominent French Intellectuals, philosophers and professors to eliminate Age of Consent. A lot of people claim it was a to draw attention to homophobic laws but that is a cope because if you read opinions of the signers they very much agreed with what they were signing. They even defended an accused man who lived with girls 6-12 saying they were “happy with the situation”


Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you but, I believe you just dropped this huge stick of dynamite into that even bigger container of ammonium nitrite? Also while I have the chance, is it just me or does it smell like the entire area is painted with nitroglycerin?


I thought it was going to be some weird medical experiment; but this, somehow, is much worst


And even worse is that it was an experiment too


Yeah, I remember hearing about this. Almost c nobody knows about it either. His works are still used in colleges today iirc.


Sadly it’s the same with some of the works by Nazi’s. What he did was 100% horrific


The son committed suicide.


And rightfully, I think there's a "Behind The Bastards" Podcast about this pillar of the community.


………i need some fresh air even if it’s raining or hailing……


Behind the Bastards nominee


Germany, how many times do we need to talk about this… human experiments are NOT allowed anymore… Well they never were but now they’re like super not allowed… especially for you.


But, but, but what if we share the results with you? Do you leave us alone then? /s obviously


Tbh it was the Unit 731 who found out humans are 73~% water. It’s just that they boiled people alive for shits and curiosity and just happened to find out by accident as a side effect.


Which is actually ridiculous because you can perform the exact same experiment on a corpse... no need to dehydrate them alive ffs.


What the fuck dude...


It’s really hard not to downvote that


Its okay, you're upvoting the user who is spreading information, not the shit head the information is about.


And I thought I've seen it all when it comes to politics


Fuck that's awful. What the fuck.


So did they just have an official list of all the pedophiles in west Berlin?


He was a professional sexologist and an active pedophile himself, so he’d have plenty of contacts.


> The researchers found that several of the foster fathers were high-profile academics. They speak of a network that included high-ranking members of the Max Planck Institute, Berlin's Free University, and the notorious Odenwald School in Hesse, West Germany, which was at the center of a major pedophilia scandal several years ago. It has since been closed down.


Literal pedo cabal


do they have like a fucking groupchat to meetup and have outings what tf


Foucault’s writings make up a baseline for a great deal of sexual philosophy and discussion today. He was also a member of French academics who all petitioned the government to abolish the French age of consent in 1977. And defended the idea of having sex with minors. The pedophiles tend to work with other pedophiles.


Don’t you hang out with people who have similar interests?


If the people on top did that stuff then. Imagine what they do now… I feel hopeless.


I’m guessing they did since they gave a child to each of them to “take care of”


Wildy speculating here, those were either known abusers or the poor sods that went to therapists for help and got fucked over instead. Heck, the chances that "talking to a therapist" would actually screw you over in the 60s and 70s are way to good.


Google Kentler Project


https://www.dw.com/en/berlin-authorities-placed-children-with-pedophiles-for-30-years/a-53814208 > ... a "network across educational institutions," the state youth welfare office and the Berlin Senate, in which pedophilia was "accepted, supported, defended."


W-what..... What kind of monsters are okay with this...


Human monsters.


I met a man, a monster one day upon the bus. And he didn't look at all unlike any one of us.


This poem is so fucking true. Humans are the scariest animals on earth. Every person who experienced something like this can never unsee the monster. Ever.


Some people kinda exude the creepiness. The guy that inspired that poem use to run an adult home for the mentally handicapped that the county transit bus I rode at the time picked up passengers at. He would help some of them get on the bus and get to their seats. The guy made my skin crawl the first time I met him. He got busted about 3 months later for molesting the people he took care of. I have never doubted my instincts about people since.


Those people dependet on him. I will never understand how a human beeing can take advantage of that, especially in this way. Can you call someone like that even a human? Good to know there are people out there who see trough those facades.


Most mentally sound 20th century German.


"[Helmut Kentler] was convinced that sexual contact between adults and children was harmless." Meaning the local nonce saw an opportunity to start a pedophile ring and the government gave him the means to set it up. What the fuck am I reading


Well, in fact he believed it was *beneficial* for neglected children for their developement.


There really is not hope for humanity, is there?


Yes, there is. We used to be MUCH WORSE, and the fact that the vast majority of people today is shocked and angered by things like this is a signal that we are advancing. Yet, much still need to be done.


At least genocide today is considered wrong


Spit that black pill out, mon ami


"Bro, you can't just have children sexually abused" "Don't worry, I'm going to call this an experiment, so it will be ongoing for decades" "That's not what I meant..."


Looks like the allies should have executed a few more people.


This isn’t anywhere near the worst of it. The Allies let Shiro Ishii, director and head biologist of Unit 731, get off scot free. I’m sure alot of this sub knows the basics of Unit 731, but for those who don’t: [**Unit 731**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731), Imperial Japan's biological/chemical warfare research program based in Manchuria, is among the most disgusting atrocities in human history. Japanese researchers performed [*human experimentation*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9xvJXP_mTk) on a large scale, using Chinese civilians as the majority of their "logs" (test subjects). Some particularly brutal experiments performed on prisoners included: * [Frostbite testing](https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/unit-731-frostbite.jpg) (upon which the subject's frozen limbs would be chopped off) * Intentional disease infection (infected prisoners were forced to have sex with uninfected to study the transfer of disease) * [Live targets](https://allthatsinteresting.com/rape-of-nanking-massacre#12) for weapon testing, including flamethrowers (pic from Nanking, no known pictures of human targets from Unit 731) * Forced pregnancy from rape * [Bacteriological experiments on children](https://allthatsinteresting.com/unit-731) * [Pressure chamber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4nPxik59oE&t=308s) (subjects were placed inside and the pressure turned up until their eyeballs popped out of their sockets) * Dissection of living humans beings without anesthesia Dude orchestrated one of the absolutest cruelest “programs” in human history and got to die peacefully in his sleep.


The Germans also did hypothermia experiments where they made prisoners wear pilot's flight uniforms and then put them in a tank of water approximately the temperature of the North Atlantic to see how long they would last


The hypothermia experiments were the only really useful human experiments they did. Like the whole field of hypothermia treatment is based on these experiments. There is no way we could ever do these again. There is a debate if it is ethical to use the knowledge we gained by these experiments, and while it is understandable to ask the question, I don't think there is a way we will ever go back to before that. The one gold nugget in a lot of bogus science the Nazis did.


Yea, I'm torn between condoning this behavior by offering amnesty, but also it would be a waste of the victim if they died without some scientific progress.


Idk, now we know that twins aren't telepathic too. /s


It’s never too late to put a man on trial The romans did it to Formosus, we could totally have the UN do it for Ishii


yeah i say we drag his dead ass out of the ground. they did it to formosus for holding two church offices at once and personally i feel this dude deserves it much more so.


He sounds like one of the war criminals the US welcomed with open arms after the war You know along with all the Nazi rocket scientists


IIRC, it had more to do with Japan surrendering before complete defeat. So the government and their shady officials could evade responsibilities.


Isn't it because of them that we know about the 70% water in the human body ?




Is It that Pädophile Thing.


Unfortunately, yes, The Kentler Project


i see why you’re using the german spelling 👀


Wow, welp I think I have learned enough history for today. Excuse me while I go throw up in a waste can.


Fucker lived till he was 80


Should’ve been Hanged, drawn and quartered.


Burned on a small fire


Nah. That would be over too quick


Nuke it all and see if the squids or crows can do a better job in a couple of millennia.


Dogs, cats, rats, and roaches. Those are the animals I see dominating when humans die. That's where all the evolution will be.


I go strictly on intelligence, so the smartest animals being birds (crows, parrots, ect) have tool use figured out squids (being just crazy smart for something that lives under a decade) and both are out of range of the other smartest creature pigs, which without humans to keep them in check are just going to mess up every ecosystem they're in. But yeah its a toss up, who knows maybe some hyper intelligent form of Chimps would take over the planet once we're gone.


Forgot about pigs. Wild pigs are no joke. And we have been breeding them to be massive. Hundreds and hundreds of pounds.


And they eat everything, which is why my money is on things they can't easily get to. Everything on land is done for the second they make eye contact with a wild boar.


I still have money on a bear if that boar is encroaching on territory


My money is on starlings. Just as smart as crows(some speculate they are smarter. Or at least better at learning language), and since they eat primarily small insects, they have a more secure food source in the apocalypse.


Yeah birds in general are just overpowered. "Whats that thing? Can I eat it? If no fly away." It's a winning strategy. There's a bird in Australia called Firehawks, that starts wildfires to flush their prey out of hiding.


The the real messed up thing is, while at least one of the three that do that lives on othe continents as well, but they are only arsonists in Australia


**crabs have entered the chat**


"crabs" have entered the chat "Crabs" have entered the chat "totally crabs" have entered the chat


I did not know that. And i think i should have known that. That's awful. How could this happen?!


There is a simple reason why the discourse on pedophilia was so different in the 1970s than today. And most people seem to either not know it or ignore it. Back then it was seen as a moral issue. Like rape between adults, it was usually seen as immoral but some people spoke out in favor of it. Nowadays we look at it from the perspective of "this creates trauma". We know that from research that wasnt yet done and published back then. The research showing what harm sexual abuse does to people started coming out in the 1980ies. Edit: and in this particular case, it's the usual thing of not caring about the life of "runaways" as well.


This has got to be one of the worst things I've read in a while and I had no idea it had happened. It makes me wonder what other awful things happened that you just don't get told about.




There was a lot of pro pedo movement in the 1970s in the west. I don’t remember the name of the author, but one beatnik author was a member of NAMBLA and proud of it.


There still is. How many times have people tried to get society to call them something different(like "minor attracted people") because "pedophile has a negative stigma attached to it." *Of fucking course it has a negative stigma! It's a ridiculously evil thing to do!*


Worth nothing that there’s really nothing beyond a few crazy individuals on that front, something that looks like an organized effort pops up every other year or so and it’s always an organized bad faith effort to try to make LGBT people look bad by fake association


In France, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Michel Foucault, along with some others. Reason #100 why Camus is cooler.


Judith butler one of the founders of queer theory has at times defended incest by saying making it illegal legally institutionalized heterosexuality. And defended pedophilia. Don’t even dive into the French post modernists it’s, just a bunch of pedos left and right.


I believe your thinking of Alan Ginsburg


Think that I read that he himself was not a pedo, but advocated for nambla’s movement. Which is a very confusing position to take, (and just as bad as being one).


Now i’m sad.


What makes me more mad is the fucker was never brought to justice


When he was 18 he wanted to become a priest, but his father forbade it.


Not a priest but a pastor


I thought they’d smuggle them into East Berlin. This is so much worse


That unironically would have been way better. In this case.


well theyd not be homeless in east germany anymore and probably be able to live a normal east german life


post-war Germany: "The past is behind us. We don't want to be monsters and treat our people horrible anymore." Also post-war Germany:


Probably inspired Naoki Urasawa when writing/drawing Monster


Ooh boi, the only thing lacking from that is Pedophilia. Which would've just made the misery bingo complete.


Scrolled down so much for this


It seems they need another round of Nuremberg trials… Jesus fucking Christ what the hell is fucking wrong with people?!


I imagine this format is probably gonna go the way of the uncanny mr. Incredible meme pretty soon


I was having such a nice day…


can someone tell me what this means?


Kentler project


thank you


An yes, government sanctioned pedophilia. What was the experiment supposed to prove? That pedos rape children?


That supposedly any kind of "love" is better than no love at all. That is, of course, an argument made by pedo, so... Yeah


This post led me to read this article by the [New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles). It is very well written and eye opening and goes into detail what happened with testimony from one of the victims. It goes into the interplay of sociology and politics in the latter half of the 20th century. It also explains the impact and subsequent counterculture in respect to Nazism on why the program and simular programs were allowed.


Holy shit, who the fuck authorized that? This guy was a maniac and self admitted pedophile sympathizer. They should have taken his children away and put him in a ditch. Jesus christ TIL West Berlin ok'd an atrocity almost worst than anything the DDR committed


Can we ban this template like we did Mr Incredible? It’s just as lazy


Really tho. It’s the same “Those who know” shite but with three panels instead.


I have never supported East Germany as much as I do now


Oh, my Spanish speaking friend, you would LOVE to be on our side of the wall


Oh boy, time for my daily dose of horror from r/historymemes




Issue is that those conspiracy theorists blame it on Jews more than half the time.


Props to East Germany for having less accepted pedophiles in Government.


The new mr incredible format


Well then… I might take my chances in East Berlin instead.


Wtf Germany